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Question to prepare units on microcontroller part 1

1)Compare microcontroller and microprocessor

2) Compare Von nueman and Harvard Architecture
3) Write any 8 features of 8051 architecture
4) Draw Detailed Architecture of 8051
5) Comparison between 8051 family members
6) Give short Pin Description/ functionality of 40 pins of 8051 microcontroller
7)Draw and Explain Memory Map of 128 bytes of RAM.
8) 5) give the format for PSW( program status word) of 8051. Explain every bit of PSW.
9) what are uses of DPTR, stack pointer, program counter,
10) Explain multi functionality/ Dual role of 4 ports of microcontroller
11) What is Addressing mode? List addressing modes of 8051? Explain each addressing mode
with suitable example of instructions
12) Explain any 5 data transfer instruction with example.
13 Explain any 5 Arithmetic instruction with example
14 Explain any 5 logical instruction with example
15 Explain any 5 Branch instruction with example
16) Explain DAA instruction
17) With suitable example explain push and POP instruction for stack operation
18 Explain the following instructions for example
a) XCH a, R1 B) DIV AB C) CPL P1.0 D) MOV DPTR, # 3000H E) JNC LABEL
19) Explain external memory ( code and data) interfacing to microcontroller

Question on TImer/counter interrupt and serial communication

20) Draw and explain format of special function register TMOD and TCON. list modes of timer .
21) Explain mode 1 timer programming
22)Explain mode 2 timer programming
23) write programs to generate square wave at some port pin ( e.g P2.1) using Timer0, or
Timer1 in mode 1 and mode 2
24)write programs to generate rectangular waveform of given duty cycle at some port pin (
e.g P2.1) using Timer0, or Timer1 in mode 1 and mode 2.
25)LED flashing with some frequency,
26) What are the interrupts available in 8051,
27) Explain interrupt special function registers IE, IP
28) Write short note in external interrupt
29)Write short note in internal interrupt
30)Write short note on serial communication in 8051
31) Explain LCD(16x2) LCD pins and its functions. What are data registers, command register
register select, read write and enable pin,
UNIT 1: Combinational circuits

1) K MAP simplification for 2 variable 3 variable and 4 variable, dont care condition
2) Standard form and canonical form of Boolean expression representation and conversion, minterm and
3) Binary Addition, subtraction using ( one.s complement and two's complement)
4) Laws of Boolean Algebra
5) statement of de Morgans first law and second law
6) conversion of decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal and vice versa for integer and fraction
7) NAND and NOR gates as universal gates
8) binary to gray code conversion ckt design using K map
Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
9) Define Draw and explain Block diagram of MUX with n inputs and one outputs
10) Define Draw and explain Block diagram of DeMUX with one inputs and n outputs
11) Draw and explain 4:1 mux 8:1 mux. 16: 1 mux with truth table
12) Draw and explain 1:4 Demux 1: 8 DEmux. 1: 16 Demux with truth table
13) Mux and Demux tree examples
14) implementation of Combinational Logic Design Using MUX/DEMUX

UNIT 2: Sequential Circuits

1) Draw symbol of Clocked positive edge triggered SR Flip flop. Draw SR Flip flop circuit using
NAND gate and write its truth table.
2) What are preset and clear inputs in Flip flops.
3) Draw and explain Clocked Negative edge triggered D flip flop, JK Flip flop. Toggle flip flop, with
symbol and truth table
4) Draw and explain Clocked positive edge triggered D flip flop, JK Flip flop. Toggle flip flop, with
symbol and truth table
5) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of 3 bit Asynchronous /ripple Up counter.
6) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of 3 bit synchronous Up counter.
7) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of 3 bit Asynchronous /ripple down counter
8) Define modulus of a counter. What is maximum count of a N bit counter
9) What are shift registers? Discuss ts Applications. List types of shift registers
10) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of Serial in serial out(SISO) for data input 1001.
11) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of Serial in parallel out(SIPO)for data input 1001..
12) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of Parallel in parallel out(PIPO) for data input 1001.
13) Explain with circuit and waveform operation of Parallel in Serial out(PISO)for data input 1001..
15) Draw pin out of decade counter 7490.
16) Design modulo 5 Asynchronous ripple counter
17) Design modulo 3 Asynchronous ripple counter
18) Design synchronous 4 bit counter using excitation table

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