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Level 6 Mock Paper 12 (Answers)

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Total number of pages: 7

Section 1 Comprehension I (12 marks)

Read the passage and answer the questions below.

When you think of the word ‘desert’, you probably think of a very hot place covered with sand.
Although this is a good description for many deserts, the largest desert on Earth is actually a very
cold place covered with ice: Antarctica (南極洲).

In order for an area to be considered (考慮) a desert, it must receive very little rainfall. To be
precise (準確), it must receive an average of less than ten inches of precipitation (沉澱) (another
word for any type of water that falls from the sky, whether it is rain, snow, sleet (天雨雪) or hail
(冰雹).) Antarctica, the coldest place on earth, has an average temperature that usually falls
below the freezing point (冰點).

And because cold air holds less moisture (濕氣) than warm air, the air in Antarctica does not
hold much moisture (濕氣) at all. This is evident (明顯) in the low precipitation statistics
recorded for Antarctica. For example, the central part of Antarctica receives an average (平均) of
less than 2 inches of snow every year. The coastline (海岸線) of Antarctica receives a little bit
more: between seven and eight inches a year. Because Antarctica gets so little precipitation every
year, it is considered a desert.

When precipitation falls in hot deserts, it quickly evaporates (蒸發) back into the atmosphere.
The air over Antarctica is incredibly (令人難以置信) cold, so there is very little evaporation.
Due to this low rate of evaporation, most of the snow that falls to the ground remains there
permanently (永久), eventually (終於) building up into thick ice sheets. Any snow that does not
freeze into ice sheets becomes caught up in the strong winds that constantly (經常) blow over
Antarctica. These snow filled winds can make it look as if it is snowing.
Even though snowfall is very rare (罕見) there, blizzards (暴風雪) are actually very common on

1. Why is it surprising that Antarctica is the world’s largest desert? (2 marks)

Because most people think of deserts as very hot places.

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2. Find a word in paragraph 2 which means the same as ‘exact’(準確). (2 marks)
3. How many different examples of precipitation are given, and what are they? (2 marks)
There are 4 different types: rain, snow, hail and sleet.
4. Which region of Antarctica receives the most precipitation each year? (2 marks)
The coastline.
5. What happens to precipitation in Antarctica, and how is this different to other deserts? (2 marks)
The precipitation (snow) remains on the ground and becomes ice because it is too cold for it to
evaporate. In a hot desert, any precipitation would evaporate and disappear.
6. When it appears to be snowing in Antarctica, what is really happening? (2 marks)
Snow from the ice sheets is caught up in the strong winds.

Section 2 Comprehension II (6 marks)

Read the text then answer the questions below.
Healthy Start Gym

Would you like to improve your health and fitness level? Come to Healthy Start Gym and
let our friendly and experienced personal trainers help you to achieve (實現) your goals

We offer personal training sessions every Monday-Friday, from 8am-7pm.

This month, we have a special offer for new members! Come for a free introductory
training session during the month of March and receive 3 full sessions (授課時期) for the
price of 2! (Standard session price = $200)

Please fill in an application form on our website or call us to sign up for a training session.
You will need to provide the following information:

• Your date of birth

• Your height
• Your weight
Any health problems (for example, heart conditions or asthma (哮喘))
1. What adjectives are used to describe the personal trainers? (1 mark)
‘friendly and ‘experienced’
2. True or False: personal training sessions are available 24 hours a day. (1 mark)
False: they are only available between 8am and 7pm
3. How much will it cost for 3 training sessions using the special offer? (1 mark)
4. True or false: this offer is available until May. (1 mark)
False: it is only available if you sign up in March.

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5. What are the 2 different ways to sign up for training sessions?
Visit the website or call on the phone.
6. Which of these things are NOT required when signing up?
a) your weight
b) the name of your doctor B
c) your age

Section 3 Prepositions (10 marks)

Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with the correct preposition.

Dear Diary, 1. to
2. of
Next week I have to go to the dentist’s office because I need braces.
3. about
I was shocked __(1)__ find that I might one day need to have braces
4. about
in my mouth. Many people at my school have braces – in fact, I
think about half __(2)__ the students in my class have them, so I 5. for
won’t feel too self-conscious about them and I don’t think anyone 6. of
will tease me __(3)__ it. I am a little worried __(4)__ how painful it 7. after
will be to have braces though. No matter how many times I 8. at
imagine the situation, I will never be ready __(5)__ have metal in 9. in
my mouth. I will only be able to eat a small amount __(6)__ soft
10. about
food at first, but I hope I will be able to eat proper food later as I
hate eating soft food only day __(7)__ day. My dental appointment
is __(8)__ 2pm so I will have to miss my afternoon lessons. I’m glad
because I have a maths lesson and I’m not very interested __(9)__
maths and I can forget __(10)__ it for a while.

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Section 4 Tenses (10 marks)
Fill in each blank with the correct verb form.

