Programming For Problem Solving

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ng ____ Fundamentole <7 oe Fors Nina): Sohbet ait pa Pregearsring ei of be ____ Computer 13. fecha oie Gh Be Presi 2a Re ser wl ala = Dan a saw tack 2 fa sei who fe Da ee y meaningful proceed Input devices — Tigge-are the dewces which ane. use ty take the input Cdata) mo uit a indo —_central_unit + The Analog. j ek ox mouse click. gen ech signal cuhich — then ann pet tet ge “Gahne ete 1 | data deuc= Thee au the devices i a sl tr seceived pees da aa a= = = _ Pon jhe_ceve|_unit. Ser heat leased se See aun, : akan ete + cathe, prints SP c J eed fo store tha data and prog FT on pga foots, j a come primaty memory, secondary og xan. [pu = Tf soup n§ copa Tt is cudalge 4 a cache memory furcthin based on tye" & eathual proces 3 a selainment_of _jeftrmahion + Memory canbe ae iiss aaa parts ——-Wolefile_qnd___non-volefile 8 0 fa AL ended Legial nit 2 Ye “WO. Neleile- “memory i= This ype cof nemmty. heyp f 1 segment of. faire ain aa a infomation along _at_ pause. ¥ he nag li ma fig Bat eee as peed 208 me! = segweng, 1H) Non: Vala ely Thia_dype of memey, aap Td Ni Sickel a : : = Eile vob ‘ean Sie = tal unk ue a, fe ne 4 “ pouoer (4 Sopphrek Te 4 Pemanenity _mematy t A tho. ad mini. or. + aad aiebdleesetnaaeiii a Tanti and Ce - oxdinas Lopueagt and aff 9. Type of amemory SNe tos one ——Laehiuily and action por a tT Pain - sot ae : j ) Prutmas emary 2— Pt Poedpaahie ob memory. ~ ii) Register = Tt ha small memory which Les mam ¢ 7 also _kpewn ad main merary bees Ns directy- associated — with ~ dhe cpu 4 Be wied by the __age__epu directly 4p and it we "to gave | store Hho intenmediade. 4 + Store. dada ond instruction ee KAM := ardor aces memmry )- (Rea nde meng, of Tk_is__the mem which used by CPU. to she data and inetlaclon. Jt is cusotantly. working eppe —upovtThit__dafa_tan be acces“ Sandomly and can be uate - —Frogsam :~ Pro b the set of + ge midead™ uachglortiny el dla. compile = oe hea ingtruc = Me | Et eed it og EME ~Cjmgpic Ram) by $e ——— i ns PF Tk. primatly ‘ated a A. ul Ubing ~9__Specia) device. : aia ee 1 —_vtilet eit Webs a ta] 2! -EEPRO9 a Bet oot Be soca ae aca ara wae othe ve shore) fe thi — case hy — cortuing ate_exasen. Et raed ton lore. ay ten cette t using | 4 electric _cuntesi ut pte | Tk Sopuiresy, thelr by making arene —_sealichla a a aie “| pei ‘iehngs ce anhinet lene. om pele ape | ad oe det Cache — emmy = Cache me ois _a type of SE Te teach — i ae ii not much —memoty Tae ahd eit bly til eee Sebi yarns Lt Sl eld Sage hed ae de = | += eel by the cpu Tt much Paslen “than KAM? hut ag capacity and ig Reve tee ak, —__—_{thF < PN Cegencet yo sal ele m4 a ey ot onl Beh ag Fo diz Bete, At Yh ord Pro necondass mary >. Tt ig mass i an Una haansl Ca tn he Slot eae fee ee a be peimanentin 4 vies clata and _progsiamss “Type sof pot 4 Te ig_non-_voletilé and ta higher Ld PROM_CProyssnmn ghle gor) = Capacity compare to __primasy — memory _bad ——Ui)__EPRon _( fdamable + J a is____qlge slow:-and.1's “inexpensive ios {inh EEPRort C Electu‘caty sealed 9 hud disk , SD Gad. Pen dave, Sepfpwb, — © tie 1“ bewy Cy . 