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TSF : Enlvepveneuyial Mobility MHrepreneurial mavitidy -cesers do dhe migration of business “Jowners between diferent tocations and beween difleent occupations. TA 15 dhe Aranston of business owners from one prace to ano Aer and Wie Versa, which influences the tale and Srudure of entrepreneurship. development. Factors affecting fox entre preurial mobility Nastous factors inftuence eatrepreneurial mobitty. Thee dacors may Serve aS “putt” and “push” Jaciors. Generatty, the Jollowing Jaros do influence enlvepreneusal mobi tity» 1. Education Eduration plays an {mportant vote fo tnfiuencing one’s Anieking and understanding. Helshe also enables to adjust with the diferent Conditions more easily and Cleatly and communicate otners in a beer N N manner. THIS iS why amy educated entrepreneur Lends Ao be more jmobile Than an uneducated enlvepreneur. Example © Agricultural ack ground educated youths are mobile from qural area 40 Usban CAies Foc Setup Ahey ow business, a. Experience Ain eohEpeeneu’s Par experience in business and indushyy also i Zases his\her deadency 4o move. An experienced entrepre -n&ie eller preceives the aviailable opportucitigs , beHer analyses hist her slyengins and wealenesses and also understands: the @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ————_——————<——— — — Complexities involved ia waning an ember prise 3 Availabiriay Of faciviates, a Entrepreneurs tend © Move trom Ane areas with no or f4wer AGED AO Ane SXEGS With move and beer Fadi. Ex., Goud Jadtitiol availability of Yaw moderials, Nabours , marie’ Jackies, OME PEISON Dloned dox astales ave OHly ONailable ta Nocbh- Easten For exampe . Sdup @ Aea fiom bul dea Mand Southern shales hod is Assam, west Bengal, Tamilnadu and \ketala. One hand he hove do dtansser the yaw rmaltriat Yo nis firm, another haed We have 4o Setup his Siem tn place where raw moleial {5 availabta and Hs reduits NG Avansportation Go. Goutmenend intceduced Pradhan Manhi Yuva Yojana Xo young ankryepeeneurs, 1475 aims to Avain and educate Abe aspidiag Young entrepreneurs im Lodia about entreprenturthip for a pediod 03 5 years. ¥. Sire of enterprise Size of enterprises also has a Vidal eb}ecd on emrepreneurial rnabilily. Generally, largey business houses are more mobile Ahan | | Seratier business houses. Because a large size of the edecperse wit Have Ane capability to stad a new business ad a new plate. 5. Political Jactors a Cerlain geagro phic area, ectvepreneurial develop rend is Afeally indluenced boy politcal issues. This is due to ane foct Anat politichans determine ane -Kind of masleel that fs present @ scanned with OKEN Scanner marked may b: 7 ae mat © COPIAALSC , Communi y Communist, ora mixed economy in ious nations, wosiow These Aneee rmarkels each hove entrepreneers cqnduch THEmmelves, , Ne: Tota nay Exornf . "80 COUId Med Selup ‘AS pland in West Benga! due to Aical ea i potitical environment did mod suppord there. So they choose 40 Set up Ane plont al Gujrat, ¢. Lega’ Saclors Law is important to business owners fora mutiitude of qeasons. & countyy’s Legal trame works justice and Shurdiness nave a Significant Linpacd on how well As entrepreneurship is deve -\opeds Tis is So AHA Dusiness con operate, whith mecessiahes a wide Tonge of legal Services, The Sotlowing axe the Some vues and xequiation of Low have 40 follow by the entrepreneurs of India. 4 Dispures act, ¥aN4 The tvade unit Act, 1426 . Reguietion of emplayenend k Service Ach 1844 + Payment of Gratuity Act, 492 2. Taxation . ough taxes laws, Ane gpvecamect can cHert Signisi cant cone) over Ane marked. The gpvevarsent covrects taxes in order to Box Ahe ovetro! econo klep the admintslrative and Wega Srameworie mray in place, Grov's Syequedty, impose a Ih of taxes, Anough. Tha trea Ao Ahe poor. tally “beggar *he aSluent and Five @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ve goes agains) quis ape 9 OST AWe fundamental PRACIPLES of end clelase oes entreprenty co op? Sea of Ane {esd Prevaiting. Theredore wis Shingtst tax polices 7 Obsewe aM exodus of HUsiness + Oman is a Aax-4y . : Ave nation as Ahece {5 no daxation oF . sad Sor a4 a income O Ov Porades, Sresitarty Anere ave tH Coundyies in we wuryies i Axepreneurs thai . nob ot endef) Ky MOBIC Ao AhoLe Counter do Save Anety 10% ey: ot gbitty 3 Copttal ; nail fe level of development of a County "Ss Capital master’ qn s has nificant fenpacd on Ane growth of entreprencurcsinip to & partic 0 9 yin oe a. Entnepreneesrs need money Ao launch sky pusiness?s gp aso NES gy right away to expand then swittly Ahety (eas out 40 bE successul. Severoped Sysherns 49 Because of Ais, Holions with welt = and well oney OA every Sage = including Seed Copal S y Aegi ‘4 ye garveding ™ yeate Higher levels 3 aeveroped Oris Gnd oad markels — CxPEr ys driven by entrepreneurship teonomic growls Wot tadia Ivoduced Pradhan Zectiad qovecames 08 is-0 qoveensnet scheme iw India aired Fptrding HMnancior assiviance to Smad and "iCCo Moker Pees Scheme offers loans Up Ag Rs.\olalens Ao eligi ble Stalups a 8 entrepreneurs. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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