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Tagbilaran City, Bohol

JULY 2023

A Research Project Presented to the Faculty of

Tagbilaran City Science HIgh School

Tagbilaran City, Bohol

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research 8


JULY 2023


Land pollution is very evident in the Philippines. The wastes that people

produce are not being disposed properly. The Philippines generates more solid

waste as population increases, living standards are enhanced, and urban and

rural areas are being developed. According to Enp.Tinio (2022), solid wastes

produced by Philippine cities are expected to increase by 165 percent to 77,776

tons by 2025. This leads to all types of pollution. This also leads to the deaths of

living organisms such as plants, animals and even humans. According to Giving

Compass (2021), between 400,000 – 1,000,000 people die annually from

illnesses linked to pollution. This has become a global issue that is affecting

people’s lives in a negative way. One way of solving this issue is by segregating

wastes properly.

Waste segregation is a critical aspect of sustainable waste management,

and it involves the separation of different types of waste materials for recycling or

disposal. However, waste segregation is often a tedious and time-consuming

task that requires manual sorting, which is not only labor-intensive but also prone

to errors. Therefore, developing an automated waste segregator that can

effectively sort waste materials without human intervention is helpful. One

downside is that
most of these machines use Lithium-Ion (rechargeable) or Lithium (non-

rechargeable) batteries. Lithium batteries, although relatively affordable, are very

dangerous to people. Exposure to Lithium can cause loss of appetite, nausea,

vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain (Gitlin, 2016). Serious effects include

seizures and coma (Lithium Oral Route, 2023). Other than this, Lithium-Ion

battery explosions accounted for 66 injuries and 5 deaths for the year 2022.

Another reason why Lithium batteries are not that great is that mining for Lithium

is actually bad for the environment. It has been shown that mining lithium for

batteries have bigger impact on the climate than fossil fuels. Forty percent of the

total climate impact caused by the production of lithium-ion batteries come from

the mining process itself (Climate360 News, 2022).

Moreover, the increasing demand for renewable energy sources has led to

the exploration of hydro power as a viable option for powering various systems

(Benefits of Hydropower, n.d.). Hydro power is a clean and renewable source of

energy that can be harnessed from flowing water to generate electricity.

Integrating hydro power into an automated waste segregator would not only

make the system more sustainable but also reduce its carbon footprint.

Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and develop a hydro

powered automated waste segregator that can effectively segregate waste

materials without human intervention while utilizing the renewable energy source

of hydro power.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study will be to develop a prototype of an automatic

waste segregating machine powered by hydroelectricity and to determine its

functionality and efficiency.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. Will the automatic waste segregator turn on after connecting it into the

hydroelectricity generator?

2. Will the automated waste segregator successfully segregate waste


3. What is the average precision of:

a. Metal

b. Non-biodegradable

c. Biodegradable

4. What is the average recall of:

a. Metal

b. Non-biodegradable

c. Biodegradable

5. What is the average F1-score of:

a. Metal

b. Non-biodegradable

c. Biodegradable

6. How well will the prototype work base on its:

a. Functionality

b. Durability

c. Usefulness

d. Impact on society

e. Safety

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

a. Hydro-powered a. Precision
automated waste
segregator b. Recall
c. F1-score

Figure 1.1 The paradigm of the independent variable and the dependent variable
on hydro-powered automated waste segregator.


The following assumptions will serve as the basis of the study:

1. The different brands of screws used in building the hydro-powered

automated waste segregator will not affect the machine.

2. The water to be used may come from different sources and will not affect

the machine.

3. The pH level of the water will not affect the machine.


The researcher formulated the following null hypothesis:

1. There is no significant difference between the average precision of metal,

non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste.

2. There is no significant difference between the average recall of metal,

non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste.

3. There is no significant difference between the average F1-score of metal,

non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to stop the global problem of pollution and the improper

disposal of wastes. It aims to provide a sustainable and efficient solution for

waste segregation that can contribute to reducing waste pollution, improving

waste management, and promoting sustainability. By offering a viable and

effective segregation method, this study seeks to solve the worldwide issue of

pollution and incorrect garbage disposal. The project intends to provide a cost-

effective, ecologically friendly solution that can be scaled up and duplicated in

different areas and communities by using hydropower as an alternative energy

source. By using hydro power as an alternative energy source, the study aims to

provide an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective solution that can be

scaled-up and replicated in different regions and communities. This study will

benefit various groups of people and organizations.

Geocycle Philippines. This study will benefit waste management

companies, primarily, the Geocycle Philippines as it can be used to create more

efficient and sustainable waste segregation systems. This study can provide

insights into the use of hydro power as an alternative energy source for waste

segregation, which can help reduce energy costs and carbon emissions

associated with waste management.

Local communities. This study will benefit local communities by having

access to a more efficient and safer waste segregation system. This study can

reduce the workload of waste pickers, improve hygiene and safety, and promote

social equity by providing a clean environment for all.

Manufacturing companies. Manufacturing companies can benefit from

this study by producing and selling the hydro-powered automated waste

segregator. This study can provide a market for the production and sale of the

automated waste segregator, creating job opportunities and generating revenue.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Government

agencies responsible for waste management and environmental protection

namely the Department of Environment and Natural Resources can benefit from

this study to develop policies and regulations that promote sustainable waste

management practices. This study can provide evidence of the effectiveness of

using hydro power in waste segregation, which can inform policy decisions

related to waste management and sustainability.

Future Researchers. Developing a hydro-powered automated waste

segregator can benefit future researchers by serving as a proof of concept for

renewable energy use in waste management. It can inspire other researchers to

explore alternative energy sources in their projects, leading to more sustainable

and eco-friendly waste management technologies.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be conducted at the researcher’s residence in Mahogany

Street, Mansasa District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol S.Y. 2023-2024. This study aims

to build a prototype of an automatic waste segregator that runs on


The researcher will construct both the hydropower generator and

automatic waste segregator. The study’s discussion of trash separation into the

three categories: metal, biodegradable, and non-biodegradable will be one of its

focuses. The research will assess the machine’s performance in terms of

accuracy, processing speed and efficiency by conducting tests with 50 samples

for each waste types.

