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Level 6 Mock
Paper 3
Name: Time allowed:
Class: Date:
Total number of pages: 8

Section 1 Comprehension I (11 marks)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in complete sentence.

J.S. Park

At the age of only 32, J.S. Park is already the most successful Asian footballer of all time.
His exceptional talent, fitness level and work ethic have all made him a desirable asset for
football teams around the world.

Park was born on 25th February 1981. Although many sources incorrectly report that he was
born in Seoul, the South Korean capital, he was in fact born in Goeheung and grew up in a
suburban town approximately 30 km south of Seoul. He began to develop an interest in playing
football during his fourth year of elementary school. He became known as one of the most
promising new talents in South Korea and attracted the attention of several different clubs.
However, when he reached high school, he was rejected by a number of professional clubs and
universities due to his relatively small stature. His coach encouraged him not to give up on his
dream and recommended him to the coach for the Myongji University team, where he was

Within a year, Park had been selected to represent his country. He made his debut for the
national team in a match against Laos. Park’s talent on the field soon took him away from his
native country; first to Japan in 2002, then to the Netherlands and finally in 2005 to the UK
when he was bought by Manchester United for a fee of £4 million. He became the first Asian
player ever to serve as captain of the team. During his 7 years at Manchester United, Park played
in over 200 games.

In 2011, Park announced his retirement from international football, stating that he wanted to make
room for younger players ‘with enormous potential’. Nevertheless, his fans in Asia and worldwide
remain loyal as they continue to follow his career in club football with interest.

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1. What do you think the word ‘asset’ means? (2 marks)

2. What information about Ji-Sung Park is incorrectly reported by some sources? (2 marks)

3. Did Park experience any difficulty at the beginning of his professional football career? Why or
why not? (2 marks)

4. Against which country did Park play his first match for South Korea? (2 marks)

5. What is Park’s native country? (1 mark)

6. In line 3 of paragraph 4, who does the word ‘they’ refer to? (2 marks)

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Section 2 Comprehension II (5 marks)
Read the text then answer with brief answers.
While Brian was reading about J.S Park, his friend sent him an email asking him to go out for a meal
that night. He also attached the menu from the restaurant.


courses FOR ONLY $300

Pasta with clams Spaghetti Bolognese
$75 Green salad
Grilled mushrooms

Chicken breast with tomato sauce, Main courses

vegetables and mozzarella cheese Chicken cooked in white wine
$130 Beef steak with grilled vegetables
Ham and mushroom pizza

Almond ice cream

$50 Desserts
Lemon tart
Raspberry cheesecake
Lemon sorbet

Service charge 10% Service charge 10%

1. If Brian chose 3 courses from the first menu and his friend Edward chose the special deal menu,
who would have to pay more? (1 mark)

2. Brian’s friend Lisa is allergic to seafood. Which menu should she choose? (1 mark)

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3. If Brian chose the chicken and the ice cream from the first menu, how much would he have to pay
for the service charge? (1 mark)

4. What kind of restaurant do you think this menu comes from? (1 mark)
a) Indian
b) Chinese
c) Italian

5. True or false: the restaurant offers a vegetarian main course option. (1 mark)

Section 3 Prepositions (10 marks)

Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with the correct preposition.
Unfortunately Brian cannot see his friends tonight because he has injured his leg. He writes his
friend Edward an email to explain the situation:

Hi Edward, 1.
I’m really sorry but I won’t be able to go (1) with you tonight
because I have broken my ankle. It happened while I was playing
football (2) school. I was running (3) the pitch when I slipped. At
first I didn’t think it was that serious but then I realised that I
couldn’t get (4) on my own. Luckily one of my classmates offered 6.
(5) help me get back inside. It felt like the worst pain (6) the world. 7.
My coach took me (7) hospital and waited with me (8) my parents 8.
arrived. The doctor put a cast (9) my ankle which I have to wear for 9.
6 weeks. Luckily, my mum has taken some time off work to look
(10) me.

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Section 4 Forms of verbs (10 marks)
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Brian has missed one week of school because of his broken leg. His friend Lisa has written him a
message to let him know what is happening at school:

Hi Brian, 1.

