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Assignment 4

Dosen Pengampu:

Putu Santi Oktarina, M.Pd.


Nama : Ni Wayan Werniti Saputri

NIM : 2011031081
Absen :9
Kelas : PGSD B2
Semester : III (tiga)
Mata Kuliah : Aplikasi Bahasa Inggris







A. Read the short story and fill in the blanks with the correct words!
The Greedy Dog
Once there lived a (1)______ dog. He was (2)______ and
was looking for something to eat. He walked across a
(3)________. He started (4)______ and spotted a bone. "A, this
looks a (5)______ bone". He picked up the bone in his mouth
and ran towards his house.
While crossing the bridge he looked down the water. He saw his own
(6)______ and mistook it for another dog. He thought to himself. "The dog in the
water also has a piece of bone. If I (7)______ his bone. I will have two bones". He
(8)______ looking at his reflection. The reflection too, growled back. Then he
(9)______ at the reflection. "Woof! Woof! As he opened his mouth, the bone fell
into the water from his mouth. The water (10)_______ and only then the dog
(11)_______ the other dog was his own reflection. But it was too late, Alas! he had
lost the piece of bone because of his (12)_______. Now, there was no way, he had
to go hungry.

Splashed = Terciprat Realized that = Menyadari bahwa Greedy = Rakus

Greedy =
Sniffing = Mengendus Greed = ketamakan/keserakahan

Delicious = Lezat/enak Growled = Menggeram

Greedy = rakus

Hungry = Lapar Reflection = Cerminan/bayangan

Snatch = merebut
Greedy = rakus
Barked = Menggonggong
Wooden bridge
Greedy= Jembatan
= kayu
Greedy = rakus
B. Use the prompts to create sentences using the four narrative tenses!

1. at 4.30 / arrived home / Martin / in the afternoon

2. bananas / Andi and I/ liked
3. when the alarm / she was / went off / sleeping
4. is stared raining / they were / when / playing
5. went to school / he / yesterday / he had finished / before / his homework
6. elementary school / he had not been / last year / until / student
7. for five year / he said / here / that he had been/ studying
8. Doni came / playing / I had been / when / basketball

C. Complete each part of the story below using four narrative tenses
based on your own ideas!

The Quiet Queen

In country very far from here, there was a white castle on top of a
mountain. The king and his beautiful wife lived in the castle. One day, a
naughty little boy jumped into the garden of the castle and he met the queen.
She looked very sad. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.
“I’m not ready to be a queen. No one likes me,” the queen said. “I’m too
quiet.” “It’s ok to be quiet,” the boy said, “I’m sure you have other good
The queen thought and said, “Yes, I’m smart, honest, and helpful. You’re
right, it is ok to be a quiet queen. Thank you!” “You’re welcome. I’m sure people
will like you if you do helpful things for them,” the boy said. After that, the
queen was more confident. She helped many people in her country, and
everyone loved the Quiet Queen.
The Quiet Queen

In country very far from here, there was a white castle on top of a
mountain. The king and his beautiful wife lived in the castle. One day, a
naughty little boy jumped into the garden of the castle and he met the queen.
She looked very sad. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.
“I’m not ready to be a queen. No one likes me,” the queen said. “I’m too
quiet.” “It’s ok to be quiet,” the boy said, “I’m sure you have other good
The Quiet Queen

In country very far from here, there was a white castle on top of a
mountain. The king and his beautiful wife lived in the castle. One day, a
naughty little boy jumped into the garden of the castle and he met the queen.
She looked very sad. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.
The Quiet Queen


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