This study will help people in the community and the well-being of the

environment. Data will be collected after 5 months of creating and testing the


Definition of Key Terms

Arduino Microcontroller. Used to control the waste segregator and

connect it to the hydropower generator.

Automated Waste Segregator. Used to separate metallic waste, non-

metallic waste, and other waste, and it is the main

F1-score. Metric used to determine the machine’s overall performance.

Hydropower. Power source of the automatic waste segregator.

Metallic waste. The materials that will be used in testing such as tin cans,

broken tools, bent pipes, wirings, sheet metal, etc.

Other waste. The materials that will be used in testing that is not metallic

nor plastic such as concrete, wood, food scraps, paper products, batteries,

medicines, etc.

Plastic bin. Will be used to contain the metallic waste, non-metallic waste,

and other waste after.

Plastic waste. The materials that will be used in testing such as plastic

bottles, plastic wrappers, plastic bags, etc.

Precision. Will be computed to determine the machine’s accuracy.

Recall. Will be computed to determine the machine’s proportion of true

positive instances.

Waste. The dependent variable and it will be used in the testing of the




Automated waste segregator is

a machine that sorts different types of

waste materials such as paper, plastic,

glass, and metal, using various

techniques such as sensors, magnets,

and air jets. The purpose of automatic

waste segregation is to enhance the

Plate 1 Automated Waste Segregator efficiency of recycling and reduce the

amount of waste sent to landfills.

According to a study of Sahiledengle (2019) titled “Self-reported healthcare

waste segregation practice and its correlate among healthcare workers in

hospitals of Southeast Ethiopia”, automated waste segregators work by

separating different types of waste at the point of generation. The automated

waste segregators use various technologies such as embedded IoT systems,

sensors, and mechanical setups to segregate wet and dry waste into separate

containers. For instance, Farhan et al. (2023) “Smart Dustbin Using Ardunio”,
designed an embedded IoT system that monitors each dumpster individually for

the amount of waste deposited and provides an

automated system for segregating wet and dry waste. An automated waste

segregator needs different types of sensors to detect metal, plastic, and

biodegradable. The sensors used in various studies include ultrasonic sensors,

inductive proximity sensors, FC-37 rain sensors, capacitive sensors, parallel

resonance impedance sensing mechanisms, and optical sensors. For instance,

Sharanya et al. (2017) "Automatic waste segregator", used an IR proximity

sensor for waste detection, moisture sensor for detecting wet objects, an

inductive sensor for metal detection, and a Laser LDR circuit for plastic and

paper detection This is critical for effective waste management. Similarly, Dhivya

& Prasath (2020) “Smart Dust Bin for Modern Environment”, proposed an

automated smart dustbin that separates waste into four compartments, including

wet, dry, plastics, and metallic waste. In addition, researchers have studied

automated sorting methods that use image processing and artificial intelligence,

especially deep learning, to improve the recycling process (Bobulski & Kubanek,

2021) “Deep Learning for Plastic Waste Classification System”. They used deep

learning for plastic waste classification system to improve the efficiency of the

recycling process. To determine if an automatic waste segregator is functional

and efficient, it is important to ensure that the waste is being segregated properly

at the point of generation or disposal (Sahiledengle, 2019). According to another

study by Radhika (2021) “Real Life Smart Waste Management System [DRY,

WET, RECYCLE, ELECTRONIC & MEDICAL]”, in order to determine whether

the automatic waste segregator is functional, it must detect the waste object and

segregate it into their respective category with high accuracy. It is important to

monitor the waste segregation process to ensure that it is working properly

(Mapari et al., 2020) "Automatic waste segregator and monitoring system". To

truly determine whether an automatic waste segregator is considered good and

functional, an expert’s opinion must be considered. Experts determine whether

an automated waste segregator is good or not by assessing its waste

segregation mechanism, hardware architecture and waste segregation process.

Therefore, experts can assess the hardware architecture of the prototype to

ensure that it is capable of segregating different types of waste. The waste

segregation mechanism of the prototype should also be tested to ensure that it is

working properly. Experts can test the waste segregation process by checking if

the wastes are separated and segregated properly. The accuracy of an

automated waste segregator can be measured by comparing the machine's

sorting results to a set of known or expected results. The data gathered can then

be assessed using the precision, recall, and F1-score system. The precision,

recall, and F1-score system evaluate the machine's ability to correctly identify

and sort different types of waste materials. They are based on the concept of a

confusion matrix, which shows the number of true positives (TP), false positives

(FP), true negatives (TN), and false negatives (FN) that result from a

classification task. Precision measures the proportion of correctly sorted

materials out of all materials identified as that type and can be calculated as:

Precision = TP / (TP + FP). Recall measures the proportion of correctly sorted

materials out of all materials that should have been identified as that type and

can be calculated as: Recall = TP / (TP + FN). F1-score is the harmonic mean of

precision and recall and can be calculated as: 2(precision*recall) / (precision +

recall). An F1 score of 0.5 or above is often considered acceptable, while an F1

score of 0.8 or higher is typically considered good. A study conducted by Endaya

et al. (2020) entitled “Design and Implementation of Automated Waste

Segregator with Smart Compression”, used the precision, recall, and F1-score

metric in order to evaluate the study’s prototype. The researcher first took the TP,

FP and FN values through testing. In the study, TP is the number of wastes

correctly identified and segregated by the machine. FP is the number of wastes

incorrectly identified and segregated accordingly by the machine. FN is the

number of wastes incorrectly identified and incorrectly segregated by the

machine. In the study, the machine had an overall precision, recall, and F1-score

of 0.85, indicating that it performs well in identifying and segregating waste into

the correct categories. There are multiple sensors to be used in order to create

an automated waste segregator that can detect wastes and segregate wastes

into metal, plastic and other wastes. In detecting whether waste is present or not,

an IR proximity sensor will be used.

