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Advanced Level Grammar Exercise - MCQ Test 8

1. France, which is one of the largest markets for mobile 7. A new booklet ------- which ------ to give the interested
phones, plans to limit their use ----- growing concern layman an overall picture of contemporary medicine.
about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the
brain. A) is being published / will have been designed
B) has been published / has been designed
A) in order to
C) had been published / had designed
B) as a result of
D) would have been published / designed
C) despite
E) will have published / is being designed
D) by means of
8. When their body size is considered, mammals and
E) in terms of
birds have much larger brains than -------.
2. -------- two-thirds of the energy an average person
spends every day supports the body's metabolic A) that other vertebrates have
B) are other vertebrates
A) Much of C) other vertebrates do
B) Provided D) other vertebrates are
C) At least E) another vertebrate can
D) Such as 9. Workers who inhale large quantities ------- manganese
dust ------- a long period of time, may show symptoms
E) So
of a brain disease.
3. In his book the psychiatrist Martin Grotjohn claims
that ------- a baby begins to smile and laugh, ------ A) from / during

intelligent he or she is likely to prove it.

B) out of / in
A) the earlier / the more C) by / before
B) as early / as much D) of / over
C) earlier / more E) through / after
D) the earliest / the most 10. Some diseases are caused ------- a single-celled
parasite that invades the red blood cells ------- its
E) as early as / the most
4. If there ------- a delay in getting her to hospital, the
consequence of the event ------ fatal. A) from / in
B) through / from
A) is / would have been
C) of / of
B) were / will have been
D) out of / in
C) has been / is
E) by / of
D) will be / would be
11. The problem with antiseptics is that ------- killing
E) had been / could have been
germs, they ------- kill the surrounding tissues.
5. The use of preservatives in food manufacturing -------
steadily over the past few decades and ------- no signs A) far / from
of abating.
B) so far as / too
A) had risen / would show C) as much as / both
B) would rise / will show D) besides / as well
C) has risen / shows E) as well as / also
D) would have risen / had shown 12. Beethoven’s seventeen string quartettes hold -------
the same position in chamber music ------- his
E) rose / will show
symphonies hold in the orchestral repertoire.
6. Provided that he ------- reasonable care of himself, the
old man has every chance of ------- a complete A) as / that
B) much / as
A) has taken / having been made C) quite / whether
B) took / having made D) just / what
C) will take / being made E) thus / than
D) takes / making
E) was taking / having to make

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Advanced Level Grammar Exercise - MCQ Test 8

13. Post offices don't have enough space to cope ------- 17. Our sales are down again this month, -------.
the tremendous increase ------- demand for PO boxes.
A) and they also are
A) with / in B) and so are theirs
B) on / of C) and neither are theirs
C) up / for D) but theirs aren't either
D) for / upon E) but they are too
E) through / from
18. Several important ports, ------- export timber, are
14. Even prior to the 1930s, Swedish banks played an situated on the shores of the White Sea.
important role ----- the financing ------- long-term
industrial projects. A) most of which
B) that many of them
A) at / for
C) those which
B) for / in
D) whichever of them
C) in / of
E) of which they
D) by / with
19. Once the occupying forces -------, many seemingly
E) into / over
innocent people were accused of ------- with the
15. In Belgium, compensation ------- accidents at work enemy.
and occupational illness is exclusively the concern
------- employers. A) were leaving / to have been collaborated
B) were leaving /collaborated

A) over / from
C) have left / being collaborating
B) in / by
D) will leave / collaborating
C) from / for
E) had left / having collaborated
D) for / of
20. Although the metropolitan theatres ------- a monopoly
E) at / over
there for a long time, recently several private
16. More than ------- invention of the last eighty years or theatres -------
so, television has been the most harmful to family
life. A) would hold / are being opened
B) had hold / had been opened
A) some other
C) were holding / will be opened
B) another
D) held / have been opened
C) the other
E) have held / were opened
D) any more
E) any other

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Advanced Level Grammar Exercise - MCQ Test 8

Answer Key:

1: B 11: E
2: C 12: B
3: A 13: A
4: E 14: C
5: C 15: D
6: D 16: E
7: B 17: B
8: C 18: A
9: D 19: E
10: E 20: D

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