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Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

Discomforts Contributing Factor or Cause Hints for Relieving Discomforts/ Nursing

1. Bleeding gums Some women get swollen and sore gums, which For a pregnant woman, it is very important to
may bleed, during pregnancy. Bleeding gums are maintain a good oral hygiene by keeping the
caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth.
teeth and gums healthy and clean.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make
your gums more vulnerable to plaque, leading to
inflammation and bleeding. This is also called
pregnancy gingivitis or gum disease.
2. Nasal stuffiness A pregnant woman may be dealing with a stuffy Many women use non-prescription, over-the-
nose that doesn’t seem to go away. This hassle is counter (OTC) decongestant sprays to open up
called pregnancy rhinitis. Pregnancy rhinitis is an their nasal passages. Know that these medicines
inflammation of the mucus membranes lining the don’t work for pregnancy rhinitis. These
nose. This causes nasal congestion. Increased medicines may give you temporary relief.
blood flow to the nasal passages and However, they may actually make your symptoms
enlargement of the nasal veins also play a role. worse and lead to a complete nasal blockage.
The cause of this condition isn’t really clear. As a nurse, it is good to instruct the patient to lie
However, it may be caused by hormonal in a supine position. It is widely known to increase
changes. Having a history of allergies or asthma nasal resistance to the passage of air. Thus, the
does not raise your risk of getting pregnancy pregnant patient can be advised to raise the head
rhinitis. of the bed at least 30 degrees, and perhaps as
much as 45 degrees to obtain greater patency of
the nostrils. She may also be advised to engage
in light-to-moderate exercise, an activity that also
opens the nasal passages.
3. Nose bleeds Pregnant women are more prone to nosebleeds Sometimes nosebleeds are unavoidable, despite
because the blood vessels in the nose expand the best efforts. However, there are some
interventions to be considered to prevent getting
due to the pressure of all the new blood moving
a nosebleed such as drinking plenty of water,
throughout the body. The blood supply of a using a humidifier to moisten the air when
pregnant woman increases by as much as 50%. sleeping, positioning the head upright. If the flow
For that reason, the blood vessels in the nose are is very heavy, you might need to lean forward so
incredibly delicate and break easily. In addition, you don’t choke on blood or apply an ice pack or
hormone changes during pregnancy can make a cold bag of vegetables to help constrict the
blood vessels.
the nose feel stuffy and congested that
contribute to nosebleeds.
4. Breast tenderness Like so many pregnancy symptoms, tender Breast pain and tenderness does not necessarily
breasts are due to surging hormones. The need a prescription unless the pain is really
hormones estrogen and progesterone, as intense. The best thing to do is to deal with this
well as prolactin boost blood flow to the normal phenomenon during pregnancy.
breasts and cause changes in breast tissue Instructing the patient to talk to her partner is
to prepare for breastfeeding. important for her partner to be aware of the
situation and to let him know what is okay to
touch and how to deal with it. Wearing a
comfortable nursing bra is also good because it is
a maternity must-have. Cold packs on the breasts
can relieve discomfort as well or warm water
from the shower can ease the pain too.
5. Nausea Morning sickness, also called nausea and Treatments for morning sickness include vitamin
vomiting of pregnancy is a common condition. It B-6 supplements (pyridoxine).Continuing
may be caused by low blood sugar or the rise in symptoms might require prescription anti-nausea
pregnancy hormones such as human chorionic medications. Since nausea is often associated
gonadotropin HCG or estrogen. It may also be with increased salivation and vomiting, helping
worsened by stress, being overtired, eating the patient to establish routine oral care will
certain food, or having sensitivity to motion. decrease unpleasant feelings and odors in the
mouth. Furthermore, strong odors can make
nausea worse so eliminating offending smells
from the room will help.
6. Feeling faint or about to faint Feeling dizzy or faint is very common during When getting up from sitting or lying down, it is
pregnancy. It generally doesn't mean something is important to do is so slow by clenching and
wrong. It's most common during the first releasing the leg muscles before and during
trimester, but it can happen anytime during standing. Standing for a long period of time must
pregnancy. Dizziness and fainting (syncope) are be avoided. If a patient really needs to stand for
often caused by a drop in blood pressure. This is prolonged periods of time, wearing compression
from the hormones released during pregnancy stockings will be helpful because it help keeps in