Inductive proximity sensors are the

most accurate sensors in detecting metal

wastes. Inductive proximity sensors are

devices that can detect the presence or

absence of metallic objects in their vicinity

without any physical contact. They work by generating a high-frequency

Plate 3 Inductive proximity sensor

electromagnetic field and then sensing changes in the field caused by the

presence of a metallic object. The sensor is typically made up of a coil of wire

and an oscillator circuit that generates a high-frequency electromagnetic field

around the coil. When a metallic object enters the sensing area of the

electromagnetic field, it disturbs the field, causing a change in the frequency of

the oscillator circuit. This change is detected by the sensor, which then triggers a

response or an action based on the presence or absence of the metallic object.

Ultrasonic sensors are used in

detecting plastic wastes. Ultrasonic sensors

are electronic devices that use ultrasonic

waves to detect the presence or absence of

Plate 3 Ultrasonic sensor objects in their vicinity without any physical

contact. They work by emitting high-

frequency sound waves and then detecting the reflection of those waves off of an

object. The sensor is typically made up of a transmitter that generates the

ultrasonic waves and a receiver that detects the waves that bounce back off of

an object. When the transmitter emits the ultrasonic waves, they travel through

the air and bounce off any objects in their path. The receiver then detects the

reflected waves and calculates the distance between the object and the sensor

based on the time it takes for the waves to travel to the object and back.

Ultrasonic sensors are preferred over other types of sensors because they are

not affected by the color or texture of the object being detected, making them

ideal for use in environments where objects may have varying colors or textures.

Ultrasonic sensors are particularly well-suited for detecting plastic waste because

plastic is a non-metallic material that can be difficult to detect using other types of

sensors such as inductive proximity sensors. Ultrasonic sensors are not affected

by the color, transparency, or texture of the plastic, making them ideal for

detecting plastic waste in various forms. Moreover, ultrasonic sensors can be

used to measure the distance to the plastic waste, making it possible to detect

even small and irregularly shaped plastic objects. They can also detect plastic

waste in different environments, such as in water or soil, which is important in

waste management and environmental monitoring.

Optical sensors are a type of sensor

that uses light to detect and measure

physical, chemical, or biological

characteristics of a material or environment.

Plate 4 Optical sensor
These sensors work by detecting the intensity

of light reflected from an object at specific wavelengths, typically in the visible

spectrum. Optical sensors can be used to identify and classify different types of

organic materials based on their visual appearance, such as food waste, plant

matter, or paper.

Stepper motor is a type of electric

motor that converts electrical pulses into

precise mechanical movements. It is

designed to move in discrete steps, hence

Plate 5 Stepper motor
the name "stepper motor." The main

components of a stepper motor include a rotor (also known as the shaft or

spindle), a stator, and coils. The rotor is typically a permanent magnet, while the

stator consists of multiple sets of coils arranged in a circular pattern around the

rotor. The coils are energized sequentially by an electrical control system,

causing the rotor to move in small angular increments or steps. Overall, stepper

motors are widely used in applications where precise positioning, control, and

repeatability are essential. They are a popular choice in various industries due to

their versatility and reliability.

Lithium metal batteries are a

type of rechargeable battery that use

metallic lithium as one of their

electrodes. These batteries typically

have higher energy density than other

Plate 6 Lithium metal batteries
types of rechargeable batteries,

meaning they can store more energy in a smaller size and weight. Lithium metal

batteries are made up of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, which are

separated by an electrolyte. When the battery is charged, lithium ions move from

the cathode to the anode, where they are stored as metallic lithium. When the

battery is discharged, the lithium ions move back to the cathode, producing

electrical energy. Lithium metal batteries are commonly used in electronic

devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, as well as in electric vehicles

and renewable energy systems. Lithium batteries may contribute substantially to

environmental pollution and adverse human health impacts due to their small

size, high rate of disposal, and lack of uniform regulatory policy on their disposal.

According to Kang et al. (2013) “Potential Environmental and Human Health

Impacts of Rechargeable Lithium Batteries in Electronic Waste”, the improper

disposal of retired lithium batteries can cause environmental pollution and a

waste of resources. According to Kumar and Samadder (2020) “Automated

Waste Segregator for Recycling Industry: A Comprehensive Review”, the

downsides of using Lithium battery as the energy source for automated waste

segregators are the following:

1. Limited battery life: Depending on the size of the battery and the

amount of waste being processed, the battery may run out of power

quickly. This could result in interruptions in the waste segregation

process, leading to delays and potentially lower efficiency.

2. Environmental impact: Batteries can be harmful to the environment if

not disposed of properly. If the battery in the segregator is not

disposed of or recycled properly, it could contribute to pollution and

harm the environment.

3. Maintenance and replacement costs: Batteries require regular

maintenance and eventually need to be replaced, which can be costly.

This could add to the overall cost of using an automated waste


4. Safety concerns: Batteries can be hazardous if they are damaged or

mishandled. There is a risk of fire or explosion if the battery is not

properly maintained or charged.

5. Limited scalability: Depending on the size of the waste segregation

operation, a battery-powered segregator may not be sufficient to

handle the volume of waste. This could limit the scalability of the

operation and result in a less efficient waste management system.

