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Assignment 1 – Group project

Group members:
Dan Mihail Voica – 11362033
Alec Lee - 11457075
Yunpiao Sun - 11421836
Tinglong Jiang - 11328045 (Group leader)

1. Model parameters:

The model parameters corresponding to our group are:

Element type: Tetrahedron; Material: Aluminium; Young’s modulus: 69000 MPa;

Poisson’s ratio: 0.4; Density: 2712 𝑚3 ; Load: 2500 N
The system of units corresponding to the model parameters given, are consistent.

2. Theoretical solution:

• Problem description

P = 2500 N

a= 4 cm

R1 Figure 1. Problem description R2

• Problem solution

Reactions: R1=R2 = P/2 = 1250 N

Section modulus: Z= 𝑎3 /6 = 1.067 x 10−5 𝑚3
Moment of inertia: I = 𝑎4 /12 = 2.133 x 10−7 𝑚4

Maximum displacement at the centre of the beam: Δ=48𝐸𝐼 = -3.538 mm
Maximum longitudinal stress: ν = 4𝑍= 58.575 N/𝑚𝑚2
The theoretical displacement along the beam has been calculated in EXCEL, using the
following formula:
𝐿 𝑃𝑥
(0<x<2) = - 48𝐸𝐼 (3𝐿2 − 4𝑋 2 )
Vertical displacement profile

Vertical Displacement (m)


-1.50E-03 Maximum Therotical

deflection deflection
-2.00E-03 Beam




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Distance x (m)

Figure 2. Vertical displacement profile

This theoretical behaviour representation will be compared with different models

adopted for use in the finite element method using Ansys, thus, being the scope of this

3. Meshes used in the undeformed configuration:

• Low order element meshes:

a. Coarse mesh b. Medium mesh

c . Fine mesh

• High order element mesh (coarse):


Boundary roller support
pinned support

• Mesh with bias (medium):

4. Meshes used in the deformed configuration:

• Low order element meshes:

a. Coarse mesh

b. Medium mesh

c. Fine mesh
• High order element mesh (coarse):

• Mesh with bias (medium):

5. P – refinement of the mesh

This method of refinement consists in increasing the number of nodes in a mesh. In this
example, a coarse mesh has been used with tetrahedral elements where 4 nodes (linear) and 10
nodes (quadratic) have been compared.
Figure 3., shows how the behaviour of the element with these two types of meshes
compares with the theoretical solution.
Figure 3.
5.00E-04 P-refinement
Vertical Displacement (m)

10 node
-1.50E-03 coarse
4 node
-2.50E-03 coarse
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Distance x (m)
The ANSYS analysis results show that when the coarsest mesh (size 0.1m) is used, the
vertical displacement results shown with linear tetrahedra are much smaller than those shown
with quadratic tetrahedra. The displacement curves simulated with quadratic tetrahedra are more
like those simulated theoretically, in contrast to the displacement curves simulated with linear
tetrahedra, which are more different from the theoretical displacement curves. The maximum
vertical displacement under simulation with linear tetrahedra is 0.354 mm, which is not in
accordance with the theoretical value of 3.54 mm, and the vertical displacement under simulation
with quadratic tetrahedra is 3.51 mm, which is close to the theoretical value. In conclusion, when
using the coarsest mesh (size 0.1 m), the results of the linear tetrahedra simulation are much less
accurate than those of the quadratic tetrahedra simulation.

6. H – refinement of the mesh:

H refinement consists in increasing the number of elements in the element mesh. This
can be achieved by increasing or decreasing the mesh element size. For the purpose of this
assignment, we have considered a coarse mesh with element size of 0.1m, a medium mesh with
element size of 0.05m and a fine mesh with the element size of 0.025m.
Figure 4., shows how the behaviour of the element with these three types of meshes
compares with the theoretical solution.

H-refinement Figure 4.
Vertical Displacement (m)

-1.500E-03 Theoretical Solution
-2.000E-03 Coarse mesh
Medium mesh
Fine mesh
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600

Length (m)

With the increase in the number of elements, the augmentation of the number of
elements leads to a corresponding increase in the quantity of nodes engaged in the Ansys
computational process. This amplification in node count concurrently enhances the functional
order, thereby facilitating the closer approximation of vertical deformation values to their
corresponding theoretical counterparts.
Additionally, in each instance of h-refinement iteration, when reducing the element size
while maintaining a constant temporal parameter, the Ansys solution exhibits a progressively more
favourable alignment with the theoretical solution. These findings are indicative of a discernible
convergence in the obtained results.
7. Mesh with bias:
In regard to the effect of mesh bias for a simply supported beam consisting of 4 node
tetrahedra (248 elements). A max displacement of 1.021mm was observed at the centre of the
beam. This differed to a uniform tetrahedra mesh with approximately the same number of
elements (240) in which a max displacement of 0.704mm was recorded. Therefore, with the same
boundary conditions an increase of 0.317mm was seen for the max displacement in the centre of
the beam. With the theoretical maximum displacement calculated to be 3.54mm, the mesh bias
had a positive effect on the displacement results with an increase in accuracy of roughly 9% due to
the increase of elements at points of interest. Therefore, the stress gradient and the displacement
profiles are more accurately modelled.
Figure 5.
Directional deformation

Vertical Displacement (m)



-2.00E-03 Uniform

-2.50E-03 Mesh bias



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Distance x (m)

8. Stress state in the beam:

Figure 6., represents the coarse mesh, high order element of the element previously
described. In this deformed state, we can evaluate the stress state of the beam by investigating the
normal stress for fibre analysis or the equivalent (von-misses) stress for the evaluation of the
material yealding propreties.

Compression in the top fibres

Figure 6. Normal stress high order fine

Tension in the bottom fibres
9. Model sensitivity to load application:

In order to observe the model sensitivity to load application, the load has been applied as
a line load and surface load on the entire length of the beam and also as a line and surface load on
a length of 0.2m at the centre of the beam.

Surface load full length

Line load full length

Surface load 0.2m

Line load 0.2m

Sensitivity to load application Figure 6.

Vertical Displacement (m)

Line load full
-1.50E-03 length
Surface load full
-2.00E-03 length
Line load 0.2m
Surface load

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Distance x (m)

It can be clearly observed that the difference between line application and surface
application is minimal, almost identical but by reducing the length of the application, displacement
results are closer to the theoretical ones.
10. Sensitivity model to the constraints

Different constraint parameter have been used for the high order coarse mesh at the
fixed end of the support in order to evaluate differences in beam displacement and stresses.

Free movement in Z direction

Error occurred at the attempt of solving the solutions.

Sensitivity to constraint
Vertical Displacement (m)

z- free
-1.50E-03 movement
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Distance x (m)
Figure 7. Sensitivity to constraint
We can observe that ANSYS provides a deformation value even if the restraint
conditions are not complete. In this case, no normal stresses have been provided by ANSYS due to
the fact that movement in Z direction is free.

11.Model simplification:
In order to simplify the model, different actions can be adopted:

• Considering a 2D evaluation of the element

• Using a coarser mesh
• Applying appropriate symmetry conditions

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