Day 3-8 - C) Setting Up Links For Zeydoo (Voluum)

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5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)

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01-28-2021 01:49 PM #1

Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)
Senior Moderator

Join Date: Feb 2014 Next, we'll be setting up tracking links for a Zeydoo offer. Let's go!
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1)First of all let's pick an offer to run!

Remember in the first lesson, you were instructed to ask your Zeydoo AM for offer
recommendations? Hopefully you've received some suggestions and got approved to run them!

Next, let's decide on an offer and geo to test. We want to choose a geo that has a good amount of
traffic (i.e. visitors) on either or both of the traffic networks we'll be testing on (the reason for this
was explained in the EXPLANATIONS section in a previous post).

a)Open Up the Traffic Chart at PropellerAds:

-Log into your PropellerAds' account:

-Go to the Traffic Chart:

Make sure "Onclick (Popunder)" is selected at the top (should be by default).

b)Open Up the Traffic Chart at PopAds:

-Log into your PopAds account:

-Go to the Inventory Chart:

c)Pick a geo:

-Pick a geo that is a)a developing country, b)that has either over one million "Total Impressions" on
PropellerAds, or "Raw Traffic" on PopAds, or both, c)that is accepted by at least one of the AM-
recommended offers.

You can find a list of developing countries on this page (look for section "Developing countries
according to International Monetary Fund"):

(If no geo fits all three criteria on EITHER traffic network, forget about the "over one million
impressions" requirement. Still, try to choose a geo that has more rather than less traffic. And if none 1/8
5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)
of the AM-recommended offers have top geos that are developing countries, then just choose a geo
that is a developed country - but try to avoid geos with the worst competition: US, CA, UK, ZA, AU,

-If the chosen geo is accepted by more than one AM-recommend offers, pick ONE offer to test first. If
in doubt, pick the one with the lower payout so you may be able to collect more data on smaller

2)Set up the affiliate network on Voluum including the postback. (Only needs to be done
once ever.)

-Log into Voluum. Click on the "Affiliate networks" tab at the top > "+ New affiliate network".

Click "Create custom affiliate network" then click "Next" (advice: don't choose existing templates
even if you see your affiliate network listed here, unless you're already familiar with how tracking
tokens work - otherwise you'd just get more confused).

In the "Name" field put "Zeydoo". Click "Save".

-Next, we want to set up the postback for Zeydoo, so that they can send conversions and payout data
to Voluum. In Voluum, click on the "Settings" icon at the top (it looks like a little gear) > click on
"Tracking URLs" tab at the top > click "Copy" after the "Secure postback URL". 2/8
5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)

-Log into the Zeydoo affiliate dashboard at Go to the left menu >
"Postback". Paste the postback url you've copied from Voluum into the empty field, then replace
"cid=REPLACE" with "cid={ymid}", replace "&payout=OPTIONAL" with "&payout={amount}", and delete

For example if your original postback from Voluum was:

Your edited link should look like:{ymid}&payout={amount}

Don't forget to click the "Save" button!

3)Add the offer to Voluum.

So you've already chosen a geo above, for which there is at least one AM-recommended offer. If
there are more than one offers choose ONE to test first. Next we want to add this offer into Voluum.

-Go to Zeydoo's dashboard > left menu > "Offers". Find your offer using the filter. The easiest way
may be to enter either your offer ID or name in the "ID or Name" field.

-When you find your offers, and see "Request is approved" beneath the offer name, click on the offer
name to open up the offer details.

-If instead of "Request is approved" you see "Offer locked", you'd have to click on the offer name to go
to offer details, click on the "Request approval" button, and fill out the request form. If you're not sure
how to fill it out, do the following: 3/8
5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)

Let your AM know you've applied to the offer so they can approve it at their convenience. When the
offer is approved, click into the offer details and continue to the next step.

-Scroll to the bottom and click on "Start working with this offer".