6. Pollution: Lithium batteries contain a variety of toxic chemicals, such as

lithium, cobalt, and nickel, that can be harmful to the environment if

they leach into soil or water. When lithium batteries are not disposed of

properly, they can end up in landfills or incinerators, where they may

release toxic chemicals into the environment. In addition, the

production and transportation of lithium batteries can also contribute to

pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

7. Global Warming: The process of mining lithium involves extracting the

metal from the earth's crust, which requires significant amounts of

energy. This energy can come from a variety of sources, including

fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, which release greenhouse gases

when burned. In addition, the transportation of mining equipment and

materials can also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Hydropower, or hydroelectric

power, is one of the oldest and largest

sources of renewable energy, which

uses the natural flow of moving water

Plate 7 Hydropower illustration to generate electricity. According to a

study by Li et al. (2023) titled “Water

Allocation Plan Based on Linear Programming”, hydropower is a renewable and

clean source of electricity that is generated by converting the kinetic energy of

water into electricity using turbines. Hydropower is harvested by converting the

kinetic energy of water into electricity using turbines. The turbines can be of

various types, such as gravitational vortex hydropower (GVHP), nano-hydraulic

turbines, Archimedes screw turbines (ASTs), cross-flow turbines, and positive

displacement micro-hydro turbines. Compared to other electricity generation

technologies, hydropower is reliable, flexible, largely carbon-free, and represents

a flexible peak-load technology. Hydropower works on the principle of electric

power generation by the use of gravitational force of falling or flowing water

(Odunfa et al., 2022) “Hydropower potential of municipal water supply schemes

in Osun State: Case study of Okinni Dam, Osogbo, Nigeria” There are numerous

advantages in using hydroelectricity as a power source. Here are the following:

1. Cost-effectiveness: Hydropower is generally considered to be one of the

most cost-effective sources of renewable energy.

2. Eco Friendly: Hydroelectric power is considered a clean and sustainable

source of energy because it does not emit greenhouse gases, uses

minimal land compared to other types of power plants, helps manage

water resources, and is renewable.

Water pump is a mechanical device

designed to move water from one location to

another. It is commonly used to circulate water

in various applications, such as in residential,

commercial, and industrial settings. Water

pumps are typically powered by electricity,

Plate 8 Water pump
gasoline engines, or hydraulic systems. Water

pumps work by creating a pressure difference, which causes water to flow from

an area of lower pressure to an area of higher pressure. They use an impeller or

a rotor, which is a rotating component with blades or vanes, to create this

pressure difference. As the impeller rotates, it draws water into the pump and

then forces it out through an outlet or discharge pipe.

Reservoir is an artificial or natural storage space

for collecting and storing water. The reservoir's use in

hydropower electricity generation allows for reliable and

controllable renewable energy production. It provides a

means to store and manage water resources, facilitating

efficient and responsive electricity generation based on

Plate 9 Reservoir demand, while also offering grid stability and balancing


Water turbine is a mechanical device

that converts the energy of flowing or falling

water into rotational mechanical energy. It is a

key component of hydroelectric power systems

and is used to drive generators for the

production of electricity. Water turbines are also

employed in other applications such as pumping

Plate 10 Water turbine
water, powering machinery, or providing

mechanical work in various industries. The fundamental principle behind a water

turbine is the interaction between the water flow and the blades or vanes of the

turbine. As the water flows over or through the turbine, it imparts force on the

blades, causing them to rotate. The rotating motion of the turbine's shaft is then

used to drive a generator or mechanical equipment. Water turbines are designed

to extract the maximum energy from the water flow and convert it into mechanical

power efficiently. They play a crucial role in the generation of renewable and

sustainable hydroelectric power.

Pollution is the introduction by man

into the environment of substances or

energy liable to cause hazards to human

health, harm to living resources and

ecological systems, damage to structure or

Plate 11 Pollution
amenity or interference with legitimate uses

of the environment. According to Tripathi and Pal (2017) “Environmental

pollution: types and conservation”, pollution is the introduction of contaminants

into the natural environment that causes adverse change. Pollution can take

different forms such as air, water, soil, noise, and light pollution. Environmental

pollution can cause various health problems such as respiratory disease,

cardiovascular disease, and asthma (Jindal et al., 2020) “Environmental Pollution

and its Impact on Public Health: A Critical Review”. The immune system is also

sensitive to any environmental changes, and understanding the effects of

ambient pollutants on the immune system is vital to understand (Abdelnasser,

2022) “Environmental pollution and the immune system”. Pollution can also

cause negative externalities and social costs.

Land pollution is the deposition of

solid or liquid waste materials on land or

underground in a manner that can

contaminate the soil and groundwater,

threatens public health, and cause

Plate 12 Land pollution unsightly conditions and nuisances.

Human health is at risk through pollution. Humans produce large amounts of

trash, that are not disposed correctly. One can develop diseases such as

asthma, birth defects, cancer, cardiovascular disease, childhood cancer, COPD,

infectious diseases, low birth weight, and preterm delivery. It was estimated that

environmental pollution, including air, water, and soil pollution, was responsible

for approximately 9% of all deaths worldwide in 2015, including around 1.3

million deaths due to cancer (Fuller et al., 2018). According to a study by

Attenborough (2019) titled "Plastic Pollution Is Killing a Million People a Year,"

between 400,000 to 1,000,000 deaths in undeveloped countries occur each year

as a result of diseases and accidents brought on by inappropriate waste

management. At the upper end of the prediction, that translates to one death

every thirty seconds. As a result, even if their waste is collected, it will be

disposed of in an unsafe area. One in four people on the earth lack access to

properly regulated solid waste collection, and another billion do not have access

to controlled trash disposal. One of the major contributors to land pollution is


Plastic is made up of a wide

range of synthetic or semi-synthetic

organic substances that are soft and

can be molded into solid objects of

diverse shapes. Plastics are typically

Plate 13 Plastic
organic polymers of high molecular

mass and they often contain other substances. They are usually synthetic, most

commonly derived from petrochemicals and many are partially natural. According

to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme (2018), plastics are

one of the top contributors to land pollution. The report stated that globally, we

produce around 300 million tonnes of plastic waste every year, and if current

trends continue, this is expected to double by 2030. The report also noted that

around 79% of all plastic waste ever produced has ended up in landfills, dumps

or the environment, with only 9% being recycled and 12% incinerated. These

statistics demonstrate the significant impact that plastic waste has on land

pollution. Another report published in the journal Environmental Science and

Technology in 2018 estimated that approximately 2.2 billion pounds (1 billion

kilograms) of plastic waste from the United States alone could have ended up in

the coastal zone in 2016. The report also estimated that by 2050, the amount of

plastic waste in the coastal zone of the US could increase by as much as tenfold

(Palardy, 2020). A 2022 report by The Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development (OECD), estimated that global plastic production doubled from