Maggie’s mum (1. come) to collect her from school after lunch. After 1. came
Maggie (2. say) goodbye to her friends, she (3. get) in the car to go to the 2. had said
dentist’s office. She (4. feel) a little nervous but her mum reassured her by 3. got
saying ‘Don’t worry, everything (5. go) to be ok!’ Maggie was pleased to
4. was feeling
find that getting her braces fitted (6. be) not as painful as she (7. imagine).
5. is going
When the appointment was over, the dentist said:
‘I (8. advise) you to buy a special brush and mouthwash to keep the 6. was
braces clean.’ Maggie’s mum (9. thank) the dentist and then said to Maggie: 7. had imagined
‘Tomorrow after school we (10. go) and buy everything you need.’ 8. advise
9. thanked
10. will go

Section 5 Adjectives and Nouns (9 marks)

Look at the following list of adjectives and then fill in the blanks with the corresponding noun:
anxious brave happy dangerous patient
beautiful amazed hungry responsible

1. Maggie’s hands were trembling a little with anxiety before she sat down in the dentist’s
2. When the procedure was over, Maggie looked at the clock in amazement as time had
passed so quickly.
3. ‘Remember only to eat soft foods at first. Other foods may become stuck in your braces
and you don’t want to put the health of your teeth in danger.’ said the dentist with
4. Maggie was concerned that her braces would make her look different, but her mum
assured her that they did not spoil her natural beauty.
5. Despite her hunger, Maggie followed the dentist’s advice about eating only small
amounts of soft food.
6. Maggie’s mum bought her a milkshake as a treat to congratulate her on her bravery.
7. Maggie beamed with happiness when she was able to eat normal food again.
8. Maggie took up the responsibility in cleaning her new braces thoroughly every night.

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Section 6 Phrasal Verbs (8 marks)
Fill in each blank with the correct phrasal verb from the list. You may have to change the form
of the verb.

let down hold on call off give up

keep up come across break down come up with

1. Maggie didn’t want to let her friend down but she felt too tired to go out straight after she’d
had her braces fitted.
2. ‘I’m sorry, but I think we may have to call off our shopping trip,’ she told Kelly.
3. Maggie’s mum came up with the idea of serving mashed potatoes as they were soft enough
for Maggie to eat easily.
4. The dentist told Maggie it was important to keep up her dental hygiene routine.
5. Dad showed Maggie an old photo he had come across of him wearing braces when he was
6. On the first night, Maggie broke down in tears at one point because her new braces were
very painful.
7. ‘Just hold on while I go upstairs and get some painkillers for you,’ said her mum.
8. ‘It’s important not to give up, because in time your teeth will look perfectly straight,’ advised
Maggie’s dad.

Section 7 Conditionals (6 marks)

Write the correct form of the verb.
1. Maggie’s grandmother said that if she had not sucked (not, suck) her thumb when she was
young, she would not have needed braces.
2. ‘If the appointment doesn’t last too long, we can (can) go and get a treat afterwards,’ said
3. Maggie decided that if anyone at school teased (tease) her, she would just ignore them.
4. If Maggie’s brother has (have) problems with his teeth in the future, he will also need to get
5. If Maggie had not her braces fitted, her teeth may have become, (become) much worse.
6. ‘You may find it painful to eat if you try (try) to eat hard crunchy foods,’ said the dentist.

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Section 8 Conjunctions (6 marks)
Choose the correct conjunction to fill in each blank.
Holly and her parents are reading a guide book about their hotel:

__(1)__ you may feel embarrassed about having braces, it’s important to remember that they
are very beneficial. Many young people are worried about getting braces __(2)__ they think
that their classmates will tease or bully them. __(3)__, did you know that almost half of all
young people will need braces at some point? __(4)__, you can now customise your braces by
choosing the colour yourself. It’s also important to remember that you need to look after your
braces __(5)__ keep them in good condition. You should visit your dentist for regular
checkups __(6)__ cleaning them yourself at home using a special brush.

1. A Besides B Although C So
2. A Or B While C As
3. A Even though B However C Unless
4. A Moreover B On the contrary C Yet
5. A So as not to B In order to C So that
6. A But B Also C As well as

Section 9 Gerunds and Infinitives (6 marks)

Fill in each blank with either a gerund or an infinitive.

Maggie was excited __(1)__(return) to school the next day. 1. to return

After she had finished __(2)__(get) ready, she looked at her 2. getting
braces in the mirror. Mum made Maggie __(3)__(take) a
3. take
toothbrush with her to school, which Maggie thought was silly.
4. showing
She was not worried anymore about __(4)__(show) her braces
to her friends. She hoped she would not have __(5)__(miss) 5. to miss
any more lessons to attend dentist’s appointments, because 6. catching
__(6)__(catch) up with the school work she missed was very

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Section 10 Question Tag (5 marks)
Fill in each blank with a correct question tag.

1. The doctor allowed me to have my braces taken off, didn’t he?

2. I am allowed to take them off 3 months later, aren’t I?

3. Maggie couldn’t pronounce some words properly, could she?

4. The dentist’s office is located in Central, isn’t it?

5. The dentist works wonder to Maggie’s teeth, doesn’t he?

Section 11 Proofreading (5 marks)

Find and correct the errors for her. There is one error on each line:
Maggie has written an email to one of her friends who is also going to get braces, but she has made
some errors.
I went (^)the dentist’s office last week to get my braces fitted. I thought it would be 1. to

very painful but I was suprised because it actually didn’t hurt much at all. 2. surprised

All the peoples at the dentist’s office were very friendly and kind to me. 3. people

Are you go to get your braces fitted soon? If you are, don’t be scared! Please write me 4. going

a email to let me know how it goes! 5. an

Section 12 Open Cloze (8 marks)

Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word.

1. to
After three months, Maggie got used __(1)__ have her braces around her
2. teeth
__(2)__ and she found that she __(3)__ still enjoy the food she likes
3. could
__(4)__ time to time. She even became __(5)__ with one of the nurses in
4. from
the dentist’s office and they sometimes went to movies together. She was
5. friends
grateful to the __(6)__ for the look she had. These days, her teeth were
6. dentist
straighter __(7)__ before and she __(8)__ more confidence when she
7. than
8. had

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