-An "Add traffic source" window would pop up. Click "+Create new" and put any name ("1" would be
fine) and click "Create", then click "Get link".

What Zeydoo allows you to do here, is create one affiliate link per traffic source. This isn't really
necessary because we'll be using the tracker's tokens to keep track of this - so we can just use this
one affiliate link for all traffic sources.

-Back on the offer details page, you'll see the generate affiliate link in the "Link Settings" section.
Click on the copy icon to copy it.

-Go to Voluum > "TRACKER" at the top > "Offers" tab > "+ New offer". 4/8
5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)

-In the "New offer" window, paste the offer link you just copied from Zeydoo into the "Offer URL" field.
Next you'll need to replace the tokens in the link. Let's say your original link is:{CLICK_ID}

Replace {SOURCE_ID} with {}, and replace {CLICK_ID} with {clickid}, like so:{}&ymid={clicki d}

(Note: Any spaces in the link should NOT be there - it's a vBulletin glitch.)

-Copy the offer name from Zeydoo and paste it into the "Name" field in Voluum.

-For "Affiliate network" select "Zeydoo"".

-For "Country tag" field, set to "Global" if the offer accepts traffic from more than one geo, or set this
to a particular geo if the offer only accepts traffic from a single geo.

-You can look over other settings, but they should be left at default.

-Click "Save".


We are now ready to set up our first campaigns at a couple of traffic sources - which will be the focus
of the next lessons!


Last edited by vortex; 01-28-2021 at 02:31 PM.

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06-24-2022 04:28 PM #2 5/8
5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)

jmcassociates In Zeydoo on the welcome kit, they mention "Also we recommend to use this offer as the traffic back"
Member on their recommended offers. What does that mean?
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vortex (06-24-2022)

06-24-2022 07:51 PM #3

Originally Posted by jmcassociates
Senior Moderator
In Zeydoo on the welcome kit, they mention "Also we recommend to use this offer as the traffic back"
on their recommended offers. What does that mean?

Can you please show the offer and perhaps the few paragraphs leading up to that sentence? Just to
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Toronto, Canada
get more context.
Posts: 12,464
Thanks: 28,061 In general, what this means is that when a visitor somehow opts-out of the original offer, you can
Thanked 17,298 Times in 7,177 Posts have them sent to another offer so as not to waste the money you spent in acquiring this visitor.

For example - when the visitor doesn't agree to subscribe when they see a push notification (see here
for a detailed explanation), or when they click the back button (this is more commonly referred to
"backbutton traffic".

This would be my understanding. I'll ask my AM to verify exactly what they mean by this, to provide
more clarity.


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06-24-2022 08:07 PM #4

jmcassociates Thanks Amy. that makes sense (back button script or abandonment offer.
Member The offer info in full is this:
Join Date: May 2022 Flow: Click2sms
Posts: 5 Languages of the landing page: Malaysian
Thanks: 0 NB! Cap: 200 conversions daily per offer. Ask you manager for available cap!
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5/8/23, 10:59 AM Day 3-8: c)Setting Up Links for Zeydoo (Voluum)
vortex (06-24-2022)

06-24-2022 08:46 PM #5

Originally Posted by jmcassociates
Senior Moderator
Thanks Amy. that makes sense (back button script or abandonment offer.
The offer info in full is this:
Flow: Click2sms
Languages of the landing page: Malaysian
NB! Cap: 200 conversions daily per offer. Ask you manager for available cap!
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Location: Toronto, Canada Not allowed: adult, misleading, incent, autobscriptions, iframe, hardcore creatives, fraud, bot
Posts: 12,464
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Ah yes this type of offers are good candidates for traffic back!

I've left my Zeydoo AM a message - will report back when they reply.


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Build Your Foundation with This Newbie Course: Vortex' 40-Day Newbie Pop Tutorial
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Placements and Banners | Part 3: How to Cut Placements Using Rules of Thumb | Part 4: How to Cut Offers
with Different Payouts

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