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Striving for the Law of Allah, on the Land of Allah

The official online newsletter of Tanzeem-e-Islami
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PATRON: Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Mohtaram Shujauddin Shaikh

‘PERSPECTIVE’ is a trend-setting newsletter issued by

Tanzeem-e-Islami that focuses on a candid commentary on
the current national and international issues, in the light of
the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
A blend that gives Muslims an insight into the events of
the past, those happenings at present and the Signs of
things to come...

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Striving for the Law of Allah, on the Land of Allah

PERSPECTIVE The official online Newsletter of Tanzeem-e-Islami


Editorial 1-2 All praise is due to Allah (SWT), and peace & blessing on his noble Messengers (AS), in
Does Israel Have the particular, on the last of them all the blessed Prophet Muhammad (SAAW).
Right to Exist? 2-3
With the ongoing genocide by Israel in Gaza, it is imperative to understand the real
Press Releases issued by
Tanzeem e Islami 4 reason for the creation of Israel in the Holy Land (Palestine). Let’s examine the birth
of illegitimate Israel and the ‘accomplishments’ of the ‘Chosen people of the Lord’
Patron: Shujauddin Shaikh during the last 75 years or so.
Chief Editor: Dr. Ghulam Murtaza
Some fundamental points need to be clarified at the outset to get past the vile anti-
Editor: Raza ul Haq
Palestinian propaganda. The latest crisis did not start on 7 October. Zionist crimes
against the Palestinians date back to 1947 or even earlier. Even if we start from
From the Qur’an 1947, the UN General Assembly illegally handed over 56% of Palestine, without
Have you taken the serving of consulting the Palestinians, to 30% of the Jewish population. Currently it occupies
water to the pilgrims and the
maintenance of Al-Masjid-ul- 78 percent. Now it plans to capture 100 percent. The majority of the Jews were
Haram as equal to (the acts) illegally brought to Palestine from the 1920s onward. In its formative year in 1948,
of one who believes in Allah the Israeli terrorists terrorized 700,000 indigenous Palestinians to leave their
and in the Last Day, and
carries out Jihad in the way of ancestral homes. About 500 Palestinian villages were razed to the ground only to
Allah? They are not equal in grab their land. It is called nakba – the catastrophe in Palestine’s history. And the
the sight of Allah. Allah does
not lead the wrongdoing
evicted people are not allowed to return home. Now they are engineering another
people to the right path. nakba. However, not delving too deep into the past, it is evident that there are also
Those who believed and more recent developments that have led to the current crisis. On 19 July 2018 the
emigrated and carried out Knesset passed the inherently racist “Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the
Jihad in the way of Allah with
their wealth and lives are Jewish People” (aka Jewish Nation-state Law), an Israeli Basic Law which specifies
greater in rank in the sight of the nature of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people only. In July
Allah, and it is they who are 2021, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that the law was constitutional and did not
the successful.
negate the state’s democratic character. Writing the opinion for the majority,
Their Lord gives them the
happy news of Mercy from President of the Court, Esther Hayut, stated that this "basic law is but one chapter
Him, and of (His) Pleasure, in our constitution taking shape and it does not negate Israel's character as a
and of Gardens having an democratic state." The court's majority opinion concurred with arguments that the
everlasting bliss for them,
law declares the obvious — that Israel is a Jewish state. Even a layman can infer that
where they shall dwell forever.
Surely, it is Allah with whom the law implies the total negation of the individual rights of non-Jewish citizens. By
lies a great reward. defining Israel, once again I may add, as a ‘Jewish state’, immediately turned all non-
(Surah At-Tawbah: Verses 19-22) Jews, especially Palestinians into second class citizens. The alarming rise in Zionist
extremism was the direct result. Targeting and killing Palestinians has been
Hadith normalized. Together with the Palestinians’ March of Return launched in March
Press Releases Abdullah
issued bin 2018 in Gaza, Zionist crimes against Palestinians have escalated. Israeli snipers as
by Tanzeem-e-Islami
Masud (RA): 3 well as the heavily-armed settlers (illegal squatters on Palestinian lands) have
I asked Allah's Messenger intensified their attacks. Palestinian youth are murdered in cold blood. It matters
(‫)ﷺ‬, "O Allah's Messenger not whether they live in Gaza, the West Bank or al-Quds/Jerusalem. They are all
(‫ !)ﷺ‬What is the best deed?" targeted. The Zionists are equal opportunity oppressors and killers. In 2019 alone,
He replied, "To offer the some 266 Palestinians were murdered in the West Bank. There were 5,200
prayers at their early stated Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails before October 7. These included 170
fixed times." I asked, "What
children. The number of Palestinian prisoners has now risen to more than 10,000.
is next in goodness?" He
replied, "To be good and The additional prisoners include 4,000 Palestinian workers from Gaza who are stuck
dutiful to your parents." I inside Israel. The colonial settler regime also kidnapped another 1530 Palestinians
further asked, what is next in by October 27 from the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Among them are children
goodness?" He replied, "To and women. There are also 1,290 Palestinians held under what is euphemistically
participate in Jihad in Allah's called “administrative detention”. Under this lawless law, Palestinians are held for
Cause." I did not ask Allah's a period of six months without charge or trial. A military court merely extends their
Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬anymore and
detention after the six-month period. Some Palestinians have been held for 43
if I had asked him more, he
years. They suffer torture, deprivation of food and water and medication. Since
would have told me more.
(Sahih Bukhari) 1967, 187 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons. (Continued on page 2)

