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2022 수능 & 2023 6/9 모평

2023 6/9 모평과 유사한 논리/소재 치신 기출

최중。EBS 지문 및 비연계로 구성된 독해 모의고사

smart is sexy

(某ル員 KISS 염어연구丄 orbi books

제 원
디 을
오 재
르 발
비 명
가 합


the orbi

형식은 모방해도 내용은 모방할 수 없습니다

개인의 능력을 극대화 시킬
모든 계획이 디오르비에 있습니다.

02-597-3533 〇 문자 전용 : 010-9124-020フ 〇 주소: 강남구 삼성로 61길 15 (은마사거리 도보 3분)

강남오르비 학원이
대치동 '디오르비'학원으로

모든 시스템이 수험생 중심으로 더 강화됩니다.

모든 시설이 최고의 결과가 나올 수 있도록 설계됩니다.

집중을 위해 디오르비가 수험생 옆으로 다가갑니다.

강남역에서 대치동으로 옮겨
오르비의 역량을 집중합니다.

디오르비와 시작하면
원하는 대학문이 가장 빠르게 열립니다.

smart is sexy

124-0207 ◊ 주소: 강남구 삼성로 61 길 15 (은마사거리 도보 3분

출발의 습관은 수능날까지 계속됩시매
형식적인 상담이』

관리하고 있다는 모습만 보이거나

학습에 전혀 도움이 되지 않는
보여주기식의 모든 것을 배척합니다.

쓸모없는 강좌와 할 수 없는 계획을 강요하거나

무모한 혹은 무리한 스게줄로

1년의 출발을 무의미 하게 하지 않습니다.

형식은 모방해도 내용은 모방할수 없습니다.

고 1 당시 영어 모의고사 5등급

한국외대 영어통번역학과 4년 장학

국내파 통역장교, 4성장군 통역

최초 수능영어 주간지, 주간 KISS 저자

오르비 베스트셀러, Masterpiece 영어모의고사 スイスト

인강 대성마이맥

Mi Yo니n, Hyo니ng
Chae Hyeon, Seong Gyun, S니 Hyun
Table of

Week 1 P. 4 - 21

Week 2 P. 22 - 39

Week 3 H 40-57

Week 4 P. 58 - 75

Week 5 P. 76 - 93

Week 6 H 의4 - ill

〈교재의 방향성, 구성, 학습 가이드는 해설편 참고〉

수능영어의 노력이라는 가치를 믿기에, 이를 가르칩 니다.

꼭 1등급이 나와 수시, 정시에서 큰 우위를 가지길 바라며


Keep It Short and Simple,

Week 1

Keep It Slow but Steady.


출처 202고.수능.22 출처 2023.6.22

1. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 2. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Environmental hazards include biological, physical, Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder,
and chemical ones, along with the human behaviors is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of
that promote or allow exposure. Some environmental the privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in
contaminants are difficult to avoid (the breathing of all manner of digital experiences and communities have
polluted air, the drinking of chemically contaminated simply exploded 一 and they show little or no signs
public drinking water, noise in open public spaces); in of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers,
these circumstances, exposure is largely involuntary. not only that their personal data helps to drive the rich
Reduction or elimination of these factors may require experiences that these companies provide, but also that
societal action, such as public awareness and p니blic sharing this data is the price you pay for these experiences,
health measures. In many countries, the fact that some in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of
environmental hazards are difficult to avoid at the the what, when, and why of data collection and use, the
individual level is felt to be more morally egregious than consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and conflicted.
those hazards that can be avoided. Having no choice but “1 love this restaurant-finder app on my phone, but what
to drink water contaminated with very high levels of happens to my data if 1 press 'ok' when asked if that app
arsenic, or being forced to passively breathe in tobacco can use my current location?" Armed with tools that can
smoke in restaurants, outrages people more than the provide them options, the consumer moves from passive
personal choice of whether an individual smokes tobacco. bystander to active participant.
These factors are important when one considers how * stakeholder: 이해관계자 ** vulnerable: 상처를 입기 쉬운
change (risk reduction) happens.
* contaminate: 오염시키다 ** egregious: 매우 나쁜 ① 개인정보 제공의 속성을 심층적으로 이해하면 주체적 소비자가 된다.

② 소비자는 디지털 시대에 유용한 앱을 적극 활용하는 자세가 필요하다.

① 개인이 피하기 어려운 유해 환경 요인에 대해서는 사회적 대응이 필요하다. ③ 현명한 소비자가 되려면 다양한 디지털 데이터를 활용해야 한다.
② 환경오염으로 인한 피해자들에게 적절한 보상을 하는 것이 바람직하다. ④ 기업의 디지털 서비스를 이용하면 상응하는 대가가 뒤따른다.
③ 다수의 건강을 해치는 행위에 대해 도덕적 비난 이상의 조치가 요구된다. ⑤ 타인과의 정보 공유로 인해 개인정보가 유출되기도 한다.
@ 환경오염 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 사후 대응보다 예방이 중요하다.
⑤ 대기오염 문제는 인접 국가들과의 긴밀한 협력을 통해 해결할 수 있다. NOTE


출처 2023.9.22

3. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Historically, drafters of tax legislation are attentive to

questions of economics and history, and less attentive to
moral questions. Questions of morality are often pushed
to the side in legislative debate, labeled too controversial,
too difficult to answer, or, worst of all, irrelevant to the
project. But, in fact, the moral questions of taxation
are at the very heart of the creation of tax laws. Rather
than irrelevant, moral questions are fundamental to the
imposition of tax. Tax is the application of a society's
theories of distributive justice. Economics can go a long
way towards helping a legislature determine whether
or not a particular tax law will help achieve a particular
goal, but economics cannot, in a vacuum, identify the
goal. Creating tax policy requires identifying a moral
goal, which is a task that must involve ethics and moral
* legislation: 입법 ** imposition: 부과

① 분배 정의를 실현하려면 시민 단체의 역할이 필요하다.

② 사회적 합의는 민주적인 정책 수립의 선행 조건이다.

③ 성실한 납세는 안정적인 정부 예산 확보의 기반이 된다.

④ 경제학은 세법을 개정할 때 이론적 근거를 제공한다.

⑤ 세법을 만들 때 도덕적 목표를 설정하는 것이 중요하다.


C )I^B1.KR

출처 2022.수능.23 출처 2023.6.23

1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] 2. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

Scientists use paradigms rather than believing them. Considerable work by cultural psychologists and
The use of a paradigm in research typically addresses anthropologists has shown that there are indeed large and
related problems by employing shared concepts, symbolic sometimes surprising differences in the words and concepts
expressions, experimental and mathematical tools and that different cultures have fbr describing emotions, as well
procedures, and even some of the same theoretical as in the social circumstances that draw out the expression
statements. Scientists need only understand how to of particular emotions. However, those data do not actually
use these various elements in ways that others would show that different cultures have different emotions, if we
accept. These elements of shared practice thus need think of emotions as central, neurally implemented states.
not presuppose any comparable unity in scientists, As for, say, color vision, they just say that, despite the
beliefs about what they are doing when they use them. same internal processing architecture, how we interpret,
Indeed, one role of a paradigm is to enable scientists to categorize, and name emotions varies according to culture
work successfully without having to provide a detailed and that we learn in a particular culture the social context in
account of what they are doing or what they believe which it is appropriate to express emotions. However, the
about it. Thomas Kuhn noted that scientists “can agree emotional states themselves are likely to be quite invariant
in their identification of a paradigm without agreeing across cultures. In a sense, we can think of a basic,
on, or even attempting to produce, a full interpretation culturally universal emotion set that is shaped by evolution
or rationalization of it. Lack of a standard interpretation and implemented in the brain, but the links between such
or of an agreed reduction to rules will not prevent a emotional states and stimuli, behavior, and other cognitive
paradigm from guiding research. states are plastic and can be modified by learning in a
specific cultural context.
① difficulty in drawing novel theories from existing paradigms * anthropologist: 인류학자 ** stim니i: 자극 *** cognitive: 인지적인
② significant influence of personal beliefs in scientific fields
① essential links between emotions and behaviors
③ key factors that promote the rise of innovative paradigms
② culturally constructed representation of emotions
@ roles of a paradigm in grouping like-minded researchers
(5) falsely described emotions through global languages
⑤ functional aspects of a paradigm in scientific research
④ universally defined emotions across academic disciplines
⑤ wider influence of cognition on learning cultural contexts

Week! Dav2 2023 KISS ESSENCE 수제

출처 2023.9.23

3. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] NOTE

Environmental learning occurs when farmers base

decisions on observations of “payoff' information.
They may observe their own or neighbors' farms, but
it is the empirical results they are using as a guide, not
the neighbors themselves. They are looking at farming
activities as experiments and assessing such factors as
relative advantage, compatibility with existing resources,
difficulty of use, and “trialability'' — how well can it be
experimented with. But that criterion of "trialability"
turns out to be a real problem; it's true that farmers
are always experimenting, but working farms are very
flawed laboratories. Farmers cannot set up the controlled
conditions of professional test plots in research facilities.
Farmers also often confront complex and difficult-to-
observe phenomena that would be hard to manage even if
they could run controlled experiments. Moreover farmers
can rarely acquire payoff information on more than a few
of the production methods they might use, which makes
the criterion of''relative advantage" hard to measure.
* empirical: 경험적인 ** compatibility: 양립성
*** criterion: 기준

① limitations of using empirical observations in farming

(2) challenges in modernizing traditional farming equipment
(3) necessity of prioritizing trialability in agricultural innovation
④ importance of making instinctive decisions in agriculture
⑤ ways to control unpredictable agricultural phenomena

WeekI Dav3 2023 KISS ESSENCE 제옥

출처 202고,수능.고4 출처 20고3.6.24

1. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 2. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Mending and restoring objects often require even more The approach, joint cognitive systems, treats a robot as
creativity than original production. The preindustrial part of a human-machine team where the intelligence is
blacksmith made things to order for people in his synergistic, arising from the contributions of each agent.
immediate community; customizing the product, The team consists of at least one robot and one human
modifying or transforming it according to the user, and is often called a mixed team because it is a mixture of
was routine. Customers would bring things back if human and robot agents. Self-driving cars, where a person
something went wrong; repair was thus an extension of turns on and off the driving, is an example of a joint
fabrication. With industrialization and eventually with cognitive system. Entertainment robots are examples of
mass production, making things became the province mixed teams as are robots fbr telecommuting. The design
of machine tenders with limited knowledge. But repair process concentrates on how the agents will cooperate and
continued to require a larger grasp of design and materials, coordinate with each other to accomplish the team goals.
an understanding of the whole and a comprehension of Rather than treating robots as peer agents with their own
the designer's intentions. "Manufacturers all work by completely independent agenda, joint cognitive systems
machinery or by vast subdivision of labour and not, so approaches treat robots as helpers such as service animals
to speak, by hand,“ an 1896 Manual of Mending and or sheep dogs. In joint cognitive system designs, artificial
Repairing explained. "But all repairing must be done by intelligence is used along with human-robot interaction
hand. We can make every detail of a watch or of a gun by principles to create robots that can be intelligent enough
machinery, but the machine cannot mend it when broken, to be good team members.
much less a clock or a pistol!"
① Better Together: Human and Machine Collaboration
① Still Left to the Modem Blacksmith: The Art of Repair ② Can Robots Join Forces to Outperform Human Teams?
@ A Historical Survey of How Repairing Skills Evolved (3) Loss of Humanity in the Human and Machine Conflict
@ How to Be a Creative Repairperson: Tips and Ideas ④ Power Off: When and How to Say No to Robot Partners
@ A Process of Repair: Create, Modify, Transform! ⑤ Shifting from Service Animals to Robot Assistants of Humans
⑤ Can Industrialization Mend Our Broken Past?
WeekI Day3 2023 KISS ESSENCE 제옥

출처 2023.9.24

3. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? NOTE

Not only musicians and psychologists, but also

committed music enthusiasts and experts often voice the
opinion that the beauty of music lies in an expressive
deviation from the exactly defined score. Concert
performances become interesting and gain in attraction
from the fact that they go far beyond the information
printed in the score. In his early studies on musical
performance, Carl Seashore discovered that musicians
only rarely play two equal notes in exactly the same
way. Within the same metric structure, there is a wide
potential of variations in tempo, volume, tonal quality and
intonation. Such variation is based on the composition
but diverges from it individually. We generally call this
'expressivity5. This explains why we do not lose interest
when we hear different artists perform the same piece of
music. It also explains why it is worthwhile fbr following
generations to repeat the same repertoire. New, inspiring
interpretations help us to expand our understanding,
which serves to enrich and animate the music scene.
* deviation: 벗어남

① How to Build a Successful Career in Music Criticism

② Never the Same: The Wlue ofVariation in Music Performance
③ rhe Importance of Personal Expression in Music Therapy
(4) Keep Your Cool: Overcoming Stage Fright When Playing Music
⑤ What's New in the Classical Music Industry?


출처 20고2.수능.21 출처 2023.6.21

1. 밑술 신 whether to make ready fbr the morning commute 2. 밑줄 친 “view from nowhere”가 다음 글에서 의미하는
or not이 다음 글에서 의 미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

Scientists have no special purchase on moral or ethical Our view of the world is not given to us from the
decisions; a climate scientist is no more qualified to outside in a pure, objective form; it is shaped by our
comment on health care reform than a physicist is to mental abilities, our shared cultural perspectives and
judge the causes of bee colony collapse. The very features our unique values and beliefs. This is not to say that
that create expertise in a specialized domain lead to there is no reality outside our minds or that the world
ignorance in many others. In some cases lay people 一 is just an illusion. It is to say that our version of reality
farmers, fishermen, patients, native peoples — may is precisely that: our version, not the version. There is
have relevant experiences that scientists can learn from. no single, universal or authoritative version that makes
Indeed, in recent years, scientists have begun to recognize sense, other than as a theoretical construct. We can see the
this: the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment includes world only as it appears to us, not "as it truly is," because
observations gathered from local native groups. So our there is no "as it truly is" without a perspective to give
trust needs to be limited, and focused. It needs to be very it form. Philosopher Thomas Nagel argued that there is
particular. Blind trust will get us into at least as much no "view from nowhere," since we cannot see the world
trouble as no trust at all. But without some degree of trust except from a particular perspective, and that perspective
in our designated experts — the men and women who influences what we see. We can experience the world only
have devoted their lives to sorting out tough questions through the human lenses that make it intelligible to us.
about the natural world we live in - we are paralyzed, * illusion: 환영
in effect not knowing whether to make ready for the
① perception of reality affected by subjective views
morning commute or not.
* lay: 전문가가 아닌 ** paralyze: 마비시키다 *** commute: 통근
② valuable perspective most people have in mind
③ particular view adopted by very few people
④ critical insight that defeats our prejudices
① questionable facts that have been popularized by non-experts
⑤ unbiased and objective view of the world
② readily applicable information offered by specialized experts
③ common knowledge that hardly influences crucial decisions
(5) practical information produced by both specialists and lay people NOTE

⑤ biased knowledge that is widespread in the local community

WeekjDay4 2023 KISS ESSENCE 의미

출처 2023.9.21

3. 밑줄 친 send us off into different far corners of the NOTE

library가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

You may feel there is something scary about an

algorithm deciding what you might like. Could it mean
that, if computers conclude you won't like something,
you will never get the chance to see it? Personally, I
really enjoy being directed toward new music that I might
not have found by myself. 1 can quickly get stuck in a rut
where 1 put on the same songs over and over. That's why
I've always enjoyed the radio. But the algorithms that are
now pushing and pulling me through the music library are
perfectly suited to finding gems that I'll like. My worry
originally about such algorithms was that they might
drive everyone into certain parts of the library, leaving
others lacking listeners. Would they cause a convergence
of tastes? But thanks to the nonlinear and chaotic
mathematics usually behind them, this doesn't happen. A
small divergence in my likes compared to yours can send
us off into different far comers of the library.
* rut: 관습, 틀 *** gem: 보석 *** divergence: 갈라짐

① lead us to music selected to suit our respective tastes

② enable us to build connections with other listeners
(3) encourage us to request frequent updates for algorithms
(4)motivate us to search for talented but unknown musicians
@ make us ignore our preferences for particular music genres

WeekI Dav5 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뼝기원

출처 2020.수능.23 출처 2021.9.23

1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 2. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

Human beings do not enter the world as competent Conventional wisdom in the West, influenced by
moral agents. Nor does everyone leave the world in that philosophers from Plato to Descartes, credits individuals
state. But somewhere in between, most people acquire a and especially geniuses with creativity and originality.
bit of decency that qualifies them for membership in the Social and cultural influences and causes are minimized,
community of moral agents. Genes, development, and ignored, or eliminated from consideration at all.
learning all contribute to the process of becoming a decent Thoughts, original and conventional, are identified with
h니man being. The interaction between nature and nurture individuals, and the special things that individuals are and
is, however, highly complex, and developmental biologists do are traced to their genes and their brains. The “trick”
are only just beginning to grasp just how complex it is. here is to recognize that individual humans are social
Without the context provided by cells, organisms, social constructions themselves, embodying and reflecting
groups, and culture, DNA is inert. Anyone who says that the variety of social and cultural influences they have
people are "genetically programmed“ to be moral has been exposed to during their lives. Our individuality
an oversimplified view of how genes work. Genes and is not denied, but it is viewed as a product of specific
environment interact in ways that make it nonsensical to social and cultural experiences. The brain itself is a
think that the process of moral development in children, social thing, influenced struct니rally and at the level of its
or any other developmental process, can be discussed in connectivities by social environments. The "individual"
terms of nature versus nurture. Developmental biologists is a legal, religious, and political fiction just as the "I" is a
now know that it is really both, or nature through nurture. grammatical illusion.
A complete scientific explanation of moral evolution and
development in the human species is a very long way off. ① recognition of the social nature inherent in individuality
* decency: 예의 ** inert: 비활성의 ② ways of filling the gap between individuality and collectivity
(3)issues with separating original thoughts from conventional ones
① evolution of human morality from a cultural perspective ④ acknowledgment of the true individuality embodied in human genes
② difficulties in studying the evolutionary process of genes ⑤ necessity of shifting from individualism to interdependence
③ increasing necessity of educating children as moral agents
(4) nature versus nurture controversies in developmental biology NOTE
⑤ complicated gene-environment interplay in moral development

WeekI DavS 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평가원

출처 2021 •수능.23 출처 2022.6.23

3. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] 4. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

Difficulties arise when we do not think of people and Children can move effortlessly between play and
machines as collaborative systems, but assign whatever absorption in a story, as if both are forms of the same
tasks can be automated to the machines and leave the activity. The taking of roles in a narratively structured
rest to people. This ends up requiring people to behave game of pirates is not very different than the taking of
in machine-like fashion, in ways that differ from human roles in identifying with characters as one watches a
capabilities. We expect people to monitor machines, movie. It might be thought that, as they grow towards
which means keeping alert for long periods, something we adolescence, people give up childhood play, but this is not
are bad at. We require people to do repeated operations so. Instead, the bases and interests of this activity change
with the extreme precision and accuracy required by and develop to playing and watching sports, to the fiction
machines, again something we are not good at. When we of plays, novels, and movies, and nowadays to video
divide up the machine and human components of a task games. In fiction, one can enter possible worlds. When
in this way, we fail to take advantage of human strengths we experience emotions in such worlds, this is not a sign
and capabilities but instead rely upon areas where we are that we are being incoherent or regressed. It derives from
genetically, biologically unsuited. Yet, when people fail, trying out metaphorical transformations of our selves in
they are blamed. new ways, in new worlds, in ways that can be moving and
important to us.
① difficulties of overcoming human weaknesses to avoid failure * pirate: 해적 ** incoherent: 일관되지 않은
② benefits of allowing machines and humans to work together
(3) issues of allocating unfit tasks to humans in automated systems ① relationship between play types and emotional stability
④ reasons why humans continue to pursue machine automation ② reasons for identifying with imaginary characters in childhood
@ influences of human actions on a machine's performance @ ways of helping adolescents develop good reading habits
④ continued engagement in altered forms of play after childhood
NOTE (5) effects of narrative structures on readers' imaginations