that relax the body’s blood vessels. Too little
keeping the blood flowing toward the heart.
blood is then pumped up to the brain. When this
Lying on the back must also be prevented after
happens, a patient lose consciousness (faint).
Fainting is not dangerous to you or your baby the first trimester.
unless you fall and hurt yourself.
7. Fatigue Fatigue during pregnancy is very common. Some In dealing with fatigue as a discomfort during
women may feel exhausted throughout their pregnancy, a patient needs to make sure to get
pregnancy, while some may hardly feel tired at extra bed rest during the times you feel fatigued.
all. During early pregnancy, hormonal changes This can be accomplished by going to bed earlier
are likely the cause of fatigue. Your body is or taking a nap during the day, if possible. If the
producing more blood to carry nutrients to your patient’s current commitments or activities prove
growing baby. Your blood sugar levels and blood to be too draining during pregnancy, she may
pressure are also lower. Hormones especially have to temporarily adjust her schedule to be less
increased progesterone levels, are responsible busy. Eating nutritious meals will go a long way
for making you sleepy. toward supporting the patient’s energy levels.
Make sure you get enough iron, protein, and
calories. Fatigue can become worse if you are not
getting the proper nutrients. Also, you will need to
ensure you stay hydrated during your pregnancy.
Although you may feel like you do not have the
energy to exercise, if you incorporate moderate
activity, such as a 30-minute walk, this will
actually make you feel more energized. Exercise
is beneficial in pregnancy unless your healthcare
provider has advised otherwise.
8. Shortness of breath According to a 2015 study, an estimated 60– Feeling short of breath can be uncomfortable and
70%Trusted Source of women experience limit a person’s physical activity. There is not
shortness of breath during pregnancy. Another enough research to support specific treatments
name for the condition is dyspnea. Causes for dyspnea during pregnancy. However, there
include the growing uterus pushing upward on the are several general steps pregnant people can
lungs, and hormonal increases. Pregnancy take to make breathing more comfortable such as
dyspnea is usually harmless. However, in some practicing good posture, sleeping with pillows
cases, more serious pregnancy complications can supporting the upper back, practicing breathing
lead to difficulty breathing. techniques commonly used in labor, and listening
to the body and slowing down when needed.
9. Heart burns Heartburn, despite its name, has nothing to do To help ease heartburn, it is necessary to skip
with the heart. It's a burning feeling in the throat foods and drinks that can make it worse such as
and chest when the stomach's contents move
citrus, spicy, fatty foods, and caffeine or
back up into the esophagus. It is common
during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can
carbonated drinks.
make the valve at the entrance to the stomach
relax so that it doesn't close as it should. This lets
acidic stomach contents move up into the
esophagus, a condition known
as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), or acid reflux.
It can get worse later in pregnancy when the
growing uterus presses up on the stomach.
10. Striae Stretch marks are narrow, streak-like lines that Some creams claim to remove stretch marks
can develop o the skin. They can be pink, red, once they’ve appeared, but there is no reliable
purple or brown depending on a woman’s skin evidence that they work. There is also limited
color. This is common in pregnant women. evidence about whether oils or creams help
Hormonal changes in pregnancy can affect a prevent stretch marks from appearing in the first
woman’s skin and make her more likely to get place.
stretch marks.
11. Low back pain It is very common to get backache or back pain A pregnant woman must be very careful during
during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. the time of pregnancy. She has to be very
During pregnancy, the ligaments in the body
sensitive to her physical activities.
naturally become softer and stretch to prepare for
labour. This can put a strain on the joints of the
lower back and pelvis, which can cause back

12. Round ligament pain A woman’s body makes hormones during A pregnant woman must avoid lifting heavy things
pregnancy to make ligaments loose and stretchy. and standing for long periods of time during
This helps the body adjust to the growing baby. pregnancy. This will help lessen the stress on the
As a baby grows in the womb, it stretches the uterus and round ligaments. It is very important to
uterus and the round ligaments. This stretching get enough rest to avoid stress in the body of a
can cause spasms in the round ligaments, pregnant woman.
leading to the pain.
13. Leg cramps
14. Varicose veins
15. Ankle edema
16. Flatulence
17. Constipation and haemorrhoids
18. Trouble sleeping












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