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The story starts when a teacher in a small village is asking questions from his
students, what do they want to be in the future?

One student replied, Peon sir.

Another said, Clerk.
Another answered Security guard.
Because the thinking of the poor students living in the small village was very limited. They
couldn’t think beyond that. In their eyes the job of a peon was much better than working in the
fields whole day and earn only 200 rupees!
But the reply of one student surprised the teacher, he said he wants to be an officer at a very high
post. There was a power, determination and positivity in his reply, which could be seen through
his eyes. He was the son of a poor man, who was paralyzed in his legs and could hardly raise his
family. The poverty of his family compelled the boy to work hard, to do something great and to
be something. It seemed impossible for a penurious boy, but his determination was touching the
ceiling of the sky. He started working hard, he struggled to get higher education. But the only
obstacle hindering the path of his success was his poverty.
After completing school, he had to take admission in college, but unfortunately his financial
condition didn’t support and he couldn’t afford the expense. But his determination didn’t let him
give up. He started working in the field day in and day out to earn some money, to get admission
and to get his dreams come true.
His sweat, determination and hard work didn’t go to waste. He got
admission in college where he made every effort to get good marks and he well prepared himself
for the exams. He completed his exams with full of satisfaction & hope to get better marks, but
the poor boy wasn’t aware about the injustice of the board. The result was announced on the
basis of the amount of money paid, not on the extent of merit. He secured poor marks after
working so hard! Just because of the fact that he had no money to pay as bribes, he had no any
kickback for his support, and he had not the parents at the higher posts who could favor him. The
only fault of all this was his poverty.
He became completely desperate, but still there was a little ounce of hope,
he picked himself back up and started working hard again to get admission in university.
Through his continuous efforts, he got admission in university. It was a new hope. He began with
full of positivity in his mind. Every day he worked hard and tried to impress the teachers. But all
the times he became victim of favoritism. Those who belonged to the affluent class, whose
parents were employees of the university, got more more attention, more value and even more
marks. Not all of the teachers were same, but some of them used to give marks on favoritism.
The boy got least marks in the subject in which he had full command of.
He became extremely hopeless and sought for justice. He asked the teacher for the reason, but
the teacher ignored. He complained to the dean of the faculty for the marks given to him. But the
dean didn’t take any action. The poor boy didn’t know that the dean himself was the best friend
of his teacher. He was punished for his protest to injustice. And every year he got least marks in
that subject.
Not only that, but the poor boy was kept backward every time. The P.M of the Pakistan
announced to distribute free laptops to the students. He became very happy to know this, as he
was deprived of these basic necessities. He was enthusiastic to get the laptop so that he can study
more efficiently. But the laptops were not distributed to those who were needy, but to those who
had higher marks in their intermediate. Most of the students got laptops who already had them.
And many poor students along with the boy, didn’t.

When he completed his graduation, he started searching for the jobs. Whenever he read any
vacancy in the newspaper, he applied for that. Every time he successfully cleared the written test
and well gave his interview, but never selected at all. Why? Because in the interview only those
candidates were nominated who had either strong political source or the kickback by their
The injustice, favoritism and degradation compelled him to think of those poor students who are
being victimized of injustice and favoritism like him every year. This led him to take action
against that and he realized that, it can't be sorted out by complaining others, but he himself has
to be something that he can end all these illegal activities. He decided to join the anti-corruption
department, where he can expose the faces of those who were wearing the masks of genuineness
and sincerity.
After his efforts, he successfully qualified for a higher post in the anti - corruption department.
Now he got power, to take action against these illegal activities. Firstly, he took action against
the corruption going on in the intermediate board. All the teachers involved in the corruption
were suspended. Similarly, he also took action against the unfairness in nominating the
candidates for a particular job.
By doing this, he not only taught the lesson to the evil doers, but also provided the justice to
those poor hard working students who once became the victim of favoritism like him.
For his tremendous work out against the corruption he was admired by the minister of education
and being rewarded.
The moral of the story is there is no any ingredient of success except hard work, determination
and persistence. And no, any negativity can ruin the hard work. Those who do evil, ultimately,
become the engineer of their own catastrophe.

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