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English Club/English Month

Proposed date: September 29, 2023

Theme: “English as a Global language: bridging cultures, connecting the world ”
 To promote excellence in English Literacy;
 To increase students’ creativity and critical thinking;
 To serve as a venue in the development of the students’ learning and performance;
 To provide knowledge that will serve as a bridge to connect our culture globally

I. Opening Prayer – Lady Charish Yaya

II. National Anthem – AVP Presentation
IV. President’s Welcome Speech
V. Introduction of facilitator/Officers
VI. Special Performance of Dance Troupe (First Batch)
VII. English Club Activities:

Poster/Slogan Making Contest 2hrs (8:00 am – 9:30 am)

Spelling Bee ( 8:00am -9:30am)
Lights, Camera, Action (8:00am-10:30 am)
(1 Performance from Dance Troupe & Glee Club)

Morning Film (9:30am-11:30am)

Afternoon Film (1:00pm - 2:30pm)

Speech Choir (1:00pm-3:30 pm)

VIII. Special Performance of Glee & Dance Troupe (Second batch)

IX. Awarding of Winners
X. Closing remarks

XI. Materials
- Medals - 6 medal
- Certificates
- Trophies
- backdrop
- curtains
- Microphone (All available)
- Sound System
- 3-4 Electric fans
- Extensions
- 4 Classrooms -2 for the film(SCILAB, 303)
1 for the spelling bee (302)
1 for poster/slogan making(Bartending room)

XII. Source of Funds

- Membership Fee (20 Pesos)
- Film Ticket (10 Pesos)

Prepared by: Noted by : Approved by:

Erica Carlos Ariel Morales Engr. Jim B. Montemayor

Micaela Soliman Faculty Head School President
Poster/Slogan Making
1. The contest is open to all Senior High School students in IS School of Technology and Skill Development.
The artwork should revolve around the theme: “English as a Global language: bridging cultures, connecting
the world ”

2. Size of the Artwork: 10” x 15” (1/8 illustration board)

3. The Poster/Slogan Making will be held on September 29, 2023 at Room 301. Participants must enter
the room 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
4. The participants will be held accountable to any issues that may arise with regards to the originality
and authenticity of the design.
5. By joining the contest and submitting entry/entries, all participants grant an extra curriculum points.
6. There will be three (3) winners for the contest: 2 nd Place, 1st Place and Champion.

Poster Making Criteria

Criteria Percentage
I. Technical Criteria
(Exposure Focus/Sharpness,
Color and/or Tonal Rendition, 20%
Contrast, Lightning)

II. Visual Impact and Aesthetic 20%


III. Relevance to the Theme

( “English as a Global language:
bridging cultures, connecting the 40%
world ”

IV. Originality/Uniqueness/Word 20%


Student Name: Total:

Spelling Bee
Mechanics and Criteria
1. The Quiz Bee shall consist of four (3) members per strand.
2. The Quiz bee has three rounds: EASY, AVERAGE, and DIFFICULT. Below are the corresponding number
of items, points, and time allotment for answering each item.
Number of items 5 3 3
Points per Correct Answer 3 pts 5 pts 10 pts
Time per Item 10 sec 15 sec 20 sec

3. The Words for English Spelling Bee will come from the adviser of the English Club.
4. The English Spelling Bee will be held on September 29, 2023, in room 302. Participants must enter the
room 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
5. Each participant must have an Illustration board (With plastic cover), white board marker
6. Each participant will start with zero score at the start of Easy Round. The accumulation of points all
throughout the spelling bee will be accumulated.
7. The Spelling Master will read each of the Word twice.
8. All the participants will have to wait for the signal from Spelling Master before answering the question.
9. When time is up, the participants will be asked to raised their boards or papers to show their answer.
Participants can only show up and bring down their boards or paper upon instruction of the Spelling


