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Crow Island
funeral // PROCESSION


Crow Island
funeral // PROCESSION
Alpha Version 0.1, June 20, 2021

A solo TTRPG exploring a portion of

East Central Crow Island during the
early years after its Creation.

Game, Layout, Graphics, & Map

by Jan Martin

Crow Island
funeral // PROCESSION is inspired
by the 1971 hit educational game
“The Oregon Trail” created by Don
Rawitsch, Bill Heinemann, and
Paul Dillenberger.
This is a Playtest draft

Any feedback on your experience

with this game is greatly
appreciated and will go towards
bettering future updates to the
game. The more feedback I get, the
better the game will become, so I’m
really relying on the generosity of
others to get me there.

Send any feedback to:

Subject: Crow Island Feedback

If you play this on stream or record

it for an episode, let me know so I
can promote it and support you.
Table of Contents
Introduction 7 Young Crow 23
How to Play 8 Salmon 24
Hazards 11 Travel Piles 25
Trickster Spirit 11 Clubs 26
Impact Fracture 12 Diamonds 27
Spider Bite 13 Hearts 28
Wolverine 14 Spades 29
Fox 15 Choose a Role 30
Bear 16 Journey Tracker 31
Cougar 17 Journey Begins 33
Resources 18 Village Where 33
Dogs 18 Land Ends
Blueberries 19 Path of Asogomas 34
Ruffed Grouse 20 Family Rock 35
Moose 21 Antler Valley 35
Herbs 22
Dead Cub 36 Gateway Cliffs 49
Mountain Haven Crooked Knife 50
Glass River 37 Garden
Eel Blood River 39 Starjelly Ravine 51
Lowland 41 Mudgash River 51
Dancing Ground Camp Longbranch 52
Switchback 41 City of Seven 53
Pete’s Market Nations East
Portal Falls 43 Finishing 54
Smiling Coyote 44
Hot Springs
City of Seven 45
Nations West
Path of Naad 46
Fishercat Grove 46
Boulder Smash 47
This game begins in the Village
Where the Land Ends, summer
home of the Porcupine Clan of the
Moon Nation. A corrupted spirit
rampages through your village,
destroying it and killing many. So
you and others may flee, your Chief
sacrifices themself. Your goal is
to transport the body of the Chief
through harsh wilderness to the City
of Seven Nations for proper burial.

How to Play
To play this game you need
the following:

A deck of playing cards with Jokers

One or more six-sided dice (D6)

Printed copy of the Journey Tracker

Pen or pencil to record progress

Separate the Cards into their Suits

and stack them into Travel Piles.
Set Jokers aside.

How to Play, ii
It takes a Day to travel between
locations on the map.

Each location will tell you which

Travel Pile to Draw from on that leg
of the journey, and if you should
add a Joker to the pile for that leg.

Lose 1 Food for each Clan Member

and Dog per Day. If someone goes a
day without food, mark an X beside
their name on the Journey Tracker.
If they don’t eat a second day, fill in
the bubble beside their name, they
have died. If they eat again before
they die, remove the X. Careful to
manage your food to survive.

How to Play, iii
As you travel through the wilderness
you will encounter numerous
Hazards & Resources. This is
represented through drawing cards
from the Travel Piles.

When you begin your journey you

will pick from one of two paths.
You can travel up and down the
path one location at a time. Some
locations have special rules enabling
you to skip a location or move to the
other path.

It’s ideal to reach your destination in

24 days or less. Taking longer than
that the situation becomes dire.

There are seven hazards you will
encounter in the wilderness. When
drawing numbered cards you gain
or lose the amount on the card.

Trickster Spirit
Lose Food or 1 Dog Dies, if you
don’t have Dogs, lose Food and a
Clan Member Dies
Dangerous Spirits from the Void
Space, can take on any form at
will. Though they don’t always
pose threat of violence, they are
unpredictable and will always
cause chaos while pursuing their
mysterious goals.

Impact Fracture
Lose Tools, if you don’t have
Tools, Clan Member Dies

A bad fall can kill you, but a good

fall will still break your body. You
can fashion an effective splint and
crutch if you have the materials,
otherwise you’ll lag behind and
become a prime target for wolves
and other predators.

Spider Bite
Lose Herbs, if you don’t have any
Herbs, a Clan Member Dies

If you’re wise or lucky, you’ll go

your entire life without disturbing
a Rot Spider. But when you’re in
the wilderness, there’s always a
chance you might startle one and
find yourself on the receiving end of
a nasty flurry of bites. Though they
have no venom, they exclusively
eat decaying animals and carry
flesh eating bacterias on their
mouth parts.

Lose Pelts and Food, if you don’t
have Dogs, Clan Member Dies

These crafty hunters have no respect

for scale and attack and kill animals
much larger than it, including
humans. Usually they’re looking for
an easy meal without a fuss, but
under the right circumstances will
go for bigger meals.

