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ANCIENT AGES- the fall of the western Roman Empire

1. The Wheel

Period: 4000 BC
Country: Mesopotamia

The wheel remains one of humanity’s greatest inventions. So many advancements can be traced back to that first step
— inventing the wheel and learning how to use it — that it’s impossible to imagine the world without the wheel.

2. The Calendar

Period: 8000 BC
Country: Several civilizations
 The invention of the calendar as a method of timekeeping.Hunters in the early days tracked the phases of the
Moon, and the first calendars were lunar and solar.
 In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, which most of us use to this day.

3. The Compass

Period: 200 BC
Country: China
 Inventing the compass greatly contributed to humanity’s exploration of our planet. Without it, many
great explorers would be lost, and the connections , to help them navigate.

4. The Antikythera Mechanism

Period: 87 BC
Country: Greece
 The Antikythera Mechanism is the earliest example of an analog computer, used to determine the dates of
various events several years into the future. 30 gear wheels to help track astrological movements, This kind of
engineering complexity would not be rivaled for at least another 100 years after the invention of the Antikythera

5. Paper

Period: 3000 BC
Country: Egypt
 Strips of papyrus were woven together to create sheets.
6. Concreter

Period: 3000 BC
Country: Egypt
 Concrete came to be with the invention of cement back in 3000 BC in ancient Egypt. These early
inventions lead to the creation of Portland cement in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin.

7. Clock

Period: 2000 BC
Country: Sumer
 . Devices that could help tell the time have been in use for thousands of years, but it was the Sumerians
in 2000 BC who invented the 60-minute, 60-second system we use to this day.

8. Printing Press

Period: 1436 AC
Country: Germany
 The printing press is a much more modern invention, dating back to 1436 AC when Johannes Gutenberg, a
German goldsmith,

9. Shaduf
Period: 2000 BCE
Country: Mesopotamians

 . As an irrigation tool, the shaduf consists of a bucket attached to a pole that worked as a lever, and helped
to lift water from the river or canal into the fields.

10. Plough
Period: 1000 B.C
Country: Egyptians

-- such as using animals to pull the plough and turn the soil, while the ancient Chinese invented the cast-iron hoe and
moldboard plough to turn the soils.

11. Gunpowder and Magnetic Compass

Period: 1080 B.C/206 BC
Country: Chinese

gunpowder and used it in warfare during the Tang Dynasty. Ancient Chinese were also the ones behind
the invention of magnetic compass, that remains an essential tool in navigation today.
Ancient Technology That Can’t Be Explained

1. Greek Fire

Period: circa 600-700 AC

Country: Greece
 Greek fire was an invention that was used in battles at sea. It was an incendiary weapon that the Byzantine
Empire used against ships, but also on dry land.

2. Lycurgus Cup

Period: 200 AC
Country: Roman Empire
 The Lycurgus Cup is an old Roman chalice that seems to be the first example of nanotechnology in the world.

3. Nimrod Lens

Period: 1000 BC
Country: Iraq

 Made out of rock crystal, the Nimrod lens could have been used as a magnifying glass, but scientists firmly
believe that it could be a part of an ancient telescope.

4. The Voynich Manuscript

Period: 15th century AC

Country: Central Europe
 . Hand-written and hand-drawn, this manuscript contains hundreds of bizarre drawings and pages full of a
language that cannot be deciphered.

5. Iron Pillar of Delhi

Period: 375-415 CE
Country: India
 Stainless steel was invented in 1913, which is why scientists continue scratching their heads over the Iron Pillar
of Delhi.
 .

6. Zhang Heng’s Seismoscope

Period: 132 AC
Country: China

 The first tool used to detect earthquakes was likely this invention made by the Chinese mathematician Zhang Heng.
Beautifully decorated, the vessel was likely made around 132 AC.
7. Roman Dodecahedron

Period: 200-400 AC
Country: Roman Empire

 Dozens of these small objects have been excavated all throughout Europe. Made by the Roman Empire, these
little gadgets were never once mentioned by the Romans themselves. They could have been used in geometry,
but may also have been flower or candle stands, ring-size gauges, or even surveying instruments.

