Cultural Differences & Communication

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Communication is indeed the most powerful weapon in bridging each culture

to create a diverse macrosystem and understanding one another. Through
communication we can build relationships from all over the world and discover their
status as we are relating their cultures to ours. However, there are circumstances that
sometimes we can't avoid and make us divided for being offensive towards a specific
group this is because of cultural ignorance and misinterpretation that can cause
multiple negative views and aggressive canceling someone. According to Dayaoen
(2023), cultural ignorance is when an individual person shows a lack of understanding
of other cultures in terms of their history, society, government, and much more. This
lack of knowledge and understanding can easily be interpreted as a lack of respect for
the culture.

What is Cultural Ignorance?

Cultural ignorance, according to Pryor (2019), is the inability to respect the

cultural traditions of others or to embrace one's own culture without considering how
doing so will damage the culture of origin. This somehow occurs frequently when
other people exhibit ethnocentrism. Anthropologists refer it as the tendency to believe
that one's own culture is the most appropriate way to live. People tend to be less
objective in their perceptions due to their lack knowledge of the politics and history of
different civilizations.

By being more sensitive to cultural differences, one can handle these issues
and communicate successfully (Smith, 2022). Sieck (2021) defined cultural sensitivity
as understanding and embracing cultural differences, and being able to deal with them
effectively. It helps one to be more cautious while conveying information through
communication. It increases their awareness and comprehension of how other people
might interpret the message they will express.

Cultural Ignorance and Its Effect On Communication

Communication issues may result from cultural ignorance. For instance, for us
Filipinos, calling someone by their first name who is older than you is quite
disrespectful. They must be treated with the same regard that we show to our elders.
Grandmothers and grandfathers must be addressed as Lola/Lolo, middle-aged persons
as Tito/Tita or Auntie/Uncle, people who are only slightly older than you as
Ate/Kuya, and people we don't know as Ma'am/Sir. However, American customs
differ significantly from ours. Whether they are your age or far older than you, they
can address others by their first name. It is an accepted practice for them to use your
first name when addressing you personally. Considering we are all unaware of what
goes on in everyone's lives behind the scenes, it is important to always be culturally
sensitive and avoid making assumptions about others.

Additionally, culture can influence how people communicate information and

how they view conflict (Smith, 2022). Maintaining eye contact, for instance, allows
you to establish a connection with the person you are speaking with and is one of the
non-verbal indicators for effectively communicating your message. But maintaining
eye contact can be deemed impolite in other areas. When enraged, people in China
make eye contact as it is disrespectful and intended to test the other person. Thus,
communication can be somewhat difficult, as Filipov (2022) noted with all these
factors to be considered including the voice delivery, physical delivery, cultural
differences, and others.


Spoken Language: Varieties and Registers

Language is primarily our main tool when we are communicating with one
another. And we commonly utilize spoken language to deliver our thoughts and ideas.
The way how we communicate and converse with others differs depending on
different situations. Thus, I can say that there is language register and linguistic
variation in delivering a spoken language. A speaker modifies their language register
to signal levels of formality according to their relationship with their audience and the
intended purpose of their message.

For example, imagine that you are talking to the Dean of your college division
in his/her office where are you are given a task to conduct an interview regarding with
the article that you are writing about. When you meet him or her you would say,
“Hey, dude! What’s up?” Probably not, right? When you personally meet and talk to
your dean, you would probably say something formal or address him or her with the
phrase like, “Good morning, Ma’am, Sir, or Dean”, and after that, you will state your
full name and intention. On the other hand, when you want to conduct an interview
with your best friend, you wouldn’t call him/her ‘Ma'am/Sir.’ Instead you would be
fine using the informal address, ‘Besh, Dude’ and as such.

According to American Linguist Martin Joos, there are five main language
register types. The first one is

Frozen Register, describes speeches that are produced via recitation rather than
spontaneous speech production. Utterances are spoken exactly at the same time.
Examples are reciting a pledge, a prayer like Our Father, and Philippine Constitution.

Formal Register which is used in formal settings and professional, official, or

important situations like ceremonial and etiquette-based conventions. Examples are; a
professor delivering an academic lecture, and pronouncement made by judges.

Consultative Register where users engage in a mutually accepted structure of

communication. Examples are: A teacher who actively engages students in the
discussion or a doctor asking a patient how he/she feels after the surgery.

Casual Register which is used among friends and peers, and includes informal
language including slang and colloquialisms. Example is conversing with a friend
about how hilarious a meme they have seen on Facebook.
Intimate Register which refers to communication that is personal and private. It
might include inside jokes, made-up words, pet names, and secrets that only your
close ones would understand like parents, siblings, husband and wife. Example is a
husband asking her wife “how is my honey bunch?”