4 —Pegnetic dupe _Ldisk pee ae, Ui), PROM Cro gs i = Ba EEE inamealle Ton) 2 Ts the 4 eS crac peooRAM_PROLCuRE. SPAS Sy inl ~ ens nl ala pel shaban ae Beets. Wager Fe tnt endl aed on sd — af To thi_toxe ; ge" Fogeain Concept to tho tht data = oe ee Ane insteuchion which _qpesalt e dada ang ie BP ee og 2 deta on a ae inl 40 inshacton sy 0 = 4 le a pa bec ee But, — = wees a 1 ay eo Sh | iol poi oL_pudincag a tp & Ti) 18 Lis Tt must be fide and —rumbeyeal» koa NG Gach Shp —mmutt—be elf emlngh. Nen=ngumimn and ing Sinbree: ae 2 Stax pie Lett mt, (ontain _ynathemah “exprexion. Naat aC, ty edd hoo nomen 7 oj" ona : = itn ww Pena Pad an a, ‘hoo Pum bse Ligt 8.8) @ Waik an a es 9 Fate od I aig th af ‘cyl tae eh “ram men “iuilg” bo nae hoe ss wk = a Shows print ednesday” Fa ee if Ae4 then | $8 Shows print “Mboghdy 8 Lai an—qhesithim tnd —rominnam Ho an hee. Mo Qe Stas 2 inp p80 —3L_if (008) and. (06e) then —34__print” Ait smallert" —#-_elte if (oe) and [ece) thon +42 pink” 6 ip smallert” +51 elve 82 pint * 9 yy 0 pet ik smallert Stoxt 4 input go. cand dade® 26 rele ctet-=— 28 frog BOE pa tetgad be 4 if lage 2718) and Cdek ia =28/2/2018) thor 3 t print“ powon! can vole 3 $51 else +4-—age-tee)—and_(dalets ae 7 £2_pyint “ _ pesgon cannot vote” __ + 6 end if 4 ey Stop n ~ (. Therative psetlaccede '- this type ef code te i Cog) ded ules we dent sopeat _c s + chp a fix no of Himeet Het a Ty wtel the hay word 04 Yoopend! and‘ onikt! Staxt ui ) Set count ?= 4 Kris ) Ropeat step 4,6 unh) comt.<=ioo 4p | Show ~ count @ = ¢ +h Stop Mi eas j @ Report sep 4,5 unbtil count <= you 2 ; ® Show * Guat" | § countt= Count + + Ik Stop : 4 =a team be Cand ROSE ——— TRE Adelanto To sg irae, Soe ead eee Bee d [race ed a a | aes ae uniil__943600 a, a i) ud 4 hme sty See A ee | ES S32) thik Gonfgn et PND kon Ais Sew) OH teat lund eds Re [I ef Sip an er algextom tb colle echaal_af Hee Tid ona algonr thump find i 2 Mt whe Posey teas L 2 150. numbed 4 NNSA i 9c Se {0} Sun n__ numbed 4 2 4,5 until a<=n oS lr Sim_of number fom 100 40.500 4 4 oe $= S4s Sestestey S=Sea sachin Spiele 4 Se 4=4 sccsiehde Rati Lea) Sd 4 ‘ print peplbm al | gp 2. Set eine £520 q + Stop coed “4 Replat skep 4, ‘unl fetetn. = By So ane 4 iavynge 2 wl ee Print — Th isa Demehling Ste) fiumata® iylual oa ah = _ in rar = “ aaah sre to = pee codes ough Toes! igi hips weit of ____£_phapeanning Cb a anadile poverty] > partable genesa) _pusipote po panto ich prowl — Frappe fiend — ee libby do uig ht Tt uses designed in__1872._b3 Dennis Rithie Pen denphtah ane ab | th tem ol nl —lengages Ee ey ~——(ili)_Low Jewel (Mid aisel Pea gPeaniming Viv} igh level ¢—twol ni f—(i) | te kant th for writ lengthy — Progeains (i) Te oat pasadigna —_ ener ft) “I Tt —suppocler hav wane Small with only 32. heya -—Disadeanage of cs 4 Jew importantes +0 7 MIX perat uppori, ; —Oprenting Systema module Si ean nob K =| tb dase Jil eons onianed | hakd un Y= Wain Designing the solution: Based on the plane He a OC prove on ~exqlence be on ayehm level ——-tomplly Se intenprelesrs (Language Libro 5 pep — aay fem ant (ti) Specifying an analysis ker | Onee—a_problem te — eae —neplicate nea) soonld eat Hea Pasperly- Uy Tittle “getune, Use of co Progeamming and. thus ig use 4p wswite Habdwane —oyiianted — prognam tolbna = dane? the popam le uwiitten. ad 8 The _posblem rush be such ap_4thek itp complete __qnd__ fever Fin omy. args. Canfas) to be build based on’ _decltlon taken for the problem ond pyn pe waork aut plane Wendt to be generat» 2OAudsuinents