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College of Science and Technology Education
Department of Technical and Technology Education
Alubijid | Balubal | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon | Villanueva



NAME/S: Sandarah Kylah M. Dumam-ag

DATE: 12/05/2023

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

nstruction: Answer the questions

given with brevity.
1. How the provisions of the
following below become parts
of child
development? Discuss the
importance of each.
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Bathing
d. Sleep
e. Physical Exercise
f. Sunlight
2. Compare a child with
behavioral problems with a
child that possesses
acceptable behaviors.
3. Assume that you are now a
parent. Cite strategies to ensure
that you are
developing acceptable behaviors
among your children. What
make these
strategies effective in developing
a sound child?
4. Express your insight about this
idea: “Human beings are social in
Is there really a need that children
should learn socializing with
others as
they grow old
nstruction: Answer the questions
given with brevity.
1. How the provisions of the
following below become parts
of child
development? Discuss the
importance of each.
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Bathing
d. Sleep
e. Physical Exercise
f. Sunlight
2. Compare a child with
behavioral problems with a
child that possesses
acceptable behaviors.
3. Assume that you are now a
parent. Cite strategies to ensure
that you are
developing acceptable behaviors
among your children. What
make these
strategies effective in developing
a sound child?
4. Express your insight about this
idea: “Human beings are social in
Is there really a need that children
should learn socializing with
others as
they grow old
nstruction: Answer the questions
given with brevity.
1. How the provisions of the
following below become parts
of child
development? Discuss the
importance of each.
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Bathing
d. Sleep
e. Physical Exercise
f. Sunlight
2. Compare a child with
behavioral problems with a
child that possesses
acceptable behaviors.
3. Assume that you are now a
parent. Cite strategies to ensure
that you are
developing acceptable behaviors
among your children. What
make these
strategies effective in developing
a sound child?
4. Express your insight about this
idea: “Human beings are social in
Is there really a need that children
should learn socializing with
others as
they grow old
How the provisions of the
following below become parts
of child
development? Discuss the
importance of each.
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Bathing
d. Sleep
e. Physical Exercise
f. Sunlight
2. Compare a child with
behavioral problems with a
child that possesses
acceptable behaviors.
3. Assume that you are now a
parent. Cite strategies to ensure
that you are
developing acceptable behaviors
among your children. What
make these
strategies effective in developing
a sound child?
4. Express your insight about this
idea: “Human beings are social in
Is there really a need that children
should learn socializing with
others as
they grow old?
1. How the provisions of the following below become parts of child development?
Discuss the importance of each.
a. Food - Inadequate nutrition can lead to stunted growth, developmental delays, and
compromised immune function. Therefore, Proper nutrition is essential for physical
and cognitive development. It provides the necessary energy, vitamins, and minerals
needed for growth and overall health.

b. Clothes - Inappropriate clothing can hinder physical activities and discomfort,

affecting the child's ability to engage in various developmental tasks. Hence, Clothing
is essential for protection from environmental elements, maintaining body
temperature, and ensuring comfort.

c. Bathing - Regular bathing instills good hygiene habits, contributes to a positive

self-image, and helps in the development of routine and independence. Therefore,
Bathing is essential for personal hygiene, preventing infections, and promoting a
sense of well-being.
d. Sleep - Inadequate sleep can lead to behavioral issues, learning difficulties, and
compromised immune function. Therefore, Sufficient and quality sleep is critical for
physical and mental development, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation.

e. Physical Exercise - Regular exercise supports the development of strong muscles

and bones, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances cognitive function.
Therefore, Physical activity is vital for motor skill development, coordination, and
overall physical health.

f. Sunlight - A lack of sunlight exposure may lead to vitamin D deficiency, impacting

bone development and potentially affecting mood and overall well-being. Hence,
Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, crucial for bone health and immune system

