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Dear Dalar,

I am writing this letter to clarify the recent noise disturbance from my home and to
convey my sincere apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused you.
The noise issue occurred due to a gathering of friends at my place. I was unaware
that the noise levels had become disruptive, as I had to step out for an urgent
family matter. My friends, who joined us for a small get-together, decided to play
some music and enjoy their time together. Unfortunately, they failed to recognize
how the volume of the music was affecting our neighbors, especially considering
the late hour.
I deeply regret that you had to endure such disturbances, particularly given your
personal circumstances. I understand that this situation was far from ideal and must
have been distressing.
Upon receiving your letter, I immediately spoke to my friends about the
importance of being considerate neighbors and respecting everyone's need for
peace and quiet. I assured them that such a disruption will not occur again in the
future, and they have all agreed to be more mindful of their noise levels during
gatherings, regardless of whether I am present or not.
I sincerely hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive us for this incident, and
I want to reiterate my apologies for the trouble it caused.
Yours sincerely,

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