So those are the varieties and register of spoken language that we evidently
used in our daily lives. Therefore, utilizing appropriate varieties and registers in
language when communication takes place determine the level of formality.

Written Language: Varieties and Registers

Varieties of written language comprise the notion of a unique form of

language. For example, English has a number of varieties, such as British English,
American English, Canadian English, Indian English, and world English. It depends
on the terminologies, spelling, grammar, and slang words they commonly use as part
of their language.

For example, in the variation of grammar, British languages write their

sentences in the present perfect tense, while American languages use the simple past
tense. With the spelling as well, the use of u is important in the British Language
compared to the American language. Thus, language variation is part of each
individual's culture; it reflects our identity, and this is what makes each one unique.

According to Urzsula Clark (2014), the varieties have their own rules and
systems that overlap. Since English is widely used around the world, there is no
superior or correct variety. Most importantly, we should focus on the context of use
because successful communication is more a question of understanding. There should
be no dominant language that reigns all over the world because we do have different
cultures. That is why we have language varieties, as defined by Youseff (2015).
Language is defined by use, not by the user. In addition, according to Biber and
Conrad (2009), we also have register languages as part of varieties associated with
particular situations of use and particular communicative purposes. With that, I want
to discuss the three common language registers, but let me first add something about
the word language register. It is the level of formality with which we speak that
depends on the communication context and the different situations we are in.
According to an article written by Glenner (2016), it shows the level of formality and
informality of the language used.
 Varieties and registers show the level of formality and informality of the
language used

As I stated, it shows the level of formality and informality of the language

used. By the word formality, it means to be written in a formal way, in the formal
language register that is usually used in professional writing, making business
letters, and commonly used in a workplace. For example, when making resignation
letters: when it comes to a letter, it should be written in a formal way, as you are in
the workplace, and be professional and courteous in your words because you are
giving that letter to a professional as well. Part of this also includes research papers,
scholarly works, critiques, and reviews.
On the other hand, informal language is said to be the usual writing we do to
our friends, casual writing, and personal writing. It is conversational like text
messages, journal entries, and diaries as well. I also want to point out this last
language register, the neutral language register that is non-emotional in nature and
appropriate in technical writings. It is not writing of a formal or informal nature, but
writing that is used to deliver facts or news with a purpose such as what is written in
nutrition facts, product descriptions, even the product features.

Thus, when we use appropriate varieties and registers of language, we’re

showing respect, interest, comfort, and professionalism.

Formal and Informal Texts Rules of the Formal Language Register in Writing

The language register determines the vocabulary, structure, and some

grammar in your writing. The three most common language registers in writing are:
Formal, Informal, and Neutral. Just as we communicate differently to different
people, we employ several language registers for various forms of writing. Speaking
to the President of the United States is not the same as speaking to your brothers.

The formal register is more appropriate for professional writing and letters to
a boss or a stranger. The informal register (also called casual or intimate) is
conversational and appropriate when writing to friends and people you know very
well. The neutral register is non-emotional and sticks to facts. It is most appropriate
for technical writings. In articles such as these, we tend to mix the formal and
informal registers to present the information in an easy to understand and personal
tone. According to Croker 2020, English words language don't inherently have a
specific formality. Register relies on the context both sentence and Socio cultural

Formal Language Register

The most challenging kind of writing is certainly formal writing. It lacks

feeling and is impersonal, as it is not written for a particular person. There are some
writing styles that demand formal English at all times. Business letters, letters of
complaint, essays, reports, official speeches, announcements, and formal emails are
all examples of formal writing.

Informal Language Register

Informally written communication resembles how we speak with our friends

and family. When writing to someone we know well, we employ casual writing. The
majority of blogs, diaries, and journals, as well as personal e-mails, phone calls, brief
notes, and pleasant letters, can be written in an informal manner.

According to Sarah Eaton, PhD, language Register is the level of formality with
which people call for different register. Moreover, according to De Vera of
(Nov,2021) We use different language register to the different types of writing, just
how we speak differently to the different people.

Every single one of us should respect the variety of cultures, and we should
use this opportunity to learn more about them. According to the Center for Advanced
Research on Language Acquisition, understanding diverse cultures helps us
communicate with people more effectively. Culture is a shared norm of conduct and a
mental process that is learned through socialization.