WeekI Dav<3 2023 KISS ESSENCE 삥가원

출처 2020.수능.24 출처 2021.6.24

1. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 2. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Invasions of natural communities by non-indigenous A common error in current Darwinian thinking is the
species are currently rated as one of the most important assumption that “selfish genes" are the prime mover
global-scale environmental problems. The loss of in evolution. In strict Darwinism the prime mover is
biodiversity has generated concern over the consequences environmental threat. In the absence of threat, natural
for ecosystem functioning and thus understanding the selection tends to resist change. It is un-biological to
relationship between both has become a major focus "explain" behavioural change as resulting from genetic
in ecological research during the last two decades. The change or the ex vacuo emergence of domain-specific
“biodiversity-invasibility hypothesis' by Elton suggests brain modules. Evolutionary psychologists surely know
that high diversity increases the competitive environment why brains evolved: as Cosmides and Tooby point out,
of communities and makes them more difficult to brains are found only in animals that move. Brains are
invade. Numerous biodiversity experiments have been behavioural organs, and behavioural adaptation, being
conducted since Elton's time and several mechanisms immediate and non-random, is vastly more efficient than
have been proposed to explain the often observed negative genetic adaptation. So, in animals with brains, behavioural
relationship between diversity and invasibility. Beside change is the usual first response to environmental threat.
the decreased chance of empty ecological niches but the If the change is successful, genetic adaptation to the new
increased probability of competitors that prevent invasion behaviour will follow more gradually. Animals do not
success, diverse communities are assumed to use resources evolve carnivore teeth and then decide it might be a good
more completely and, therefore, limit the ability of idea to eat meat.
invaders to establish. Further, more diverse communities * ex vacuo\ 무(無)에서의 ** carnivore: 육식 동물
are believed to be more stable because they use a broader
range of niches than species-poor communities. ① Which Adapts First, B아]aviour or Genes?
* indigenous: 토착의 ** niche: 생태적 지위 ② The Brain Under Control of S이fish Genes
(3) Why Animals Eat Meat: A Story of Survival
① Carve Out More Empty Ecological Spaces! ④ Genes Always Win the Battle Against Nature!
② Guardian of Ecology: Diversity Resists Invasion ⑤ rhe Superior Efficiency of Genetic Adaptation
③ Grasp All, Lose All: Necessity of Species-poor Ecology
④ Challenges in Testing Biodiversity-invasibility Hypothesis NOTE
⑤ Diversity Dilemma: The More Competitive, the Less Secure

Week! Dav<S 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뗭기원

출처 고021.9.24 출처 2022.9.24

3. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 수 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

The discovery that man's knowledge is not, and never The world has become a nation of laws and governance
has been, perfectly accurate has had a humbling and that has introduced a system of public administration
perhaps a calming effect upon the soul of modern man. and management to keep order. With this administrative
management system, urban institutions of government
The nineteenth century, as we have observed, was the
have evolved to offer increasing levels of services to their
last to believe that the world, as a whole as well as in its
citizenry, provided through a taxation process and/or fee
parts, could ever be perfectly known. We realize now
for services (e.g., police and fire, street maintenance,
that this is, and always was, impossible. We know within
utilities, waste management, etc.). Frequently this has
limits, not absolutely, even if the limits can usually be
displaced citizen involvement. Money for services is
adjusted to satisfy our needs. Curiously, from this new
not a replacement for citizen responsibility and public
level of uncertainty even greater goals emerge and appear participation. Responsibility of the citizen is slowly
to be attainable. Even if we cannot know the world being supplanted by government being the substitute
with absolute precision, we can still control it. Even provider. Consequentially, there is a philosophical and
our inherently incomplete knowledge seems to work as social change in attitude and sense of responsibility
powerfully as ever. In short, we may never know precisely of our urban-based society to become involved. The
how high is the highest mountain, but we continue to be sense of community and associated responsibility of all
certain that we can get to the top nevertheless. citizens to be active participants is therefore diminishing.
Governmental substitution for citizen duty and

① Summits Yetto Be Reached: An Onward Journey to Knowledge involvement can have serious implications. This impedes
the nations of the world to be responsive to natural and
② Over the Mountain: A Single But Giant Step to Success
man-made disasters as part of global preparedness.
(3) Integrating Parts into a Whole: The Road to Perfection
* supplant: 대신하다 ** impede: 방해하다
@ How to Live Together in an Age of Uncertainty
⑤ rhe Two Faces of a Knowledge-Based Society
① A Sound Citizen Responsibility in a Sound Government
② Always Better than Nothing: The Roles of Modern
③ Decreased Citizen Involvement: A Cost of Governmental
④ Why Does Global Citizenship Matter in Contemporary
⑤ How to Maximize Public Benefits of Urban-Based

Week! DavZ 2023 KISS ESSENCE 삥가윈

출처 2020.9.21 출처 2021.수능.고 1

1. 밑줄 친 a cage mod이이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 2. 밑줄 친 the role of the 'lion's historians'가 다음 글에서
적절한 것은? [3점] 의 미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

For a long time, tourism was seen as a huge monster There is an African proverb that says, 'Till the lions
invading the areas of indigenous peoples, introducing have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify
them to the evils of the modem world. However, research the hunter'. The proverb is about power, control and law
has shown that this is not the correct way to perceive making. Environmental journalists have to play the role
it. In most places, tourists are welcome and indigenous of the 'lion's historians'. They have to put across the
people see tourism as a path to modernity and economic point of view of the environment to people who make the
development. But such development is always a two-
laws. They have to be the voice of wild India. The present
edged sword. Tourism can mean progress, but most often
rate of human consumption is completely unsustainable.
also means the loss of traditions and cultural uniqueness.
Forest, wetlands, wastelands, coastal zones, eco-sensitive
And, of course, there are examples of'cultural pollution,,
zones, they are all seen as disposable for the accelerating
4vulgarization, and 'phony-folk-cultures'. The background
demands of human population. But to ask for any change
for such characteristics is often more or less romantic and
in human behaviour — whether it be to cut down on
the normative ideas of a former or prevailing authenticity.
Ideally (to some) there should exist ancient cultures for consumption, alter lifestyles or decrease population

modern consumers to gaze at, or even step into for a growth — is seen as a vi이ation of human rights. But

while, while travelling or on holiday. This is a cage model at some point human rights become 'wrongs'. It's time
that is difficult to defend in a global world where we all, we changed our thinking so that there is no difference
indigenous or not, are part of the same social fabric. between the rights of humans and the rights of the rest of
* indigenous: 토착의 ** vulgarization: 상스럽게 함 the environment.

① preserving a past culture in its original form for consumption ① uncovering the history of a species' biological evolution
② restoring local cultural heritages that have long been neglected ② urging a shift to sustainable human behaviour for nature
(3) limiting public access to prehistoric sites for conservation
(3) fighting against widespread violations of human rights
④ confining tourism research to authentic cultural traditions
(4) rewriting history for more underrepresented people
(5) maintaining a budget for cultural policies and regulations
(5) restricting the power of environmental lawmakers

Week! Day7 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평기원

출처 2021.6.21 출처 2021.9.21

3. 밑줄 친 journey edges가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 수 밑줄 친 don't knock the box가 다음 글에서 의 미하는 바
적절한 것은? [3점] 로 가장 적절한 것은?

Many ancillary businesses that today seem almost core By expecting what's likely to happen next, you prepare
at one time started out as journey edges. For example, fbr the few most likely scenarios so that you don't have
retailers often boost sales with accompanying support to figure things out while they're happening. It's therefore
such as assembly or installation services. Think of a not a surprise when a restaurant server offers you a menu.
home goods retailer selling an unassembled outdoor When she brings you a glass with a clear 自니id in it, you
grill as a box of parts and leaving its customer's mission don't have to ask if it's water. After you eat, you don't
incomplete. When that retailer also sells assembly have to figure out why you aren't hungry anymore. All
and delivery, it takes another step in the journey to the these things are expected and are therefore not problems
customer's true mission of cooking in his backyard. to solve. Furthermore, imagine how demanding it would
Another example is the business-to-business service be to always consider all the possible uses for all the
contracts that are layered on top of software sales. familiar objects with which you interact. Should I use my
Maintenance, installation, training, delivery, anything at hammer or my telephone to pound in that nail? On a daily
all that turns do-it-yourself into a do-it-fbr-me solution basis, functional fixedness is a relief, not a curse. That's
originally resulted from exploring the edge of where core why you shouldn't even attempt to consider all your
products intersect with customer journeys. options and possibilities. You can't. If you tried to, then
* ancillary: 보조의, 부차적인 ** intersect: 교차하다 you'd never get anything done. So don't knock the box.
Ironically, although it limits your thinking, it also makes
① requiring customers to purchase unnecessary goods you smart. It helps you to stay one step ahead of reality.
② decreasing customers' dependence on business services
③ focusing more on selling end products than components ① Deal with a matter based on your habitual expectations.
④ adding a technological breakthrough to their core products ② Question what you expect from a familiar object.
⑤ providing extra services beyond customers' primary purchase ③ Replace predetermined routines with fresh ones.
® Think over all possible outcomes of a given situation.
NOTE ⑤ Extend all the boundaries that guide your thinking to insight.

Quick Answer
Week 1

Day1 1 15
Day 2 521
Day 3 112
Day 4 2 51
Day 5 5134
Day <5 2 1 1 3
Day 7 2


Keep It Short and Simple.

Week 2
어뻡 및 로직 준킬러 유형

Keep It Slow but Steadv.

Week2 DayI 2023 KISS ESSENCE 어법

출처 2022.수능.29 출처 2023.6.29

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] 2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]

Like whole individuals, cells have a life span. During Ecosystems differ in composition and extent. They can be
their life cycle (cell cycle), cell size, shape, and metabolic defined as ranging from the communities and interactions
activities can change dramatically. A cell is "born” as of organisms in your mouth or ① those in the canopy of a
a twin when its mother cell divides,① producing two rain forest to all those in Earth's oceans. The processes ②
daughter cells. Each daughter cell is smaller than the governing them differ in complexity and speed. There are
mother cell, and except for unusual cases, each grows systems that turn over in minutes, and there are others ③
until it becomes as large as the mother cell ② was. which rhythmic time extends to hundreds of years. Some
During this time, the cell absorbs water, sugars, amino ecosystems are extensive ('biomes', such as the African
acids, and other nutrients and assembles them into new, savanna); some cover regions (river basins); many involve
living protoplasm. After the cell has grown to the proper clusters of villages (micro-watersheds); others are confined
size, its metabolism shifts as it either prepares to divide or to the level of a single village (the village pond). In each
matures and ③ differentiates into a specialized cell. Both example there is an element of indivisibility. Divide an
growth and development require a complex and dynamic ecosystem into parts by creating barriers, and the sum
set of interactions involving all cell parts.④ What cell of the productivity of the parts will typically be found to
metabolism and str니cture should be complex would not be lower than the productivity of the whole, other things
be surprising, but actually, they are rather simple and ④ being equal. The mobility of biological populations is
logical. Even the most complex cell has only a small a reason. Safe passages, for example, enable migratory
number of parts, each ⑤ responsible fbr a distinct, well- species ⑤ to survive.
defined aspect of cell life. * canopy: 덮개 ** basin: 유역
* metabolic: 물질대사의 ** protoplasm: 원형질

Week고 DavI 2023 KISS ESSENCE 어법

출처 2023.9.29

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] NOTE

Recognizing ethical issues is the most important step

in understanding business ethics. An ethical issue is
an identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity that
requires a person to choose from among several actions
that may ① be evaluated as right or wrong, ethical or
unethical.② Learn how to choose from alternatives
and make a decision requires not only good personal
values, but also knowledge competence in the business
area of concern. Employees also need to know when to
rely on their organizations? policies and codes of ethics
or(3)have discussions with co-workers or managers
on appropriate conduct. Ethical decision making is
not always easy because there are always gray areas
④ that create dilemmas, no matter how decisions are
made. For instance, should an employee report on a co­
worker engaging in time theft? Should a salesperson
leave out facts about a product's poor safety record in his
presentation to a customer? Such questions require the
decision maker to evaluate the ethics of his or her choice
and decide ⑤ whether to ask fbr guidance.

Week2 Dav2 2023 KISS ESSENCE 어휘

출처 고02,수능.30 출처 고023.6.30

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 이 적절하 2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 이 적절하

지 않은 것은? 지 않은 것은?

It has been suggested that “organic“ methods, defined In recent years urban transport professionals globally
as those in which only natural products can be used as have largely acquiesced to the view that automobile
inputs, would be less damaging to the biosphere. Large- demand in cities needs to be managed rather than
scale adoption of "organic" farming methods, however, accommodated. Rising incomes inevitably lead to
would ① reduce yields and increase production costs increases in motorization. Even without the imperative
for many major crops. Inorganic nitrogen supplies are of climate change, the physical constraints of densely
② essential for maintaining moderate to high levels inhabited cities and the corresponding demands of
of productivity for many of the non-leguminous crop accessibility, mobility, safety, air pollution, and urban
species, because organic supplies of nitrogenous materials livability all ① limit the option of expanding road
often are either limited or more expensive than inorganic networks purely to accommodate this rising demand. As a
nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, there are ③ benefits to result, as 이미es develop and their residents become more
the extensive use of either manure or legumes as “green prosperous,② persuading people to choose not to use
manure" crops. In many cases, weed control can be very cars becomes an increasingly key fbcus of city managers
difficult or require much hand labor if chemicals cannot and planners. Improving the quality of (3)alternative
be used, and ④ fewer people are willing to do this work options, such as walking, cycling, and public transport,
as societies become wealthier. Some methods used in is a central element of this strategy. However, the most
“organic" farming, however, such as the sensible use of direct approach to ④ accommodating automobile demand
crop rotations and specific combinations of cropping and is making motorized travel more expensive or restricting
livestock enterprises, can make important ⑤ contributions it with administrative rules. The contribution of motorized
to the sustainability of rural ecosystems. travel to climate change ⑤ reinforces this imperative.
* nitrogen fertilizer": 질소 비료 ** manure: 거름 * acquiesce: 따르다 ** imperative: 불가피한 것
*** legume: 콩과(科) 식물 *** constraint: 압박

Week2 Dav2 2023 KISS ESSENCE 어휘

출처 2023.9.30

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 이 적절하 NOTE

지 않은 것은?

Although the wonders of modern technology have

provided people with opportunities beyond the wildest
dreams of our ancestors, the good, as usual, is weakened
by a downside. One of those downsides is that anyone
who so chooses can pick up the virtual megaphone that is
the Internet and put in their two cents on any of an infinite
number of topics, regardless of their ① qualifications.
After all, on the Internet, there are no regulations ②
preventing a kindergarten teacher from offering medical
advice or a physician from suggesting ways to safely
make structural changes to your home. As a result,
misinformation gets disseminated as information, and it
is not always easy to ③ differentiate the two. This can
be particularly frustrating fbr scientists, who spend their
lives learning how to understand the intricacies of the
world around them, only to have their work summarily
(4)challenged by people whose experience with the topic
can be measured in minutes. This frustration is then ⑤
diminished by the fact that, to the general public, both the
scientist and the challenger are awarded equal credibility.
* put in one's two cents: 의견을 말하다 ** disseminate: 퍼뜨리다
*** intricacy: 복잡성

Week2 Dav3 2023 KISS ESSENCE。익

출처 2022.수능.40 출처 2023.6.40

1. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 2. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸

(A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Philip Kitcher and Wesley Salmon have suggested Mobilities in transit offer a broad field to be explored
that there are two possible alternatives among by different disciplines in all faculties, in addition to
philosophical theories of explanation. One is the view the humanities. In spite of increasing acceleration,
that scientific explanation consists in the unification for example in travelling through geographical or
of broad bodies of phenomena under a minimal virtual space, our body becomes more and more a
number of generalizations. According to this view, passive non-moving container, which is transported
the (or perhaps, a) goal of science is to construct an by artefacts or loaded up with inner feelings of
economical framework of laws or generalizations being mobile in the so-called information society.
that are capable of subsuming all observable Technical mobilities turn human beings into some
phenomena. Scientific explanations organize and kind of terminal creatures, who spend most of their
systematize our knowledge of the empirical world; time at rest and who need to participate in sports in
the more economical the systematization, the deeper order to balance their daily disproportion of motion
our understanding of what is explained. The other and rest. Have we come closer to Aristotle's image
view is the causal/mechanical approach. According of God as the immobile mover, when elites exercise
to it, a scientific explanation of a phenomenon their power to move money, things and people, while
consists of uncovering the mechanisms that produced they themselves do not need to move at all? Others,
the phenomenon of interest. This view sees the at the bottom of this power, are victims of mobility-
explanation of individual events as primary, with the structured social exclusion. They cannot decide how
explanation of generalizations flowing from them. and where to move, but are just moved around or
That is, the explanation of scientific generalizations locked out or even locked in without either the right
comes from the causal mechanisms that produce the to move or the right to stay.
regularities. ▼
* subsume: 포섭(포함)하다 ** empirical: 경험적인 In a technology and information society, human
▼ beings, whose bodily movement is less (A) ,
Scientific explanations can be made either by seeking appear to have gained increased mobility and power,
the number of principles covering all and such a mobility-related human condition raises
observations or by finding general drawn the issue of social.
from individual phenomena.
(A) (B)
(A) (B) (A) (B) ① necessary..... inequality
① least . ..patterns ② fixed .. .features ② necessary..... growth
③ limited ... functions ④ fixed .. .rules (3) limited ....... consciousness
⑤ least ... assumptions ④ desirable ....... service
⑤ desirable ....... divide

Week2 Dav3 2023 KISS ESSENCE「약

출처 2023.9.40

3. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 NOTE

(A),(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A striving to demonstrate individual personality

through designs should not be surprising. Most
designers are educated to work as individuals, and
design literature contains countless references to 'the
designer5. Personal flair is without doubt an absolute
necessity in some product categories, particularly
relatively small objects, with a low degree of
technological complexity, such as furniture, lighting,
small appliances, and housewares. In larger-scale
projects, however, even where a strong personality
exercises powerful influence, the fact that substantial
numbers of designers are employed in implementing
a concept can easily be overlooked. The emphasis
on individuality is therefore problematic — rather
than actually designing, many successful designer
'personalities5 function more as creative managers.
A distinction needs to be made between designers
working truly alone and those working in a group. In
the latter case, management organization and processes
can be equally as relevant as designers5 creativity.
* strive: 애쓰다 ** flair: 재능

Depending on the (A) of a project, the capacity

of designers to (B) team-based wo다cing
environments can be just as important as their
personal qualities.