2000 to 2019 to reach 460 million tonnes. Plastic production accounts for 3.4% of

global greenhouse gas emissions. Plastic pollution is a growing problem, with

approximately 11 million metric tons of plastic waste entering the ocean each

year, causing harm to marine life and ecosystems. Another report published in

2018 estimated that global plastic waste generation amounted to approximately

6.3 billion metric tons between 1950 and 2015, and is expected to reach 29

billion metric tons by 2040 if current trends continue. The report also found that

approximately 55% of plastic waste is discarded in landfills or the natural

environment, such as oceans and river (Ritchie, 2018). According to a research

study by Fernandez (2020) titled "Why Plastic-Clogged Philippines Must Face Up

to Dearth of Waste Disposal and Recycling," 70% of Filipinos lack access to

sanitary dumps and disposal facilities, which causes waste to leak into the

ocean. The Philippines is the third largest polluter in the world, generating 2.7

million metric tonnes of plastic rubbish annually. Despite the Philippines passing

a solid waste management law around 20 years ago that required the conversion

of all open dumpsites into sanitary landfills, government records show that there

are still 403 open dumpsites and 108 controlled dumpsites in the country.

Biodegradable waste refers to any organic material that can be broken down

naturally by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and worms. This type of

waste includes food waste, yard waste, paper products, and certain types of

plastics made from natural materials like corn starch or cellulose. When

biodegradable waste is disposed of in a landfill, it can create harmful methane

gas as it decomposes without oxygen. The World Bank estimates that 1.6 billion

tonnes of carbon-dioxide-equivalent were generated from the treatment and

disposal of waste in 2016, representing about 5 percent of global emissions.

Therefore, it's important to divert biodegradable waste from landfills and instead

compost it, which allows for the organic material to decompose aerobically and

produce a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil health

and support plant growth. Waste is intimately related to human activities and

development; as a result, garbage builds up and causes problems that are

frequently brought on by poor waste management. With 154 to 280 tons of

rubbish produced during the epidemic indicating the accumulating wastes as

individuals are confined in their homes during lockdowns, records show a

substantial increase in waste in big cities. This study uses 14 studies with

automated waste segregation systems, with publication years ranging from 2011

to 2020, to assess effectiveness, identify advantages and disadvantages, and

decide the best automated waste segregation system to use. The highest grade

for efficacy is 4.375, or 87.5%, and 4.125, or 82.5%, according to quantitative

method, descriptive design, and filtered category of the reviewed published

studies of waste segregation systems, respectively (Carpenteros et al., 2021).

Metallic wastes, also known as

metal waste or scrap metal, refer to

discarded or unwanted materials that are

primarily made of metal or contain

significant amounts of metal. These

Plate 14 Metallic wastes

materials are no longer useful in their current form and are collected for recycling,

reuse, or proper disposal to prevent environmental pollution. Metallic wastes can

originate from various sources, such as industrial processes, manufacturing,

construction and demolition, automotive industries, electronic waste (e-waste),

and household items. Common types of metallic wastes include:

1. Ferrous metals: These are metals that contain iron and are magnetic.

Examples include steel and iron from construction materials, old

machinery, and appliances.

2. Non-ferrous metals: These are metals that do not contain iron and are

non-magnetic. Examples include aluminum, copper, brass, zinc, lead, and

precious metals like gold and silver.

3. Electronic waste (e-waste): E-waste consists of discarded electronic

devices and components, which often contain valuable metals like gold,

silver, copper, and palladium, as well as hazardous materials like lead,

mercury, and cadmium.

4. Automotive scrap: This includes old and discarded vehicle parts and

materials, such as steel from car bodies, aluminum from engine

components, and copper from electrical wiring.

5. Construction and demolition waste: This includes metal materials from

demolished buildings and construction sites, such as steel beams, roofing

materials, and reinforcing bars.

Metallic wastes are one of the sources of heavy metal pollution, and they can

cause toxicological effects on humans and the environment. Electronic waste, or

e-waste, is a major source of metal waste pollution. According to a report by the

UN, a record 54 million tonnes of e-waste was generated worldwide in 2019, up

21% in five years (Carrington, 2022). E-waste recycling contaminates

ecosystems with metals, and a compilation of data from across sites worldwide

shows that heavy metal contamination from e-waste recycling activities is a

global problem (Houessionon et al., 2021). Less than 20% of e-waste is formally

recycled, with 80% either ending up in landfill or being informally recycled – much

of it by hand in developing countries, exposing workers to hazardous and

carcinogenic substances such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. E-waste in landfill

contaminates soil and groundwater, putting food supply systems and water

sources at risk.

Biodegradable wastes, also known as

organic wastes, are materials derived from

living organisms that can naturally break down

over time through the action of microorganisms

such as bacteria, fungi, and other

Plate 15 Biodegradable wastes
decomposers. These wastes are composed of

carbon-based compounds and can undergo biological processes to be converted

into simpler substances and eventually into nutrient-rich compost or soil.

Common examples of biodegradable wastes include:

1. Food Waste: Leftover food, fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, and other

kitchen scraps are organic materials that can be broken down by bacteria

and fungi.

2. Yard Waste: Leaves, grass clippings, tree branches, and other plant

matter from gardening and landscaping activities are biodegradable and

can contribute to composting.

3. Paper Products: Items like newspapers, cardboard, and untreated paper

are biodegradable. They can break down when exposed to moisture and

microbial activity.

4. Wood: Untreated wood, such as wooden pallets, furniture, and other

wood-based materials, can decompose naturally over time.