While the Zionists and their western drum-beaters assert the struggle is only between Israel and Hamas, it is not.
After all, Hamas is not present in the West Bank. So, why are the Zionists killing Palestinian youth there? Palestinian
workers and women have to face constant humiliation at the ubiquitous checkpoints that litter the illegally occupied
West Bank. Palestinian residents of Shaikh Jarrah in the Salwan district of Al-Quds/Jerusalem have been forcibly
evicted from their homes. Zionist squatters have occupied these homes with Palestinian families forced to live in the
streets. Squatters’ attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque have escalated and become more frequent. Worshippers are beaten
up, tear gassed and otherwise humiliated. Despite repeated warnings from Hamas officials, the Zionists paid no heed.
Palestinian farms are destroyed. Poison chemicals are sprayed on them wiping out crops. Between 2014 and 2018,
Israeli pesticides have damaged 14,000 dunams (3,459 acres) of agricultural land in tiny Gaza. Olive trees in the West
Bank are uprooted and if the farmers try to resist, the Zionist thugs shoot and kill them. Even school children are not
spared. Scores have been shot dead while walking to school. Human Rights Watch has documented the alarming rise
in Palestinian children being killed without any accountability for the perpetrators. They are not safe even in their
homes as was shown by the case of 15-year-old Jana who had gone to collect her cat from her roof. The Zionists have
also destroyed a number of schools in the West Bank. Were these schools run by Hamas? There has been a steady
rise in Zionist extremism leading to gratuitous violence against and murder of Palestinians. In 2016, a study
conducted by Dr. Noa Lavi found Israeli youth to be “the most right-wing compared to countries in Western Europe.”
Given the level of anti-Muslim hatred in Europe, it provides some understanding of how lethal Jewish extremism has
become in Israel. Another survey in 2018 by Israeli Democracy Institute found that “approximately 64 percent of
Israeli Jews aged 18-34 identify as right-wing, compared to 47 percent of those 35 and older.” Some Zionists believe
“killing Arabs is a religious duty.” Not surprisingly, Jewish extremist groups like Lehava, Ateret Cohanim, Yad L’achim,
and others rampage through Jerusalem issuing blood-curdling threats: “Your village should be burnt down” and
“Death to the Arabs.” They are sheltered from all accountability for their violent crimes. Often, the police join in such
attacks using “stun grenades, tear gas and water cannons” against Palestinians. Even filthy sewage water is sprayed
at them inside the Al-Aqsa Compound. Zionist extremism needs no encouragement but the factors behind its virulent
growth must be identified. Based on the myth that the land of Palestine was promised to them by God, territorial
expansion to grab all of historical Palestine is their fundamental goal. This automatically means targeting Palestinians
who refuse to vacate their lands. The land grab policy operates in tandem with the demolition of Palestinian homes.
They are destroyed under the spurious pretext that they previously belonged to the Zionists, or they do not have
permits. Such permits are never granted to Palestinians by the racist Zionist occupiers. The UN Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs documented 953 homes demolished in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in
2022. This resulted in the displacement of 1031 people, the highest since 2016. This surpassed the 1,000 threshold
for the third year in a row. With land grab comes the question of security. The illegal squatters know that the original
owners will come back to reclaim their properties, hence the need for ‘protection’. This entails more oppressive
measures to crush Palestinian resistance. This is precisely what the Zionists have been doing. There is a long list of
such war criminals. Benjamin Netanyahu (facing criminal charges), the fascist Avigdor Lieberman (demanding to chop
the heads of Palestinians), Naftali Bennet (“I have killed a lot of Arabs, there is no problem with that”), Ayelet Shaked
(“Palestinian children are little snakes; their mothers should also be killed”), Itamar Ben Gvir (wipe out the Palestinian
village of Huwara) and Bezalel Smotrich (“No such things as Palestinians”) are all part of murderous gang. When they
refer to frequent attacks on Gaza as “mowing the grass”, why does it surprise anyone that Palestinians living in the
open-air prison in Gaza refuse to be mowed? No wonder Lord Balfour wrote in his personal Diary “making any
decision about Palestine we should not care the 6 million inhabitants; Zionism is more important for us”.
We’ll continue with the religio-racial ideology and psychopathic narrative of illegitimate and Dajjali Israeli in the next
issue of “Perspective”. In Sha Allah!
Signing off… Raza ul Haq (Editor)