Middlle ages /medieval ages - 476 to 1600 AD

Astrolabe- a device which is used to measure the position of the Sun and different stars in the sky accurately.
Eyeglasses- Italy 13th century
Spinning Wheel- more efficient and allowed a spinner to spin greater amounts of thread in less time., well-spun clothes
Horse collar- china 1300 ad
Toilet talk, England - a tiny room with a seat pierced by a hole through which the waste dropped into a moat or straight
onto the ground.
Castle - tremendous ingenuity on their design, making them progressively deadlier to attackers and safer and more
pleasant for castle-dwellers.
Heavy plow- in contrast, introduced an asymmetric plowshare to cut the soil horizontally, a colter to cut the soil
vertically, and a mouldboard to turn the cut sods aside to create a deep furrow

Hour glass- first dependable, reusable, and fairly accurate means of measuring time and would only be superseded by
the invention of the mechanical clock.

Blast furnace- were very inefficient by modern standards.

LIQUOR- Europe around the 13th Century.

WHEEL BARROW- placed the wheel in the center of the barrow

FLYING BETRESSES- Flying buttresses are an iconic architectural feature of Gothic architecture
PINTLE-AND-GUDGEON- was a hinge device that allowed the rudder to be mounted on the stern, hull design and the
appearance of the full-rigged ship
TREADMILL CRANES- were simple wooden, man-powered, hoisting and lowering devices developed and widely used
throughout the Middle Ages.
CANNON- 1128
Modern technology- make work easier than ever before., 21st century
social Media: From Friendster to Facebook-
TOUCHSCREENS- Smartphones, tablets, and even Smartwatches, and wearables are all game changers
Multi-use rocket- reused for other launches, space
Capsule Endoscopy - tiny wireless camera the size of a common pill. explore and examine the human body, specifically
the digestive system
Blockchain Technology - offers greater transparency increased efficiency and speed, improved traceability, and
enhanced security just to name a few benefits.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies - financial transactions
Mobile Operating Systems - smooth and easy-to-use operating system found on your phone.
Gene Editing/CRISPR- powerful gene-editing
E-cigarettes- first modern e-cigarette was introduced in 2006. Alternative cigarette
Birth control patch- was first released in the United States in 2002 and has made it much easier for women to prevent
unintended pregnancies.
Robot heart- Artificial hearts, are mechanical devices connected to the actual heart or implanted in the chest to assist or
substitute a heart that is failing
Online streaming- is posing an existential threat to existing models of delivering media entertainment, such as cable
television and movie theaters.
Retinal implant- ophthalmologist and bioengineer targeted on discovering an answer to what causes blindness
Tokenization- chip embedded in a credit score or debit card to make a cost by tapping quietly than swiping, then you
will have benefited from the heightened safety of tokenization.
Robotic exoskeletons- device that attaches to the lower back to augment strength in humans ,physical rehabilitation
Solid-state lidar- light" and "radar.", used in self-driving cars
E-readers- generally known as e-ink, Sony was the first firm to launch an e-reader
Small satellites- one of the greatest inventors of the 21st century, trendy electronics units have shrunk, so, too, have
orbital satellites


Karaoke Sing-Along System- Roberto del Rosario, 1975,
Video Phone- two-way television-telephone, Filipino engineer and physicist named Gregorio Zara
Yoyo- Pedro Edralin Flores,
Lunar Roving Vehicle- known as Moon Buggy, used by the Apollo missions 15, 16, 17 was allegedly designed by a certain
Filipino NASA engineer by the name of Eduardo San Juan in the year 1969.
Banana Ketchup- Maria Orosa, 1930, became a favorite condiment and cooking ingredient in the archipelago.
Patis- used as a salty partner for many Filipino dishes., Ruperta David (aka Aling Tentay) 1949
Quink Quick-drying Ink- Filipino chemist Francisco Quisumbing in the year 1931. ink isn’t just a quick drying, it is also
water resistant
Erythromycin- antibiotic was discovered in Iloilo., Dr. Abelardo B. Aguilar,
Bamboo Incubator- 1941, Filipino pediatrician Dr. Fe del Mundo, was made up of two native laundry baskets of different
sizes placed one inside the other. Hot water bottles were placed all around between them to provide warmth. needs of
rural areas with no electricity that is needed to regulate newborn
babies' body temperature
Palayok- 1922, Orosa invented the palayok oven to enable families
without access to electricity to bake, and developed recipes for local
produce, including cassava, bananas, and coconut
Modular Housing System- use of pre-fabricated materials that can withstand typhoons and earthquakes, Edgardo
Vasquez to make the modular housing system, year 1965.
Single-chip Graphical User Interface (GUI)- 1972, the first single-chip graphical user interface accelerator that made
computers work a lot faster was invented by Diosdado
Jeepneys- Leonardo Salvador Sarao Sr., first hit the roads in the 1950s, originally made from trucks left back by the
American Troops after World War II.
Salt Lamp- 2012, Aisa Mijeno, sustainable alternative lighting,
Mole Remover- 2000, Rolando dela Cruz developed a formula that could easily remove deeply grown moles or warts
from the skin without leaving marks or hurting the patient.
Mango Flowering- 1968, at age 29, Barba developed a chemical spray combining water and potassium nitrate
Anticancer Cream- Rolando dela Cruz, developed from cashew nuts and other local herbs. It.s