5. Textiles: Natural fibers like cotton, wool, and silk are biodegradable.

However, synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon take much longer to

break down.

6. Animal Waste: Manure from livestock and pets is biodegradable and can

be used as fertilizer in agricultural settings.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2022), in 2018,

about 146.1 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) were landfilled in the

US. Food was the largest component at about 24 percent, while plastics

accounted for over 18 percent, paper and paperboard made up about 12 percent,

and rubber, leather, and textiles comprised over 11 percent. Other materials

accounted for less than 10 percent each. Of the MSW generated, approximately

69 million tons were recycled and 25 million tons were composted. Together,

almost 94 million tons of MSW were diverted from landfills through recycling and

composting. A study conducted in Turkey found that the average shares of

biodegradables and recyclables in MSW were 50.2% and 40.3%, respectively

(Bölükbaş & Akinci, 2018). The World Bank reports that globally, the world

generates 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with at least 33

percent of that not managed properly. High-income countries generate relatively

less food and green waste, at 32 percent of total waste, and generate more dry

waste that could be recycled, including plastic, paper, cardboard, metal, and

glass, which account for 51 percent of waste. Some 37 percent of waste is

disposed of in some form of a landfill, 8 percent of which is disposed of in

sanitary landfills with landfill gas collection systems. Open dumping accounts for

about 31 percent of waste, 19 percent is recovered through recycling and

composting, and 11 percent is incinerated for final disposal.

Non-biodegradable wastes are materials

and substances that do not easily decompose

or break down naturally in the environment

through the actions of microorganisms,

bacteria, and other biological processes.

These materials persist in the environment for

Plate 15 Non-Biodegradable wastes
extended periods of time and can

accumulate as pollutants, posing significant environmental and health hazards.

Some common examples of non-biodegradable wastes include:

1. Plastics: Most plastics, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyvinyl

chloride (PVC), are non-biodegradable. They can take hundreds of years

to decompose, and in the process, they may fragment into smaller pieces,

leading to plastic pollution in oceans, rivers, and landfills.

2. Styrofoam (Polystyrene): Styrofoam is a non-biodegradable material

commonly used in packaging and food containers. It can persist in the

environment for thousands of years and is a major contributor to litter and


3. Glass: Glass is not biodegradable and can persist in the environment

indefinitely. While glass can be recycled, it does not break down naturally

like organic materials.

4. Electronics and E-waste: Electronic devices and components, including

batteries and circuit boards, contain non-biodegradable materials such as

metals and plastics.

5. Rubber: Natural rubber is biodegradable, but synthetic rubber, often used

in tires and various industrial applications, is not.

6. Ceramics: Ceramic products, like dishes and tiles, are typically non-

biodegradable because they are fired at high temperatures, making them

resistant to natural decomposition processes.

Related readings

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9003 known as “Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000”.

Statement policy:

An act providing for an ecological solid waste management program,

creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring

certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds

therefore, and for other purposes.

Related studies

According to a study by Sowndharya (2019) entitled “Smart Waste

Segregation and Monitoring System using IoT”, the use of automatic waste

segregators can help reduce the workload for ragpickers and improve waste

segregation practices. The researcher proposed a smart waste segregation and

monitoring system using IoT. The proposed system separates waste into three

categories: wet, dry, and metallic waste. The smart bin was experimental with

various items which are disposed on a regular basis. The wastes such as

vegetable peels, wet tissue, where used to test the effectiveness of segregation

of wet waste, it was observed that the system started to function only offer the

waste is placed on the upper bin, following a three second delay period, the

materials thrown by the user was correctly segregated into its respective wet

waste sub bin.

The metal waste segregation is experimented by using the key, ring and coin. It

was observed that the functioning started only after the garbage items was

placed on the upper bin, followed by the three second delay period, the trash

items was correctly segregated into its respected metal waste sub bin. In

conclusion, the study was able to propose an effective waste segregation

technique that does not need human intervention.

In the study of Mapari et al. (2020) entitled “Automatic waste segregator

and monitoring system”, the researchers proposed an IoT-based automatic

waste segregator as an integral part of the smart bin to segregate and store

waste. The study suggests that the use of automatic waste segregators can help

improve waste management practices and allow for monitoring of waste without

manual attention. A robotic arm has been made use of in this traditional

approach. The robotic arm adds to the technical complexity of the system. This

leads to an increase in the field area consumption of the site of the system. The

introduction of a robotic arm also is a costly approach in order to segregate the

waste. The different frameworks which have been worked upon to achieve the

waste management issues include systems like IoT enabled Automatic Waste

Segregator. This was a smart dustbin used in order to segregate and store the

waste, whereas the proposed system has accompanied this along with other

modifications. Also, an IoT based Automatic Waste Segregator was designed for

efficient recycling. This system makes use of IoT like in the mentioned system.

IoT based Waste Collection bins using Wi-Fi technology were also designed to

serve the purpose previously, the Wi-Fi technology has been used in the

monitoring section.

In the study of Bobulski and Kubanek (2021) entitled “Automated metallic

waste segregator using Arduino”, the researchers proposed a deep learning-

based metal waste classification system. The system automatically chooses

metallic waste on a transmission belt for waste removal using methods of image

processing and artificial intelligence. The waste segregator as the name

suggests, segregates the waste into two major classes: non-metallic, metallic.

The permanent magnets placed within the metallic bin further sorts ferrous and

non-ferrous metals. The inlet section is provided with open and close mechanism

to regulate the flow of waste on to the conveyor. Inductive metal sensor is used

to detect the metallic waste. The signal from the metal sensor initiates the push

mechanism to discard the metallic waste. Conveyor belt is used for segregation

process. In conclusion the objectives of this project are accomplished. A

successful development of a metal based automated waste segregator is done

that is faster in picking and placing. Depending on the input from the metal

detector and ultrasonic sensor the door will open and close for metal waste. The

proposed system uses metal sensor and ultrasonic sensor to separate the metal

waste from the waste in the dust bin. The proposed system consists of two doors

and opens depending on the wastes. It uses a metal sensor to detect the metal

parts in the garbage. The metal sensor contains metal detector which works on

the basis principles of electromagnetic induction. Metal detectors contain one or

more inductor coils that are used to interact with metallic elements on the ground.