(A) (B) (A) (B)

① size....... coordinate ② cost....... systematize
(3) size....... identify ④ cost....... innovate

⑤ goal....... investigate
Week2 Day4 2023 KISS ESSENCE 장문

출처 2022.수능.41~42 출처 2023.6.41-42

[1 ~ 2] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [3 ~ 4] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Classifying things together into groups is something Once an event is noticed, an onlooker must decide if
we do all the time, and it isn't hard to see why. Imagine it is truly an emergency. Emergencies are not always
trying to shop in a supermarket where the food was *34'smoke" pouring into a
clearly (a) labeled as such; 2
arranged in random order on the shelves: tomato soup waiting room may be caused by fire, or it may merely
next to the white bread in one aisle, chicken soup in indicate a leak in a steam pipe. Screams in the street
the back next to the 60-watt light bulbs, one brand of may signal an attack or a family quarrel. A man lying
cream cheese in front and another in aisle 8 near the in a doorway may be having a coronary 一 or he may
cookies. The task of finding what you want would simply be sleeping off a drunk.
be (a) time-consuming and extremely difficult, if not A person trying to interpret a situation often looks
impossible. at those around him to see how he should react. If
In the case of a supermarket, someone had to (b) everyone else is calm and indifferent, he will tend to
design the system of classification. But there is also remain so; if everyone else is reacting strongly, he is
a ready-made system of classification embodied in likely to become alert. This tendency is not merely
our language. The word ''dog," for example, groups blind conformity; ordinarily we derive much valuable
together a certain class of animals and distinguishes information about new situations from how others
them from other animals. Such a grouping may seem around us behave. It's a (b) rare traveler who, in
too (c) abstract to be called a classification, but this is picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one
only because you have already mastered the word. As where no other cars appear in the parking lot.
a child learning to speak, you had to work hard to (d) But occasionally the reactions of others provide (c)
learn the system of classification your parents were accurate information. The studied nonchalance of
trying to teach you. Before you got the hang of it, you patients in a dentist's waiting room is a poor indication
probably made mistakes, like calling the cat a dog. If of their inner anxiety. It is considered embarrassing
you hadn't learned to speak, the whole world would to "lose your cool" in public. In a potentially acute
seem like the (e) unorganized supermarket; you would situation, then, everyone present will appear more
be in the position of an infant, for whom every object (d) unconcerned than he is in fact. A crowd can thus
is new and unfamiliar. In learning the principles of force (e) inaction on its members by implying, through
classification, therefore, we'll be learning about the its passivity, that an event is not an emergency. Any
structure that lies at the core of our language. individual in such a crowd fears that he may appear a
fool if he behaves as though it were.
1. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? * coronary: 관상 동맥증 ** nonchalance: 무관심, 냉담

① Similarities of Strategies in Sales and Language Learning

3. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
② Classification: An Inherent Characteristic of Language
③ Exploring Linguistic Issues Through Categorization ① Do We Judge Independently? The Effect of Crowds
@ Is a Ready-Made Classification System Truly Better? ② Winning Strategy: How Not to Be Fooled by 〇什lers
(5) Dilemmas of Using Classification in Language Education ③ Do Emergencies Affect the Way of Our Thinking?
④ Stepping Towards Harmony with Your Neighbors
2. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 ⑤ Ways of Helping Others in Emergent Situations
4. 밑줄 친 (a)시e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
①(a) ②(b) ③⑹ ④(d) ⑤(e)

①⑶ ②(b) ③⑹ ④(d) ⑤(e)


출처 고023.9・41~42

[5 ~ 6] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. NOTE

Climate change experts and environmental

humanists alike agree that the climate crisis is, at
its core, a crisis of the imagination and much of the
popular imagination is shaped by fiction. In his 2016
book The Great Derangement, anthropologist and
novelist Amitav Ghosh takes on this relationship
between imagination and environmental management,
arguing that humans have failed to respond to climate
change at least in part because fiction (a) fails to
believably represent it. Ghosh explains that climate
change is largely absent from contemporary fiction
because the cyclones, floods, and other catastrophes
it brings to mind simply seem too “improbable" to
belong in stories about everyday life. But climate
change does not only reveal itself as a series of (b)
extraordinary events. In fact, as environmentalists
and ecocritics from Rachel Carson to Rob Nixon
have pointed out, environmental change can be
"imperceptible"; it proceeds (c) rapidly, only
occasionally producing “explosive and spectacular"
events. Most climate change impacts cannot be
observed day-to-day, but they become (d) visible
when we are confronted with their accumulated
Climate change evades our imagination because
it poses significant representational challenges. It
cannot be observed in “human time," which is why
documentary filmmaker Jeff Orlowski, who tracks
climate change effects on glaciers and coral reefs,
uses “before and after" photographs taken several
months apart in the same place to (e) highlight
changes that occurred gradually.
* anthrop이ogist: 인류학자 ** catastrophe: 큰 スH해
*** evade: 피하다

5. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Differing Attitudes Towards Current Climate Issues
② Slow but Significant: The History of Ecological Movements
(3) The Silence of Imagination in Representing Climate Change
④ Vivid Threats: Climate Disasters Spreading in Local Areas
(5) The Rise and Fall of Environmentalism and Ecocriticism

6. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

않은 것은? [3점]

①⑶ ②(b) ③(c) @ (d) ⑤(e)

Week2 Dav5 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뗭가원

출처 2019.수능.30 출처 고021.수능.30

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 이 적절하 2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하

지 않은 것은? 지 않은 것은?

Europe's first Homo sapiens lived primarily on How the bandwagon effect occurs is demonstrated
large game, particularly reindeer. Even under ideal by the history of measurements of the speed of light.
circumstances, hunting these fast animals with spear Because this speed is the basis of the theory of relativity,
or bow and arrow is an ① uncertain task. The reindeer, iゼs one of the most frequently and carefully measured
however, had a ② weakness that mankind would ① quantities in science. As far as we know, the speed
mercilessly exploit: it swam poorly. While afloat, it is hasn't changed over time. However, from 1870 to 1900,
uniquely ③ vulnerable, moving slowly with its antlers all the experiments found speeds that were too high.
held high as it struggles to keep its nose above water. At Then, from 1900 to 1950, the ② opposite happened
some point, a Stone Age genius realized the enormous —all the experiments found speeds that were too low!
hunting ④ advantage he would gain by being able to This kind of error, where results are always on one side
glide over the water's surface, and built the first boat. of the real value, is called "bias." It probably happened
Once the ⑤ laboriously overtaken and killed prey had because over time, experimenters subconsciously
been hauled aboard, getting its body back to the tribal adjusted their results to ③ match what they expected
camp would have been far easier by boat than on land. to find. If a result fit what they expected, they kept it.
It would not have taken long for mankind to apply this If a result didn't fit, they threw it out. They weren't
advantage to other goods. being intentionally dishonest, just ④ influenced by the
* exploit: 이용하다 ** haul: 끌어당기다 conventional wisdom. The pattern only changed when
someone ⑤ lacked the courage to report what was
NOTE actually measured instead of what was expected.
* bandwagon effect: 편승 효과

Week2 DavS 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평가원

출처 2022.6.30 출처 2022.9.30

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 이 적절하 4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하

지 않은 것은? 지 않은 것은? [3점]

Sport can trigger an emotional response in its consumers In economic systems what takes place in one sector
of the kind rarely brought forth by other products. has impacts on another; demand for a good or service
Imagine bank customers buying memorabilia to show in one sector is derived from another. For instance, a
loyalty to their bank, or consumers ① identifying so consumer buying a good in a store will likely trigger
strongly with their car insurance company that they get a the replacement of this product, which will generate ①
tattoo with its logo. We know that some sport followers demands for activities such as manufacturing, resource
are so ② passionate about players, teams and the sport extraction and, of course, transport. What is different
itself that their interest borders on obsession. This about transport is that it cannot exist alone and a
addiction provides the emotional glue that binds fans movement cannot be ② stored. An unsold product can
to teams, and maintains loyalty even in the face of on­ remain on the shelf of a store until bought (often with
field ③ failure. While most managers can only dream discount incentives), but an unsold seat on a flight or
of having customers that are as passionate about their unused cargo capacity in the same flight remains unsold
products as sport fans, the emotion triggered by sport can and cannot be brought back as additional capacity ③
also have a negative impact. Spoil's emotional intensity later. In this case an opportunity has been ④ seized, since
can mean that organisations have strong attachments to the amount of transport being offered has exceeded the
the past through nostalgia and club tradition. As a result, demand for it. The derived demand of transportation is
they may ④ increase efficiency, productivity and the often very difficult to reconcile with an equivalent supply,
need to respond quickly to changing market conditions. and actually transport companies would prefer to have
For example, a proposal to change club colours in order some additional capacity to accommodate ⑤ unforeseen
to project a more attractive image may be ⑤ defeated demand (often at much higher prices).
because it breaks a link with tradition. * reconcile: 조화시키다
* memorabilia: 기념품 ** obsession: 집착
WEEK2 Day6 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뼝기원

출처 고020.9.40 출처 2021.9.40

1. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 2. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸

(A),(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Over the past few decades, architecture as an idea Research from the Harwood Institute for Public
and practice has increasingly limited its definition of Innovation in the USA shows that people feel that
itself. In the foreseeable future, the instrumentality 'materialism' somehow comes between them and the
of architecture in effecting actual change —
—that is, satisfaction of their social needs. A report entitled
change that challenges the dominance of commercial Yearning for Balance, based on a nationwide survey
institutions, their aims, and values — will diminish. of Americans, concluded that they were 'deeply
While the present day seems to be a time of ambivalent about wealth and material gain'. A large
unparalleled innovation and freedom of choice, the majority of people wanted society to "move away
reality is that architectural styles and forms are often from greed and excess toward a way of life more
the attractive packaging and repackaging of the same centred on values, community, and family'. But
proven, marketable concepts. The speed with which they also felt that these priorities were not shared by
“radical" designs by celebrity architects achieve most of their fellow Americans, who, they believed,
acceptance and popularity demonstrates that formal had become 'increasingly atomized, selfish, and
innovation has itself become an important commodity. irresponsible'. As a result they often felt isolated.
However, beneath the cloak of radicalism, the However, the report says, that when brought together
conventions of existing building typologies and in fbcus groups to discuss these issues, people were
programs, with all their comforting familiarity, still 'surprised and excited to find that others share[d]
rule — and sell. What is needed desperately today are their views'. Rather than uniting us with others in
approaches to architecture that can free its potential a common cause, the unease we feel about the loss
to transform our ways of thinking and acting. of social values and the way we are drawn into the
* cloak: 망토 ** typology: 유형학 pursuit of material gain is often experienced as if it
were a pur이y private ambivalence which cuts us off
Seemingly innovative, architecture has actually from others.
become (A) in its own convention and * ambivalent: 양면 가치의
commercialized environment, so efforts should be
made to its power to change us. Many Americans, believing that materialism keeps them
from (A) social values, feel detached from most
(A) (B) others, but this is actually a fairly concern.
① fixed ....... share
② trapped ..... activate (A) (B)
③ standardized ..... control ① pursuing..... unnecessary
④ localized ......share ② pursuing..... common
⑤ underestimated..... activate (3) holding ....... personal
(4)denying ....... ethical
ヽOTE ⑤ denying ....... primary

Week2 Day6 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평기윈

출처 2021 .수능.40 줄처 2022.9.40

3. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 4. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸

(A),(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

From a cross-c니Itural perspective the equation The computer has, to a considerable extent, solved
between public leadership and dominance is the problem of acquiring, preserving, and retrieving
questionable. What does one mean by 'dominance'? information. Data can be stored in effectively
Does it indicate coercion? Or control over 'the most unlimited quantities and in manageable form. The
valued'? "Political' systems may be about both, either, computer makes available a range of data unattainable
or conceivably neither. The idea of'control' would be in the age of books. It packages it effectively; style
a bothersome one for many peoples, as for instance is no longer needed to make it accessible, nor is
among many native peoples of Amazonia where all memorization. In dealing with a single decision
members of a community are fbnd of their personal separated from its context, the computer supplies
autonomy and notably allergic to any obvious tools unimaginable even a decade ago. But it also
expression of control or coercion. The conception of diminishes perspective. Because information is so
political power as a coercive force, while it may be a accessible and communication instantaneous, there
Western fixation, is not a universal. It is very unusual is a diminution of focus on its significance, or even
for an Amazonian leader to give an order. If many on the definition of what is significant. This dynamic
peoples do not view political power as a coercive may encourage policymakers to wait for an issue to
force, nor as the most valued domain, then the leap arise rather than anticipate it, and to regard moments
from 'the political' to 'domination' (as coercion), and of decision as a series of isolated events rather than
from there to 'domination of women', is a shaky one. part of a historical continuum. When this happens,
As Marilyn Strathern has remarked, the notions of manipulation of information replaces reflection as the
'the political' and 'political personhood' are cultural principal policy tool.
obsessions of our own, a bias long reflected in * retrieve: (정보를) 추출하다 ** diminution: 감소
anthropological constructs. ▼
* coercion: 강제 ** autonomy: スト율 Although the computer is clearly at handling
*** anthropological: 인류학의 information in a decontextualized way, it interferes
with our making(B) judgments related to the
It is to understand political power in other broader context, as can be seen in policymaking
cultures through our own notion of it because ideas of processes.
political power are not (B) across cultures.
(A) (B) (A) (B)
(A) (B) ① competent ... comprehensive ② dominant ... biased
① rational ....... flexible
③ imperfect ... informed ④ impressive ... legal
② appropriate ... ... commonplace
(5) inefficient... timely
(3)misguided ... ... uniform
④ unreasonable ... ...varied
⑤ effective ....... objective NOTE

Week2 DavZ 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평가원

출처 2019.수능.4卜42 출처 고021.6.41~42

[1 ~ 2] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [3 ~ 4] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Industrial capitalism not only created work, it also In many mountain regions, rights of access to
created 'leisure' in the modern sense of the term. water are associated with the possession of land 一
This might seem surprising, for the early cotton until recently in the Andes, for example, land and
masters wanted to keep their machinery running as water rights were (a) combined so water rights were
long as possible and forced their employees to work transferred with the land. However, through state land
very long hours. However, by requiring continuous reforms and the development of additional sources
work during work hours and ruling out non-work of supply, water rights have become separated from
activity, employers had (a) separated out leisure land, and may be sold at auction. This therefore (b)
from work. Some did this quite explicitly by creating favours those who can pay, rather than ensuring
distinct holiday periods, when factories were shut access to all in the community. The situation arises,
down, because it was better to do this than have therefore, where individuals may hold land with
work (b) promoted by the casual taking of days no water. In Peru, the government grants water to
off. 'Leisure' as a distinct non-work time, whether communities separately from land, and it is up to
in the form of the holiday, weekend, or evening, the community to allocate it. Likewise in Yemen,
was a result of the disciplined and bounded work the traditional allocation was one measure (Jasah) of
time created by capitalist production. Workers then water to one hundred "libnah" of land. This applied
wanted more leisure and leisure time was enlarged only to traditional irrigation supplies — from runoff,
by union campaigns, which first started in the cotton wells, etc., where a supply was (c) guaranteed. Water
industry, and eventually new laws were passed that (c) derived from the capture of flash floods is not subject
limited the hours of work and gave workers holiday to Islamic law as this constitutes an uncertain source,
entitlements. and is therefore free fbr those able to collect and use
Leisure was also the creation of capitalism in it. However, this traditional allocation per unit of land
another sense, through the commercialization has been bypassed, partly by the development of new
of-teisure. Thkno longer meant participation in- supplies, but also by the (d) decrease in cultivation of
traditional sports and pastimes. Workers began to a crop of substantial economic importance. This crop
(d) pay fbr leisure activities organized by capitalist is harvested throughout the year and thus requires
enterprises. Mass travel to spectator sports, especially more than its fair share of water. The economic status
football and horse-racing, where people could be of the crop (e) ensures that water rights can be bought
charged fbr entry, was now possible. The importance or bribed away from subsistence crops.
of this can hardly be exaggerated, for whole new * irrigation: 관개(灌漑) ** bribe: 매수하다
industries were emerging to exploit and (e) develop *** subsistence crop: 생계용 작물
the leisure market, which was to become a huge
source of consumer demand, employment, and profit. 3. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
* discipline: 통제하다 ** enterprise: 기업(체) ① Water Rights No Longer Tied to Land
*** exaggerate: 과장하다 ② Strategies fbr Trading Water Rights
③ Water Storage Methods: Mountain vs. Desert
1. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
④ Water Supplies Not Stable in Mountain Regions
① What It Takes to Satisfy Workers
(5)Unending Debates: Which Crop We Should Grow
② Why Workers Have Struggled for More Leisure
(3) The Birth and Evolution of Leisure in Capitalism
④ 너ow to Strike a Balance Between Work and Leisure
4. 밑줄 친 (a)〜(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
⑤ The Light and Dark Sides of the Modem Leisure Industry
않은 것은? [3점]

2. 밑줄 친 (a)〜(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 ①(a) ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤(e)
않은 것은? [3점]

①(a) ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤⑹

Week2 DavZ 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뗭기원

출처 20고 1.수능,412

[5 ~ 6] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [7 ~ 8] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

In studies examining the effectiveness of vitamin

Our irresistible tendency to see things in human terms
C, researchers typically divide the subjects into
—that we are often mistaken in attributing complex

two groups. One group (the experimental group)
human motives and processing abilities to other species receives a vitamin C supplement, and the other
—does not mean that an animaPs behavior is not, in (the control group) does not. Researchers observe
fact, complex. Rather, it means that the complexity both groups to determine whether one group has
of the animaPs behavior is not purely a (a) product of fewer or shorter colds than the other. The following
discussion describes some of the pitfalls inherent in an
its internal complexity. Herbert Simon's "parable of
experiment of this kind and ways to (a) avoid them.
the ant" makes this point very clearly. Imagine an ant
In sorting subjects into two groups, researchers must
walking along a beach, and (b) visualize tracking the
ensure that each person has an (b) equal chance of
trajectory of the ant as it moves. The trajectory would being assigned to either the experimental group or the
show a lot of twists and turns, and would be very control group. This is accomplished by randomization;
irregular and complicated. One could then suppose that is, the subjects are chosen randomly from the
that the ant had equally complicated (c) internal same population by flipping a coin or some other
method involving chance. Randomization helps
navigational abilities, and work out what these were
to ensure that results reflect the treatment and not
likely to be by analyzing the trajectory to infer the rules
factors that might influence the grouping of subjects.
and mechanisms that could produce such a complex
Importantly, the two groups of people must be similar
navigational path. The complexity of the trajectory, and must have the same track record with respect
however, “is really a complexity in the surface of the to colds to (c) rule out the possibility that observed
beach, not a complexity in the ant." In reality, the differences in the rate, severity, or duration of colds
ant may be using a set of very (d) complex rules: it might have occurred anyway. If, for example, the
control group would normally catch twice as many
is the interaction of these rules with the environment
colds as the experimental group, then the findings
that actually produces the complex trajectory, not
prove (d) nothing. In experiments involving a nutrient,
the ant alone. Put more generally, the parable of the
the diets of both groups must also be (e) different,
ant illustrates that there is no necessary correlation especially with respect to the nutrient being studied.
between the complexity of an (e) observed behavior If those in the experimental group were receiving less
and the complexity of the mechanism that produces it. vitamin C from their usual diet, then any effects of the
* parable: 우화 ** trajectory: 이동 경로 supplement may not be apparent.
* pitfail: 함정

5. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 7. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적 절한 것은?

① Open the Mysterious Door to Environmental Complexity!
① Perfect Planning and Faulty Results: A Sad Reality in
② Peaceful Coexistence of Human Beings and Animals
③ What Makes the Complexity of Animal Behavior?
② Don,t Let Irrelevant Factors Influence the Results!
④ Animals' Dilemma: Finding Their Way in a Human World
③ Protect Human Subjects Involved in Experimental
(5 ) Environmental Influences on Human Behavior Complexity
④ What Nutrients Could Better Defend Against Colds?
⑤ In-depth An시ysis of Nutrition: A Key Player fbr Human
6. 밑줄 친 (a)〜(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은? [3점]

①(a) ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤(e) 8. 밑줄 친 (a)〜(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은

①⑶ ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤(e)

Quick Answer
Week 2

Day 1 4 3 2

Day 2 3 4 5

Day 3 111

2 3 13
Day 4 3 3

Day 5 5 5 4 4

Day <5 2 2 3 1

3 2 14
Day 7 3 4 2 5


Keep It Short and Simple.

Week 3

Keep It Slow but Steady.

