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Striving for the Law of Allah, on the Land of Allah

The official online newsletter of Tanzeem-e-Islami
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PATRON: Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Mohtaram Shujauddin Shaikh

‘PERSPECTIVE’ is a trend-setting newsletter issued by

Tanzeem-e-Islami that focuses on a candid commentary on
the current national and international issues, in the light of
the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
A blend that gives Muslims an insight into the events of
the past, those happenings at present and the Signs of
things to come...

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Striving for the Law of Allah, on the Land of Allah

PERSPECTIVE The official online Newsletter of Tanzeem-e-Islami


Editorial 1-2 All praise is due to Allah (SWT), and peace & blessing on his noble Messengers (AS), in
Press Releases issued by particular, on the last of them all the blessed Prophet Muhammad (SAAW).
Tanzeem e Islami 2-3 Allah Almighty has created human beings with a pure nature. Every child of the
human race is born with this pure nature. However, due to the influence of their
parents or environment, transgressions and deviations occur in this nature, and
Patron: Shujauddin Shaikh
today, there is an attempt to corrupt this human nature under the LGBTQ+ agenda.
Chief Editor: Dr. Ghulam Murtaza
Editor: Raza ul Haq The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act of 2018 is a striking example of
this. In the final days of the PML-N government in 2018, the PPP introduced a bill
known as "Khwaja Sira Rights." The PML-N, PTI and all liberal parties put aside their
political differences and supported this bill. On May 18, 2018, President Mamnoon
From the Qur’an
Hussain signed the law, and on May 24, 2018, it was published in the Official Gazette
For he (satan) had said, of Pakistan. The proponents of the bill, taking advantage of the ‘abuse of Khwaja
Sira's’, cunningly and deceptively prepared a draft of this law that provides legal
"I will surely take from
protection for homosexuality. The Transgender Act 2018 not only goes against many
among Your servants a Islamic principles and is contrary to the Islamic tenets of the Constitution of Pakistan
specific portion." but also opens the door to major sins like homosexuality. There are several
fundamental flaws in the law. The first flaw is that the definition of transgender (the
"And I will mislead them, correct term being intersex) includes not only those individuals whose biological
and I will arouse in them characteristics are ambiguous but also individuals who, simply based on their
[sinful] desires, and I will feelings, identify as transgender. The law obligates Nadra (National Database and
command them so they Registration Authority) to legally recognize these identity changes, and it introduces
will slit the ears of cattle, the term "Self-Perceived Gender Identity" into the legal framework. While the law
and I will command them uses the term "transgender," the correct term is "intersex," which would have had
so they will change the different implications. It is clear that intersex individuals are indeed a distinct
category deserving protection within the legal framework, and their protection is
creation of Allah." not only a constitutional obligation but also an Islamic moral duty.
(Surah An-Nisa, The second definition in the Transgender Act 2018 is that even a person who is
Verses 118 – 119 part)
biologically a complete male can be considered transgender if, for any reason, such
as castration or accident, he is deprived of male sexual characteristics. According to
"[Adhere to] the fitrah the law, such a person is also transgender, even though he is biologically male.
(natural instinct) of Allah According to this second definition in the Transgender Act 2018 of a transgender a
upon which He has man’s feelings, emotions, and his biological structure are all those of a man, yet he
created [all] people." is allowed to identify as a woman. The converse is also true.
(Surah Ar-Rum,The third definition, which is the root of the depravity, states that those individuals
who, despite being born with complete male or female physical and hormonal
Verse 30 part)
attributes, and are even male or female at the chromosomal level, but due to
Press Releases issued psychological complexities, societal pressure, trends, personal preferences, or
by Tanzeem-e-Islami 3 dislikes, identify differently from their biological gender, have the right to be
referred to as transgender in the Transgender Act 2018. However, biologically, they
Abu Huraira (RA) are still either male or female. Cleary, the term 'gender' rather than the
reported: The Prophet unambiguous term 'sex' has been used in a subjective sense, and this has opened
the door to perverted Western societal norms.
(SAAW) said, “No child is
born but that he is upon The Transgender Act 2018 provides legal protection for homosexuality. This means
that a man with no physical defects but who wants to identify as a woman can
natural instinct (fitrah). change his gender legally without any medical test or certificate, as per Section 3
His parents make him a and all subsequent sections of the Transgender Act 2018, and he can register himself
Jew, or a Christian, or as a woman with Nadra or any government agency. Furthermore, he can marry
Magian. another man if he so desires. He can go to all places designated for women,
including toilets and swimming pools. He can participate in women's sports, and all
(Sahih Bukhari; 1358) laws applicable to women will apply to him. A woman who is biologically female can