needs fo queh oat store Seen acho Used tes ab open a. Nsuting tod eee {9 Comments > These axe the stetmenty which provi information about the popam t_| the user. Gmmentt are not Saad by the compiles, The axe hoo. types of comment = wlisachannshnh r= Once dhe praprey i), Single line ah C72) =. They comment owt an (9. Teshing ancl mrtg hy writen “a entie _line. oh bly ested individually and of comment C (tae 07) 2— They. commed out i iad + find out “any amomnelies 4 : multiple tea and penerake a goluhion. (1) Bre procersox discectives => These _aste_prepyocettor { ; => Tt specrly te | extuurted —befoser the Siar vendors + t spect 4 ub re TOIM compiler jon: ___ ‘Shudune of _C_propom = J 07 They alas being i — pound aymobal 3H) : 9 _ __s_—ssnithn- “y_ Preprrocesos — cinec tives a go “Gaebl —_dechsations ~ Function ——-decleyationa “py Male -main tinct Pe heal declasetions. we oder _stalementt sf 3 (ater defined Funcint Peal deck te [ae include < stdio-hy | dee yy (hemnble) : Scheie BNI sg Dit eel (2) blubaldleclanation ==> These declarations ode visighle 4o_be entine Prngeam: sith dis heme > Ae declavation is —imboeluctn af a new entity — i fo the progoam suuian 2a i ‘on _dechsation =? Thee —declasain cpey * (5). Function _declasation aC ae o j whith ose Supposed tp be uted [ade in + ass a pengeaan prepaorenior Adnedive Ll lilililellal E_—— a ae . function vs SPP oy : 4 ny th ot “sain function = ib Cornel ond ah be Beal Keaton which B proceted ~ ae 4 1 by ite | q 1 wy iy Mat Tt 8 pry) te _fanchon 8-08 yn Cte Simi ina oe | baptat top" j i Reprosented by — Glock of 0 freon 2 Reps ie e__berly of the function 4 C_prepaoceson '— Tt isthe _sofhwnrie whith exituled before the compilan and acces __c_progtom as input and processes any pheprocessoy “commons within bein. [€peigtem | ppm — ik command symbol CH) With, generally poeprocesson __procewes The propre estor © Preprocessor dinectives -— inclusion => This dinective _ vaer_the include. (File ‘iesaul ion Thee Command to injured contain of © Lora) declasurhon bred fy headew fie i * i iden, Fie elements — They ecify the task, Header File t= This aw prexehun libnady. prypen © Jo be potash = j Sile containing build in {i 4 function declasiahion and ~ other stadements. t ‘ne Lanttons s=7, [hese ave ht (6) Usen define Rictons jon whan =A Anche sb’ by dP lend, npg created by dhe WH cerhin = th papel _¢.tonin. 2 Hil canelen slop porto purpoat 4 She eu ae l 8 ; eee ; be ~ Die Dpcxaboas'— These ove the symbols _sshith_one By see location shaving a_type. , — _ an addaaxs anda 9 asqlue-” _ - Short hand) i Can have only 4 Singlo 4 Facriment — operators ee Se i bu $ nthe fevihe (can Decriment operators 7 ee =ugt vend. chrough of jhe ProPAM 7) _Duignment operatoas'= This operant. 2upread -Declwing a _vaniablex- Ln oador fo # he Foeatinp 3 ort ie wed toa sign of aula Fal wital the = paises a { variate it must Sat be declare ~ a ye y ce ce oy ee | 4 nner late aha ev = ad = E ih ~ evalude _40._prove- Se ie aes "> HL Encsiiment operators = The opetedoes asta decane ‘ A 1___4@ Z 7 wed_to_tinteease / ey value —ef a anwiable by 4° Shee a a ft ain nae - at = coe } oon sashes ath =45 oe ‘ GR orb) 32 arc) a att oe RE ig i % q 1 a : ‘a 02) re Gaeeee Tiedt Hos yank) tare) —___4-4-— iat hig — pee As ett F = 4 ae Cay mat oat These ow sists OE ee te