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The Dark Star

200 years before the First War, the draenei crash-landed on Draenor in their vessel,
the Genedar, and in the process ejected the darkened naaru K'ara from the ship. Some
time thereafter, a great white crystal landed in the plains below a Shadowmoon village.
The orcs did not know what it was and wondered if it was a sign from their ancestors.
Shortly afterward, K'ara's remains appeared in the sky as a shadow beneath the pale
moon and was met with both adoration and fear by the orcs. The clan gave it many
names, such as "great father" or "dark mother". The clan mystics referred to it as the
"Dark Star" and worshipped it as a deity. The Shadowmoon soon found that their power
had grown in ways they did not fully understand, and they began to hear the "voice of
shadow" in addition to the languages of the stars and earth. A few bold shaman tried to
access K'ara's shadowy power, but the Void energies shattered their minds. When a
clan member was found defiling the spirits of the ancestors, the chieftain declared that
the Dark Star and its magic were evil and dangerous and would lead the clan down a
path from which they could not return. It was decreed that the Dark Star's powers of
shadow were forbidden to the Shadowmoon. Anyone who tried to wield them was
sharply rebuked, and if they continued they would be immediately exiled far from
Shadowmoon Valley. [5]

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