A pulsing current is applied to the coil, which then induces an electromagnetic

field. When the magnetic field of the coil moves across metal, such as the coin,

the field induces eddy currents in the coin. When it detects the metal, the system

will open the corresponding door else for the other waste it will open the other

door. The ultrasonic sensor will detect the presence of the object. LCD display

unit displays the status of the segregation process. DC motor is responsible for

motion of the objects. Conveyor belt is used for separation of waste particles.

Arduino controls the whole process.

The study of Endaya et al. (2020) entitled “Design and Implementation of

Automated Waste Segregator with Smart Compression”, the researcher

designed and implement an automated waste segregator with smart

compression. The system detects waste and segregates it into: plastic, metal,

and biodegradable. The researcher used an Arduino microcontroller for the

control panel. In testing, the researcher used the precision, recall and F1-score in

determining the machine’s performance. It was found out that the machine had

an overall precision, recall and F1-Score of 0.85 which indicated that it performed

well in identifying and segregating waste into the correct categories.

Lastly, the study of Chandramohan et al. (2020) entitled “Automated waste

segregator” proposes an Automated Waste Segregator (AWS) which is a cheap,

easy to use solution for a segregation system at households, so that it can be

sent directly for processing. It is designed to sort the refuse into metallic waste,

wet waste and dry waste. The AWS employs parallel resonant impedance

sensing mechanism to identify metallic items, and capacitive sensors to

distinguish between wet and dry waste. Waste is pushed through a flap into the

proposed system. An IR proximity sensor detects this and starts the entire

system. Waste then falls on the metal detection system. This system is used to

detect metallic waste. After this the object falls into the capacitive sensing

module. This module distinguishes between wet and dry waste. After the

identification of waste, a circular base which holds containers for dry, wet and

metallic waste is rotated. The collapsible flap is lowered once the container

corresponding to the type of garbage is positioned under it. The waste falls into

the container and the flap is raised. The waste in the containers now can be

collected separately and sent for further processing. In conclusion of the study,

Automated Waste Segregator has been successfully implemented for the

segregation of waste into metallic, dry and wet waste at a domestic level.

However, it cannot segregate ceramic into dry waste because of its higher

relative dielectric constant when compared to other dry wastes. Noise can be

eliminated in the sensing module to increase accuracy and overall efficiency. The

system can segregate only one type of waste at a time with an assigned priority

for metal, wet and dry waste. Thus, improvements can be made to segregate

mixed type of waste by the use of buffer spaces. Since, the time for sensing

metal objects is low the entire sensing module can be placed along a single

platform where the object is stable to ensure better result.




Arduino Uno Microcontroller Ultrasonic sensor

Optical sensor Inductive sensor

Stepper motor Rubber belt

Breadboard or PCB Jumper wires

Conveyor belt or chute system Screws

Nuts Bolts

Wooden frame (Plywood) Electrical switches

PVC pipe Drive shaft

12V Generator Turbine


Screwdriver Pliers

Wire cutters Helmet

Glove Safety Glasses


The prototype design was specifically made to be user friendly. The

collector contains an open/close mechanism which opens once the desired

rotation of the stepper motor is achieved. The prototype contains three sensors

to detect whether waste is present or not. The waste will be detected based on

the order of the sensors. There are 3 different colored LED lights found in the

breadboard that corresponds to different wastes. Each of the lights light up

depending on what type of waste is detected by the machine. The prototype

contains 3 plastic bins. 1 bin for metal, 1 bin for non-biodegradable and 1 bin for

biodegradable. Its size is compact and relatively small so that it would not take

up too much space. The segregator will be controlled using an Arduino

microcontroller. The segregator will be connected to a 10V hydropower generator

made by the researcher.


Waste is placed inside the proposed system’s collector. An ultrasonic

sensor detects this and starts the entire system. The waste is then detected by

the other sensors. The waste is first detected by the optical sensor. This sensor

distinguishes biodegradable wastes by emitting light and measuring the reflexion,

transmission, or scattering properties of the waste material. By comparing the

obtained optical signals with pre-determined characteristics of biodegradable

waste, the sensor can sort and separate it from other non-biodegradable waste

items. If biodegradable material is detected, the system triggers the collector’s

stepper motor which opens the flap and drops the waste into the biodegradable

bin. The stepper motor then rotates to its original position. If the waste is non-

biodegradable, it will be detected by the ultrasonic sensor. This sensor detects

any materials by emitting high-frequency sound waves and analyzing their

interactions with the material. The sensors generate sound waves using a

transducer, which propagate towards the target. When the sound waves

encounter the material, they can either reflect off its surface or be absorbed by it.

The sensor captures the reflected waves or measures the intensity of the

transmitted waves, converting them into electrical signals for analysis. By

analyzing the characteristics of the received signals, the sensor can determine

the presence and properties of non-biodegradable materials. The system then

triggers the bins’ stepper motor to rotate 90° clockwise. The collector’s stepper

motor is triggered which opens the flap and drops the waste into the plastic bin.

Both stepper motors rotate to its original position. If the waste is metallic, it will be

detected by the inductive sensor. This sensor detects metal objects by

generating an oscillating magnetic field around its coil. When a metal object

enters the magnetic field, it induces eddy currents within the object, creating a

change in the sensor's inductance. By measuring this change, the sensor can

determine the presence or absence of a metal object. After detection, the system

triggers the bins’ stepper motor to rotate 180° clockwise. The collector’s stepper

motor is triggered which opens the flap and drops the waste into the metal bin.

Both stepper motors rotate to its original position.

Hydropower Generator

A. Clearing the Area

The researcher will assess the installation site to ensure it is free from

obstructions, debris or potential hazards. The researcher ensures that the area

where the installation will be done will have sufficient space for easy accessibility.