nd opto 9 q whith _suprabs —renthe ex prenline ee ee od Gy Te tee paca rota daa ene date ran ae ‘ dene My Sear ae at angola ee Type pe Conversion = Ey the pea lel {J een o__othest | Sis ete iy ade PE age ep pd eng “Linkouna)— 7 ie tinea al iy aaa ane rane 3 ~ of cast : done by, yd a the iype i sa Faia Tena Bev sa = — a Soh si Opetakon —psrecedarce:= i apy aabs dC Gv) Member acces via pointe “aw Multiplicative ost Ale oe ae ee - M4 (vii) Relate nd ¢ ey yg psa —— (wii) Bibaiggs2) sca Ais Logical 7 ele {xij Shatthend ed emma_____— — Qo + Sa T= 32 TE fecal) hen ever —nouliiple_cfeetng | — pau Ter ame prucdent 9 — TT Ben tee oreo aledessminel by } i aociativity shih fon ai zz } et teft pm Jer fo | TE thay | opens have sight lef E ‘ys Whee de —binasiy epbatort_ - f | shave —4o_tughte mene) vil oe : a a ee tencdog =P Tbh Jaf! adlfon to —weay thu Information —is- fo Condit SP This operatose ce ~ Cena ee Ty ieee eee : _ ike Ethan Ua fosadhed —Funnehon > Th oe ee _ alge stokes and provides He ae ai [oS Lae: he “Frdbtul nl 0 ‘onl dlaty. arena ue E a eS FosmaHal eufpyt function — 6 provide a : j 1 4 on leg Condition? Tw pat + false port 4 a as aft ge isthe a ee i function in which pate rf ae POaTerT a> pint O feneion iy the formatted oufpup | Ac Tashi as 15} i which tt wed toot ! F — flaw) 4 poyel fo the Sfortnd Ourpal ie. pene se tra} ib citailipnstintinetiad tu? : ch} : 3 Each Specifion ode ata cubssitin exactly fox 4 vaniable- speifion” » variables } 5 cout 4° i A3 2 | 4; 5 2 Hello 3 eae an ‘ ; cei >= molds, “be DSy eet ying fy] tonvertion specihy >. + print (rdf | a. ba)s control | hime / conversion yard chmachy They —aloays begin wait a back shah CS)s sa Specie - t Ai Na = alert lid Nt - to HEU) Nw ~ newline fe \s = nehwrn to fect lam om i= signed indegort Jw) \b = seta to foal "colon —_poeuinur line a Upipoed. nnkagest iwi) \v — vertical fab pea chanael £4 2h a float inka, fleet by chon eg ial hha Noat fm exporential String print’ valve pith Cord \o\bt" a, bce) spe propa perl satan lo + yeti bf e_< stdin bh? jt see Aconio hr SP a Noid wain () _ik k L a = ink pwererce aml dias cad = ot bhy—— e — 8 Wide a pina to colada 4 fieple_ tnd estest oh Ay- inthe HF inthe < conio.h > —Meid main (.) a ws ui ; 2 seine Ml Sop BRAD W225 ons haw 5 pos 2( t+w); a print ts a 1 aX ocia aang en angl 5 wee a whichis used — ot fives Tea formated input accept td yd" {2b 8 Seaton fom the Shard ined sEaene 2 oe } printf he aca is om 2", on) PS Ca po" sil lb) aE oro) oe wag ga sault is wed”, 1) 4&1 AP te tacidade to atta of ingles fT ae Ay- 3# intlude < stdio. hy + __inthdt < conio hy ___ Noid main 1) nai eo int bh, 0 5 Pia a del WAP to _caluilake — delexminate include 4 stdio. Ay eo + fGaiee —ti sing bia Mee ty ce ae i 2 Progam Ie — -— ae ; a et 1 4 ST, Sen dM _proeass of _proceting She _ propa” “aT ads = ae and tht __step _in valy velit “ime no ne ge tT pe aati Hi ity progsam- i : Se ea “Tn _c_stedements | Le es te ae ie _______ Segutneal _ ee G Statemen! = 7 ne Allows 40 a aR oa j contre). ment he. ud ‘ame es : et _tan_be chargtd hats eo §-Ctandiinn | ws Ly ik can be rnadd_celective om =e a ae -—__+—_—— —iienente tontn)_ statements asl, arpa 4 WAP "a cherk if Tae ee — @—_idibtoh- Branching. _ghadementa CSeleetisn) | = 7 i Repo Tieuidive — stokements (Repetition Fi Tee < tenis hy. 2a ee stlements