Week3 DavI 2023 KISS ESSENCE 빈칸

출처 202,수능.31 출처 2023.6.31

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Humour involves not just practical disengagement but Young contemporary artists who employ digital
cognitive disengagement. As long as something is funny, technologies in their practice rarely make reference to
we are for the moment not concerned with whether it computers. For example, Wade Guyton, an abstractionist
is real or fictional, true or false. This is why we give who uses a word processing program and inkjet printers,
considerable leeway to people telling funny stories. If does not call himself a computer artist. Moreover,
they are getting extra laughs by exaggerating the silliness some critics, who admire his work, are little concerned
of a situation or even by making up a few details, we about his extensive use of computers in the art-making
are happy to grant them comic licence, a kind of poetic process. This is a marked contrast from three decades
licence. Indeed, someone listening to a funny story ago when artists who utilized computers were labeled by
who tries to correct the teller — 'No, he didn't spill the critics —
—often disapprovingly —
—as computer artists.
spaghetti on the keyboard and the monitor, just on the For the present generation of artists, the computer, or
keyboard, 一 will probably be told by the other listeners more appropriately, the laptop, is one in a collection of
to stop interrupting. The creator of humour is putting integrated, portable digital technologies that link their
ideas into people's heads fbr the pleasure those ideas will social and working life. With tablets and cell phones
bring, not to provide information. surpassing personal computers in Internet usage, and as
* cognitive: 인식의 ** leeway: 여지 slim digital devices resemble nothing like the room-sized
mainframes and bulky desktop computers of previous
① accurate ② detailed decades, it now appears that the computer artist is finally
③ useful ④ additional
⑤ alternative
① awake ② influential
NOTE (3) distinct ④ troublesome
⑤ extinct

Week3 DavI 2023 KISS ESSENCE 빈간

출처 2023.9.31

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

More than just having territories, animals also partition

them. And this insight turned out to be particularly useful
for zoo husbandry. An animafs territory has an internal
arrangement that Heini Hediger compared to the inside
of a person's house. Most of us assign separate functions
to separate rooms, but even if you look at a one-room
house you will find the same internal specialization. In
a cabin or a mud hut, or even a Mesolithic cave from
30,000 years ago, this part is for cooking, that part is for
sleeping; this part is for making tools and weaving, that
part is for waste. We keep. To a
varying extent, other animals do the same. A part of an
animal's territory is for eating, a part for sleeping, a part
for swimming or wallowing, a part may be set aside for
waste, depending on the species of animal.
* husbandry: 관리

① an interest in close neighbors

② a neat functional organization
③ a stock of emergency supplies
④ a distance from potential rivals
⑤ a strictly observed daily routine

Week3 Dav2 2023 KISS ESSENCE 빈긴

출처 2022.수능.32 출처 그023.6.32

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

News, especially in its televised form, is constituted The critic who wants to write about literature from
not only by its choice of topics and stories but by its a formalist perspective must first be a close and
.Presentational styles careful reader who examines all the elements of a text
have been subject to a tension between an informational- individually and questions how they come together to
educational purpose and the need to engage us create a work of art. Such a reader, who respects the
entertainingly. While current affairs programmes are often autonomy of a work, achieves an understanding of it
'serious' in tone sticking to the 'rules' of balance, more by. Instead
popular programmes adopt a friendly, lighter, idiom in of examining historical periods, author biographies, or
which we are invited to consider the impact of particular literary styles, for example, he or she will approach a
news items from the perspective of the 'average person text with the assumption that it is a self-contained entity
in the street'. Indeed, contemporary news construction and that he or she is looking for the governing principles
has come to rely on an increased use of faster editing that allow the text to reveal itself. For example, the
tempos and 'flashier' presentational styles including correspondences between the characters in James Joyce's
the use of logos, sound-bites, rapid visual cuts and the short story "Araby" and the people he knew personally
'star quality' of news readers. Popular formats can be may be interesting, but for the formalist they are less
said to enhance understanding by engaging an audience relevant to understanding how the story creates meaning
unwilling to endure the longer verbal orientation of older than are other kinds of information that the story contains
news formats. However, they arguably work to reduce within itself.
understanding by failing to provide the structural contexts * entity: 실체
for news events.
① putting himself or herself both inside and outside it
① coordination with traditional display techniques ② finding a middle ground between it and the world
② prompt and full coverage of the latest issues (3) searching for historical realities revealed within it
(3) educational media contents favoured by producers ④ looking inside it, not outside it or beyond it
④ commitment to long-lasting news standards ⑤ exploring its characters' cultural relevance
⑤ verbal and visual idioms or modes of address

출처 고023.9.32

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Fans feel for feeling's own sake. They make meanings

beyond what seems to be on offer. They build identities
and experiences, and make artistic creations of their
own to share with others. A person can be an individual
fan, feeling an "idealized connection with a star, strong
feelings of memory and nostalgia/' and engaging in
activities like "collecting to develop a sense of self.'' But,
more often, individual experiences are embedded in social
contexts where other people with shared attachments
socialize around the object of their affections. Much of the
pleasure of fandom.
In their diaries, Bostonians of the 1800s described being
part of the crowds at concerts as part of the pleasure of
attendance. A compelling argument can be made that
what fans love is less the object of their fandom than the
attachments to (and differentiations from) one another
that those affections afford.
* embed: 끼워 넣다 ** compelling: 강력한

① is enhanced by collaborations between global stars

② results from frequent personal contact with a star
(3) deepens as fans age together with their idols
④ comes from being connected to other fans
(5) is heightened by stars' media appearances

Week3 Dav3 2023 KISS ESSENCE 빈긴

출처 2022.수능.33 출처 20고3.6.33

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Elinor Ostrom found that there are several factors Manufacturers design their innovation processes around
critical to bringing about stable institutional solutions the way they think the process works. The vast majority
to the problem of the commons. She pointed out, of manuibcturers still think that product development and
for instance, that the actors affected by the rules for service development are always done by manufacturers,
the use and care of resources must have the right to and that their job is always to find a need and fill it rather
.For that reason, the than to sometimes find and commercialize an innovation
people who monitor and control the behavior of users that . Accordingly, manufacturers
should also be users and/or have been given a mandate have set up market-research departments to explore the
by all users. This is a significant insight, as it shows that needs of users in the target market, product-development
prospects are poor for a centrally directed solution to groups to think up suitable products to address those
the problem of the commons coming from a state power needs, and so forth. The needs and prototype solutions of
in comparison with a local solution for which users lead users — if encountered at all — are typically rejected
assume personal responsibility. Ostrom also emphasizes as outliers of no interest. Indeed, when lead users'
the importance of democratic decision processes and innovations do enter a firm's product line —
—and they
that all users must be given access to local forums for have been shown to be the actual source of many major
solving problems and conflicts among themselves. innovations for many firms 一 they typically arrive with a
Political institutions at central, regional, and local levels lag and by an unusual and unsystematic route. [3 점]
must allow users to devise their own regulations and * lag: 지연
independently ensure observance. [3점]
* commons: 공유지 ** mandate: 위임 ① lead users tended to overlook
② lead users have already developed
① participate in decisions to change the rules (3) lead users enco니ntered in the market
② claim individual ownership of the resources ④ other firms frequently put into use
③ use those resources to maximize their profits ⑤ both users and firms have valued
④ demand free access to the communal resources
(5)request proper distribution based on their merits NOTE

Week3 Dav3 2023 KISS ESSENCE 빈긴

출처 2023.9.33

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. NOTE

There was nothing modern about the idea of men

making women's 이othes - we saw them doing it
for centuries in the past. In the old days, however,
the client was always primary and her tailor was an
obscure craftsman, perhaps talented but perhaps not.
She had her own ideas like any patron, there were no
fashion plates, and the tailor was simply at her service,
perhaps with helpful suggestions about what others were
wearing. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, with
the hugely successful rise of the artistic male couturier,
it was the designer who became celebrated, and the
client elevated by his inspired attention. In a climate of
admiration for male artists and their female creations,
the dress-designer first flourished as the same sort of
creator. Instead of the old rule that dressmaking is a craft,
was invented that
had not been there before. [3 점]
* obscure: 무명의 ** patron: 후원자
*** couturier: 고급 여성복 디자이너

① a profitable industry driving fast fashion

@ a widespread respect for marketing skills
(3) a public institution preserving traditional designs
(4)a modem connection between dress-design and art
(5)an efficient system for producing affordable clothing

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오.

Precision and determinacy are a necessary requirement Development can get very complicated and fanciful.
for all meaningful scientific debate, and progress in A fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach illustrates how
the sciences is, to a large extent, the ongoing process far this process could go, when a single melodic line,
of achieving ever greater precision. But historical sometimes just a handful of notes, was all that the
representation puts a premium on a proliferation of composer needed to create a brilliant work containing
representations, hence not on the refinement of one lots of intricate development within a coherent structure.
representation but on the production of an ever more varied Ludwig van Beethoven's famous Fifth Symphony
set of representations. Historical insight is not a matter of provides an exceptional example of how much mileage
a continuous "narrowing down“ of previous options, not a classical composer can get out of a few notes and
of an approximation of the truth, but, on the contrary, is an a simple rhythmic tapping. The opening da-da-da-
"explosion" of possible points of view. It therefore aims DUM that everyone has heard somewhere or another
at the unmasking of previous illusions of determinacy throughout not only the
and precision by the production of new and alternative opening movement, but the remaining three movements,
representations, rather than at achieving truth by a careful like a kind of motto or a connective thread. Just as we
analysis of what was right and wrong in those previous don't always see the intricate brushwork that goes into
representations. And from this perspective, the development the creation of a painting, we may not always notice how
of historical insight may indeed be regarded by the outsider Beethoven keeps finding fresh uses fbr his motto or how he
as a process of creating ever more confusion, a continuous develops his material into a large, cohesive statement. But
questioning of, rather a lot of the enjoyment we get from that mighty symphony
than, as in the sciences, an ever greater approximation to stems from the inventiveness behind it, the impressive
the truth. [3 점 ] development of musical ideas. [3 점 ]
* proliferation: 증식 * intricate: 복잡한 ** coherent: 통일성 있는

① criteria fbr evaluating historical representations ① makes the composer's musical ideas contradictory
② certainty and precision seemingly achieved already ② appears in an incredible variety of ways
(3) possibilities of alternative interpretations of an event ③ provides extensive musical knowledge creatively
④ coexistence of multiple viewpoints in historical writing ④ remains fairly calm within the structure
(5)correctness and reliability of historical evidence collected (5) becomes deeply associated with one's own enjoyment

출처 2023.9.34

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오.

In trying to explain how different disciplines attempt to

understand autobiographical memory the literary critic
Daniel Albright said, "Psychology is a garden, literature is
a wildemess.^^ He meant, 1 believe, that psychology seeks
to make patterns, find regularity, and ultimately impose
order on human experience and behavior. Writers, by
contrast, dive into the unruly, untamed depths of human
experiences. What he said about understanding memory
can be extended to our questions about young children's
minds. If we psychologists are too bent on identifying the
orderly pattern, the regularities of children's minds, we
may miss an essential and pervasive characteristic of our
topic: the child's more unruly and imaginative ways of
talking and thinking. It is not only the developed writer
or literary scholar who seems drawn toward a somewhat
wild and idiosyncratic way of thinking; young children
are as well. The psychologist interested in young children
may have to_____________________________________
in order to get a good picture of how children think. [3 점 ]
* unruly: 제멋대로 구는 ** pervasive: 널리 퍼져 있는
*** idiosyncratic: 색다른

① venture a little more often into the wilderness

② help them recall their most precious memories
(3) better understand the challenges of parental duty
④ disregard the key characteristics of children's fiction
⑤ standardize the paths of their psychological development

Week3 Day5 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뼝가윈

춥처 2021.6.31 출처 2021.9.31

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Research with human runners challenged conventional “What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any
wisdom and found that the ground-reaction forces at the other name would smell as sweet." This thought of
foot and the shock transmitted up the leg and through the Shakespeare's points up a difference between roses and,
body after impact with the ground say, paintings. Natural objects, such as roses, are not
as runners moved from extremely compliant to extremely . They are not taken as vehicles of meanings
hard running surfaces. As a result, researchers gradually and messages. They belong to no tradition, strictly
began to believe that runners are subconsciously able speaking have no style, and are not understood within a
to adjust leg stiffness prior to foot strike based on their framework of culture and convention. Rather, they are
perceptions of the hardness or stiffness of the surface on sensed and savored relatively directly, without intellectual
which they are running. This view suggests that runners mediation, and so what they are called, either individually
create soft legs that soak up impact forces when they are or collectively, has little bearing on our experience of
running on very hard surfaces and stiff legs when they them. What a work of art is titled, on the other hand, has
are moving along on yielding terrain. As a result, impact a significant effect on the aesthetic face it presents and
forces passing through the legs are strikingly similar on the qualities we correctly perceive in it. A painting of
over a wide range of running surface types. Contrary to a rose, by a name other than the one it has, might very
popular belief, running on concrete is not more damaging well smell different, aesthetically speaking. The painting
to the legs than running on soft sand. [3점 ] titled Rose of Summer and an indiscernible painting
* compliant: 말랑말랑한 ** terrain: 지형 titled Vermillion Womanhood are physically, but also
semantically and aesthetically, distinct objects of art.
① varied little * savor: 음미하다 ** indiscernible: 식별하기 어려운
② decreased a lot *** semantically: 의미적으로
③ suddenly peaked
④ gradually appeared ① changed ② classified (3)preserved
⑤ were har이y generated ④ controlled ⑤ interpreted

Week3 Dav5 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평가원

출처 2022.6.31 출처 2022.9.31

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 수 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The growth of academic disciplines and sub-disciplines, When examining the archaeological record of human
such as art history or palaeontology, and of particular culture, one has to consider that it is vastly.
figures such as the art critic, helped produce principles and Many aspects of human culture have what archaeologists
practices for selecting and organizing what was worthy describe as low archaeological visibility, meaning they
of keeping, though it remained a struggle. Moreover, as are difficult to identify archaeologically. Archaeologists
museums and universities drew further apart toward the tend to fbcus on tangible (or material) aspects of culture:
end of the nineteenth century, and as the idea of objects as a things that can be handled and photographed, such as
highly valued route to knowing the world went into decline, tools, food, and structures. Reconstructing intangible
collecting began to lose its status as a worthy intellectual aspects of culture is more difficult, requiring that one
pursuit, especially in the sciences. The really interesting draw more inferences from the tangible. It is r이ativ이y
and important aspects of science were increasingly those easy, for example, fbr archaeologists to identify and draw
invisible to the naked eye, and the classification of things inferences about technology and diet from stone tools and
collected no longer promised to produce cutting-edge food remains. Using the same kinds of physical remains
knowledge. The term "butterfly collecting“ could come to to draw inferences about social systems and what people
be used with the adjective "mere" to indicate a pursuit of were thinking about is more difficult. Archaeologists do
academic status. it, but there are necessarily more inferences involved
* palaeontology: 고생물학 *** adjective: 형용사 in getting from physical remains recognized as trash to
making interpretations abo니t belief systems.
① competitive * archaeological: 고고학의
② novel
(3)secondary ① outdated ② factual
④ reliable ③ incomplete ④ organized
@ unconditional ⑤ detailed

Week3 Dav<S 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뗭기원

출처 2019.6.33 출처 2021.9.33

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Theorists of the novel commonly define the genre Since human beings are at once both similar and different,
as a biographical form that came to prominence they should be treated equally because of both. Such a view,
in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries which grounds equality not in human uniformity but in the
as a replacement for interplay of uniformity and difference, builds difference
traditional sources of c니Itural authority. The novel, Georg into the very concept of equality, breaks the traditional
Lukacs argues, “seeks, by giving form, to uncover and equation of equality with similarity, and is immune to monist
construct the concealed totality of life^^ in the interiorized distortion. Once the basis of equality changes so does its
life story of its heroes. The typical plot of the novel is the content. Equality involves equal freedom or opportunity to
protagonist's quest for authority within, therefore, when be different, and treating human beings equally requires us
that authority can no longer be discovered outside. By this to take into account both their similarities and differences.
accounting, there are no objective goals in novels, only When the latter are not relevant, equality entails uniform or
the subjective goal of seeking the law that is necessarily identical treatment; when they are, it requires differential
created by the individual. The distinctions between crime treatment. Equal rights do not mean identical rights, for
and heroism, therefore, or between madness and wisdom, individuals with different cultural backgrounds and needs
become purely subjective ones in a novel, judged by the might in respect of
quality or complexity of the individual's consciousness. [3 점] whatever happens to be the content of their rights. Equality
involves not just rejection of irrelevant differences as is
① to establish the individual character commonly argued, but also full recognition of legitimate and
② to cast doubt on the identity of a criminal relevant ones. [3점]
(3) to highlight the complex structure of social consciousness * monist: 일원론의 ** entail: 내포하다
(4)to make the objective distinction between crime and
heroism ① require different rights to enjoy equality
(5)to develop the inner self of a hero into a collective ② abandon their own freedom fbr equality
wisdom (3) welcome the identical perception of inequality
④ accept their place in the social structure more easily
NOTE (5) reject relevant differences to gain full understanding

Week3 Day6 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평가윈

출처 고。고 1 .수능.33 즐처 2022.9.33

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 수 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오.

Thanks to newly developed neuroimaging technology, we It is important to recognise the interdependence

now have access to the specific brain changes that occur between individual, culturally formed actions and the
during learning. Even though all of our brains contain the state of cultural integration. People work within the
same basic structures, our neural networks are as unique forms provided by the cultural patterns that they have
as our fingerprints. The latest developmental neuroscience internalised, however contradictory these may be. Ideas
research has shown that the brain is much more malleable are worked out as logical implications or consequences
throughout life than previously assumed; it develops in of other accepted ideas, and it is in this way that cultural
response to its own processes, to its immediate and distant innovations and discoveries are possible. New ideas
“environments," and to its past and current situations. are discovered through logical reasoning, but such
The brain seeks to create meaning through establishing or discoveries are inherent in and integral to the conceptual
refining existing neural networks. When we learn a new system and are made possible only because of the
fact or skill, our neurons communicate to form networks acceptance of its premises. For example, the discoveries
of connected information. Using this knowledge or of new prime numbers are 'real' consequences of the
skill results in structural changes to allow similar future particular number system employed. Thus, cultural
impulses to travel more quickly and efficiently than ideas show 'advances' and 'developments' because they
others. High-activity synaptic connections are stabilized .The cumulative work
and strengthened, while connections with relatively low of many individuals produces a corpus of knowledge
use are weakened and eventually pruned. In this way, our within which certain 'discoveries' become possible or
brains are . [3점] more likely. Such discoveries are 'ripe' and could not
* malleable: 순응성이 있는 ** prune: 잘라 내다 have occurred earlier and are also likely to be made
simultaneously by numbers of individuals. [3점 ]
① sculpted by our own history of experiences * corpus: 집적(集積) ** simultaneously: 동시에
② designed to maintain their initial structures
(3)geared toward strengthening recent memories ① are outgrowths of previous ideas
④ twinned with the development of other organs ② stem from abstract reasoning ability
(5) portrayed as the seat of logical and creative thinking (3)form the basis of cultural universalism
④ emerge between people of the same age
NOTE ⑤ promote individuals' innovative thinking

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Modern psychological theory states that the process Rules can be thought of as formal types of game cues.
of understanding is a matter of construction, not They tell us the structure of the test, that is, what should
reproduction, which means that the process of be accomplished and how we should accomplish it.
understanding takes the form of the interpretation of data In this sense,. Only
coming from the outside and generated by our mind. For within the rules of the game of, say, basketball or baseball
example, the perception of a moving object as a car is do the activities of jump shooting and fielding ground
based on an interpretation of incoming data within the balls make sense and take on value. It is precisely the
framework of our knowledge of the world. While the artificiality created by the rules, the distinctive problem
interpretation of simple objects is usually an uncontrolled to be solved, that gives sport its special meaning. That is
process, the interpretation of more complex phenomena, why getting a basketball through a hoop while not using
such as interpersonal situations, usually requires active a ladder or pitching a baseball across home plate while
attention and thought. Psychological studies indicate standing a certain distance away becomes an important
that it is knowledge possessed by the individual that human project. It appears that respecting the rules not
determines which stimuli become the focus of that only preserves sport but also makes room for the creation
individual's attention, what significance he or she assigns of excellence and the emergence of meaning. Engaging in
to these stimuli, and how they are combined into a larger acts that would be considered inconsequential in ordinary
whole. This subjective world, interpreted in a particular life also liberates us a bit, making it possible to explore
way, is for us the "'objective" world; we cannot know any our capabilities in a protected environment. [3점]
world other than. [3점] * inconsequential: 중요하지 않은

① the reality placed upon us through social conventions ① rules prevent sports from developing a special meaning
② the one we know as a result of our own interpretations ② rules create a problem that is artificial yet intelligible
③ the world of images not filtered by our perceptual frame (3)game structures can apply to other areas
④ the external world independent of our own interpretations ④ sports become similar to real life due to rules
⑤ the physical universe our own interpretations fail to explain (5) game cues are provided by player and spectator interaction
Week3 DayZ 2023 KISS ESSENCE 펭기윈

출처 고。20.9.34 출처 2020.수능.34

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The debates between social and cultural anthropologists There have been many attempts to define what music
concern not the differences between the concepts but is in terms of the specific attributes of musical sounds.
the analytical priority: which should come first, the The famous nineteenth-century critic Eduard Hanslick
social chicken or the cultural egg? British anthropology regarded 'the measurable tone' as 'the primary and
emphasizes the social. It assumes that social institutions essential condition of all music'. Musical sounds, he
determine culture and that universal domains of society was saying, can be distinguished from those of nature
(such as kinship, economy, politics, and religion) are by the fact that they involve the use of fixed pitches,
represented by specific institutions (such as the family, whereas virtually all natural sounds consist of, constantly
subsistence farming, the British Parliament, and the fluctuating frequencies. And a number of twentieth­
Church of England) which can be compared cross- century writers have assumed, like Hanslick, that fixed
culturally. American anthropology emphasizes the pitches are among the defining features of music. Now it
cultural. It assumes that culture shapes social institutions is true that in most of the world's musical cultures, pitches
by providing the shared beliefs, the core values, the are . However, this
communicative tools, and so on that make social life is a generalization about music and not a definition of it,
possible. It does not assume that there are universal for it is easy to put forward counter-examples. Japanese
social domains, preferring instead to discover domains shakuhachi music and the sanjo music of Korea, for
empirically as aspects of each society's own classificatory instance, fluctuate constantly around the notional pitches
—in other words, its culture. And it rejects
schemes — in terms of which the music is organized. [3점 ]
the notion that any social institution can be understood
____________________________ . [3 점] ① not so much artificially fixed as naturally fluctuating
* anthropology: 인류학 ** subsistence farming: 자급 농업 ② not only fixed, but organized into a series of discrete steps
*** empirically: 경험적으로 @ hardly considered a primary compositional element of music
④ highly diverse and complicated, and thus are immeasurable
① in relation to its cultural origin ⑤ a vehicle fbr carrying 니nique and various cultural features
② in isolation from its own context
③ regardless of personal preferences NOTE

@ without considering its economic roots

(5)on the basis of British-American relations

Quick Answer
Week 3

Day 1 5 2

Day 2 5 4 4

Day 3 12 4

Day 4

Day 5 15 3 3

Day <5

Day 7


Keep It Short and Simple,

Week 4

Keep It Slow bvt Steady.