2. Compare a child with behavioral problems with a child that possesses

acceptable behaviors.
Children with behavioral problems and those exhibiting acceptable behaviors often
demonstrate distinct differences in their actions, responses, and interactions. Firstly,
children with behavioral issues may struggle with impulse control, leading to
disruptive conduct in various settings such as school or home. In contrast, well-
behaved children typically exhibit self-regulation and can adapt their behavior
appropriately to different social contexts. Secondly, communication styles differ
significantly; children facing behavioral challenges might express themselves through
aggression or defiance, while well-behaved children tend to use effective
communication and conflict resolution skills. Additionally, the level of cooperation with
authority figures varies, with behaviorally challenged children often resisting authority
and well-behaved children typically following rules and instructions. Finally, the
impact on social relationships and academic performance is notable, as behavioral
problems may hinder a child's ability to form positive connections and excel
academically, while well-behaved children tend to foster healthy relationships and
achieve success in educational pursuits.
3. Assume that you are now a parent. Cite strategies to ensure that you are developing
acceptable behaviors among your children. What make these strategies effective in
developing a sound child?
Fostering acceptable behaviors in children requires a thoughtful and deliberate
approach from parents. One crucial strategy is modeling positive behavior. As a
parent, embodying the values and behaviors you wish to instill in your children serves
as a powerful teaching tool. Children are keen observers, and by consistently
showcasing patience, empathy, and respect, you provide them with a tangible
example to follow. This strategy is effective because it creates a direct link between
the expected behaviors and the actions they witness daily, establishing a foundation
for sound conduct.

Setting clear expectations is another pivotal strategy in developing acceptable

behaviors. Children thrive in environments with structure and defined boundaries. By
clearly articulating behavioral expectations, parents provide children with a roadmap
for appropriate conduct. This clarity minimizes confusion and empowers children to
understand the standards set for their behavior. Consistency in enforcing these
expectations is equally vital, reinforcing the cause-and-effect relationship between
actions and consequences. This strategy is effective because it establishes a sense
of predictability, helping children internalize acceptable behaviors as part of their

Positive reinforcement is a third crucial strategy for nurturing acceptable behaviors in

children. Celebrating and rewarding positive conduct reinforces the idea that good
behavior is valued and appreciated. Whether through verbal praise, small rewards, or
acknowledgment of achievements, positive reinforcement motivates children to
continue exhibiting acceptable behaviors. This strategy is effective because it not
only highlights the desired actions but also cultivates a positive and supportive
environment, contributing to a child's self-esteem and overall emotional well-being. In
combination, these strategies create a holistic approach to developing acceptable
behaviors, fostering a sound and well-adjusted child.

4. Express your insight about this idea: “Human beings are social in nature.” Is there
really a need that children should learn socializing with others as they grow old?
The notion that "human beings are social in nature" encapsulates a fundamental
aspect of our existence. From the earliest stages of life, individuals crave connection,
interaction, and a sense of belonging. It is inherent in our biology and psychology to
seek social bonds for emotional well-being and cognitive development. As children
grow, the importance of learning to socialize with others becomes increasingly
apparent. Socialization is not merely a skill; it is a fundamental building block for the
development of empathy, communication, and interpersonal relationships.

The need for children to learn socializing is rooted in its profound impact on their
overall development. Interacting with peers teaches children valuable lessons in
cooperation, conflict resolution, and understanding diverse perspectives. These
social skills are not only essential for navigating interpersonal relationships but also
contribute to academic success and emotional intelligence. Learning to share, take
turns, and collaborate fosters a sense of community and prepares children for the
complexities of the social world they will encounter as adults.

Furthermore, the ability to socialize effectively is a critical aspect of personal and

professional success in later life. As individuals mature, they must navigate various
social contexts, from school and work to personal relationships and community
involvement. Children who develop strong social skills early on are better equipped to
adapt to changing social dynamics, build meaningful connections, and contribute
positively to the larger societal fabric. In essence, the need for children to learn
socializing is not just a developmental milestone; it is a lifelong skill that lays the
groundwork for a well-adjusted and socially competent individual.

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