fe a Branching — “she ment i= Thee ase tel > pg pte only _) yaed on. the —__Londih'on. cl shy He ert henge be am select 4 inf (4d ‘ k pep _—ake. “ih Statements to xin athat 4 an os. Vip hy ite know aS _‘selechion 5 selene re Cybehi), Tt +h foliow Of typet- 4 A tee i __ stafement- aie at Tain a jt ee ” j tp_check ta mip Se ces ieceelaah - the a 4——olun- ee 1b suite, ees y po as 1 z | ae deel ucla _< coin? ——— is TE etd nonin (oe de veto iba ‘iy TTT nt os 5 ———__—- it gltie printf (Enter any number oD 5 TP seg 8 ved, Bead eee pte ae) pai £ : eee] “pnt US a “jn ah senior chen” , adj. = a ini Ta Tune toa if a Do. exit blo aa i = Feit Ce A ea ee de a ee ~ ge Include 4 conie--»? gic. eee (Bote any —maunben")5 “vor pigiaG ds 2 a aa ati Al Noid fen), Ses Sf Se oa ers Ba ew et ae Bt a Sess int 20g 4 rand of * ud tel even tpl ee el ens __ paint (Enter any number’ )5 4 rs i : ees fend pos =k | sean LS yd") yy 4 _tlge ta webs dinpe ie UEP if Sf saz 8k ace) 4 L - a ern es te j printf (xd ie odd oe eS se ey ‘ pint tS ed in eniet " ad) 4 dei | point: yed 18 ext — 4 3 paths . 4 pcb, - aghitattear) [ee S——— a thie ES 3) Tf else if dee: shdement > hese stalementy_ pote Ort satin I che if ong ese ee ee pynhan_ iF Ceondition) ee = t fuss _ a | opt) —__ ick meat pita gins Vasa : __elte if — a) 4 i namie be 6) hittalementh re Ne : te puiot rode of the shudont base on 7 erage <3 = >t > "10S pon ¢ (hbk Li ae pit ( Endet_ony number’); 4 i sis Set de, he =, i ee ven 4 Paint CS shulent will gain ae* 5 a Be nro) a : ge ek a fee 3 else if _( (perro) ARs fper<=ao) ) ee Le pure (Sad a) i. eet! Ag j 3 prob oGs at )y bo ———— — ie Cpe 55) ¥% pers= 77) ee te. : fut ut F = puioh CE" 5 : =i} boss ch (35 saa WAP to calculate “roots ne gel a = incode a shdio he = | (skal Bi. tha pdadepdo deeded owes vid maint) ih 34 fink nh dt, od aL i _ printf —(* Ente any three number \n ” Co < chi hy Stanf (“yd vd ved", %a hb Re 4 3% includd_< tonfo-hy dz bas Hecate bE Ae ; esc \pxd “ei maint) stk ys See a a te C dl yo \Carr 2 Coat forges fot a b,c} Re ee I sol ° paint c Oe ny thre number \w’ ! awl (norte —arceralndistinel*); Sqnf_(* dydid’ ha, Rb Red I i ee BE bree 22 Cena)” elseit gh tab <0) Li bebe “e 8 4" “pn f Frog ~guikdoul "3 ae ps sintd (~ “nods ans Irnaginasiy a Dic ae “yera) : Ts deine Gloag mM iceleng 13” —#hindideconinhe i eld soning) sora _vTaalys phi noe | a Tee a ag a — ta itt 1S gl iy_scalene") ; T fags a ary three nomben\n')3 ce Pr ———Stanf ved: wdod", da Rbike) 5 os ey 2 arn iE Cock) ahve — 9kch O- tas a is if tase) a Anal | po a thek! of kg —}- —* = : conan ansihen_if, shee ae pint Cn then -such stakmenb ane rested i ae “e onl ont) 4 owl or cf Crandilana) 4 i La 4 Eni = 4 : a 4 ‘ pf 26} 4 tL el 4 ee (Pad ty ini, chd oo 4 4 dali unr scbugou adi sub a 1 : r @ Moy ao minimon among § reel zoe (dec minimnin i a — en Laces a ie a Pit Sui volt 2 TE ebeetiy I — a = ch 2 — se nl All El dye) ed atone - — ot | Sth tua ee nS Eee Cony) depending —vpon- Ant Fg Qube tat hes 8 be eithay ae dete ig ao eg ~ hac 7} SE ala fakoccht 1 +— paint CO Tueada oo — me saith “Conia — ie ee — sfctati —anapll 4 Hi c — pr ( Wednesd ae +— gage Sts j = ——bronk es gt iit'p - bnoak 3 —— 4 ir Ws 5 Tale aS fp Sa ee boasaky - 7+ dled = MD de ahi Ge ————} ee ag Shot} 4 3 , Pairs , eh eee ag | stalemenst oe alse vo ae ;j ___ton__be