Ibn Abbas (RA) reported: legally change her gender to male without any medical testing or certification. In
this way, she can inherit twice as much as she could as a woman according to the
The Prophet (SAAW) Islamic law. This will wreak havoc on the family system, and the storm of
cursed men who imitate homosexuality will engulf the entire society. It is regrettable that this law was
women and women who enacted for the oppressed category of the genuine intersex individuals, whose
imitate men. numbers are very small, and they are not benefiting from it. Instead, fake
‘transgender’ individuals are taking advantage of it (continued on page 2)
(Sahih Bukhari; 6834)

by legally changing their gender to male or female based on personal whims and wishes, with ulterior motives. This
is not a baseless fear or a fanciful notion; Senator Mushtaq Ahmed of the Jamaat e Islami asked the Ministry of
Interior to provide details of how many people had applied for a change of gender from July 2018, when the law was
passed, to June 2021. The response received from the Ministry of Interior is extremely alarming. From July 2018 to
June 2021, 28,723 individuals had applied to change their gender, based on self-perceived gender identity and
expression (feelings and emotions), from the one (sex) originally assigned to them at birth. Among them, the majority
are men, with 16,530 such men who have registered themselves as women. Following them, there are 12,154
women who were assigned the sex female at birth but now prefer to be called men and wish to legally become men.
Only 9 individuals claim that they are actually Khwaja Siras (intersex individuals) but were wrongly assigned the sex
male at birth. In contrast, 21 Khwaja Siras say they are fully male and want to be recognized as men, while 9 Khwaja
Siras have applied to be called women. The most terrifying aspect of this entire process is that it does not require
any medical examination or doctor's testimony. The process has been based on self-perceived gender identity and
expression (feelings and emotions) and that testimony is final which cannot be challenged. Furthermore, before and
after the law was enacted, the Council of Islamic Ideology was approached by a member of the parliament belonging
to Jamaat e Islami for an Islamic Shariah based investigation and recommendation. The Council of Islamic Ideology
pointed out many flaws in the Transgender Act 2018. The religious scholars of Pakistan from all schools of thought
unanimously opposed the Transgender Act 2018 for its violation of Islamic teachings. However, the ruling elite and
the legislature did not pay any attention to the aforementioned factors at the time of the passing of the law, nor are
they taking it seriously today.
In November 2022 attempts were made to screen ‘Joyland’ in the cinemas of Pakistan, an ‘Oscar winning’ film
produced by Pakistani liberals that promotes homosexuality under the pretense of transgenderism. It was a clear
signal that homosexual practices and sexual perversion are being promoted under the guise of ‘gender’ by using
senseless and obscene notions such as ‘gender identity’, ‘gender expression’ and ‘sexual orientation’.
In 2020, several religious, political and social organizations and individuals challenged this Transgender Act 2018 in
the Federal Shariat Court, arguing that it goes against the fundamental Islamic principles and needs immediate
amendment or repeal. Tanzeem e Islami also became a party of this petition. Finally, on May 19, 2023, the Federal
Shariat Court declared the Transgender (Protection of Rights) Act 2018 as partially void, stating that Section 2(f)
(definition of gender), Section 2(n)(3) (definition of transgender person), Section 3 (acknowledging transgender
person's right to self-identity), and Section 7 (right to inheritance) are against Islamic principles. The Federal Shariat
Court, in its ruling, stated that transgender individuals cannot identify themselves as either male or female solely
based on their self-perceived feelings or desires. The Court stated that, "neither can transgender individuals
determine their identity as male or female, nor can they change their sex assigned at birth gender solely based on
their self-constructed feelings and desires." This ruling was issued by the Acting Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat
Court Dr. Syed Muhammad Anwar and Justice Khadim Hussain Sheikh. The Court further clarified in its judgment
that an individual's gender is determined by their biological sex and has a specific impact, particularly in Islam, on
various religious practices such as daily prayers, fasting, and pilgrimage. It also stated that "Sharia does not permit
changing one's gender due to impotence, as gender remains the same as it was at birth." The Federal Shariat Court
declared other laws enacted under the Transgender Act 2018 as illegal as well. However, the Court noted that
ensuring the rights of true Khwaja Siras (intersex individuals) is the responsibility of the government, as "Islam
provides them with all human rights." In the Federal Shariat Court, the way the government and LGBTQ+ individuals
defended the Transgender Act 2018 is an eye-opener to understand the real sinister agenda. In July 2023, an entity
called “transgender community and civil society” entered a petition in the Supreme Court challenging the decision
of the Federal Shariat Court regarding the Transgender Act 2018. In an unfortunate turn of events, the National
Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) on Monday 25 September 2023 resumed the registration of
transgender persons, almost three months after it had halted the process.
Homosexuality is, by itself, such a significant sin that it leads to Allah's (SWT) severe wrath upon nations, but
formalizing this deviant practice through systematic legislation at the government level is a horrific transgression.
Indeed, engaging in any sin is a grave act, but insisting on and openly promoting such a sin, without fear or shame,
is an even bigger sin that, surely, invites Allah's (SWT) wrath. No wonder our beloved country is engulfed in trials and
tribulations! When will we wake up?
Signing off… Raza ul Haq (Editor)