Lose Food, if you don’t have Dogs,
lose Double Food

Though they aren’t much of a

physical threat, a fox can outwit you
and make off with your entire stash
of food without you even realizing
it. With great agility they can go
unseen and unheard to all but the
strongest of noses.

Lose Food or 1 Dog Dies, if you
don’t have Dogs, lose Food and a
Clan Member Dies
A well-fed bear will go out of its
way to avoid encounters. If hunger
strikes, risks become more agreeable
and bears will seek out whatever
they can find. Including your Food.
Which is honestly fine, when a
hungry bear shows up you want
to do your best to avoid getting its
attention, lest you become its meal.

Clan Member Dies or 1 Dog Dies

If you see a cougar in the wild,

chances are it’s already too late
and you’re in the middle of a
mauling. Terrifying predators that
stalk you for hours waiting for the
perfect opportunity to strike. So
skilled are they at stealthy kills you
may go down just feet from another
Clan Member and they won’t notice
a thing. If you ever turn around and
your friend has vanished without
a trace, you may just find a cougar
stashing them in the boughs
of a tree.

There are seven resources you will
encounter in the wilderness. When
drawing numbered cards you gain
or lose the amount on the card.

Consumes 1 food per day each

Extremely useful, a dog not

only helps keep you safe in the
wilderness they can also enable you
to hunt large game like Moose.

Source of Food found all over

Packed with flavour and nutrients,

blueberries are enjoyed by all
manner of creature and are
easy to transport.

Ruffed Grouse
Source of Food and Tools

These birds are easy to hunt, offer

no threat, and their bones and
feathers can provide useful Tools.

Source of Food, Tools, and Pelts.
Need at least one Dog and Tool
to hunt Moose

Massive animal that is difficult to

hunt and kill. It’s best to use the
environment against them and
distract them while you go in for
the kill when they get exhausted.
Usually worth the effort and they
provide a lot of resources.

Source of Medicine that is
difficult to harvest

Herbs when used correctly in a dire

emergency situation can mean the
difference between life and death.
Knowing the right ones to use isn’t
always easy.

Young Crow
Pay one Food to Draw two cards
next turn, and choose one to play,
discard the other

A curious crow visits you, you give

it some food and it brings good
fortune to you.

Source of Food from Rivers, must
have Tools to harvest

Everyone in the Porcupine Nation is

a skilled fisherperson, and as long
as you have the right Tools you’ll
almost always be able to catch fish
from a body of water.

Travel Piles
Each leg of your journey will have
familiar Hazards & Resources, but
they vary depending on the Travel
Pile you are drawing from.

Clubs Diamonds

Hearts Spades

2 Trickster Spirit

3 Fox

4 Spider Bite

5 Wolverine

6 Impact Fracture

7 Moose

8 Ruffed Grouse

9 Berries

10 Bear

J Crow

Q Cougar

K Nomad, Trade 1 Pelt for 1 Food

A Empty Camp, Find 1 Food

2 Bear

3 Trickster Spirit

4 Fox

5 Spider Bite

6 Wolverine

7 Impact Fracture

8 Moose

9 Ruffed Grouse

10 Berries

J Crow

Q Cougar

K Nomad, Trade 1 Pelt for 1 Food

A Empty Camp, Find 2 Food

2 Berries

3 Bear

4 Trickster Spirit

5 Fox

6 Spider Bite

7 Wolverine

8 Impact Fracture

9 Moose

10 Ruffed Grouse

J Crow

Q Cougar

K Nomad, Trade 1 Pelt for 1 Food

A Empty Camp, Find 3 Food

2 Birds

3 Berries

4 Bear

5 Trickster Spirit

6 Fox

7 Spider Bite

8 Wolverine

9 Impact Fracture

10 Moose

J Crow

Q Cougar

K Nomad, Trade 1 Pelt for 1 Food

A Empty Camp, Find 4 Food

Choose a Role
The Role you choose determines
your starting Resources. Or make
your own. Spend 160 Points, Dogs
cost 20, everything else costs 1.

Pelts 100 Herbs 10
Food 10 Dogs 2

Pelts 20 Herbs 100
Food 20 Dogs 1

Pelts 30 Herbs 15
Food 15 Dogs 5

Journey Tracker
The next page has the Journey
Tracker on it which you should fill
out with your Role, then name your
Clan Members and Dogs.

Keep track of your Resources, and

the status of your Clan Members
and Dogs with the Tracker as you
travel through the wilderness.

Journey Begins
Choose your path and read the entry
for each location as you go.