How (1) you (feel) today? School (2) (be) boring 2.

without you at the moment. We all hope you (3) _ (recover) soon. 3.
Yesterday, something really funny happened. When we (4) (listen)
to the teacher, suddenly a bird (5) (fly) into the classroom! At first, 4.
Mr Chan didn’t notice, but everyone else could (6) (see) it on the 5.
desk behind him. Eventually, I decided (7) (tell) Mr Chan about the
bird. After I (8) (inform) him, he started (9) (chase) the 6.
bird around the room! I (10) (never see) anything so funny in my 7.
Hope to hear from you soon. 9.

Lisa 10.

Section 5 Vocabulary – Describing appearance (6 marks)

Brian is showing his parents a photo of himself with his football teammates. Fill in the gaps in his
David is standing next to me in the photo. His (1.)
hair looks (2.) because he
has been running around on the football pitch. Next to
David is Robert. He does not have long hair – he has a
(3.) because he likes to keep his hair out
of his face when he is playing sport. Robert also wears
(4.) on his teeth. I am in the middle of the
photo. I am wearing a (5.) with my team
number on it. You can see the (6.) on my
leg from when I broke my ankle.

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Section 6 Vocabulary – Describing character (6 marks)
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Brian has to write a piece for school about his idol. He has chosen to write about his football coach.
My football coach Mr Tanaka is my idol. He has taught me and my teammates that if we want to
succeed, it is important to be (1.) and put all our effort into our training. He also emphasises the
importance of being (2.) as well as physically strong so that we can make good judgements on the
pitch. Even when we lose a match, he remains (3.) and encourages us to go forward. I would also
say he is (4.), as he is very good at expressing his ideas about how we should play. He always tells
us that to be a strong team, we each need to be (5.) of our teammates and all be (6.) rather than
letting others do all the work. I think he is a great role model.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Section 7 Adjectives and Adverbs (6 marks)

Brian has been asked to write a profile of the football team for the school newspaper. He writes a
brief description of each of his teammates. Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective or adverb.

1. David is our best striker. He can kick the ball (hard) than any other player
on the team.
2. Robert is very dedicated to the team. He always arrives (early) to training
3. Callum used to be quite nervous, but now he is the (confident) player.
4. Mitchell practises the (less), but he scores the most goals.
5. Michael takes the game (serious) than anyone else.
6. Mark only started playing recently but he is getting (good) all the time.

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Section 8 Conjunctions (8 marks)
Brian has a dilemma. He writes a note to his football coach asking for his advice. Choose the correct
conjunction for each blank.
Dear Coach Tanaka,

I have a problem I need your advice on. As you know, next Saturday is the final match of the
season. (1), on the same day I have to go to a big family party at my grandparents’ house. I
don’t think it’s possible for me to play in the match and go to the party (2) the match is taking
place nearby, (3) my grandparents live about 2 hours away from our house. (4), both events
are at approximately the same time. (5) I would prefer to play football, I will feel guilty if I
don’t go to my grandparents’ house. My parents often tell me that we have to make the most
of our time with them (6) they are very old. But (7), I don’t want to disappoint my team
mates. Can you give me some advice (8) I can avoid upsetting my family or my teammates?

Thank you,


1. A While B Besides C However

2. A yet B because C then
3. A unless B in addition to C but
4. A But B Moreover C Then
5. A Despite B Although C As
6. A since B yet C despite
7. A despite B on the other hand C whereas
8. A so that B whereas C nevertheless

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Section 9 Riddle (2 marks)
Brian is on his way to watch a football match with his dad. His dad gives him a book of puzzles to
pass the time on the journey. Help him solve this riddle.

I am shiny the sun.

I am usually round or square.

You can see yourself in me.


Section 10 Proofreading (6 marks)

Brian has written a report about the football match he watched with his dad, but he has made some
errors. Find and correct the errors – there is one in each line.

Last weekend my dad brought me to a football match. We travelled to the

football stadium on train. When we arrived, I was surprised at how many 2.

person were there. It was very exciting when the players walked out onto the 3.

pitch. They was wearing a yellow football kit. We were sitting near the front 4.

so the players walked right pass me as they came out. It was a great game and 5.
both teams played very well. I was sad when it was time to go back home.

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