Does Israel Have the Right to Exist?

An abridged version of an article by Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Who should go: Israel or Hamas?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas. The US Secretary of State
Mr. Antony Blinken, France President Emanuel Macron and many other western leaders argue that Hamas must go.
Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says that we are fighting human animals and doing that accordingly. This is the
level of dehumanization of the Palestinians; with such a mindset, they can’t find any guilt or moral inhibition in running
genocide in Gaza. They consider killing them as killing cattle in a slaughterhouse; therefore, no remorse for the killed
Palestinian children, men and women. Gaza is now literally a slaughter house. The Zionist are practicing the same
genocidal intention since its creation in 1948. The intoxicated leaders of the US, the UK, the EU with their toxic
ideologies like white supremacism, racism, ethnic cleansing, colonialism, imperialism find no crime in Israeli genocide.
Rather, they feel it a duty to support economically, militarily and politically the genocidal project of Israel.
Very recently, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly recited a verse from a religious script that prescribes genocide
of men and women of the opposing group of people. Another Israeli leader also told publicly that there lives no innocent
man in Gaza. All these statements came to the press. (Continued on page 3)

On 6 November, the New York Times published a report by its Jerusalem correspondent Mr. Patrick Kingsley that a
far-right government minister of Jewish heritage, Amichay Eliyahu, said on 1 November that Gazan land should be
given to former Israeli soldiers who fought in Gaza or to former Israeli settlers who lived in the enclave before Israel
withdrew from it in 2005. On 5 November, the same minister said that Israel should consider dropping a nuclear bomb
on Gaza. Such a statement from a minister reveals how high the genocidal intention is in the psyche of the Israeli
policy makers. How the Palestinians can make peace with the people with such genocidal intent.
Those who want to eliminate Hamas make their argument on the premise that Hamas is a terrorist organization. To
them, history starts only on 7 October. They failed to feel the pain of the occupied and persecuted people. For decades
after decades, Israel has been violating international law. It has created an apartheid start from day one of its creation.
The ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinians is the state policy. The people in Gaza are put in cages for
decades. Israel only wants the full submission and not any protest from the Palestinians. It is the crime of Hamas that
it shows the rare audacity to break the wall of the cages. Invasion into Israel by Hamas is indeed such an attempt.
Hamas has killed 1405 Israelis; and has taken about 250 Israeli civil and military personnel as hostages. Hamas has
successfully shattered the myth of Israel’s invincibility. As a result, Hamas is the number one enemy of Israel and its
allies. So, they argue that Hamas must go.
According to international law and the UN charter, Israel is an occupying power. Fighting an occupation is not terrorism;
it is the patriotic right cum duty of every man and woman under the occupation. Since Hamas fighters are executing
the legitimate right, they can't be labelled as terrorists. Every indigenous Hamas fighter possesses the birth right to
stay in their birthplace. The occupying invaders like Israelis have no right to deprive them of that birth right. One noted
Jewish peace activist Mr. Miko Peled rightly said on Al-Jazeera’s “the Bottom Line '' TV show that Israel should go.
Israel has proven itself as the textbook case of state terrorism, hence disqualifying it for its own existence. With the
presence of Israel in the Middle East, no peace is possible. Israel has proven its inherent incompatibility with the
original people of Palestine. It can only metastasize the problem globally. The apartheid state that the Zionists have
produced in the name of Israel is not unsustainable in the civilized world. Hence it must go.
Defensive war against children and hospitals!
Israel claims that its war is defensive. A defensive war is always fought against an offence of an aggressive state. But
where is that state? Where is that offence? There is no fighter jet, no tank and no artillery gun on the Israeli border.
Gaza is not a state. It has no army; it has no cantonment. The whole population of Gaza are civilians; more than 70