출처 2022.수능.35 출처 2023.6.35

1. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? 2. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Since their introduction, information systems have The animal in a conflict between attacking a rival and
substantially changed the way business is conducted. fleeing may initially not have sufficient information to
① This is particularly true for business in the shape enable it to make a decision straight away.① If the rival
and form of cooperation between firms that involves is likely to win the fight, then the optimal decision would
an integration of value chains across multiple units.② be to give up immediately and not risk getting injured.
The resulting networks do not only cover the business ② But if the rival is weak and easily defeatable, then
units of a single firm but typically also include multiple there could be considerable benefit in going ahead and
units from different firms. (3)As a consequence, firms obtaining the territory, females, food or whatever is at
do not only need to consider their internal organization stake. (3)Animals under normal circumstances maintain a
in order to ensure sustainable business performance; very constant body weight and they eat and drink enough
they also need to take into account the entire ecosystem for their needs at regular intervals.④ By taking a little
of units surrounding them.④ Many major companies extra time to collect information about the opponent, the
are fundamentally changing their business models animal is more likely to reach a decision that maximizes
by focusing on profitable units and cutting off less its chances of winning than if it takes a decision without
profitable ones.⑤ In order to allow these different units such information.⑤ Many signals are now seen as
to cooperate successfully, the existence of a common having this information gathering or 'assessment'
platform is crucial. function, directly contrib니ting to the mechanism of the
decision-making process by supplying vital information
\()TI about the likely outcomes of the various options.

Week4 DavI 2023 KISS ESSENCE 흐름

출치 2023.9.35

3. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Because plants tend to recover from disasters

more quickly than animals, they are essential to the
revitalization of damaged environments. Why do plants
have this preferential ability to recover from disaster? It
is largely because, unlike animals, they can generate new
organs and tissues throughout their life cycle.① This
ability is due to the activity of plant meristems - regions
of undifferentiated tissue in roots and shoots that can, in
response to specific cues, differentiate into new tissues
and organs.② If meristems are not damaged during
disasters, plants can recover and ultimately transform
the destroyed or barren environment.③ You can see this
phenomenon on a smaller scale when a tree struck by
lightning forms new branches that grow from the old scar.
④ In the form of forests and grasslands, plants regulate
the cycling of water and adjust the chemical composition
of the atmosphere.⑤ In addition to regeneration or
resprouting of plants, disturbed areas can also recover
through reseeding.
* revitalization: 소생

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 2. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

According to the market response model, it is In spite of the likeness between the fictional and real
increasing prices that drive providers to search for world, the fictional world deviates from the real one
new sources, innovators to substitute, consumers to in one important respect.
conserve, and alternatives to emerge.

(A) The author has selected the content according to his

(A) Many examples of such “green taxes“ exist. Facing
own worldview and his own conception of relevance,
landfill costs, labor expenses, and related costs in the
in an attempt to be neutral and objective or convey a
provision of garbage disposal, for example, some
subjective view on the world. Whatever the motives,
cities have required households to dispose of all
the author's subjective conception of the world stands
waste in special trash bags, purchased by consumers
between the reader and the original, untouched world
themselves, and often costing a dollar or more each.
on which the story is based.
(B) Taxing certain goods or services, and so increasing
prices, should result in either decreased use of these (B) Because of the inner qualities with which the individual

resources or creative innovation of new sources or is endowed through heritage and environment, the
options. The money raised through the tax can be mind functions as a filter; every outside impression that
used directly by the government either to supply passes through it is filtered and interpreted. However,
services or to search for alternatives. the world the reader encounters in literature is already
(C) The results have been greatly increased recycling and processed and filtered by another consciousness.
more careful attention by consumers to packaging (C) The existing world faced by the individual is in
and waste. By internalizing the costs of trash to principle an infinite chaos of events and details before
consumers, there has been an observed decrease in it is organized by a human mind. This chaos only gets
the flow of garbage from households.
processed and modified when perceived by a human
mind. [3점]
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
* deviate: 벗어나다 ** endow: 부여하다 *** heritage: 유산
③(B)-(C)・(A) ® (C) - (A) - (B)
①(A)-(C)-(B) ②(B)-(A)-(C)
③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) - (A) - (B)
Week4 Dav2 2023 KISS ESSENCE 문십

출처 2022.수능.38 출처 2022.수능.39

3. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

Retraining current employees for new positions As long as the irrealism of the silent black and white
within the company will also greatly reduce their fear film predominated, one could not take filmic fantasies
of being laid off. for representations of reality.

Introduction of robots into factories, while employment Cinema is valuable not for its ability to make visible
of human workers is being reduced, creates worry the hidden outlines of our reality, but for its ability
and fear. ( ® ) It is the responsibility of management to reveal what reality itself veils — the dimension of
to prevent or, at least, to ease these fears.(②)For fantasy.(①)This is why, to a person, the first great
example, robots could be introduced only in new plants theorists of film decried the introduction of sound and
rather than replacing humans in existing assembly lines. other technical innovations (such as color) that pushed
((3) ) Workers should be included in the planning for film in the direction of realism.(②)Since cinema
new factories or the introduction of robots into existing was an entirely fantasmatic art, these innovations were
plants, so they can participate in the process.(④ 丿 It completely unnecessary.(③)And what's worse, they
may be that robots are needed to reduce manufacturing could do nothing but turn filmmakers and audiences
costs so that the company remains competitive, but away from the fantasmatic dimension of cinema,
planning fbr such cost reductions should be done jointly potentially transforming film into a mere delivery device
by labor and management.(⑤)Since robots are for representations of reality.(④)But sound and
particularly good at highly repetitive simple motions, the color threatened to create just such an illusion, thereby
replaced human workers should be moved to positions destroying the very essence of film art. ((5)) As Rudolf
where judgment and decisions beyond the abilities of Arnheim puts it, “The creative power of the artist can
robots are required. only come into play where reality and the medium of
representation do not coincide." [3점]
NOTE * decry: 공공연히 비난하다 ** fantasmatic: 환상의


출처 2023.6.36 출처 2023.6.37

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 2. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

The fossil record provides evidence of evolution. The In economics, there is a principle known as the sunk
story the fossils tell is one of change. Creatures existed cost fallacy. The idea is that when you are invested and
in the past that are no longer with us. Sequential have ownership in something, you overvalue that thing.
changes are found in many fossils showing the change
of certain features over time from a common ancestor,
(A) Sometimes, the smartest thing a person can do is quit.
as in the case of the horse.
Although this is true, it has also become a tired and
played-out argument. Sunk cost doesn't always have to
(A) If multicelled organisms were indeed found to have
be a bad thing.
evolved before single-celled organisms, then the theory
(B) This leads people to continue on paths or pursuits that
of evolution would be rejected. A good scientific theory
should clearly be abandoned. For example, people
always allows for the possibility of rejection. The
often remain in terrible relationships simply because
fact that we have not found such a case in countless
they've invested a great deal of themselves into them.
examinations of the fossil record strengthens the case
Or someone may continue pouring money into a
for evolutionary theory.
business that is clearly a bad idea in the market.
(B) The fossil record supports this prediction — multicelled
(C) Actually, you can leverage this human tendency to your
organisms are found in layers of earth millions of years
benefit. Like someone invests a great deal of money in
after the first appearance of single-celled organisms.
a personal trainer to ensure they follow through on their
Note that the possibility always remains that the
commitment, you, too, can invest a great deal up front to
opposite could be found.
ensure you stay on the path you want to be on. [3 점 ]
(C) Apart from demonstrating that evolution did occur,
* leverage: 이용하다
the fossil record also provides tests of the predictions
made from evolutionary theory. For example, the
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
theory predicts that single-celled organisms evolved
③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) - (A) - (B)
before multicelled organisms.

①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C) NOTE

③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) - (A) - (B)
⑤(C) —(B) —(A)
Week4 Dav3 2023 KISS ESSENCE 순서

출처 2023.9.36 출처 2023.9.37

3. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 4. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

When two natural bodies of water stand at different Culture operates in ways we can consciously
levels, building a canal between them presents a consider and discuss but also in ways of which we are
complicated engineering problem. far less cognizant.

(A) Then the upper gates open and the ship passes through. (A) In some cases, however, we are far less aware of why
For downstream passage, the process works the we believe a certain claim to be true, or how we are
opposite way. The ship enters the lock from the upper to explain why certain social realities exist. Ideas
level, and water is pumped from the lock until the ship about the social world become part of our worldview
is in line with the lower level. without our necessarily being aware of the source of
(B) When a vessel is going upstream, the upper gates stay the particular idea or that we even hold the idea at all.
closed as the ship enters the lock at the lower water (B) When we have to offer an account of our actions, we
level. The downstream gates are then closed and more consciously understand which excuses might prove
water is pumped into the basin. The rising water lifts acceptable, given the particular circumstances we find
the vessel to the level of the 니pper body of water. ourselves in. In such situations, we use cultural ideas
(C) To make up for the difference in level, engineers as we would use a particular tool.
build one or more water “steps,“ called locks, that (C) We select the cultural notion as we would select a
carry ships or boats up or down between the two screwdriver: certain jobs call for a Phillips head while
levels. A lock is an artificial water basin. It has a long others require an Allen wrench. Whichever idea we
rectangular shape with concrete walls and a pair of insert into the conversation to justify our actions, the
gates at each end. point is that our motives are discursively available to
* rectangular: 직사각형의 us. They are not hidden. [J섬]
* cognizant: 인식하는 ** discursiv이y: 만연하게

①(A)— (C) —(B) ②(B) —(A) —(C)

①(A) - (C) — (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
③(B) —(C) —(A) ®(C)-(A)-(B)
③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) - (A) - (B)
⑤(C) —(B) —(A)
⑤(C) —(B) —(A)


출처 2023.6.38 출처 2023.6.39

1. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 2. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

Also, it has become difficult for companies to develop This makes sense from the perspective of information
new pesticides, even those that can have major reliability.
beneficial effects and few negative effects.
The dynamics of collective detection have an interesting
Simply maintaining yields at current levels often feature. Which cue(s) do individuals use as evidence
requires new cultivars and management methods, since of predator attack? In some cases, when an individual
pests and diseases continue to evolve, and aspects of the detects a predator, its best response is to seek shelter.
chemical, physical, and social environment can change (①)Departure from the group may signal danger to
over several decades.(①)In the 1960s, many people nonvigilant animals and cause what appears to be a
considered pesticides to be mainly beneficial to mankind. coordinated flushing of prey from the area.(②)Studies
(②)Developing new, broadly effective, and persistent on dark-eyed juncos (a type of bird) support the view that
pesticides often was considered to be the best way to nonvigilant animals attend to departures of individual
control pests on crop plants.(③)Since that time, it gro니p mates but that the departure of multiple individuals
has become apparent that broadly effective pesticides causes a greater escape response in the nonvigilant
can have harmful effects on beneficial insects, which individuals. ((3) ) If one group member departs, it might
can negate their effects in controlling pests, and that have done so for a number of reasons that have little to
persistent pesticides can damage non-target organisms do with predation threat.(④)If nonvigilant animals
in the ecosystem, such as birds and people.(④)Very escaped each time a single member left the group, they
high costs are involved in following all of the procedures would frequently respond when there was no predator
needed to gain government approval for new pesticides. (a false alarm).(⑤)On the other hand, when several
(⑤)Consequently, more consideration is being given to individuals depart the group at the same time, a true threat
other ways to manage pests, such as incorporating greater is much more likely to be present. [3점]
resistance to pests into cultivars by breeding and using * predator: 포식자 ** vigilant: 경계하는 *** flushing: 날아오름
other biological control methods.
* pesticide: 살충제 ** cultivar: 품종 *** breed: 개량하다 NOTE


줄처 2023.9.38 출처 고023.9.39

3. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어 진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적

절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

In particular, they define a group as two or more On top of the hurdles introduced in accessing his
people who interact with, and exert mutual influences or her money, if a suspected fraud is detected, the
on, each other. account holder has to deal with the phone call asking
if he or she madethe suspicious transactions.
In everyday life, we tend to see any collection of people
as a group.(①)However, social psychologists use Each new wave of technology is intended to enhance user
this term more precisely. ( @ ) It is this sense of mutual convenience, as well as improve security, but sometimes
interaction or inter-dependence for a common purpose these do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. For example, the
which distinguishes the members of a group from a transition from magnetic stripe to embedded chip slightly
mere aggregation of individuals.(③)For example, as slowed down transactions, sometimes frustrating customers
Kenneth Hodge observed, a collection of people who in a hurry.(①)Make a service too burdensome, and the
happen to go for a swim after work on the same day potential customer will go elsewhere.(②)This obstacle
each week does not, strictly speaking, constitute a group applies at several levels.(③)Passwords, double-key
because these swimmers do not interact with each other in identification, and biometrics such as fingerprint-, iris-,
a structured manner. ( @ ) By contrast, a squad of young and voice recognition are all ways of keeping the account
competitive swimmers who train every morning before details hidden from potential fraudsters, of keeping your
going to school is a group because they not only share data dark. ( @ ) But they all inevitably add a burden to the
a common objective (training for competition) but also use of the account.(⑤)This is all useful at some level
interact with each other in formal ways (e.g., by warming —indeed, it can be reassuring knowing that your bank is
up together beforehand). ((5)) It is this sense of people keeping alert to protect you — but it becomes tiresome if
coming together to achieve a common objective that too many such calls are received. [3점 ]
defines a “team”. * fraud: 사기
* exert: 발휘하다 ** aggregation: 집합
WEEK4 Davs 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뗭가원

출처 2019.수능.37 출처 고020.9.37

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 2. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Clearly, schematic knowledge helps you — guiding Because a main goal of science is to discover lawful
your understanding and enabling you to reconstruct relationships, science assumes that what is being

things you cannot remember. investigated is lawful. For example, the chemist
assumes that chemical reactions are lawful, and the
physicist assumes that the physical world is lawful.
(A) Likewise, if there are things you can't recall, your
schemata will fill in the gaps with knowledge about
(A) The determinist, then, assumes that everything that
what's typical in that situation. As a result, a reliance
occurs is a function of a finite number of causes and
on schemata will inevitably make the world seem
that, if these causes were known, an event could be
more "normal" than it really is and will make the past predicted with complete accuracy. However, knowing
seem more "regular" than it actually was. all causes of an event is not necessary; the determinist
(B) Any reliance on schematic knowledge, therefore, will simply assumes that they exist and that as more
be shaped by this information about whaゼs "normal." causes are known, predictions become more accurate.
Thus, if there are things you don't notice while (B) The assumption that what is being studied can
viewing a situation or event, your schemata will lead be understood in terms of causal laws is called
you to fill in these "gaps" with knowledge about determinism. Richard Taylor defined determinism
whaビs normally in place in that setting. as the philosophical doctrine that "states that for
everything that ever happens there are conditions
(C) But schematic knowledge can also hurt you,
such that, given them, nothing else could happen."
promoting errors in perception and memory.
(C) For example, almost everyone would agree that the
Moreover, the types of errors produced by schemata
weather is a function of a finite number of variables
are quite predictable: Bear in mind that schemata
such as sunspots, high-altitude jet streams, and
summarize the broad pattern of your experience, and
barometric pressure; yet weather forecasts are always
so they tell you, in essence, what's typical or ordinary
probabilistic because many of these variables change
in a given situation, p섬]
constantly, and others are simply unknown.
* altitude: 고도(高度) ** barometric: 기압의
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) — (A) - (C)
③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) - (A) - (B) ①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
⑤(C) —(B) —(A) ③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) — (A) - (B)
⑤(C) - (B) - (A)
Week4 Day5 2023 KISS ESSENCE 뗑가원

출처 2020.수능.37 출처 2021.수능.36

3. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 4. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

Traditionally, Kuhn 이aims, the primary goal of The objective of battle, to "throw^^ the enemy and
historians of science was 'to clarify and deepen an to make him defenseless, may temporarily blind
understanding of contemporary scientific methods or
commanders and even strategists to the larger purpose
concepts by displaying their evolution\
of war. War is never an isolated act, nor is it ever only
one decision.
(A) Some discoveries seem to entail numerous phases
and discoverers, none of which can be identified
(A) To be political, a political entity or a representative of
as definitive. Furthermore, the evaluation of past
a political entity, whatever its constitutional form, has
discoveries and discoverers according to present-day
standards does not allow us to see how significant to have an intention, a will, rhat intention has to be
they may have been in their own day. clearly expressed.

(B) This entailed elating the progressive accumulation (B) In the real world, war's larger purpose is always a
of breakthroughs and discoveries. Only that which political purpose. It transcends the use of force. This
survived in some form in the present was considered insight was famously captured by Clausewitz's most
relevant. In the mid-1950s, however, a number of famous phrase, "War is a mere continuation of politics
faults in this view of history became apparent. Closer by other means."
analysis of scientific discoveries, for instance, led
(C) And one side's will has to be transmitted to the enemy at
historians to ask whether the dates of discoveries and
some point during the confrontation (it does not have to
their discoverers can be identified precisely.
be publicly communicated). A violent act and its larger
(C) Nor does the traditional view recognise the role that
political intention must also be attributed to one side at
non-intellectual factors, especially institutional and
some point during the confrontation. History does not
socio-economic ones, play in scientific developments.
know of acts of war without eventual attribution.
Most importantly, however, the traditional historian
* entity: 실체 ** transcend: 초월하다
of science seems blind to the fact that the concepts,
questions and standards that they use to frame the
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
past are themselves subject to historical change. [3점]
③(B) - (C) - (A) @ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤(C) —(B) —(A)
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
③(B) — (C) - (A) ④(C) 一 (A) - (B)
⑤(C) - (B) — (A)


출처 2021 .수능.37 출처 2022.9.36

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 2. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

Experts have identified a large number of measures Green products involve, in many cases, higher
that promote energy efficiency. Unfortunately many ingredient costs than those of mainstream products.
of them are not cost effective. This is a fundamental
requirement for energy efficiency investment from an
(A) They'd rather put money and time into known,
economic perspective.
profitable, high-volume products that serve populous
customer segments than into risky, less-profitable, low-
(A) And this has direct repercussions at the individual
volume products that may serve current noncustomers.
level: households can reduce the cost of electricity
Given that choice, these companies may choose to
and gas bills, and improve their health and comfort,
leave the green segment of the market to small niche
while companies can increase their competitiveness
and their productivity. Finally, the market for energy
efficiency could contribute to the economy through (B) Even if the green product succeeds, it may cannibalize
job and firms creation. the company's higher-profit mainstream offerings.
(B) There are significant externalities to take into account Given such downsides, companies serving mainstream
and there are also macroeconomic effects. For consumers with successful mainstream products face
instance, at the aggregate level, improving the level what seems like an obvious investment decision.
of national energy efficiency has positive effects on (C) Furthermore, the restrictive ingredient lists and design
macroeconomic issues such as energy dependence, criteria that are typical of such products may make
climate change, health, national competitiveness and
green products inferior to mainstream products on core
reducing fuel poverty.
performance dimensions (e.g., less effective cleansers).
(C) However, the calculation of such cost effectiveness is not In turn, the higher costs and lower performance of
easy: it is not simply a case of looking at private costs
some products attract only a small portion of the
and comparing them to the reductions achieved. [3점 ]
customer base, leading to lower economies of scale in
* repercussion: 반향, 영향 ** aggregate: 집합의
procurement, manufacturing, and distribution.
* segment: 조각 ** cannibalize: 잡아먹다
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
*** procurement: 조달
③(B) - (C) - (A) ④(C) — (A) - (B)
⑤(C) —(B) —(A)
①(A) - (C) - (B) ②(B) - (A) - (C)
NOTE ③(B)-(C)-(A) ©(C)-(A)-(B)
⑤(C) - (B) - (A)

