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Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. Collect pictures of agricultural technologies from the ancient origins

until the contemporary times. What are the similarities and differences
of agricultural technologies comparing to each era?

Ancient Era Contemporary Era

 During the ancient time technology of agriculture were

made of woods, metal and bronze besides from that it is also
necessary to perform the duty in accordance to man’s control
and power. On the other side the contemporary technology in
agriculture have much lessen the man’s control and power,
additionally work became easier. Both of the technology in this
era were all design to help man and make it even more
2. Why is it important to know and understand the history of agriculture?
 As for me yes it is widely important for us to know at the same
time we could also gather or collect information that and maybe
important data about the history before that could be useful up
until today. Additionally we would be able to know how our past
agriculture runs before. Understanding the history of agriculture
is also important for us to be knowledgeable on how we deal
with things that are uncertain to us.
3. Cite a value of agriculture that without it can create serious national
 It is so clear to us that agriculture is really valuable in terms of
our survival all that we eat and drink come from it. What life
could be without agriculture we could be hungry since would be
no meals for us to eat besides from that we would also be naked
we wouldn’t have clothes to wear and we will also be
unprotected no home that will shade us sunny days and rainy
days, additionally agriculture provides us an opportunity to have
a work. Our life runs because of agriculture.

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