Press Release issued by Tanzeem-e-Islami

26 September 2023
India has been exposed as a terrorist state by assassinating a Sikh leader in Canada.
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. The Ameer said that it
has been proven with irrefutable evidence that the prominent leader of the Sikh community in Canada and a pro-Khalistan
voice, Hardeep Singh, was assassinated by India. A top Indian diplomat, also the head of RAW in Canada, planned and
executed this grotesque act of target killing. India has been leveling false accusations against Pakistan of supporting
terrorism for a while now, however, it has been proven again that India itself is the benefactor of terrorism on a global
scale. The Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav captured by Pakistan in 2016 is living proof of the international network of
terrorism instituted by India. Moreover, the Modi regime has not only actuated dreadful oppression of the Muslims in
India and furthered the policy of genocide of the Kashmiri Muslims, but also perpetrated terrorism and sabotage in
neighboring countries. The Ameer said that it is now a test of the West, which claims to be the champion of the
‘International Day of Peace’, that would they bring to justice the fear-monger India for its crimes or not. The Ameer
asserted that India is responsible for atrocities in Kashmir and terrorism in other countries, therefore, the leaders of
Muslim countries should boycott India on the economic and diplomatic levels, and provide all necessary assistance to the
victims of Indian terrorism in their quest for justice.
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Press Releases issued by Tanzeem-e-Islami