Dress code is one of the main aspects to consider when attending formal
events. Similarly, in formal written communication “dress codes” which act as the
rules are also followed. However, rules are not necessarily applicable in informal
writing considering that it is a more spontaneous form of communication and is used
for personal concerns and reasons. When writing a research paper, case study, or
critical essay one must avoid using contractions (Oshima & Hogue, 2007). Colloquial
language like “Kinda”, “Stuff”, and “Y’all” must also be avoided because these are
used in everyday conversation. The word choice must be advanced in formal writing.
To have a better word choice, one must build a habit of reading (Glatch, S., 2022).
Another rule is to use discipline-specific words. These are words that appear
frequently in a specific discipline, field, or profession and not everywhere else (Chung
& Nation, 2004; Ha & Hylang, 2017). Numbers that are less than one hundred must
be written in words—not numerals—unless when referring to a date or a year, the
numerical form of the number must be used. One must be observant in appropriately
capitalizing proper nouns as well and avoid abbreviations. One can only use
abbreviations when the organization’s full name was written first and the abbreviated
version was enclosed in a parenthesis adjacent to it (Cullen, M. 2020). Lastly, the use
of complex sentence structures aids in having a more sophisticated connection
between ideas.

What is Multimodal Text?

Multimodal is a text that create meaning by combining two or more modes of

communications. Multimodal texts combine written language with gestures, visual
imagery, audio, spatial arrangements, and other modes to communicate a message. A
multimodal text can be a book, such as a picture book, informative text, or graphic
text, although it is frequently a digital text (Olarte et al., 2023), it is utilize to further
explain the message being conveyed.

By creating and employing strategic questions to discover strengths and

weaknesses, it is important to evaluate communications in order to determine their
effectiveness. Through message evaluation, we can increase the impact of our daily
communications, engage our audience, and utilize resources more effectively. It is
crucial to examine the messages first in order to improve communication since doing
so reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding. Understanding other people's cultural
sensitivity is crucial because it helps us to react to various circumstances and
individual differences in a polite and suitable way that recognizes and respects their
value regardless of their cultural background.

For example, the religious texts, every religion has its own holy books, such as
the Bible for Christians, the Qur'an for Muslims, and the Vedas for Hindus. For
adherents of the many faiths, these works contain religious doctrine, practices, and
guidelines. Since they possess their own set of beliefs and religion to adhere to, it is
only natural that some practices are not warmly received by everyone. In order to
have a better and more peaceful connection with one another, it is crucial to develop
cultural awareness and encourage respect despite our differences.

According to (Brown, 1994) clarifies that “language is a part of culture and

culture is a part of a language”, it highlights the importance to take cultural
differences into account when assessing the meanings contained in various forms of
texts. Understanding other cultures makes one more empathetic, appreciative, and
sensitive, which reduces prejudice and misunderstandings. Understanding the
differences in culture and beliefs allows businesses to tailor their goods, services, and
communication strategies for better outcomes and success in international markets.
The ability to navigate a diverse world with empathy, respect, and understanding, as
well as knowledge of the history, significance, and values of other cultures, allows for
stronger cross-cultural encounters, communication, and collaboration.

In conclusion, while evaluating messages across cultures, it is important to

consider cultural background, implications, and values that may have an impact on the
message's meaning. According to a 1999 study by Kim and Markus, individualistic
cultures place a higher weight on personal achievements than collectivist societies,
which place a higher value on social context and collective harmony. Since important
communications might not have the same impact across cultures, it is important to
consider cultural differences when understanding and analyzing messages.

Adams, B. (2020, January 20). Language Register Types & Examples.

Croker, D. (2020, August 21). What Is Language Register In Writing?

Dayaoen, L. (2021, March 16). Cultural Ignorance Leads To Lost Opportunities

Andincreased Level Of Tension Between People. Course Hero.

Filipov, S. (2022, July 22). The 14 Most Common Communication Challenges Within
Modern Companies and Tips on How to Overcome Them.,Language%20barriers

Frontlearners, Inc. (2019). Local and Global Communication in Multicultural


Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Ethnocentrism.

Jones, P. (2022, April 20). Registers Of Language.

Olarte et al. (2023). Raising Awareness of the City as a Text: Multimodal,

Multicultural, and Multilingual Resources for Education. https://www.igi-
Pryor, R. (2019, January 18). CULTURAL IGNORANCE IN THE WORKPLACE, &

Really Learn English. (2023). Language Register. https://www.really-learn-

Sieck, W. (2021, September 21). What is Cultural Sensitivity and How Does it
Develop? Global Cognition.

Student Voices Sonoma County. Cultural Ignorance. Sonoma County Superintendent

of Schools.

Smith, E. (2022, July 07). Cultural Differences in Communication.

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