Village Where Land Ends

Where it all begins. A village
overlooking the Bay of Wolves,
renowned on Crow Island for
fine Eel Spears. Once lively, now
little more than rubble and pelts
flapping in the wind. Hours ago a
Corrupt Spirit went on a rampage,
destroying everything and nearly
everyone. You and some others
survived thanks to your Chief
who sacrificed themself to end
the rampage. It’s customary when

someone dies for their family to
carry the body to the City of Seven
Nations. Only there can they receive
a proper burial so their Spirit can
find the way to the Spirit Trail.
The family of the Chief died in the
rampage, and so you and the few
remaining villagers decide to
make the journey.

Path of Asogomas
A Singer from the Moon Clan blazed
this path which became so popular,
they were chosen as Moon Clan’s
Great Chief Representative. So
beloved in East Central Crow Island
that they are now Grand Chieftain
of the Seven Nations.

Family Rock
A group of massive stones in a
cluster. During the First Years,
Kiskik, the Creator of Crow Island,
sat with their dogs on these stones
every night. They would watch the
sun set over Wolf’s Head Island in
the Bay of Wolves.

Antler Valley
A meadow of flowers and grass
grown over the skeleton’s of a super
herd of Moss Deer that died in a
flash flood. Their antler’s pop up
through the greenery like strange
shrubs. Song birds enjoy these
perches between bouts of catching
plump and tasty Bone Moths.

Dead Cub
Mountain Haven
The first bear cub ever born on
Crow Island died, and Kiskik the
Creator made a mountain from
the body of the cub where it lay on
the forest floor. A small community
lives at the foot of this mountain,
a welcome refuge for people who
scale the mountain to honour
the First Cub.

Trades on Offer

3 Food for 1 Pelt

2 Tools for 2 Pelts

1 Herb for 3 Pelts

Glass River
The river cuts through a sandy
section of land, most of which is
sand. Great slabs and undulating
chunks of glass protrude from
the surface formed during a great
thunder storm. To cross the river
safely will take some care, the river
bottom is smooth and random,
getting proper footing is not easy.

Wade through the river

Roll three D6, subtract that total

from a Crossing Difficulty of 18.
The remaining number is how
many resources you lose. Choose
resources to sacrifice. If you roll a 1,
a Clan Member Dies.

Fish in the river, 1 Day passes

Must have Tools to fish. Roll a

single D6 as many times as you like,
adding up your score as you go.
Stop when you like, and your total
is how much food the fish you were
able to catch while fishing. If you
roll a 1 at any point, lose 1 Tool and
do not harvest any fish.

Find an easier place to cross

Roll a single D6, if you roll a 6, you

find a way across. If you roll 1-5 you
find nothing and 1 Day passes

Eel Blood River
A swift section of river cutting
through a bed of labradorite
polished by the water. When the
is at it’s highest point in the sky it
reflects off the bottom and gives
the clear water a spectacular deep
blue appearance. To cross the river
safely will be difficult, the current
is strong and there’s little to no
grip on the riverbed.

Wade through the river

Roll four D6, subtract that total

from a Crossing Difficulty of 24.
The remaining number is how
many resources you lose. Choose
resources to sacrifice. If you roll a 1,
a Clan Member Dies.
Fish in the river, 1 Day passes

Must have Tools to fish. Roll a

single D6 as many times as you like,
adding up your score as you go.
Stop when you like, and your total
is how much food the fish you were
able to catch while fishing. If you
roll a 1 at any point, lose 1 Tool and
do not harvest any fish.

Find an easier place to cross

Roll a single D6, if you roll a 6, you

find a way across. If you roll 1-5 you
find nothing and 1 Day passes

Lowland Dancing
A floodplain that serves as the
yearly location for the Seven Nation
Dance Festival in the Autumn. In
the spring it’s teeming with wildlife,
but is difficult to travel through on
foot. Need enough Tools for every
Clan Member or Two Days pass
instead of one.
Switchback Pete’s
An extremely steep change in
elevation became a boon for
Switchback Pete to build her dream
market. 10 miles of switchbacks

carved into the side of a cliff. The
paths are narrow and rough for
carts, with only room for single-
file walking. Alcoves cut into the
sidewalls are perfect for setting up
a market stall sheltered from the
elements. Traders set up shop here
for seasons at a time.

Trades on Offer

2 Food for 2 Pelts

1 Tool for 3 Pelts

1 Herbs for 4 Pelts

1 Dog for 15 Pelts

Portal Falls
An unremarkable looking waterfall
emptying into a small waterhole. If
you swim through the base of the
falls, you can access a cave system
hidden behind. Travelling through
this cave is uneventful, except
when you emerge from the other
side in Camp Longbranch. Logically
Longbranch is 4 days from Portal
Falls, but when you arrive only 1
Day has passed.