percent of them are refugees. They have no ability to do an offence against Israel that possesses the most powerful
Army in the Middle East. What Hamas did on 7 October is a one-off event. It was an outburst of a jailed population.
Now, Israel is running its war against the children, women, doctors, journalists, the UN staff and other civilians. The
Israeli Defence Force (IDF) is relentlessly dropping bombs on homes, hospitals, ambulances, mosques and churches.
By any standard, it is not a defensive war. It is a brutal war of genocidal revenge. Israel is now committing the worst
forms of war crimes. By such crimes Israel is declaring its own death sentence. So, peace lies only in the demise of
The western countries' partnership in war crimes
Israel has dropped 26,000 tons of bombs on Gaza -more than the explosives dropped in Nagasaki or Hiroshima. No
other city on the earth got so much bombing like Gaza. It is significant to note that none of the western countries -
including USA, uttered a single sentence to condemn the Israeli war crimes. They never asked for a ceasefire. The
USA has vetoed the ceasefire proposal in the UN Security Council. The UK abstained. Thus, they give green signal
to Israel to continue its war crimes. Instead, the USA has sent two aircraft carriers to the Israeli coast. The USA is
flexing its military muscles to bully the neighboring countries. By such a support for a genocidal war, the USA and its
partners are indeed the active partners in the Israeli war crimes.
These US-led western countries are pursuing only four issues. Firstly, the condemnation of the killings of 1405 Israelis
by Hamas -without mentioning the killings of more than 10,000 Palestinians by Israel. The US President Joe Biden
describes such horrendous deaths only as the price of raising war. He didn’t condemn such genocide. Secondly, the
immediate release of about 250 Israeli hostages -without mentioning the release of 4,500 Palestinians from Israeli
prisons. Thirdly, the total elimination of Hamas -without a thought on the killings of thousands of civilians in such
efforts. Fourthly, stopping the spread of anti-Israeli retaliation from the neighboring countries. But the unprecedented
huge rallies in favor of the Palestinians all over the world show that the USA and its allies are on the wrong side of the
The Muslim leaders look like beggars
The heads of the Muslim countries are exposing their powerlessness. They look like helpless beggars. They beg for
a ceasefire from the Israeli war criminals. While the friends of Israel like the USA and the UK are busy with quick
transshipment of most modern weapons to Israel, the Muslim country can't even give foods, drinks and medicine to
destitute Muslims in Gaza, let alone arms. The rulers of Egypt, Jordan, Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and
many others are very cautious not to annoy Israel and their master USA by giving aid to Gaza. In the Muslim countries,
only the people are found on the streets to show their solidarity with the Palestinians. But the rulers look mute.
Israel and his allies like the USA, the EU and the UK do not want any resistant movement in the occupied land of
Palestine. Instead, they want full submission to the Israeli occupiers. Any resistant movement is a crime in their eyes.
The same is true with the tyrant rulers of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirate (UAE) Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco,
and many others. Ideologically these rulers are closer to the Israeli leaders than with the Palestinians. This is why they
were in a mood to build relations with Israel. UAE and Bahrain signed the Abrahamic Accord with Israel. Like Israel,
these tyrant rulers of the Muslim world, too, want to eliminate the Islamic organizations like Hamas. So, they are not
keen to send floods, drinks, medicines and other life-saving stuff. Therefore, what the people of Gaza are getting
through the Rafah border post are only a few drops in the ocean.
Every Muslim has an obligation
Not only the rulers, every Muslim has an obligation. Every man or woman will be accountable for his or her role on the
day of judgement. Therefore, staying mute and inactive in a war is not an acceptable option. Since most of the Muslim
rulers are not elected by the people, they do not represent them. Every Muslim should use his or her ability to support
the cause of Palestinians. It is a religious obligation on every Muslim.
The original article can be found at:
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Press Releases issued by Tanzeem-e-Islami

