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Grovewriment Schemes Jone 1 Entocpoencurs Low Women compos axound ite af the toto! number of entsepecneuss bowed fa ingle fret f cnt weparacas ship ond levetoping th fidk Lome n ase growing fa the dynomc teams. corn af to day's elay ond age Ove encousoged lo extobiizh Lhemseclues as ut as to become finone fotry fndepeneent but entapecneusship — °S never an easy pant theoe ow $0 mony chalenges and hadeus +0 overcome. 50 to promote worn entupaeneusship the gowsnmont of In@fa has come up with 50 mong schemes thot writ of inencatiy OSL5S the cJomen: Se hemes ‘ wo. entzp 3 re. fox mer ar neu. a Mudra loon Oe women This is the over nrmrert of (nda eet A Aot aims to imipoove the Status. Sf wonwn in the countTy by provithing the business boone and a's0 Supporting them , 50 thot * boy fan be finone'o ny Indapendert are ale The _wriiant piee Pa‘ ot Lo nee Beek a ppesiness beauty posters, tution ng fhop cote So afrer cipe Fer ar of whe oorl the womerr Ct ee prenr eF awit be qo" Q muss card thot ant actotly cook tite a eseat card euheve women Cn toe pore es con cwuthderan mere g onde Ae-we the Cin os opto 10 ‘pb of the Soncrioncedé aroun: J Arnagusna Se here 7 he aonnaputne gene ore x the mony ovanrrual = se heres for cuomen+ Unabo this, the ovesn ment of india offers — wvorner? Donprereures > Sc henes in food coreg Ausines23 Loon ue to *70000- The borrourl amos coulk & Used for working cop thal Beg uiseynsot such as be “ng eter sil 9 MVXey ton winks, fot cos, tyra boxes /, Luv or vay table ete: a = . 5 6 1 he sfoce Shoctr opora a ungue governrent — Je herve fe cuoned that Sup petts eriterp oe ss hip by prow a : 2 > 42 , ng eetacd Caries Corts. THES CAFO? Ca ot rs the soe bur rie 23 a herne have wn the is these Le NOT thot Crivonedk Developarweat thet weg pee Tiel Saec shocw avo f on o0t%o 4] Dena Shat# The Ocna | ors enter peervu t 3: rrrenufacturing 5 Stowes ox greats Dt hommes cone 55107 -nt for x carro , f a a wary Tn avarl the con UNGT Jt hr me fneoest on Coors up to do 5c heme rue oO — mitceo-cwedet en maze z ny Alri othy ble for Let Orr era f wcgu lsc riunt Owner sAp be wworrur) the enter pre neu rs Enterpoereusship programme Gor) ovqan’sed “hb Ths to sf thon Fa €akh- slate SPO AMOWs Wworen Cortee s3°or7 Oe theme Shokw Scheme provi s fr AGurstUV 4 tath wonw? 2 7 COCA g OED 7 TAS provichs enter pr ses oven also on the cuore entor peters of ve to 710000 cake. ory Wore x, 2 Ord 5 10 fneorst oer 5] Bhastlya Mohila Bank business e0n Tt (plemented vby the Bhaotiya Mohtia Bork (AMG) thes a pubie Sectoe Banting Conipony that offess -Coans Pa o3 sehernes for women enteprrnesss up to ego cxoves This seheme wtos estobished for worn who Xderom . big Pes pls of a loth of Besouses Th’s scheme provides 0s for worn ctho ove tooting to stand ong Ene of monufacturing business Zo to Soy women] con stort own Sook P2708 ssteg unrt whith % ai tor scole business, stost Q orment -busiress, wonva con en, textile maenufiote 509 monsfactesr rg unis ete: J] Moehita Udyor WAAY scheme This rs one of the mast = populox overnment Scherns for worn enrrpr | “routs Tt wos gurched by the | Crab Wotones Bonk onl 13 ore scell tou eds Supportin the srnall Sco aD strives wer. The 5) go" of thes 4 hore “sy fo promox t Ae | Meoaern otton OS woett as the tec hnoiege | o@venanwnt Pa the se srotl sca ’ Tn Cus teres by provid 9 Prozsu - fore \-Coans 10 them Bont Kalyan’! heme The Cent keolgan Opona js a our SY 7 nment ae heme fer worn thot cod be ovaiud by “both cxrsHing ond pew orikac pores FF and Hof - errplo eh worren- mussel sre Craps rse 3s Oks fo zr “og 5 Agrivullure y Cottage WAdus tries One wec4a?} to epply for the gerd kalgorr 3c hermne trade owe all el 8] Prakhon mont n' _o29 0% Yyofona Prodhon Montr Rogar Yyojona provide oppoatunHes oS Sef er plogyreat to the educated coun prope g the County . mn 1943 tho Sc ferrie pro vices the unemployedt (ndion wee o Coon omount to (erp) Commerrte their Persone! business Projred ond Su bsegusntty Cocate SC 0pC Ff empleg rrwornt for Ot hors dy ogini _& e va The qwomer Oeirlop rrwnt Core ran has lrpwmented thy Uchyogint % home uncer 4fre Overn ment of Iriobia TAs | Se herve = proreles anc men ve4es ~pvormen>s CNisep sus SA 1 tA b prereuvshia — arrieng qe poor ! providing “fin aricfal 4.4epoe! fo werormer: q pa or This sa Aeme mopor'y supports end helps fiste volte quar thw ag “nA zurol and hoctword awos Femole- vor endevpvrses axe Consiaatl blooming all Orr the Cvorxscl they contribute tO -houx hod neormms as cell as grewth ef Ylatvone! economists women toda ove the proud owners vhusiress chains which 2 ' meng "9 exterrruly ewe: Att ps //wuw hajosfinses vrrorasds- in fl cons | busieeer. sche rvs {7 - orn emtorprmur Air Afeon/ govesmm nb Re So&o«x

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