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Note First read page Architectural Theories of design BY George Salvan

Page: 42 – 49

Articulation of Form

The manner in which the surfaces of a form come together to define its shape and volume.

Form can be articulated by

-differentiating adjoining plane with a change in material, color, texture or pattern

-Developing corners

-Removing corners

-Lighting the form to create contrast in tonal value

Articulation of surface

Surface can be articulated by:

- The use color, texture and pattern

 Linear patterns have the ability to emphasize height or length of a form, unify its surface and
define its textural quality.

-Linear framework

- Through a pattern of openings

Can be articulated by:

 Joining and assembling of materials in construction.


 The basic ways the spaces of a building can be related to one another and organized into

Spatial organization

Circulation elements
The Building Approach
The distance view

The Building Entrance

From outside to inside

Configuration of Path
The sequence of space

Path & Space Relationship

Edges , nodes and termination of path

Form Of The Circulation Space

Corridor , Balconies , Galleries , Stairs , Rooms
The Building Approach

Taken form Architecture, form, space & order by D. K. Ching

 A frontal approach leads directly to building entrance along a straight axial path
 The visual goal that terminates the approach is clear ; it can be entire front facade of a building or an
elaborated entrance within it.
 Enhance the effect of perspective on a building front façade and form
 Path can be redirected one or more times to delay and prolong the sequence of approach.
 A Spiral path prolongs the sequence of the approach and emphasizes the three dimensional form of building
and it moves around the buildings parameter.
 The buildings entrance might be viewed intermittently during the approach to clarify its position or it can
be hidden until the point of arrival.


Oblique Approach : FALLING WATER, F. L. Wright

Spiral Approach : Saynatsalo Town Hall · Alvar Alto

Frontal Approach : THE ACROPOLIS, Athens, Greece
Building Entrances
 Entering a building involves the act of penetrating a vertical plane that distinguishes one space from another
and separates “here” from “there.”
 An entrance is signified by establishing a real or implied plane perpendicular to the path of approach.
 Entrances can be flush, projected and recessed.
 Flush entrances maintain the continuity of a walls surface and can be deliberately obscured.
 Projected entrances announce their function to the approach and provide shelter overhead.
 Recessed entrances also provide shelter and receive a portion of exterior space into the realm of the building.
Building Entrances
An entrance can be centered within the frontal plane of the building or it can be placed off center and create
its own symmetrical condition about its opening.
The notion of an entrance can be visually reinforced by

 Making the opening lower, wider, or narrower, than anticipated.

 Making the entrance extra deep or circuitous.
 Articulating the opening with ornamentation or decorative embellishment.
BUILDING ENTRANCES : Piazza san marco venice , italy,
View framed by doges palace on the left and scamozzi’s library on the right .

Gate to Toshogu Shrine and Yomeimon Gate, Toshogu Shrine

Von Sternberg house , Los angeles, by Richard Neutra.

John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza in Dallas, by Philip Johnson

Pazzi chapel by Filippo Brunelleschi
Millowner association building, Ahmedabad , by Le corbusier
Configuration of the Path

1. LINEAR All paths are linear , A Straight path , however can be primary organizing element for a series of
2. RADIAL Path extending from , or terminating at central common point.
3. SPIRAL Is a single continuous path that originates from a central point revolves around it.
4. GRID Consist of two set of parallel paths that intersect at regular intervals
5. NETWORK Consist of random path that connect established point in space
6. COMPOSITE Employs combination of the preceding forms

 The integrity of each space is maintained
 The configuration of path is flexible
 Mediating space can be used to link the path with spaces
 The path may pass through a space axially, obliquely or along its edge
 The location of space establishes the path
 This path –space relationship is used to approach and enter functionally or symbolically important spaces

Form of the Circulation space

 Corridors, halls, galleries, stairways and rooms

Taken form: Architecture, form, space & order by D. K. Ching

Read architectural theories book by George salvan: page 80 to 108

Principles of composition
Read architectural theories book by George salvan: page 49 to 68
 Scale and Proportion
 Balance
 Rhythm
 Contrast
 Unity and Hierarchy
 Character

- Is a central principle of architectural theory and an important connection
Between mathematics and art
- An ordered set of mathematical relationships among the dimensions of a form or space
Theories of proportion:
- Golden section
- Classical orders
- Renaissance theories
- Modulor
- Ken
- Anthropometry
- Scale: a fixed proportion used in determining measurements and dimensions

Golden Section

- Mathematical systems of proportion originate from the Pythagorean concept of “ALL

IS NUMBER” and the belief that certain numerical relationships manifest the harmonic
structure of the universe.
- A rectangle whose sides are proportioned according to the Golden Section is known
as a “Golden Rectangle”.
Classical orders

 To the greeks and romans of classical antiquity, the orders represented in their
proportioning of elements the perfect expression of beauty and harmony
 The basic unit of dimension was the diameter of the column.
 Intercolumniation is the system of spacing between columns. It was also based on the
diameter of the columns
 “ Everything is arranged according to numbers”
 The architects of renaissance, believing that their buildings had to belong to a higher order,
returned to the greek mathematical system of proportions
 Seven Ideal Plan shapes for Rooms by Andrea Palladio
- “most beautiful and Proportional manners of rooms”.
- Palladio also Proposed several methods for determining the height of a rooms that It would
be in proper proportion to the rooms width and length.

To be continued.

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