28 September 2023
The exemplary life of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) is the real remedy for all problems facing the
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. The Ameer noted that the
holding of Seerah conferences and Nasheed gatherings during the month of Rabi ul Awal is certainly laudable and while the
Hamd (glorification) of Allah (SWT) and the Sanaa (praise) of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) are indeed modes of devotion, but the
fact of the matter is that Islam is not just a set of rituals but a Deen, i.e., a complete code of life. Therefore, until it is practiced
in toto, Muslims would neither be able to attain dignity and honor in this world, nor would they be able to succeed in the
Hereafter. Muslims ought to look towards the noble Seerah and exemplary life of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) as the perfect model
to follow, and assume the mission of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) by recognizing that undertaking which the Holy Prophet (SAAW)
steadfastly perused from the time of declaration of his (SAAW) Prophethood, and which continued throughout his (SAAW)
earthly life. We are of the considered opinion, he remarked, that there can never be any disagreement regarding the fact that
the Holy Prophet (SAAW) persistently strived, night and day, for 23 years for the establishment of that Deen (Islam) which was
divinely revealed to him (SAAW) by Almighty Allah (SWT). The Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami said that the Holy Prophet (SAAW)
unequivocally acquired the testimony of all the people in his (SAAW) sermon delivered during the Farewell Pilgrimage that he
(SAAW) had fully and exquisitely fulfilled the responsibility bequeathed on him (SAAW) by Allah (SWT) and he (SAAW) also
declared that it was now the obligation of the Ummah to propagate the Deen (Islam) to the entire world for all times to come.
The Ameer lamented that the primary reason for our disgrace and ignominy today is that we have failed to fulfill that
responsibility given to us. The Ameer concluded by asserting that we have solemn belief that if we strive with utmost sincerity
and determination to establish the Deen (Islam), Allah (SWT) would grant us success, as a result of which not only would we be
reinstated to the position of ‘Leaders of the World’ but it would also serve as the source of our success in the Hereafter. In Sha
23 September 2023
The unholy alliance between the government and the country’s elite has brought the economy to
the verge of collapse.
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem e Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. While commenting on the
additional 3.28 rupees per unit price hike in the cost of electricity, the Ameer said that the government of Pakistan is relentlessly
increasing the prices of petrol, electricity and other basic necessities of life, while covering it up by claiming that the trend of
rampant inflation and the burden of indirect taxation upon the masses is inevitable because of strict conditions imposed by the
IMF. However, during the caretaker Prime Minister’s visit to the US, the IMF’s managing director advised in a policy statement
that Pakistan should increase taxation on the affluent and privileged class and provide relief to the impoverished. The fact of the
matter is that this policy statement by the managing director of the IMF is contrary to the government’s narrative, which it has
been using to bury the masses under the mountain of inflation. He said that it is an undeniable fact that the IMF is an institution
established for the protection of global imperialism and to monetarily corner smaller nations, thus, Pakistan should seek
riddance from it under all circumstances. Regardless, the apparent methodology of our leadership is that whichever dictation
from the IMF falls in favor of the elite, it is accepted, while that which does not is neglected. The question remains that why are
the economic decisions of the country not being made for the benefit of the masses? Why is direct taxation not being increased?
Why are the privileges of the elite not being culled? Why is the economic system based on usury and corruption, facilitating
landlordism and capitalism not being eradicated? The Ameer said that a tremendous nationwide struggle is vital to pull Pakistan
out of the quagmire of worsening economic troubles. The entire nation must remain ready to sacrifice, but the process must
begin with the elite and state personnel and institutions. The reality is that if the just economic system of Islam is established in
the country, the fundamental problems faced by the people will be solved, and progress will finally be made towards achieving
the true purpose of the creation of Pakistan.
26 September 2023
Recognizing Israel would be an act of betrayal towards Islam, the Palestinian Muslims, and the
ideology of Pakistan.
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. The Ameer expressed immense
concern over the recent news regarding the normalizing of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel with support from the US,
with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia also affirming the development. The supposed course of action is that ‘concessions’ will
be obtained for the Palestinians as part of the proposed deal. The reality is that Zionist-backed Israel is adamant on its claim that
only the Jews will occupy the Holy Land, including the West Bank and Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be the undivided capital of their
Jewish state, therefore, Muslims around the world should disregard their historical and religious teachings regarding the Holy
Land. Moreover, they should recognize Israel’s sovereignty or leave the area altogether. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin
Netanyahu, reemphasized this very proposition in his address at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Furthermore, the Zionist occupation forces, police, and Jewish settlers are constantly attacking the Al-Aqsa Mosque and
Palestinian settlements. Annexation of Madinah is also part of the nefarious Zionist ambition of creating a Greater Israel.
Responding to the caretaker foreign minister, Jalil Abbas Jilani’s, answer to a question regarding Pakistan’s recognition of Israel
where he had said that Pakistan would make a decision prioritizing the nation’s interests and the Palestinian people, the Ameer
of Tanzeem e Islami said that does the government of Pakistan not know that Pakistan’s policy regarding Israel is established,
from day one, on firm foundations stemming from the Islamic teachings and the verdict of the founders of Pakistan. Quaid-e-
Azam had declared Israel the illegitimate child of the West. Liaquat Ali Khan Shaheed had declined recognizing Israel at a time
when a nascent Pakistan was facing major economic troubles and US Jewry was willing to open its coffers to Pakistan in exchange
for Israel’s recognition. The Ameer of Tanzeem e Islami warned the government and state institutions that the Pakistani public
will never permit the recognition of the illegitimate Zionist state of Israel. He demanded that the state of Pakistan give a
categorical declaration underscoring the policy of non-recognition of Israel.

Markaz of Tanzeem-e-Islami, 23 KM Multan Road, (Near Chung) Lahore.

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