Roulette Punctuality Biotic

Masquerade Opinionated Command
Omitted Poignant Family
Taboo bathroom Bee
Phenomenon battery Peace
Encumbrance battle Cloud
Privilege introduction Earth
Vacillate invasion Sun
Fibrous invest Moon
Outrageous investigate Monkey
Semaphore investigation Friend
Orchestra Cymotrichies Classmate
Thermodynamics Quarreling Chair
Abscess Asceticism Mother
Reservoir Crustaceology Tree
Supererogatory Oryzivorus Doll
Connoisseur Parvenuism Dance
Misanthropic Ubiquitous Cable
Maculature Freight Bicycle
Onomatopoeia Koinonia Breakfast
Accommodate Macroscopic Discover
Rapport Nuance Customer
Pursue Book Fruit
Speech Choir Competition
Mechanics and Criteria
1. Speech Choir is open to all Senior High School students in IS School of Technology and Skill
2. The Speech Choir Competition will be held on September 29, 2023, at 2nd Floor hallway.
3. The Speech choir piece will be given by the advise of English Club and should revolve around the theme:
“English as a Global language: bridging cultures, connecting the world ”
4. Each strand must have at least 10-15 participants.
5. There shall be one (1) contest piece. The contest piece shall be given two (2) weeks before the contest.
6. Members of the choir shall wear and use costumes, props, and others whenever appropriate toimprove
the choral interpretation of the piece
7. The entrance and exit of the participants shall be applied.
8. By joining the contest and submitting entry/entries, all participants will be granted extra curriculum
9. There will be three (3) winners for the contest: 2 nd Place, 1st Place and Champion.


-10 -5 -2 (NO
DELIVERY 40% Students Students Students Students
pronounces most pronounced some pronounced most pronounced all
words, and the words correctly words correctly words correctly
blending of their and has blended and has good with great quality of
voices was not their voices. harmony and voices and has
done well. blending of their excellent blending
voices. and harmony.
INTERPRETATIO Students was not Students need to Students used good Students used
N 30% understood by the improve on timing timing and excellent timing
audience because and phrasing. phrasing. Part/role and phrasing.
the students sped Part/role was hard was spoken in a Part/role was
through their lines. to understand voice that was spoken in a steady
because the usually steady. voice.
students spoke too Student used
quickly. creativity in
interpretation of
the piece.
STAGE PRESENCE Students did not Students tried a Students tried Students tried some
20% use gestures, voice few gestures, voice some gestures, gestures, voice
fluctuations, or fluctuations, and voice fluctuations, fluctuations, and
facial expressions. facial expressions. and facial facial expressions
Students did not expressions to to enhance the
make the audience enhance the meaning of their
believe in the meaning of their piece.
message of their piece. Audience were
piece. Audience were strongly convinced
slightly convinced.
COSTUME The costume is not The costume is The costume is The costume is
10% related and not somehow related related and found strongly related
effective in and somehow effective in and excellent in
conveying their effective in conveying their conveying the
message. conveying their message. message.
Lights, Camera, Action!

1. The activity is open to all Senior High School students in IS School of Technology and Skill
2. Each Section must have 3 representatives.
3. The representatives will reenact the clip that will be provided by the English Club. It will also be given
before the week of the event.
4. The Lights, Camera, Action will be held on September 29, 2023, at 2nd Floor hallway. Participants must
be present 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
5. By joining the contest and submitting entry/entries, all participants will be granted extra curriculum
6. There will be three (3) winners for the contest: 2nd Place, 1st Place and Champion.

EXCELLENT- 20pts GOOD- 15 pts FAIR- 10pts POOR- 5 pts

PREPARATION Preparation is Some preparation has Parts of the act were There was no practice
obvious. Performance taken place. forgotten. It is clear that went into this act.
know what they are Performers know that the performance
doing. It is obvious most of their was not practiced
that practice has gone performance. It is much.
into the performance. obvious that some
practice has taken

DELIVERY Students is confident Students has moments Students has moments Students does not
with act. It is clear that of confidence. It is of confidence. Parts of show confidence in
the performer has clear that there is the performance are the performance.
talent to share. potential and talent to tentative.
Performer is serious be shared. Performer
about their act. is serious about their

STAGE PRESENCE Student displays Students has minor Students stage Student’s stage
appropriate stage issues with stage presence is there but presence needs a large
presence for their presence. Students still need some work. amount of
performance and is need a slight improvement
professional in their improvement.

PROECTION AND Students speaks Students has some Students needs to Students need a large
CLARITY slowly and clearly; issues with projection work on consistency amount of
very easy to and clarity - nothing improvement
understood that more practice
could not correct

ENTHUSIASM Performance is This performance Performance is Performance lacks any

energized and shows some potential sometimes energized enthusiasm and
exciting! This and exciting excitement
performance shows
great potential

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