Week4 Day6 2023 KISS ESSENCE 똉가원

출처 2019.수능.39 출처 20고0.9.39

3. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

A round hill rising above a plain, therefore, would So, there was a social pressure for art to come up with
appear on the map as a set of concentric circles, the some vocation that both distinguished it from science
largest at the base and the smallest near the top. and, at the same time, made it equal in stature to
A major challenge for map-makers is the depiction of
hills and valleys, slopes and flatlands collectively called Representational theories of art treat the work of the
the topography. This can be done in various ways. One artist as similar to that of the scientist. Both, so to speak,

is to create an image of sunlight and shadow so that are involved in describing the external world.(①)

wrinkles of the topography are alternately lit and shaded, But by the nineteenth century, any comparison between
the scientist and the artist was bound to make the artist
creating a visual representation of the shape of the land.
look like a poor relation in terms of making discoveries
(①)Another, technically more accurate way is to draw
about the world or holding a mirror up to nature.(②)
contour lines. ( @ ) A contour line connects all points that
Here, science clearly had the edge.(③)The notion that
lie at the same elevation.(③)When the contour lines
art specialized in the expression of the emotions was
are positioned closely together, the hilfs slope is steep; if
particularly attractive in this light. ( (4)) It rendered unto
they lie farther apart, the slope is gentler.(④)Contour
science its own —
—the exploration of the objective world
lines can represent scarps, hollows, and valleys of the —while saving something comparably important fbr art
local topography. ((5)) At a glance, they reveal whether to do - to explore the inner world of feeling. ( @ ) If
the relief in the mapped area is great or small: a “busy” science held the mirror up to nature, art turned a mirror at
contour map means lots of high relief. [3 점 ] the self and its experiences. [3점 ]
* concentric: 중심이 같은 ** scarp: 가파른 비탈 * vocation: 소명 ** stature: 수준 *** render: 주다
*** r이ief: (토지의) 고저, 기복

출치 2021.6.38 출처 2021.9.38

1. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 2. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

Compounding the difficulty, now more than ever, As long as you do not run out of copies before
is what ergonomists call information overload, completing this process, you will know that you have a
where a leader is overrun with inputs - via e-mails, sufficient number to go around.
meetings, and phone calls — that only distract and
confuse her thinking. We sometimes solve number problems almost
without realizing it.(①)For example, suppose you
Clarity is often a difficult thing for a leader to obtain. are conducting a meeting and you want to ensure that
Concerns of the present tend to seem larger than everyone there has a copy of the agenda.(②)You can
potentially greater concerns that lie farther away.(①) deal with this by labelling each copy of the handout
Some decisions by their nature present great complexity, in turn with the initials of each of those present.(③)
whose many variables must come together a certain You have then solved this problem without resorting to
way for the leader to succeed. ( (2) ) Alternatively, the arithmetic and without explicit counting.(④)There are
leader's information might be only fragmentary, which numbers at work fbr us here all the same and they allow
might cause her to fill in the gaps with assumptions 一 precise comparison of one collection with another, even
sometimes without recognizing them as such. ((3)) though the members that make up the collections could
And the merits of a leader's most important decisions, have entirely different characters, as is the case here,
by their nature, typically are not clear-cut.(④)Instead where one set is a collection of people, while the other
those decisions involve a process of assigning weights to consists of pieces of paper.(⑤)What numbers allow
competing interests, and then determining, based upon us to do is to compare the relative size of one set with
some criterion, which one predominates.(⑤)The result another.
is one of judgment, of shades of gray; like saying that * arithmetic: 산수
Beethoven is a better composer than Brahms. [3점]
* ergonomist: 인간 공학자 ** fragmentary: 단편적인 NOTE

WEEK4 Dav7 2023 KISS ESSENCE 평가원

출처 고021 .수능.39 출처 2022.6.39

3. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

Note that copyright covers the expression of an idea This is particularly true since one aspect of sleep is
and not the idea itself. decreased responsiveness to the environment.

Designers draw on their experience of design when The role that sleep plays in evolution is still 니nder
approaching a new project. This incl니des the use of study.(①)One possibility is that it is an advantageous

previous designs that they know work — both designs that adaptive state of decreased metabolism for an animal

they have created themselves and those that others have when there are no more pressing activities.(②)
This seems true for deeper states of inactivity such as
created.(①)Others, creations often spark inspiration that
hibernation during the winter when there are few food
also leads to new ideas and innovation.(②)This is well
supplies, and a high metabolic cost to maintaining
known and understood. ((3)) However, the expression of
adequate temperature.(③)It may be true in daily
an idea is protected by copyright, and people who infringe
situations as well, for instance for a prey species to avoid
on that copyright can be taken to court and prosecuted.
predators after dark.(④)On the other hand, the apparent
(④)This means, for example, that while there are
universality of sleep, and the observation that mammals
numerous smartphones all with similar functionality, this such as cetaceans have developed such highly complex
does not represent an infringement of copyright as the mechanisms to preserve sleep on at least one side of the
idea has been expressed in different ways and it is the brain at a time, suggests that sleep additionally provides
expression that has been copyrighted.(⑤)Copyright some vital service(s) for the organism.(⑤)If sleep is
is free and is automatically invested in the author, for universal even when this potential price must be paid, the
instance, the writer of a book or a programmer who implication may be that it has important functions that
develops a program, unless they sign the copyright over to cannot be obtained just by quiet, wakeful resting. [3점]
someone else. [3점] * metabolism: 신진대사 ** mammal: 포유동물

* infringe: 침해하다 ** prosecute: 기소하다


Quick Answer
Week 4

Day 1 4 3 4

Day 2 2 5 5 4

Day 3 5 2 5 3

Day 4 4 3 2 5

Day 5 5 2 2 2

Day 6 5 5 3 3

Day 7 2 3 4 5


Keep It Short and Simple.

Keep It Slow but Steady.
Week 5
독히모의고사 1회
Weeks 독헤모의고시 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계 출처 비연계

18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? 19. 다음 글에 드러난 Ever의 심 경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dear Mr. Barton, “Come with me. We have to go,“ a guard in black gear
yelled through his gas mask. He was only there to protect
Thank you for offering me a place to pursue the Diploma
in Business Administration programme this July at your Ever, but she was insulted by his rough attitude. He set

institution. I have been granted a scholarship by The her down behind the black SUV in the driveway. The

S니n Foundation which will pay for the entire cost of my guard grabbed her arm so suddenly she felt a terrible
pain in her shoulder. Through the car window, she could
studies. Unfortunately, the scholarship will only be issued
at the end of July. I am aware that classes begin on 8 see that the gates to the walls guarding her home were
dangling open and people from outside came through as
July 2022 and that all fees have to be settled prior to that.
As such, I am appealing to be allowed to attend classes if pirates coming to claim a treasure. The intruders could

before the arrival of the scholarship. I hope you will give have hurt her, or worse. Suddenly she felt thankful fbr the

due consideration to my appeal as I do not want to miss guard who had so rudely grabbed her from bed. He was

the first few weeks of lessons. risking his life to keep hers safe.

Yours faithfully,
① fearfu! 一 delighted ② upset - grateful
Daniel Miller
③ relaxed — appreciative ④ worried —> satisfied
⑤ confused — excited
① 수강료 납부일 연장을 신청하려고

② 수강료 할인 혜택 규정을 확인하려고

③ 수강료 납부 전 수강 허가를 요청하려고
④ 장학금 조기 지급이 가능한지 문의하려고

⑤ 변경된 경영학 프로그램 일정을 안내하려고

Weeks 독헤모의고사 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.11강.Check 출처 비연계

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? 21. 밑줄 친 Pig will fly가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장
적절한 것은? [3점]

Many of us use a calendar to keep track of appointments,

deadlines, tasks, and other things we need to remember Satisfaction and gratification being only temporary
and make time for. Whether you're the only one in conditions, economic wants appear in more or less
charge of what gets put on that calendar or there are regularly recurring series. Impressions are short lived,
others booking time on your behalf, isn't it amazing sensations are temporary and wants that have been
how easy it is to give an entire day to other people, only satisfied recur. Wants recur for the same reason that
to wind up feeling like you have no time for yourself? they first arose. No impression on the nerves or on the
Occasionally, of course, losing control of your own senses is everlasting. Man's senses were developed for
schedule is unavoidable. But when it becomes the norm, the purpose of bringing him into relation with the outer
it can take a serious toll on your health and well-being. world, of enabling him to survive in his struggle with
When we don't get any time to recharge, we can begin to the forces of nature. So, when a good has been enjoyed,
feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and anxious about how the utility to that person of that thing or service fbr that
and when (and whether) everything will fit into place. It particular moment, falls; it may be even to zero. Then,
can also make us physically exhausted, which can lead to how about doing next year's reading or next week's eating
even more bad news for our mental health and impair our today? Pig will fly. The best results in reading or eating
cognitive function and immune system. come from taking the right amount day by day. In this
sense, to secure the best results, it is a must in the life of
① 일정 관리 시 자신을 재충전할 시간을 확보해야 한다. men that wants should recur after a time. Otherwise there
② 자신 뿐만 아니라 타인의 시간도 소중히 여겨야 한다. would be no motive fbr action.
③ 목표 달성을 위해 일정 관리를 스스로 해야 한다. * gratification: 만족감
④ 업무 효율성을 높이려면 달력을 사용해야 한다.

⑤ 하루 일정에 다양한 활동을 포함시켜야 한다. ① Reading boosts one's motivation fbr other activities.
② An intense desire sometimes makes imagination a reality.
NOTE (3)It's impossible to keep potential wants satisfied in advance.
④ Too much impression at once results in unexpected troubles.
⑤ Satisfaction easily fades away as other kinds of wants occur.

Week 5 녹헤 모의고사 1회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.15강.고번 출처 2023.수능완성.Test5.21 번

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

Soil texture is thought to be a major determinant of crop In one study, students read about campus issues and
yields in England because it influences the amount of were given (false and random) information about what
moisture available in the soil, yet this is clearly ultimately a panel of students had decided. The students generally
a function of rainfall and evaporation, not simply texture. went along with the panePs recommendations, but they
The soil is more easily modified than climate or slope. denied doing so out of conformity. However, they thought
Modern farming methods make it possible to supply that other students would go along because of conformity.
plant nutrients to an inherently infertile soil, acid soils People do not see in themselves any desire to conform
can be treated with lime, and waterlogged soils can be to others, so they do not chalk up their own behavior to
improved by underdraining. However, it does not follow conformity. The catch is that conformity pressures and
from this that good soils are of less importance than in the processes may be mostly outside of consciousness, so
past. Inputs of fertilizer obtain a better yield response on people do not realize that they are conforming. They can
good soils than upon poor soils. Thus, in the USA com see conformity in others but not in themselves. As the
production has been slowly concentrating in the regions authors put it, the result is that the individual thinks he or
with optimum soil and climate, and declining elsewhere. she is “alone in a crowd of sheep.”
* lime: 석회 ** waterlogged: 물을 잔뜩 머금은 * chalk up 〜 to ...: 〜을 ...의 탓으로 돌리다

①양질의 토양 환경은 농업 생산성을 결정짓는 핵심 요소이다. ① drawing different conclusions about self and others on conformity
②주기적인 농기계 교체를 통해 작물 생산량을 증가시킬 수 있다. ② ways to influence others' behavior to achieve a common goal
③효과적인 토질 관리를 위해 지역 사회의 활발한 개입이 요구된다. ③ problem of conforming to the opinions of others without thinking
④토양오염 문제에 대비하기 위한국제적인 제도 마련이 시급하다. ④ people's tendency to see themselves more conforming than others
⑤ 체계적인 토지 구획은 지역별 소득 격차를 줄이는 데 도움이 된다. (5)reasons why people match their behaviors to group norms

Weeks 독헤모의고시 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.Test2.39번 출처 비연계

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적 절한 것은? 25. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Annual Spending on Transportation of Single Millennials

Goal shielding occurs when the fbcal goal is prioritized
by Gender in the US (2017)
and the other goals are forgotten in an effort to shield
attention on the main goal. Theoretically, then, in the
workplace, productivity, the most common focal goal,
would be shielded from resource-stealing goals, such as
creativity, leading to decreased creative performance.
Although no research has directly examined creativity and
goal shielding, one study by Shalley suggests that creativity
might not succumb to shielding effects in a similar way * In this study, millennials refer to people bom between 1983 and 1992.
as other goals. In her experimental study, Shalley had two
goals - a productivity goal and a creativity goal. When The graph above shows the annual spending on
both goals were difficult, then creativity did not suffer and transportation of single US millennials by gender in 2017.
both productivity and creativity outcomes emerged. It was ① Overall, spending by single male millennials was more
only when no creativity goal was set and a do-your-best or than that of single female millennials in all categories
difficult productivity goal was set that creativity decreased. except for vehicle insurance.② Single millennial women
In other words, productivity was not shielded from the spent almost twice as much per year purchasing vehicle
creativity goal. insurance than their male counterparts.③ Single male
* succumb: 굴복하다 millennials were more likely to spend money on buying
cars than females were, spending almost twice as much
① Creativity Is Vulnerable: Don't Pursue It along with Other Goals! as women on vehicle purchases.④ Gasoline and motor
② Resistance of Creativity to Productivity Goal Shielding oil was the second largest expenditure category for both
③ The More Creative, the More Productive women and men, with women spending more than $ 1,400
④ Why Goal Shielding Occurs Only in Theory per year and men more than $1,100 per year respectively.
⑤ How Rewards and Evaluations Can Undermine Creativity ⑤ In all categories except for vehicle purchases and
gasoline and motor oil, single millennial men and women
NOTE spent less than $1,000 per year.

Weeks 독Q 모의고사 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계 출처 비연계

26. J아in Muir에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 27. 2022 Dubois Aviation Summer Camp에 관한 다음 안
내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

John Muir was born on April 21, 1838, in Dunbar,

J ゝ
Scotland. As a child, he fell in love with nature, exploring 2022 Dubois Aviation Summer Camp
Scotland's coastline and reading about natural history.
Dubois Aviation Summer Camp is a 4-week camp
His family moved to the United States when he was
held each year for students aged 8 to 16. During the
eleven, and he stopped going to school to help his father
camp, students will gain a deeper understanding of the
on the family farm. He continued his studies on his own,
field of aviation through a wide range of fun activities.
teaching himself math and literature. When he was in
his twenties, he began taking very long trips on foot to
-Saturdays: 6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/16
explore the country. He first saw Yosemite in 1868, and
-Wednesdays: 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13
fell in love with the Sierra Nevada. Soon he was writing
Time: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
about the Yosemite Valley, and his work eventually caught
Place: Dubois Aviation Flight School at Chino Airport
the attention of President Theodore Roosevelt. Inspired by
Fee: $650 per student ($50 discount fbr former students)
John Muir, Roosevelt set aside many national parks and
Call to reserve at 909-597-6292.
monuments during his presidency. Muir himself founded
the Sierra Club and promoted the beauty of wilderness fbr Includes: flight training, ground school training (basic
the rest of his life. knowledge), simulator training, airport tours, video
recording, and much more!
① 1838년에 Scotland의 Dunbar에서 태어났다. Summer Camp Outline
② 11살 때 미국으로 이민 온 후 학교를 그만두었다. -Each day students will complete 1 hour of ground
③ 20대 때 도보로 국내를 탐험하기 시작했다. school training.
④ Yosemite Valley에 관한 글은 Roosevelt 대통령에게 외면받았다. -Students will fly with our instructor daily. (Roughly
⑤ Sierra Club을 창립하고 황야의 아름다움을 알렸다. 1.5 hours)
-This year our students will practice their flying skills
NOTE in our new flight simulator!
-Students will go on a field trip to one of our Museum's
at Chino Airport.
ヽ_______________________________________________________ r

① 8세에서 16세의 학생들을 대상으로 한다.

② 4주간 토요일과 수요일에 진행된다.
③ 작년 참가 학생에게는 할인 혜택이 제공된다.

④ 매일 한 시간의 비행 실습이 있다.

⑤ 박물관 현장 학습이 포함된다.

Weeks 독헤모의고사 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계 출처 비연계

28. Holiday Donation Drive에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

일치하는 것은?

The rivalry between Sherlock Holmes and the

/ ヽ
H이iday Donation Drive evil genius Professor Moriarty ① illustrates how

Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Center is indeterminacy can arise as a natural by-product of
rational agents second-guessing each other. When the two
currently holding a winter clothing donation drive
to support 〇니r youngest community members! We first met, Moriarty was eager, too eager,② to display
his capacity fbr interactive thinking by announcing: "All
are asking for donations of warm children's and
adolescent age clothing. I have to say has already crossed your mind.^^ Holmes
replied: "Then possibly my answer has crossed yours.”
What We Need
As the plot unfolds, Holmes uses his superior '"interactive
-Winter Clothes: 12 months - 18 years
knowledge" to outmaneuver Moriarty by unexpectedly
New and gently used coats, hats, gloves, pants, shirts, boots.
getting off the train at Canterbury,③ thwarting Moriarty,
Donation Drop-off Sites who had calculated that Paris was Holmes's rational
-Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Center: destination.④ Complicated though it is, Moriarty failed
7021 Chestnut Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 to recognize that Holmes had already recognized that
-Repair the world: Moriarty would deduce ⑤ that a rational Holmes would
2904 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 do under the circumstances, and the odds now favored

Donation Drop-off Hours Holmes getting off the train earlier than once planned.
* indeterminacy: 불확정성 ** thwart: 좌절시키다
-Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
-Friday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. *** deduce: 추론하다

Now through the end ofJanuary 2022

\________________________丿 NOTE

① 여름 옷을 기부하는 행사이다.

② 12세에서 18세용 의류를 기부할 수 있다.

③ 중고 의 류는 받지 않는다.

④ 기부 물품 전달은 두 곳에서 가능하다.

⑤ 주말에는 오후 1시까지 기부 물품을 받는다

Week 5 독체 모의고사 1회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 20고3.수능완성.Te아 1.32번 출처 2023.수능완성.Test5.36번

30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

하지 않은 것은?

Perhaps the biggest advantage of the maximum vs. typical

Language plays an important role in how we think performance distinction is that it enables us to account for
about people. Many philosophers in the Western tradition the familiar cases of underachievement. When the best a
consider human language to be ① unique, and some even person can produce is impressive, to the point of putting
believe that language is fundamental to what makes us them in the top 5 or 10 per cent in a group, there is no
human. For Aristotle, command of language was necessary questioning the person's talent. However, if such levels
to make a distinction between good and bad, and so it ② of performance are rarely, then we can safely
determined who could belong to the political community. assume that the person is underperforming. Many great
Descartes believed that we can deduce from the fact that athletes fHl into this category. They are talented enough to
animals are unable to speak that they do not think. The become professionals, and even break into the top 100 of
Enlightenment philosopher Kant concluded that animals their sport's world rankings. Furthermore, they are often
had no logos, or reason, and therefore fell ③ outside the talented enough to beat athletes in the top 10, as well as
moral community. For the phenomenologist Heidegger, occasionally record wins against the number 1 player.
language was so ④ important fbr our place in the world Yet their inability to repeat this often, and their tendency
that those who have no language cannot die; they simply to show much poorer levels of performance in a typical
disappear. All these philosophers defined language as tournament, turn them into a case of wasted talent. By the
human language, automatically ⑤ including other animals. same token, in any field of achievement there are people
For them, language was connected to thinking itself, and who fail to live up to their expectations because their
viewed as an expression of reason. maximum performance isn't displayed frequently enough.
* deduce: 추론하다 ** phenomenologist: 현상학자
① simple ② distinct ③ ordinary
NOTE ④ replicated ⑤ satisfactory

WEEK 5 독헤 모의교시 1회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.9강.2번 출처 비연계

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3점]

Lefs be clear about one thing: it's convenient to keep Art of the future, that is to say, such part of art as will be
north consistently at the top of a map: you don't have chosen from among all the art diffused among mankind,
to check the compass symbol printed on the map every will consist not in delivering feelings intelligible just to
time. But north doesn't have to be given pride of place. members of the rich classes. Only those productions will
In some earlier centuries east got top billing, and our be considered art which spread universal feelings drawing
continuing use of terms like "let's get oriented" reflects all men together in union. Art conveying sentiments
that practice. (uOrient,' refers to east; get east right and flowing from antiquated, worn-out religious teachings
everything else falls into place.) One of Mercator's own will be considered bad, harmful art, and will be despised
maps - of the British Isles - has west uppermost. South by public opinion. All the rest of existing art, transmitting
has often been set at the top; that practice is sometimes feelings, will be considered
still followed by organizations that cater to motorists, unimportant, neither blamed nor praised. The appraisal
including the American and Canadian Automobile of art in general will devolve not on a separate class of
Associations. So even for drivers heading to Florida, people, but on the whole people; so that for a work to
south may be “on top." Some software allows you to print be esteemed good, and to be approved of and diffused.
strip maps either “up” or “down" - whatever “feels” Furthermore, the artists producing art will not be merely
right, based on the direction you are going in. All of this a few people selected from members of the upper classes
points to a fundamental fact: what goes “up" owes more or their hangers-on, but will consist of all those gifted
to than to any requirements members of the whole people who prove capable of, and
of cartographic science. are inclined towards artistic activity.
* billing: スト리, 위치 ** strip map: 주요 도로 지도 * devolve: 귀속되다 ** hanger-on: 추종자
*** cartographic: 지도 제작(상)의
① accessible only to those holding a key post in the society
① strict geographical systems ② which can only be understood as a whole rather than in part
② different cultural backgrounds ③ unable to reduce the financial burdens of the general public
(3)objectivity and authority of the map @ useful for distinguishing the gifted and the others
④ convention and personal convenience (5) drawing attention from people who are not familiar with art
⑤ definition shared by the general public