COPERNICAN – NICOLAUS COPERNICUS , astronomy, sun is the center , earth and other planet moving around it.
Heliocentric Theory
DARWINIAN - Charles Darwin, full Charles, Robert Darwin, (born February 12, 1809, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England—
died April 19, 1882, Downe, Kent) evolution of human,
Origin of species- His On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) is a sustained argument showing
that the diversity of organisms and their characteristics can be explained as the result of natural processes.
FREUDIAN REVOLUTION-Sigmund Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist,
emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind, he introduced was "defense mechanisms
Neurosis- a mental condition, depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour, hypochondria
Psychoanalysis- set of theories and therapeutic techniques that deal in part with the unconscious mind, and which
together form a method of treatment for mental disorders.
Information Revolution- a period of change that might prove as significant to the lives of people., radical changes
wrought by computer technology on the storage of and access to information since the mid-1980s
BLUE-COLLAR WORKERS- hard manual labor, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, mining, or maintenance sectors
WHITE COLLAR WORKERS- a class of employees known for earning higher average salaries doing highly skilled work, but
not by performing manual labor at their jobs.
impact of the intellectual revolution of information
 Increased access to knowledge- internet has democratized information, making it accessible
 Enhanced communication-, making it easier to connect with others around the world. Social media platforms,
messaging apps, and video conferencing tools
 Economic impact- created new industries and job opportunities, such as software development, data analysis,
and digital marketing., created new industries and job opportunities, such as software development, data
analysis, and digital marketing.

The intellectual revolution of information has greatly contributed to the advancement of science and technology in
various ways:
 Data-driven research- availability of vast amounts of data has accelerated scientific research and discovery
 Collaboration and knowledge sharing- facilitated global collaboration among scientists, researchers, and
experts. Through online platforms and forums, professionals from different disciplines can share their findings,
discuss ideas, and collaborate on projects, leading to accelerated scientific advancements
Technological innovation- new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning,
nanotechnology, and renewable energy, which have the potential to revolutionize various industries and
improve human lives.

Pre-Olmec Period between 1200 and 400 BC to the Late Classic Maya society between AD 700 and 800
11,000 BCE, hunting-and-gathering peoples occupied most of the New World south of the glacial ice cap covering
northern North America
Bonampak, ancient Mayan city- tributary of the Usumacinta River, now in eastern Chiapas, Mexico, a large terraced
acropolis that sits atop a natural hill
-Punctuating the plaza are four stelae, three of which are carved with images of rulers—particularly Chan Muán
(reigned 776–c. 795)—and inscribed with Mayan hieroglyphic writing.
Toltec- 10th to the 12th century CE, Nahuatl-speaking tribe who held sway over what is now central Mexico
-urbanite,” a “cultured, , Tollan (“Place of the Reeds”)
Xochicalco- located on the top of a large hill and parts of surrounding hills near Cuernavaca, in Morelos state, Mexico
-after the fall of Teotihuacán primarily during the 8th and 9th centuries AD
Inca, also spelled Inka- South American Indians


THE ANCIENT MAYA- lasted for more than 2,000 years

- period from about 300 A.D. to 900 A.D
- developed a complex understanding of astronomy
- how to grow corn, beans, squash and cassava
- knowledge and understanding of celestial bodies was advanced for their time
- knew how to predict solar eclipses
- advanced understanding of astronomy into their temples and other religious structures
- managed to build elaborate temples and great cities without what we would consider to be essential tools:
metal and the wheel
- Charles Goodyear in the 19th century- , people believed that vulcanization–combining rubber with other
materials to make it more durable–
- , their culture began to decline toward the beginning of the 11th century.