If you do this, switch to the Path of

Naad on page 46

Smiling Coyote
Hot Springs
Hermits here tend to the Grave
of the Smiling Coyote, the resting
spot of a brave coyote who saved
Kiskik the Creator’s dogs from a
Corrupt Spirit. Its bones were badly
destroyed and it could not find its
way to the Spirit Trail. Since then,
followers of Kiskik live at the Hot
Spring and tend to the grave to keep
the coyote’s Spirit from becoming a
Corrupt Spirit.
Trades on Offer

1 Food for 10 Pelts

1 Herb for 5 Pelts

City of Seven Nations
West Entrance
The approach to the western
entrance of the city is as beautiful
as it is dangerous. Every season a
different species of hungry bear
finds itself in this area. Encountering
bears in this area is common and
any Resources in the deck for this
leg of the journey become Bears.

This is the final leg of your journey,

and once through you arrive and
present the body of your Chief to
the Grand Council and they send for
the bodies that were left behind.

Path of Naad
A Dancer from the Moon Clan
blazed this path which became
heavily populated by various Clans
of the Porcupine Nation. Once the
path was complete, Naad started
hosting the Autumnal Dance
Festival at the Lowland Dancing
Grounds which Asogomas founded.

Fishercat Grove
A meeting place for Fishercats who
migrate to this location from across
Crow Island year round. No one
knows how they manage it, but
there are exactly 100 Fishercats in
the grove at any time of the year.

Boulder Smash River
This rocky river has large outcrops
of hard granite sitting below
crumbling limestone cliffs. Boulders
occasionally come loose and smash
to pieces on the granite below.
Crossing this river is relatively safe
just so long as you’re not around
when a boulder comes loose.

Wade through the river

Roll two six-sided dice D6, subtract

that total from a Crossing Difficulty
of 12. The remaining number is how
many resources you lose. Choose
which of your resources to sacrifice.
If you roll a 1, a Clan Member Dies.

Fish in the river, 1 Day passes

Must have Tools to fish. Roll a

single D6 as many times as you like,
adding up your score as you go.
Stop when you like, and your total
is how much food the fish you were
able to catch while fishing. If you
roll a 1 at any point, lose 1 Tool and
do not harvest any fish.

Find an easier place to cross

Roll a single D6, if you roll a 6, you

find a way across. If you roll 1-5 you
find nothing and 1 Day passes

Gateway Cliffs
One of many Gateway Cliff’s built
by the people of Crow Island.
Shallow graded ramps alongside
stairs enable pedestrian traffic to the
shores below and back. To each side
of those are dual lifts used mostly
for transporting large resources and
boats. From here you can catch a
ferry to Starjelly Ravine in a Day
and have no encounters along the
way. The cost of the ferry is 5 Pelts
per Clan Member and 2 per Dog.

Crooked Knife Garden
A sprawling village that flanks
massive gardens that follow the
edge of the major pathway through
the area. Rather than houses being
concentrated in close proximity,
they dot the landscape every 100
yards or so in small clusters of
family dwellings.

Trades on offer

2 Food for 1 Pelt

1 Herb for 1 Pelt

Starjelly Ravine
A beautiful if not slightly trecherous
hike through thick sea grass along
uneven banks along the ravine.
During high tide seawater below the
banks is the thick with Star-faced
Jellyfish, who flock to the area year
round to feed.

Mudgash River
Yearly location of a Tidal Bore
Surfing Exhibition that brings
villagers from across Crow Island.
Trades on offer

1 Food for 3 Pelts

1 Herb for 3 Pelts

1 Tool for 3 Pelts

Camp Longbranch
A small village housed in the boughs
of the first Spirit Tree that was
successfully grown. It lived for 45
years before it mysteriously died.
Since then Elders have been moving
here in their later years to ponder
the mystery in hopes of figuring out
how to nuture the Spirit Trees.

Trades on offer

1 Food for 5 Pelts

1 Herb for 5 Pelts

1 Tool for 5 Pelts

City of Seven Nations
East Entrance
Along this path is the former
location of a Spirit Tree Sapling that
died, leaving a one-way opening
from the Void Space to the Natural
World. Trickster Spirits along
this path are common, and any
Resources in the deck for this
leg of the journey become
Trickster Spirits.

This is the final leg of your journey,

and once through you arrive and
present the body of your Chief to
the Grand Council and they send for
the bodies that were left behind.

Finishing the Game
Making it to the City of Seven
Nations is a great accomplishment
given the circumstances.

The body of your Chief is given

a proper burial, and you can be
confident their Spirit will find its
way to the Spirit Trail.

Those who survived the trek are

the last remaining members of the
Moon Clan, along with the Grand
Chieftain Asogomas.

If you took more than 24 days to

arrive, many of the Spirits of dead
Clan Members will become Corrupt.


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