출처 비연계 츨처 2023.수능완성.9강.4번

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3점] 35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Aesthetic imagination is subjective to the end. A work People obviously prefer to enter into relationships
of art might have been otherwise than it is because it and alliances with people who behave in cooperative,
is arbitrary in its choice of means. On the other hand, reciprocating, and mutually beneficial ways and to avoid
mechanical imagination becomes objective. During the relationships with those who exploit or disadvantage
progression, it is arbitrary neither in its choice nor in its them. Thus, people are highly sensitive to the degree
means. It is subjected to rigorous physical conditions, to to which others violate basic norms regarding social
a determinism. It is at this cost that it becomes a reality, exchange and exclude those who do so.① For example,
and as we instinctively establish an antithesis between we tend to avoid, if not reject, people who violate norms
the imaginary and the real, it seems that mechanical of reciprocity, fairness, in-group loyalty, sharing, and
invention is outside the realm of the imagination. trustworthiness.② Such actions on the part of other
Moreover, this kind of imagination requires the constant people harm one's fitness greatly and would have
intervention of calculation, of reasoning. In the end we presumably done so throughout evolutionary history.③
may say without exaggeration that the success of many, Sometimes, it can be satisfying to be a little selfish to
if not all, mechanical creations solely depends on the take care of your emotional, mental, and physical well­
skillful manipulation of materials. But this last moment being. (4) As a result, people may possess adaptations
of invention, especially that help them to monitor and respond to others' unfair,
the initial moment, which is similar to all other instances selfish, dishonest, and otherwise disadvantageous
of invention. actions.⑤ The fact that no otherwise normal adult is
* antithesis: 대립구조 indifferent to being taken advantage of, betrayed, or
treated unfairly or selfishly suggests that such concerns
① also demands a sophisticated line of reasoning are a part of human nature.
② should not make us forget its autonomous originality * reciprocate: 주고받다, 보답하다
③ is completed by acknowledging the physical limitations
④ is only the beginning of another aesthetic determinism NOTE
⑤ has finally arrived after a great deal of trials and errors

Week 5 독해 모의고사 1회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.Testi.21번 출처 2023.수능완성.:12강.4번

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

In English, we say that something suspicious smells It's not enough to design for pure movement:
'fishy' or we 'smell a rat'. Researchers at the University The designer has to b니ila in spaces, activities, and
of Michigan have investigated the suspicious nature of intersections where people will leave the flow.
fishy smells, and they have found that the connection
between smell and emotion works both ways. (A) The result was the opposite of that intended: Revenues
per square meter in the new shops, and in existing ones
(A) They also created the opposite scenario 一 by getting a next to them, actually decreased after the redesign,
researcher to act suspiciously during a smell test, they which, as it happened, had created a kind of canyon
found that people whose suspicion was aroused were through which passengers rushed like white water in
more likely to discern fishy smells, and better able to the Rocky Mountains - too fast to stop and shop.
label them correctly. (B) Pure movement can be bad for business. Jan Benthem,
(B) An atmosphere of suspicion sharpened their response who with his partner Mels Crouwel is the master
only to fishy smells, not to other smells. Fishiness architect of Schiphol, told me with glee about the
really is an attitude as well as a smell. time when the commercial people insisted an area of

(C) Fishy smells make us suspicious; and being suspicious seating be removed to make way for a row of shops.
makes us more sensitive to fishy smells. So they tested (C) The seats were put back. Flow designers like Jan
the ability of subjects to spot misleading information Benthem and UN (United Net) Studio have learned
and to distrust it. A slight whiff of fish oil in the air, from such experiences to pay attention to what they
they found, made it more likely that people would call "kaleidoscope moments" 一 the turns in flows
scrutinise unreliable information with suspicion, and where movement is tighter or more compact, or where
less likely that they would accept it unthinkingly. they cross over other flows. "Obstacles to flow can be
* whiff: 확 풍기는 냄새 ** scrutinise: 면밀히 조사하다 functional, and add value," says Ben van Berkel, a UN
*** arouse: 자극하다 Studio architect. [3점]
* kaleidoscope: 만화경
①(A)—(C)—(B) ②(B)—(A)—(C)
③(B)—(C)—(A) ④(C)—(A)—(B) ①(A)-(C)-(B) ②(B)-(A)-(C)
⑤(C)—(B)—(A) ③(B)-(C)-(A) ④(C)-(A)-(B)
Week 5 독헤 모의고시 1회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.8강.3번 출처 2023.수능완성.9강.1 번

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어 진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

This is true for concentrations of better job-seeking If the regions of the brain responsible for those
ambitious groups in an urban area. actions cannot be repaired, the brain will seek
alternative pathways to restore the physical motion.
Horizontal spread, in the form of independent homes
on stretches of land, at low densities, means high costs Whenever there is an area of the brain with
for development.(①)It also means higher energy underactivation, there is usually overactivation in other
consumption for transportation and the distribution regions. The term fbr this is compensation. For example,
of electricity and water. ((2) ) It is in this context that when a blind individual does something that should
patterns of group housing have validity as a system for involve sight, there is underactivation in regions of the
housing provision.(③)Such patterns make possible a brain involved in vision and overactivation in the areas
more intensive utilization of land by building dwelling governing the other senses.(①)This same process
units as joined str니ctures, both horizontally and vertically, of compensation is present with the poor reader: the
which share land and common services and amenities. reduction in the parietal and occipital lobes (two regions
((4) ) By far the most significant reason to expect a which play a significant role in the reading process) is
growing acceptance of group housing is the increasing accompanied by increased activation in the left prefrontal
difficulty for low-to-middle-class people to build homes area.(②)Compensation related to reading can be
individually.(⑤)That is an important determinant harmful because it alters the natural reading progression
which is given special consideration but affected by urban that has evolved since the beginning of reading. ((3))
situations, marginalized income levels, and expenditure Established pathways are usually the most efficient in
patterns of these groups. accomplishing a task.(④)Consider someone who
* amenity: 생활 편의 시설 suffers a stroke and loses specific physical movements.
(⑤)However, even if restored, it is unlikely that the
NOTE process will be as efficient as the procedure that has
evolved over millions of years of brain evolution. [3점]
* parietal lobe: 두정엽 ** occipital lobe: 후두엽
*** prefrontal: 전전두엽의

Week 5 독헤 모의고사 1회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.Test2.4卜42번

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 NOTE

(A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

If fossil fuel is a slave at our beck and call,

renewable power is more like a partner. As we shall
eventually see, that partnership could be immensely
rewarding for people and communities, but can it
power economic growth of the kind we're used to?
The theoretical economist's answer, of course, is
that no particular commodity matters all that much,
because if we run short someone will have the
incentive to develop a substitute. In general, this
has proved true in the past - run short of nice big
sawlogs and someone invents plywood 一 but it's
far from clear that it applies to fossil fuel, which
in its ubiquity and its cheapness is almost certainly
a special case. Wars are fought over oil, not over
milk, not over semiconductors, not over timber. It's
plausible - indeed, it's likely - that if we begin to
run short, the nature of our lives may fundamentally
change as the scarcity destroys our economies. "The
essence of the first Industrial Revolution was not
the coal; it was how to use the coal," insists Jeffrey
Sachs. Maybe he's right, but it seems more likely that
fossil fuel was an exception to the rule, a onetime gift
that backed a onetime intense period of growth.
* at one's beck and call: ~이 마음대로 부릴 수 있는
** plywood: 합판 *** ubiquity: 도처에 있음, 편재성

Unlike many other resources, fossil fuel seems to

be in the fUt니re and thus the exhaustion of it
would most likely (B) considerable economic cost.

(A) (B)
① irreplaceable ....... demand
② restorable ....... prevent
(3)irreplaceable ....... mask
(4)restorable ....... actualize
⑤ disposable ....... charge
WEEKS 독헤모의고시 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계

[41 〜42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. XOTE

In experimenting on adults, great difficulties arise

through the fact that reactions 一 such as performing
a movement when a signal is heard - are (a)
complicated by choices, deliberations, customs, etc.
The subject hears a sound, identifies it, and presses
a button. What goes on in this interval between
the advent of the incoming nerve process and the
discharge of the outgoing nerve process? Something,
at any rate, which represents a brain process of great
complexity. For this reason experiments on reflex
actions are valuable and decisive while similar
experiments on (b) voluntary actions are of doubtful
value. Now the child's mind is relativ이y simple, and
so offers a field for more fruitful experiment.
In spite of the (c) advantages of infant psychology,
it is also well to point out the dangers of the abuse
of it. Such dangers are real, rhe very simplicity
which seems to characterize the life of the child is (d)
definite and often extremely misleading. Two actions
of one child may appear equally simple; but one may
be an adaptive action, learned with great pains and
very complex, while the other may be inadaptive
and really simple. Children differ under the law
of heredity very remarkably, even in the simplest
manifestations of their conscious lives. Without
qualification it is never (e) safe to say: This child
did, consequently all children must. The most we can
usually say in observing a single child is: This child
did, consequently another child may.
* qualification: 제한 조건

41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Better Safe Than Sorry: Need for Strict Regulation

② Enemy of All Experiments: Acquired Characteristics
③ Why Behaviors of Children Are Highly Contagious
④ Pros and Cons of Experiments on Adults and Infants
⑤ fhe Fewer Variables Involved, The Higher The Accuracy

42. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

않은 것은? [3점]

①⑶ ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤(e)

Weeks 독헤모의고시 1 회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계

[43-45] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. 43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것
으로 가장 적 절한 것은?
①(B)-(D)-(C) ②(C)-(B)-(D)
Colette was on a skiing vacation in the Swiss Alps with
③(C) —(D) —(B) ④(D) —(B) — (C)
her parents, and her dog Molly. They checked into their
⑤(D) —(C) —(B)
hotel. The view in their room of the huge mountains
was amazing. After putting on about six layers of
clothing, Colette felt like she was about to faint in the
hotel, but at least (a) she wouldn't be cold when they got
out, "We're all ready; let's go," Mom said. 44. 밑줄 친 (a)〜(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과
다른 것은?
①⑶ ②(b) ③(c) @(d) ⑤(e)
The next day, she went as far as she could, sticking to
the plan. Colette was freezing because her clothes were
getting wet. She still kept going in spite of everything.
In two days, she got to a little ski lodge. She walked
in the lodge, "(b) You are the girl who was lost with 45. 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?

her dog that I saw on the news," one lady said. After ① Colett心는 가능한 한 적게 걸어 체력을 아끼려고 했다.
that, people began to crowd around Colette, asking her ② 사람들은 Colette 주위로 몰려들어 질문을 했다.
questions. She got hold of her parents. She was crying
③ Colette는 눈에 굴을 파서 이글루를 만들었다.
from being so happy, and so were they.
④ 가족은 강아지 Molly를 데리고 출발했다.

(C) ⑤ 캠프에서 Colette에게 생존 기술을 가르쳐 주었다.

There was a big pile of snow that she dug a hole in,
then she poured water over it, and it was an igloo. The NOTE

next morning, Colette tried to get some food by ice

fishing. Finally after a few times, (c) she caught one.
That night, she had fish. Colette had to look fbr a plan
so she could be found. The hill in the distance had a
lot of things on it and looked like it might be a ski hill.
Colette decided that each day she would walk as much
as she could towards it. She thought if she didn't, she
might not survive.

They all set off, including Molly. The snowflakes were
flying everywhere, and the wind was making a whistling
sound as it swirled. "Molly, come.^^ She was running
away! Without even thinking, Colette ran after (d) her.
She got her, but she didn't know where her family was.
"Mom, Dad, Ben, where are you?" She screamed. There
was no answer, "Help, I'm lost!" She yelled till her
throat was so dried out that (e) she could barely whisper.
She was lost! At camp, they taught her survival skills.
She started with building a shelter.
* swirl: 소용돌이치다
Quick Answer
독해 모의고사 1 회

3 2 14

112 4

4 4 4 5

5 4 4 1

2 3 4 2

5 5 14 4



Keep It Short and Simple,

Keep It Slow but Steady.
Week <5
독해모의고사 2회

♦ 독해 모의고사 제한 시간: 최대 50분

WEEK 6 독헤 모의고사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계 출처 비연계

18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? 19. 다음 글에 드러난 丁의 심 경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dear Mr. Browns, Last Monday morning, I went to the American Express
office at 9 o'clock to see if there was any mail for me.
As needed by my employment contract, kindly accept
this letter as a formal notice of my decision to leave The lady at the office had two letters for me, but she

Bison Bank. My fin이 working day wo니d be 12/20. demanded payment first. This seemed unreasonable,
and I irritably gave her the money. Leaving the office
After careful thought, I have made the decision that
through the revolving door, I caught a glimpse of my face
this is the right time for me to accept new challenges
and responsibilities by accepting a position in another reflected in the glass. In that split second, I remembered

bank. While my decision was a tough one to make, I am Lama Zopa: Anger makes you ugly. It destroys your inner

sure that my new role will assist me in moving closer to peace and causes you to irrationally harm yourself and

achieving my career goals. You can rest assured that 1 will others. It is your worst enemy. It was true! In an instant
my anger was replaced by laughter, and I sat in the garden
ensure a smooth handover of my roles and responsibilities
to regain my composure as I read my mail.
before my final working day. I take this opportunity to
wish you and Bison Bank immense success in the future.
Thank you fbr giving me the opportunity to be an integral ① sorrowful — scared ② satisfied — frustrated

part of your team. (3)worried — relieved ④ curious 一》exhausted

⑤ annoyed 一 pleasant
Yours sincerely,
Jason Miller

① 계좌 개설 시 주의 사항을 안내하려고

② 은행 직원 면접 결과를 문의하려고

③ 다른은행으로의 이직을 알리려고

④ 회사 내 부서 이동을 제안하려고
⑤ 은행 이용 시간을 확인하려고

Week 6 독헤 모의고시 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.11강.1번 출처 비연계

20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? 21. 밑줄 친 single blanket theory가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바
로 가장 적 절한 것은? [3점]

We believe that modern sport psychologists - given

that they have the professional background - should not Skepticism as to the effect of geographic conditions upon
be exclusively focused on just one approach, but that they human development is apparently justifiable, owing to the
should be flexible in applying the approach that best fits multiplicity of the underlying causes and the difficulty of
the problem and the individual. Even though an athlete distinguishing between stronger and weaker factors on the
might expect to be taught specific psychological skills, no one hand, as between permanent and temporary effects
basis fbr a trustful relationship can be created if the athlete on the other. We do see the result, b니t find it difficult to
does not feel understood and is not taken serio니sly, but state the sophisticated equation producing this result. But
merely provided with standard solutions. A modem sport the important thing is to avoid seizing upon one or two
psychologist needs to adapt his or her role to the specific conspicuous geographic variables and ignoring the rest. The
situation. In some cases, an expert for mental skills is physical environment of a people consists of all the natural
needed and in other cases, a process-oriented companion conditions to which they have been subjected, not merely
is called for. Depending on the existing motives, a part. For example, the slow historical development of
potentials and deficits, sport psychologists contribute to the Russian folk has been due to many geographic causes
the development of alternatives in an appreciative manner. 一 excess of cold and deficiency of rain, an undiversified

As Monika Liesenfeld states, “Sport psychologists surface, a lack of segregated regions where an infant
provide as much security as necessary and as few civilization might be cradled, and a vast area of unfenced
prefabricated solutions as possible. Sport psychologists plains where the national energies spread out thin and
are custom tailors with partial standardisations.” dissipated themselves. To put it simply, geography admits no
* prefabricated: 사전에 만들어진 single blanket theory.
* conspicuous: 눈에 띄는 *** segregated: 분리된
① 스포츠 심 리학자는 문제 상황에 따라 유연한 해결책을 제

시해야 한다. ① Physical surroundings can't stop the progress of civilization.

② 스포츠 심리학자가 되기 위해서는 높은 운동 실력을 갖추 ② Everything on the earth surface inevitably affects the
어야 한다. human.
③ 스포츠 심리학은 정해진 지침과 규율에 기반하여 연구되 ③ One geographic element alone can direct the way human
어야 한다. history goes.
④ 선수는 스포츠 심리학자가 제시하는 피드백을 선별적으 ④ Seemingly incompatible theories can be accepted in the
로 수용해야 한다. field of geography.
⑤ 선수의 기량 향상을 위해 스포츠 심리학자의 감정적 개입 ⑤ Geographical changes are gradually driven by a number of
은 배제되어야 한다. human activities.

Week 6 독헤 모의고시 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.13강,4번 출처 고023.수륵영독.Test2.12번

22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적 절한 것은? 23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

Until relatively recently, it had been widely assumed The shrinking of the human-animal divide in the late
that human language was unique: while some animals twentieth century was accompanied by a growing concern
may have rudimentary forms of communication, these for animals that rivalled, and then arguably surpassed,
are limited, and relatively uninteresting. Moreover, so the what had been seen in some European countries a
myth goes, human language is unrelated to animal forms of century earlier, during the first great wave of animal
communication. Even if it did derive from an evolutionarily protectionism. Clearly, science was not the only factor
earlier form of human proto-language, this bore no relation that brought about the growing concern fbr animals. The
to the communication systems found, today, amongst other change from horses to automobiles, and the demographic
primates, mammals and countless other types of species in shift from rural to urban living, meant that most
the animal kingdom. But the accumulation of research on people experienced animals as companions and family
the way other species communicate, from apes to whales, members rather than in utilitarian roles as providers of
from vervets to starlings, increasingly suggests this may transportation or food.「he end of two World Wars and
overstate the divide between human language and non­ the Great Depression freed people in the industrialized
human communicative systems. Many of the characteristics countries to be concerned about matters other than
exhibited by language are found, to varying degrees, across personal security and the necessities of life. And the
a broad spectrum of animal communication systems. media, from nature films to animated cartoons, depicted
* rudimentary: 기본적인, 미발달의 animals sometimes as fascinating natural beings and
** vervet: (남아프리카산) 긴꼬리원숭이 *** starling: 찌르레기 sometimes as sympathetic humanized ones. But whatever
the role of these other factors, the altered scientific
① 인간 언어는 다양한 원시적 특성을 포함한다. understanding of animals reinforced and gave weight to
② 동물은 훈련을 통해 인간 언어를 습득할 수 있다. the altered popular understanding.
③ 인간 언어와 동물의 의사소통 체계에 유사성이 있다. * demographic: 인구(학闫
④ 언어의 사용은 인간성을 부여하는 중요한 특징이다.
⑤ 동물은 의사소통 시 인간과 다른 신호를 사용한다. ① growing challenges in livestock production systems
② various factors that changed people's perception of animals
ヽOTE ③ basic differences in animal depiction between ancient and
modem society
(4)general tendency of utilitarianism to pursue the practical
⑤ limitations of scientific approach fbr defining humanity

Week <3 독헤 모의고시 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.Te와4.33번

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 25. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Exchanges that take place in traditional markets and World Petroleum Consumption by Region, 2000-2010
Central and
bazaars, among villagers, or along trade routes frequently Middle South

are associated with hard bargaining over price. Because

many of the goods sold in these transactions are hand-
produced and vary in quality, the market “reference'' point Central and
Middle South
for a product covers a wide range of prices. Ultimately, East America Africa

a merchant who is selling a higher quality product and is

a good negotiator should obtain a higher price compared
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
with competitors. But uneven supply and uneven demand
一 and small numbers of buyers and sellers - also create

price fluctuations. Strong relationships and social ties The above graph shows world petroleum consumption by
may also matter. In the end, negotiation establishes what region in 2000 and 2010.① During 2000-2010, Central
a product is worth to a particular buyer and seller at a and South America experienced the smallest change in the
particular point in time. A fair price today may not be a share of world petroleum consumption, from 8% in 2000
fair price tomorrow. to 7% in 2010. (2) In 2010, the consumption 아lare of Asia
was 13 times larger than that of Africa.③ North America
① Market Failure: Will Traditional Markets Survive? was the world's biggest petroleum consumer in 2000, but
② How Enterprises Can Use the Power of Negotiation it ranked second after Asia in 2010.④ In 2000, Europe
(3) Diversifying Retail and Distribution in Small Villages was ranked in third place fbr the share of world petroleum
④ Keep Your Market Power Through Successful Marketin이 consumption, displaying the figure of 18%.⑤ Africa
⑤ What Makes the Prices in Traditional Markets Flexible? was the only region where the share of world petrole니m
consumption was less than 5%, both in 2000 and 2010.
WEEK <3 독헤 모의고사2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계 출처 비연계

26. Dr. Neville C이man에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 27. Rainbow Portable Travel Printer에 관한 다음 안내문의
않는것은? 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

J ゝ
Dr. Neville Colman, a prominent New York Rainbow Portable Travel Printer
hematologist and forensic DNA expert, is best known Print anytime and anywhere! The size of Rainbow
as the founder of the West Side Soccer League. Bom in portable travel printer is about 2 times of an average
Johannesburg, he received doctorates in medicine and smartphone to fit in a laptop briefcase, backpack, or
pathology there at the University of the Witwatersrand.
luggage. It is especially good fbr emergency printing on
He did postgraduate work in mathematics and statistics the go or business traveling.
in Pretoria as well as in nuclear medicine in the mid-
About this item
19701s, at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Later, at the
• High compatibility - Not only does Rainbow portable
University of Johannesburg, he became active in student
printer support IOS and Android mobile phone by
protests against South Africa's white apartheid regime.
Bluetooth connection, but also be compatible with MAC
His first academic appointment in the United States
and Windows, laptop, and also works with iPad.
came in 1974 as a research pathologist at Columbia,
• Easy to setup - The wireless mobile printer takes 5
where he rose to full professor in 1994. He also held
minutes from unpacking to printing a document from
leading positions at Mount Sinai Medical Center and the
your smartphone.
blood and nutrition laboratories at the Veterans Affairs
• Great customer service - We offer a detailed user
Medical Center in the Bronx.
manual in the package and we also uploaded some
operation guide videos fbr the printer on the product page.
① University of the Witwatersrand에 서 박사 학위 를 받았다.
② 핵 의학과 관련된 연구는 진행하지 못했다. Additional features
③ 학생 시위에 적극적으로 참여했다. • Built-in rechargeable battery
④ Columbia에서 1994년에 정교수로 임용되었다. - 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch US letter paper only
⑤ Mount Sinai Medical Center에서 지도적 역할을 맡았다. • Automatic power-off feature
• Touch sensitive button
ゝ r
① 크기가 스마트폰의 약 두 배 정도이다.