-including Stone Cutting (which they were very good at), Agriculture, Astronomy, Mathematics, Medicine, Hydraulics,
Architecture, Record-keeping and Military Tactics

Stonewalls-Dry stone is a building method by which structures are constructed from stones without any mortar to bind
them together
Quipus- consists of numbers in a decimal system
Agriculture- predominantly an agricultural society
- took advantage of the soil, overcoming the adversities of the Andean terrain and weather
Calendar- essentially lunisolar, as two calendars were maintained in parallel, one solar and one lunar
Inca Weapons- slingshot warriors didn't just use slingshots, they also used weapons called Boleadoras

Most believe the Aztec civilization originated in the area of present day Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado


INDIA- One of the oldest civilizations in the world
- a land of sages and seers as well as a land of scholars and scientists
The Idea of Zero- digit ‘zero’, one of the most important inventions of all time.
- Mathematician Aryabhata was the first person to create a symbol for zero
The Decimal System- all numbers by means of ten symbols – the decimal system
Numeral Notations- , as early as 500 BCE, had devised a system of different symbols for every number from one to nine
Fibbonacci Numbers- mathematics as matrameru, mentioned by Pingala in connection with the Sanskrit tradition of
Binary Numbers- the basic language in which computer programs are written, Vedic scholar Pingala, in his book
Chakravala method of Algorithms- Equations, including the Pell’s equation
Ruler Measurements- Excavations at Harappans sites have yielded rulers or linear measures made from ivory and shell
Marked out in minute subdivisions with amazing accuracy, the calibrations correspond closely with the hasta increments
of 1 3/8 inches
The Heliocentric Theory- Earth is round, rotates on its own axis and revolves around the Sun ie the heliocentric theory
Wootz Steel- is a crucible steel characterized by a pattern of bands that was known in the ancient world by many
different names such as Ukku, Hindwani and Seric Iron
Smelting of Zinc- the distillation process, an advanced technique derived from a long experience of ancient alchemy
Seamless Metal Globe - one of the most remarkable feats in metallurgy, the first seamless celestial globe was made in
Kashmir by Ali Kashmiri ibn Luqman in the reign of the Emperor Akbar
Ayurveda- Long before the birth of Hippocrates, Charaka authored a foundational text, Charakasamhita, on the ancient
science of Ayurveda

were famous for their inventions and technology. Many of their inventions had lasting impact on the entire
world. Other inventions led to great feats of engineering like the Grand Canal and the Great Wall of China.
Silk- soft and light material much desired by the wealthy throughout the world, from the cocoons of silkworms
The intellectual revolution in Asia was not limited to India and China. Other Asian civilizations, such as the Arabs and
Persians, also made significant contributions to science and technology during this period

Golden Age of Islam- It lasted from the 7th to the 13th centuries
-led to a more enlightened and cosmopolitan outlook, and it helped to promote social and economic progress
Muslim scholars- advancement of science and technology in a wide range of fields, including mathematics, astronomy,
chemistry, physics, and medicine
Ibn al-Haytham- Father of Optics for his empirical proof of the intromission theory of light
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to the concept of the algorithm and the term algebra
Jabir ibn Hayyan- the Father of Chemistry
Ibn Sina- pioneered the science of experimental medicine and was the first physician to conduct clinical trials.
The Golden Age of Islam came to an end in the 13th century due to a number of factors, including the Mongol invasions
and the rise of sectarianism within the Islamic world. However, the legacy of this period continues to inspire and inform
scholars today.

Development of Geometry was a product of the necessity to preserve the farmlands along the Nile River. Rules
of geometry was also developed to build the structures in the architecture of Egypt. Science is used to give the
Africans qualities of life by building their homes and cities.
Egypt- be the center of Alchemy, known as the medieval forerunner of chemistry
Astronomy- also famous in the African region
For about 700 years, the Dogon people of Mali in West Africa recorded the path of the star Sirius A, which they called
"sigi tolo"; then they discovered Sirius B, the tiniest and densest companion of Sirius A, which they called "po tolo".
The Le Bombo bone- bone was discovered in the mountains as it is said as a tool for basic operations and calculating
lunar calendar


Metallurgy- was known in the African regions during the ancient times North Africa and the Nile Valley imported iron
technology from the Near East region that enabled them to benefit from the developments during the Bronze Age, until
the Iron Age
African landscape- dotted with the remnants of walled enclosures of various dimensions in Southern Africa and West
Chemistry- derives from “al-kemi

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