14 November 2023
Some Muslim countries, shamefully, appeared to defend Israel in the recent
‘extraordinary’ OIC meeting.
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. He said that after
35 days had passed since the commencement of Israel’s merciless bombing and massacre in Gaza, the Organization
of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League scrambled to organize an “emergency” joint summit in Riyadh. The fact
of the matter is that the communique of the OIC summit shattered even the façade of a united Islamic world. Muslims
around the globe were hopeful of not only a declaration proclaiming all form of practical aid for the oppressed and
besieged Palestinian Muslims, but also the presentation of a blueprint for action against Israel’s relentless
aggression. But unfortunately, this summit proved to be naught but a dismissive gathering and concluded without
any announcement of practical measures for neither Gaza’s aid nor combatting Israel. According to sources, certain
Arab states insisted on keeping the notion of dialogue with Israel alive, and the Palestinians’ right to retaliate in face
of the naked Israeli aggression was also excluded from the concluding communique. Military measures aside, the
participants could not even muster the courage to declare a trade, diplomatic and economic boycott of Israel. The
reality is that through this contemptible behavior, Muslim nations are proving that fear of the US and their lust for
personal power have rendered them completely inert. Conversely, the demonstration in Britain which saw the
participation of 800,000 people proved more effective against Israel than this pointless OIC summit. He said that the
Caretaker Prime Minister of the sole nuclear state founded on the foundations of Islam i.e., Pakistan, was only able
to say that the Security Council should stop the massacre in Gaza. He said that when our own brethren are unwilling
to take practical steps against Israeli oppression, how can we gripe at foreign inaction. He directed attention towards
the leadership of Muslim states and said that they must not forget that in the tragic case that the fall of Gaza actually
occurs, the consequent targets of Israel will undoubtedly be other Muslim nations. They must remember that they
will be held accountable in front of Allah (SWT) on the Day of Judgement. May Allah (SWT) protect the oppressed
Palestinian Muslims. Ameen!

03 November 2023
Are the leaders of Muslim countries waiting for the total genocide of the Palestinian
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. The Ameer said
that after the vicious bombing of hospitals, the occupying Zionist forces have bombed into annihilation the refugee
camps of Jabalia and Al-Barij in Gaza. According to the figures being reported in the mainstream media more than
nine thousand (9,000) Palestinian Muslims have been martyred as a result of the Israeli bombing in Gaza during the
last three weeks, of which more than seventy (70) percent are women, elderly and children. The sheer magnitude of
Israeli bombing and reports that more than sixty (60) percent of the building in Gaza have been razed to the ground
suggest that the actual number of casualties may be many times more that the reported figures. The fact is that
illegitimate Israel is committing genocide of the Palestinian Muslims and it has the full support of USA, Western
Europe and India in this crime against humanity. The truth is that the Muslim leaders are overwhelmed by the ‘fear
of America’. It appears that they have lost all religious commitment and moral authority. They are so bewitched by
the greed of power and mesmerized by the desire to follow the West, that they are actively arranging festivals of
dance and music, promoting vulgarity and profanity, but unwilling to take any practical measure to stop the Israeli
brutality against the Palestinian Muslims. The Ameer said that the last and final testament of Allah (SWT) clearly
declares that turning tail from jihad is a sign of hypocrisy. The Ameer lamented that the Muslim leaders have thrown
the charter of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) out of the window, according to which it is the primary
mandated responsibly of the organization to provide all forms of support, including military assistance, to Palestine.
Therefore, a summit of the heads of all Muslim states must be immediately called on the Israeli brutality against
Palestinian Muslims, so that all Muslim states could unite to take practical steps to challenge illegitimate Zionist Israel
and protect the Palestinian Muslims in the war imposed on them.

Markaz of Tanzeem-e-Islami, 23 KM Multan Road, (Near Chung) Lahore.

Tel: +92 42 35473375 - 78 Email: URL:

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