② 휴대폰과 블루투스로 연결이 가능하다.

③ 포장을 제거하고 프린트하는 데 5분이 걸린다.

④ 자세한 사용 설명서를 제공한다.
⑤ 다양한 크기의 인쇄지를 사용할 수 있다.

28. My Travelling Caterpillar Photo Contest0!] 관한 다음 29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 들린 것은?
안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

/ ヽ
It is not aging so much as the recognition of less
My Travelling Caterpillar Photo Contest time left to live ① that triggers the shift in what

Are you having wonderful time in Pinang Island? people want out of their interactions. Young adults,

This photo contest will make your holiday even more when placed either under artificial time constraints

special! Win exciting prizes worth 100$ in just 3 through experimental manipulations or under real

simple steps. time constraints, show similar preferences toward the

emotional functions of social interactions as ② do older
How to Participate
adults. Endings of any kind bring out strong emotions
1) Fold colored paper into caterpillar figure and create
and cause you to want ③ to spend time with the people
your own travelling caterpillar, 回咼回
who have been closest to you. Think of times when
— If you need some h이p, scan this QR code. セ较回
significant life events have come to an end, such as
2) Snap a photo of your travelling caterpillar at your
when you graduated from high school or said goodbye
favourite Pinang landmark or place of interest.
to a friend who moved across the country. Knowing
3) Submit your best photo to our website and tell us
that you did not have much time ④ left to spend with
why you love it in a caption.
these people, you wanted to make the most out of the
Additional Information time you did have before it came to an end. The desire
-The contest ends on December 1st, 2022. to maximize emotional rewards ⑤ leading adults
-Participants can submit as many entries as they increasingly to prefer spending time with people who
wish, but can only win once. are familiar to them rather than seeking out new friends

For more information, please visit http://butterflyinsect. and acquaintances. * acquaintance: 지 인
k______________________________________________ 丿

① 사진은 숙소에서 촬영해야 한다.

② 사진 제출은 서면으로만 가능하다.

③ 사진을 좋아하는 이유도 함께 제출해야 한다.

④ 대회는 2022년 12월 1일에 시작한다.

⑤ 우승 횟수에는 제한이 없다.
30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
하지 않은 것은?

There was considerable resistance to the introduction

Many understandably stay away from writing. Critical of Hindu-Arabic numerals in Europe in the Middle
of their ability to devote words to page, they are writing Ages. The ease with which arithmetic could be carried
① avoidant. Can't spell, can't construct a sentence, no out with the new number system made it attractive.
ideas worth w门디ng are among their reasons. Scarred As Hindu-Arabic numbers threatened to democratize
by the red pen of school which taught a type of writing numeracy they were demonized by those who had an
that excluded somatic awareness, students were often interest in restricting numeracy and retaining it as a
guided to fit their personal expression into book reports special tool of the elite. If mathematics were opened
and essays, ready-made structures that ② neglected up to everyone, a source of power would be lost. The
individual and unique verbal paths. Many schools Catholic Church wanted to keep control of education by
omitted expressive creative writing as unnecessary, maintaining its hold on numbers, and in addition opposed
except as an elective at best. With writing commonly the system from the Islamic world on religious grounds.
taught to conform to ③ objective standards, it neglected Mathematicians who practiced the mysterious systems
its power to foster growth, empathy, creative expression, of mathematics using an abacus were protected by the
healing, imagination, and integration. The unfortunate Church. So strong was the opposition to the
result from relying on a @ multi-faceted approach to of Hindu-Arabic numerals that, it is said, some poor souls
writing is that many of us too often assess our skills as were even burned at the stake as heretics fbr using them.
inferior. Our enthusiasm never developed. Why write? * demonize: 악마화하다 ** abacus: 주판
Why pursue a difficult activity that reaps ⑤ meaningless *** heretic: 이교도, 이단자
rewards? Why not find a more worthwhile and satisfying
pursuit like hiking or playing soccer? ① decrease ② expertise ③ riskiness
* somatic: 몸의, 육체의 ** elective: 선택 과목 ④ usefulness ⑤ popularization
Week 6 독헤모의그사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.Te아2.39번 출처 비연계

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오.

It is intuitively evident that the built environment affects If you see a wild bull in a field, your nervous system
our wellbeing. You only have to think of the pleasure goes on, which ends in the instinctive reaction of flight.
to be had from a walk on the common, or a visit to a And the very mechanism that results in flight causes a
street market, bumping into people you know. Or, on certain state of consciousness, the emotion of fear. The
the downside, the danger of crossing a busy road, or whole of animal life and a great part of human life is
cycling behind a diesel bus. But despite this intuitive made up of these instinctive reactions to sensible objects
recognition, there is a widespread assumption that and their accompanying emotions. But man has the
biology is more important than ecology in determining peculiar faculty of.
our health and wellbeing. This assumption is manifest, He has, therefore, the possibility of a double life. In the
fbr example, in the degree of blame we may attach to our actual life, the processes of natural selection have given
genes and the degree to which we assume the remedy man a lesson that the reaction such as flight from danger
for bad health is medicine, or surgery. We spend huge should be the important part of the whole process, and it
amounts of scarce resources on curative medicine, and is towards this that the man bends his whole conscious
our preventive measures are largely biological as well, i.e. endeavour. But in the imaginary life, no such action is
inoculation. All the while we are paying scant attention necessary, and the whole consciousness may be focused
to which are, on some on the perceptive, emotional aspects of the experience.
calculations, at least equally important. In other words, different, profound insights and values
* inoculation: 예방 접종 ** scant: 거의 없는, 부족한 are gained by rewinding a played video time and again
in our mind. [3점]
① the transportation systems of the area * bend: 방향을 틀다
② the technical dimensions of medicine
(3) the social and environmental conditions ① calling up the imaginary echo of past experiences
④ the natural abilities of healing in the body (2) predicting potential risks through his imagination
⑤ the intuitive senses of genetic mechanism ( 3) pretending not to have an animal-like disposition
④ making up tactics to have an edge over wild animals
NOTE ⑤ controlling emotions by the rational thinking process

Week 6 독체모의교사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계 출처 고023.수능완성.Te아3.30번

34. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오. 35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

If we reflect on man, beginning with a primitive one and Ancient civilizations were largely oral cultures, even
ending with a man of philosophical fiber, we shall find for some time after the invention of writing. Literacy
that although the difference in the amount of acquired was rare, so written records often held meaning only
knowledge possessed by each respectively is large, for the educated classes.① But many early societies
the little the one possesses and all that the other may recognized the need for a graphic record of their culture's
boast of are based on certain simple principles, seized important events and the stories relating to their religion.
upon by the mind through the medium of the senses. ② Some painting - on the walls of palaces and tombs,
Both have used senses to examine and reflect and have fbr example - served this purpose, but sculpture in stone
accumulated a store of information which they each offered a more permanent and monumental medium for
turn to account. But the savage care only fbr that which preserving a culture's history, legends, and mythology.
_______ ________ ______ and they, therefore, ③ Rulers and military leaders were especially eager
investigate the nature of the plants. Their senses are to be remembered for descendants and to have their
to them the only inlets of ideas, without any profound likenesses carved in stone in grand, imposing statues.④
cognition. As for the roots of ideas, the same holds true The growing enthusiasm fbr ancient wars led to the active
fbr the philosopher, but then he is thereby led to profound search for stames describing then soldiers among the
contemplation and experiments, forming theories to be ruins of ancient buildings.⑤ However, a more pictorial
rejected or adopted. He tries to acquire knowledge more form of sculpture - relief - introduced the opportunity
than is subservient to his visceral interest fbr presence. [3점] for presenting complex scenes and extended narratives in
* subservient: 도움이 되는 ** visceral: 본능적인 a series of panels or a frieze.
* r이ief: 부조

① enables them to enjoy animal existence ** frieze: 프리즈(건축물의 외면이나 내면에 붙인 띠 모양의 장식물)

② is essential fbr their descendants to survive

③ eases the burden of complex thinking processes XOTI:

④ stimulates their intellectual curiosity about sensation

(5) is of use fbr their predictions about uncertain future
Week <3 독헤 모의고시 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수능완성.Test5.38번 출처 2023.수능완성.Te아4.39번

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을
고르시오. 고르시오.

Films began by being short, exotic features in Technology could make new products and materials
the mixed programmes of the theatres and variety available but it could not ensure their acceptance in
theatres. Gradually, however, the film strips became the marketplace. It was left to designers to play a
longer and longer. role in gauging popular taste and aspirations and in
transforming new materials into desirable goods.
(A) For example, community singing was normally
included in the performances, just as in the old (A) Aluminium proved much more challenging to
vaudeville theatres. The lyrics of the songs were designers. Indeed, it was not until the turn of the
shown as slides on the screen. century that that new metal could be produced

(B) Films broke out of their traditional framework cheaply and began to replace brass as materials for
and eventually became an independent form of cooking pots.

entertainment, which gradually became too big (B) That was sometimes a relatively easy task and
for the traditional entertainment venues. The first sometimes not. The semi-synthetic material,
real cinemas appeared in Europe at the end of the Celluloid, for example, could easily be used as a
nineteenth century and in the United States at the turn substitute for more expensive, highly desirable
of the twentieth. materials such as jet, coral, and ivory and it was

(C) Many were housed in shop premises and converted quickly accepted as such.
theatres, but the first major wave of newly built (C) Even then, it was regarded with some suspicion
cinemas started around 1905. Musicians from the because of its proximity to food. Only in the inter-war
traditional entertainment establishments followed the years of the twentieth century were designers able to
film across to the new premises, taking with them visualize aluminium products as modern objects in
many of their old musical habits. their own right. [3점]
* premises: 건물, 부지 * brass: 황동 (제품) ** jet: 흑석(黑石) *5서* proximity: 근접

①(A)—(C)—(B) ②(B)—(A)—(C) ①(A)-(C)-(B) ②(B)-(A)-(C)

③(B)—(C)—(A) ④(C)—(A) —(B) ③(B)-(C)-(A) ④(C)-(A)-(B)
⑤(C)—(B)—(A) ⑤(C)—(B)—(A)

Week <3 독헤모의고사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023.수특영독.Te아]…13번 출처 2023.수능완성.Test5,41~42번

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어 진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어 진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
절한 곳을 고르시오. 절한 곳을 고르시오.

Of course this difference between the two spider types The result has been a global kind of separate but
is not surprising; web-based spiders do not need to equal.
detect moving prey because they rely upon their web.
Citizenship is ripe for closer examination. Globalization,
The wandering spider Cupiennius salei captures its prey increased mobility, and growing anti-immigration politics
without the aid of a web. Although the majority of the highlight the fact that although most people in the world
invertebrates that it captures in the wild are those that walk, have citizenship someplace, there are vastly unequal
it is also able to capture flying insects. It does this with a entitlements attached to citizenship in particular countries.
spectacular and very precise leap into the air. Given that (①)The universalized sense in which the word is used
spiders have eight well-developed eyes, we might assume in political discourse in the United States masks the
that they use visual cues to carry out this remarkable obvious fact that not everyone has US citizenship and that
feat.(①)However, Freidrich Barth and his colleagues most of the world is excluded from it. ( @ ) To the extent
have demonstrated that this is not the case. ( (2) ) In an an implication of equality holds fast within the citizenry,
experiment, they covered the eyes of a hungry spider to it clearly does not apply to those outside the fold.(③)In
temporarily blind it. ( @ ) Despite this incapacity, the more sedentary, state-oriented times, it was easy to ignore
spider was able to detect airborne prey animals up to 20 those who were excluded from the citizenry because their
centimeters away and to capture them with a leap of several citizenship was held in other, distinct communities largely
centimeters. ( @ ) By contrast, web-based spiders are able out of view. ( (4)) Those communities were different
to locate prey a mere 1 centimeter away. (@ ) On the other enough that one could keep them at ann's length, a part
hand, the advantages of long-distance prey detection to a of the natural order of things.(⑤)That mindset is more
mobile hunter are obvious. difficult to sustain as national identities blur and distances
* invertebrate: 무척추동물 ** feat: 재주 are eclipsed. [3점]
* citizenry: (집합적으로) 시민
NOTE * * sedentary: 정주적인, 한 곳에 머물러 사는

Week 6 독헤모의고사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 2023•수능완성.Test4.29번

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 NOTE

(A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Flightlessness and predation are undeniably

connected, and birds living on islands or remote
lakes, where predation was nonexistent or very low,
became flightless because the major reason fbr using
their wings was absent. However, there are a number
of puzzles. Why, if predation was the control, have
several birds on the continental land masses reached
the semiflightless stage in the face of numerous
predators? Also, why did birds become flightless
on islands with predators which could certainly be
expected to prey upon them? Obviously, it is not
solely the lack of predators that reduces a bird's
need to fly, as is so often stated. While no predation
is optimum, for some birds even the presence of
predators did not force them to use their wings
sufficiently to maintain them, and they have lost or
almost lost their use. The only possible conclusion
is that it was the level of predation, not the lack of
predators, that produced flightlessness.
* optimum: 최적 조건의, 최적의

Although flightlessness in birds has been (A) to

the absence of predators, it is the (B) of
predation rather than the existence of predators
that determined whether flightlessness evolved.

(A) (B)
① adapted ..... lack
② attributed ..... degree
③ reduced ..... patterns
(4) contributing ....... potential
(5) favorable ....... efficiency
Week 6 독헤 모의고사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계

[41 〜42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

The directions in which a genius actually varies

from an (a) average man are evident as a matter
of fact. He is, most of all, a man of great power of
thought. So we believe that a genius is one who has
occasionally greater constructive imagination than
others have. But Is this a reason fbr (b) excluding him
from society? Certainly not. For by great thoughts we
mean true thoughts that pioneer a new area through
the discovery of principles or their application and,
at the same time, work within the current society.
This attainment of novelty consistent with older
knowledge and supplementary to it is just what
most of the advances in our society, by extension
civilization, seem to depend on.
But suppose a man with thoughts that are not of
truth, which (c) contradict the established knowledge,
or which result in bizarre and fanciful combinations
of them. To that man we deny the name genius; he
is a crank, an agitator, or what not. The yardstick
we use to assess the (d) intellectual spectrum men
show is that of workability, or fitness in the plainest
terms. Any thought, to live and germinate, must be
a fit thought. The (e) personal sense of the fitness
of the thought is the rule of judgment. It reflects the
outcome of all social tradition and education. Unless
a social reformer's thought is in some way fit to go
into the setting, he is counted as a crank, not a genius.
* fanciful: 별난 ** agitator: 선동가

41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① The Life of Genius: There Is No Privacy

② No Genius Can Be a Real Genius Himself
③ rhe Educational System in Need of Reform
④ Survival of The Fittest: 너ow Society Evolves
(5) A True Genius Never Shows off His Knowledge

42. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

않은 것은? [3점]

①⑶ ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤(e)

Week 6 독헤 모의고사 2회 2023 KISS ESSENCE

출처 비연계

[43-45] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. 43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것
으로 가장 적절한 것은?
①(B)-(D)-(C) ② © —(B)-(D)
When Mom returned to the kitchen, she was wearing an
③(C)-(D)-(B) @ (D)-(B)-(C)
oversized shirt and jeans instead of her business suit. She
leaned over the pot of simmering meatball soup, wiggled
her nose, and took a deep sniff. She knew that she can
always smell when the food is ready. Mom looked at
Stella as she gave (a) her daughter the thumbs-up. "Stella,
grab the plates, please,“ said Mom. Stella put the plates 44. 밑줄 친 (a)〜(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과

on the table while Nick helped Mom carry the food. 다른것은?

Mom scooped some spaghetti and meatbail soup onto

①⑶ ②(b) ③(c) ④(d) ⑤(e)
Stella's plate.

Nick blushed. "Yeah. Plus it's going to make it even
easier to beat Stella at arm wrestling." "I'll just practice 45. 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?

more," Stella said, and stuck out her tongue at him. Mom ① Nick은 엄마가 음식을 옮기는 것을 도왔다.
didn't get mad. (b) She only got mad when there is hair ② 엄마는 St이la와 Nick의 장난에 화가 났다.
pulling or name calling, which doesn't happen too often.
③ Nick은 올해 농구팀에 들어갈 계획이라고 말했다.
She also wouldn't take sides, as much as Stella wanted
④ St이la의 학교로 새로운 학생이 전학 올 것이었다.
(c) her to sometimes. Instead, she just laughs it off. “What
⑤ Stella는 전학생이 여학생이기를 바랐다.
about you, Stella? How was your week?" Mom asked.

(C) ヽOTE
While she passed it to Stella, (d) she made sure the
food's temperature was not too hot. As soon as they
started eating together, Mom asked, "So how was your
week at school, Nick?" Nick started talking right away as
he twirled his spaghetti on his fork. “Pretty good. I think
I'm going to join the basketball team this year. Jason and
Adam are joining, too." Nick was in eighth grade, and
the middle school kids got to play sports. Mom smiled.
“You're going to get so strong!"

“Amazing. Today Ms. Bell said we are going to start
storybook reading in class!" Mom winked at Stella.
"Anything else?" “Oh, (e) she also said we are going to
have a new student next week. I hope K's a girl so she
can play with Jenny and me. It's hard to play tag when
it's only two people," Stella said while she slurped up
a noodle. “Well, I'm certain whoever it is, they will be
nice. Just be sure to make them feel comfortable and be
my sweet Stella," Mom said. Stella nodded her head.
Quick Answer
독해 모의고사 2회

3 5 13

3 2 5 3

2 5 3 5

4 5 3 1

14 3 2

5 5 2 2 5

지은이 Shean.T

디자인 Chae Hyeon, Seong Gy니n, Yu Min

발행인 이광복

편집인 임정연

펴낸곳 오르비(주)

출판신고 2017년 4월 11일 제2021-000043호

주소 서울시 서초구 반포대로18길 36. 2이동 3001호

홈페이지 I 이메일 팩스 02-6008-8286 I 전화 070-4353-3537


ISBN 979-11-6702-455-8

­ 이 책은 저작권법에 따라 보호받는 저작물이므로 무단 전재와 무단 복제를 금지하며,

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값 25,000원

영어 4

ISBN 979-11-6702-455-8
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