Andrei Day2

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Saya: I

Kamu: you
Dia: he/she
Kami: we
Mereka: they

In, at,on: di
Work: bekerja --------- i work in bali ----saya bekerja di bali
Happy: senang-------i am happy----saya senang
House: rumah------ i have a house in bali ---- saya punya rumah di bali.

How are you: apa kabar?

I live in perth.
Saya tinggal di perth. Saya bekerja di kantor.
I read a book .
Book: buku
Saya membaca buku di rumah
Saya tinggal di perth

Saya bangun di pagi dan jalan-jalan.

---- Jam
At 7 0’clock
Jam tujuh pagi
Jam tujuh malam
Selamat pagi
Tidur: sleep
I sleep at 10 a.m
Saya tidur jam sepuluh pagi
Ibu lorrienne
Where do you live?
Di mana kamu tinggal?
Saya tinggal di Perth.
Jam berapa di perth?
Di perth jam 4 sore
Di sini/di sana
Saya tinggal di jogja. Di sini jam 3.44 sore
What time: jam berapa
How much/how many: berapa
How many house do you have?
Berapa rumah kamu punya?
Saya punya satu rumah.
Saya bisa bicara bahasa indonesia
Where, when, what time, how many/much:berapa
Go: pergi
Wake up: bangun
When do you wake up?
Kapan kamu bangun?
Saya bangun jam tujuh pagi.
Kapan kamu pergi bekerja?
Jam berapa kamu pergi bekerja?
Saya pergi bekerja jam sembilan pagi.
Selesai: finish
Saya selesai bekerja jam tiga sore.
Dog: anjing
Saya punya dua anjing.
Siapa nama kamu?
Nama saya agus.

When: kapan
Get up: bangun
Morning: pagi
Take walk: jalan-jalan
Sebelas: 11
- ......belas
- Sembilan belas
Dua puluh: twenty
Ninety: sembilan puluh
Dua ratus
Sembilan ratus
Dua ribu
Live: tinggal
Have: punya


I happy
I student

Translate this text in to indonesian:

Hi! My name is Lucy. I live with my parents in Sydney, Australia. My mother’s name is Lilith
and my father’s name is Fred. I have two brothers and one sister. My brothers, Peter and
Walter, live with us, too. Peter studies in a school in the city. He takes the train to school. He
gets up at 6 am. That’s very early! But Walter gets up late. He walks to work. Peter does his
homework everyday at 5pm. My sister, Helena, lives with her husband, James. He works in
the town. They don’t take the bus to our house. They go to our house by car. James is a
doctor, but he doesn’t work in a hospital, he works in an office. They visit us every Sunday. I
really love my family!

Possessive Adjective Pronouns Practice : translate

Some sentences in present continous
1. Alice is wearing a skirt. Her skirt is blue.
2. Bill is wearing trousers. His trousers are black.
3. I am wearing jeans. My jeans are blue.
4. Linda is wearing a dress. Her dress is red.
5. Jim and Bill are wearing coats. Their coats are green.
6. You are wearing socks. Your socks are white.
7. Tom is wearing a shirt. His shirt is brown.
8. Ann and I are wearing caps. Our caps are green and yellow.
9. My mother likes to wear dresses. Her dresses are elegant.
10. Mary likes her hair. Her hair has different colours.

Subject & Object Pronouns Practice: Translate

1. She has a sister.
2. Look at me. I can ride a bike!
3. That’s my father. His name is Dave
4. My parents are nice! I love them.
5. You can tell me your phone number.
6. Our teacher is kind and friendly.
7. Where is your dad? He is at work.
8. He has a dog. His name is Spike
9. You can give my food to him.
10. These apples are for us.

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