used to select a choice Broak —stolement = ae iad —f iam a. piven nang of valve —uhith ly used do. | gene i Leaking sas switch ment providug + oust out of 4 __—_-_ fixed option From + which ce 4 block. st _a—_swideh isbléek ox _lagp_—_ an __be selected j Be }—+- _—0_WAP 40 __enwate Hh ator _ usb @ WAP to print doy of yeak daperting cate. ch cole uly statkh I tt it oni NE Bo pon us inputs A te include < stdiohy ty | a_intlilt Yg —— = a qedy te Erman hs NAP te taka check if a chun [puintf (7 Enon any operates”); Fane =f Balan Ay a inchde void A ge _ Stanf 0% yd xd" aa bed, i | 24 eee Aa te ed OT __Switrh ( dp) chan oat 7 paind? > Exes tose 91: soc: } Scant oF Tr i) 1 _prinbh. 22", €)5 4. __heaak 5 “ ing vobtabe 2 2 cae: J a alby SR Piahe Ltd” g ji brow k j- as Ose 5: tae ashy print C4" a ’ yi C* inal eS akhty invaltd 4, ive _Stokementg =>. These arc the looping — oe ees it: mae deft high _ant__wed 4to_sapeal— ive seh ce idee. a dived RSE ET ONE & they asa___implimented by j (pie te i BF Up thle —titl| de hie Sadia 1 fay | fom’ loop s— Tt it a_simple loop which, ye _____ hopeot a caartain nunoberof |G : i a lament fixed no. of time “pninkl Uoydtn” TS Syntax sg gd ng eet Paid fe —______ a ~Cicik lizabionj cond tion 5 idehetion) | aed Gl JP is. je ee — 48a te pric Tivantel cen js Shalem 5 ic | yet ek eee a ee gli ad Se — 3 _include < conie-h>_ = See hte? a Noi. fa) Taitiolizabion => —This_skep specify tha bepiniggh a a eg cde ee ————Lishme the _leop _starhe 4 Pal Pied ll = ~ a __{2)___lendition = This sep specifies the wi sa teptete will extend until 4 — gel aete onp tl 210 1 al taae me et oop (ecole ee + ea Ha loop rom ie 7g pp do p Find — ell the een 2 ld 3 Lipa i bh Sesh te fie oe i ienale @, slack om: en of time he utd to infaih in a ba idea eedapspidaag ude 4 conio hr main() seg Sy Set _ int L3— __—4-__--L2 1005 OT abile oC 2)p : ~ a i i 3 . . paint (Sadie 405 je $24 —— Bis , —gththOs Bt 4 WA? tb input print _vumbers til _th __prdrged- - ecsidh s number \n')5 ZL); | pint (Sed U5 | Stam Sd 1885 [da et t O4 Jats deh acatrtlraanshapedanadsshanacsshasishusfasliin v Aathnenlindasihitieiahsnbansbandansaiiseliedatling aL fs while loops Thi a “e8it. cordaa! Jao “a ceidajn ye hith ied to repent 4 enki; = eof —thlement. oe ata! 6 snidialization jo dows ng Da a br ceo Sint iembinsondition, —AwhileConditin)s Altho hile _& alo _while— porfaen the fame the tee “dffownce shat abies a ae re loop which yneang Jn while,» condition ie cheek a bore ecstay. the Vick, hese at in do while the__tondition iy chock a fle tho —do_while beck is __evistaled exuted.. Tis pocon eager the da whle block _ dp be expeudd at length ane and tho sle fblock th to be evbruded zeta _ ime’. Pe one MAP ch paint. counting fom. 5 0.50. ++ lnelude a 4 ) | Buoak —shelement :— Tt. _-kstaminales inactive, f ie fop br ey Switch = pn@re ‘ he raplehhlihshnl ha i oe il Eat Hiker dine aes (9 Continve'— “This selemens —hen_exjuuied skips — the fall _—talements and amowat tebe not ala thins craves a — ens Be > jus feted od teak = = —1 coohinve ; 4 phinkt CHa" 0 nd 4 had WAP te print odd no. om A tptoa 1 he + shliot dy abby) ote | im 1 ase ta es dvb «Cos - oh ‘i (cer 5 exe leo; ce Gp) TP (Ciepze ce) ines 2 e co e 4 et A. i7-— Sap oi mbes bakin, Bb esi —it_{tso) su. 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