B. Constructing the Water Intake System

The researcher sets up the water source from the reservoir tank. The PVC

pipe to be used will be laid out from the reservoir to the turbine. Gates and valves

will be installed to control the water flow and allow for maintenance and repair.

C. Turbine and Generator Installation

The researcher will refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific

installation requirements. The framework will be constructed to define the shape

and dimensions of the turbine framework. Turbine foundation will be prepared

and the researcher will ensure if it is level and stable. The turbine will be carefully

positioned and secured onto the foundation, aligning it properly with the falling

water flow. The generator will be mounted securely adjacent to the turbine,

ensuring appropriate support and alignment.

D. Setting up the Transmission System and Recirculating Mechanism

The researcher will install a driver shaft, belt or gearbox to connect the

turbine’s rotational energy to the generator. The researcher will ensure proper

alignment and tension or belts or gears for efficient power transfer. The

researcher will set up the hydro pump. It will be aligned and connected from the

output of the reservoir to the input of the reservoir for recirculating flow. To

ensure stability, proper alignment and setup will be observed.

E. Control Panel and Wiring

The researcher will mount the control panel in a suitable location near the

generator for easy access. In connecting the turbine, generator, and electrical

components, following proper electrical safety guidelines will be observed. The

researcher will wire the control panel, connecting switches, relays, circuit

breakers, and other necessary components. To prevent electrical hazards,

testing the wiring connections and ensuring proper grounding will be done.

F. Testing of the Hydropower Generator

Through the help of an expert, the researcher will conduct a

comprehensive inspection of the entire system, checking for leaks, loose

connections, or any other issues. The researcher will ensure that all components

are properly secured and functioning as intended. The researcher will gradually

open the water flow to the turbine while monitoring its performance. The

researcher will observe the turbine’s response to different water flow rates and

adjust as necessary.

G. Power Output Measurement

A wattmeter will be used to measure the power output of the generator.

This may include fine-tuning the turbine blades, adjusting the transmission

system, or optimizing electrical connections. All of these will be done to ensure

that the generator would meet the expected output.

Automated Waste Segregator

A. Frame Design

To support the components, the researcher will use wood. The frame will

be designed to accommodate the three bins for plastic, metal and biodegradable

waste. The frame will be designed with modular components, allowing for easy

assembly and disassembly when required.

B. Conveyor Belt/Chute System

A durable rubber belt will be selected and cut to the appropriate length.

The belt will be mounted on rollers or pulleys that are attached to the frame. A

stepper motor will be chosen based on the load capacity and speed requirements

of the system. The motor will be securely attached to the frame, and its rotation

will be transferred to the belt using suitable gears or timing belts.

C. Sensor installation and Connection

The ultrasonic sensor, inductive sensor and optical sensor will be mounted

on the frame using brackets or holders that allow for precise positioning and easy

adjustment if needed. The brackets will be securely fastened to the frame using

screws or other suitable fasteners. The sensors will be connected to the

microcontroller using jumper wires and a breadboard. Care will be taken to

ensure proper connections based on the sensor’s pinout specifications. The

wiring will be neatly organized and secured to prevent loose connections or

interference. After this, all will be wired to the main control panel using the

suitable wires.

D. Microcontroller Programming

The researcher starts by downloading the Arduino IDE on a computer.

The code will be written in Python, using the Arduino software. The codes to be

used for the sensors and motors will be structured based on the specific

conditions and inputs. It will include functions for sensor reading, motor control,

and error handling. The thresholds and calibration values will be determined

through trial and error and fine-tuning. A professional programmer will be

assisting the researcher all throughout the process.

E. Power Supply

The researcher will wire the automated waste segregator. The researcher

will use a power cable to connect the automated waste segregator to the control

panel where the output of the generator is connected. The cables should be

connected to the appropriate terminals or connectors on the microcontroller,

stepper motors, and any other power-consuming components. Power switches

will be set up to optimize power consumption and efficiency. The researcher will

follow proper electrical safety guidelines to ensure the prevention of electrical


F. Testing and Calibrating

The researcher will power on the microcontroller and upload the program.

The researcher will place different waste items in the input area and observe the

system’s response. The researcher will adjust the sensor thresholds and

calibration values as needed to improve accuracy. Ensuring the motors are

operating correctly and moving the waste items to the desired locations will be

done by the researcher too.

Data Gathering

The researcher will be testing the machine using 50 samples for each

waste types. The researcher will collect the value of the number of wastes

correctly identified and segregated accordingly by the machine (TP), the number

of wastes incorrectly identified but segregated accordingly by the machine (FP),

and the number of wastes incorrectly identified and incorrectly segregated by the

machine (FN). After the data has been collected, the researcher will compute the

precision score of metal, plastic and biodegradable using the formula: Precision =

TP / (TP + FP). The researcher will then compute the recall score of metal, non-

biodegradable and biodegradable using the formula: Recall = TP / (TP + FN).

After computing both the precision and recall scores, the researcher will then

compute the F1-score of metal, plastic and biodegradable using the formula:

2(precision*recall) / (precision + recall). Once computing for those values is

finished, the researcher will compute the machine’s overall precision, recall and

F1-score by finding the average of the value for each waste types. The

researcher will conduct a survey to be answered by 30 experts regarding the

machine’s functionality durability usefulness impact on society and safety. The

researcher will calculate the average of the results.

Statistical treatment

After the gathering of data, a statistical procedure will be done. To

determine whether there is a significant difference between the average precision

of biodegradable, non-biodegradable and metal wastes, the one-way Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) will be performed. The one-way Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) will again be performed to determine if there is a significant difference

between the average recall of biodegradable, non-biodegradable and metal

wastes. The same statistical treatment will be used to determine if there is a

significant difference between the average F1-score of biodegradable, non-

biodegradable and metal wastes. After this, an analysis of the results will be



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