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Statistics epidemiology

1. Increasing the number of the randomized sample (2007 MARCH)

a) Close to the normal distribution
b) Eliminate the type i error
c) Eliminate the type 2 error
d) Has more chance of rejecting the null hypothesis
e) Increase the power of the study

2. True or false (2014 OCT)

Test negative Test positive
Disease negative 100 900
Disease positive 60 90
a) Specificity of the test us 40%
b) False positive rate 90%
c) False negative rate –
d) disease prevalence is 10%
e) Test has high specificity

3. Cilincal tral (2014 APR)

a) Phase I involves healthy volunteers
b) Rare side effects are likely to be found at phase II than III
c) Phase III closely resemble true clinical situations
d) Phase IV is not mandatory
e) Phase II is to see the efficacy in patients

4. 43 .Statistical analysis (2013 OCT)

a) Prevalence can be lower than incidence
b) Incidence is number of new cases at point of time per population at risk
c) Prevalence is number of all cases in a point of time per population at risk
d) When incidence increase prevalence also increases
e) Point prevalence is given for 5 yrs

5. Clinical trial to find out the efficacy of a new drug compared to enalapril(2011-OCT)
a) Most appropriate study design is prospective case control study
b) To find out the difference of stroke occurrence in 2 groups chi squared test should be used
c) For outcome analysis regression analysis should be used
d) For each group n = 100 is adequate

6. Non parametric tests are (2010 OCT)

a) Correlation
b) Paired t test
c) Rank correlation
d) Z - score

7. Regarding clinical trials (2010 OCT)

a) Phase 1 – to study the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug
b) Phase 2 – designed to done in patients
c) Phase 3 – randomized controlled trials
d) Phase 4 – therapeutic efficacy of the drug is decided
e) Drugs are licensed to use after phase 4 studies

8. Comparing means of 2 large samples (2008 OCT)

a) Null hypothesis is two means are equal
b) Null hypo isthere is no significant différence between the two sample means
c) –
d) –
e) –

9. Which of the following would be consider as primary end points of lipid lowering Rx in a clinical
trial? (2008 OCT)
a) Numberof admissions with Unstable Angina épisodes
b) Non fatal MI
c) LDL level
d) Stroke
e) Total mortality

10. Following are interval scale measurements (2007 OCT)

a) Age
b) Height
c) Forced expiratory volume
d) Apgar score
e) Presence or absence of asthma

11. Standard error of the mean (2007 OCT)

a) More than standard deviation
b) Is proportionate to the number of observations

12. Regarding T test (2006 OCT)

a) Sample size should be small
b) Should normally be distributed
c) Both means should be equal
d) SD should be equal
e) Both sample sizes must be equal

13. True/false (2006 MARCH)

a) In a normal distribution mean=median
b) 95% observations are included in the SEM
c) Units of SD are same as units of the measurement
d) SD equals cubic root of variance
e) Mann-Whitney-U tes is a non parametric test

14. When the sample size is increased (2005 OCT)

a) Mean will increase
b) SD will be reduced
c) SEM will be reduced
d) Increases the freedom of variant
e) Increases the variance

15. In a case control study, patient with a given disease drank coffee more frequently than controls did
and difference was highly significant. We can conclude that (2004 OCT)
a) coffee drinking causes the disease
b) there is no relationship between coffee drinking an the disease
c) there is evidence of real relationship between coffee drinking and the disease in the studied
d) elimination of coffee would prevent the disease
e) coffee and the disease always go together

16. WOF are T/F regarding Observational studies (2004 OCT)

a) placebo cannot be used
b) can be retrospective study
c) controls cannot be used
d) stratified sampling cannot be used
e) selection of treatment groups are not randomized

17. Paired t-test (2003 OCT)

a) Impracticable for large samples
b) Can be applied for independent samples
c) Can be used in very small samples
d) Both samples should be within normal distribution

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