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1st video

Modern project delivery requires the use of multiple platforms and technologies that ensure the
efficient delivery of both the digital and physical asset. One of the key challenges when delivering the
digital asset is the efficient exchange of information at various points in time and at key milestones in
the project.

Autodesk has been supporting an open AEC ecosystem for decades, and is member of the Open Design
Alliance, and was also one of the founding members of the International Alliance for Interoperability
known today as buildingSMART, the global organisation that develops and maintains the leading AEC
data standard, Industry Foundation Class or IFC, critical to interoperability and collaborative BIM

That’s why Autodesk is deeply committed to openBIM and the use of IFC that can drive efficiencies for
information exchange for both building and infrastructure projects. By adopting openBIM and the use of
IFC, key stakeholders use a common language and a common file format that can drive efficiencies for
the design and delivery for AEC projects.

Autodesk AEC software, including Autodesk Revit, Civil 3D, Navisworks and the Autodesk Construction
Cloud support the exchange and viewing of IFC. With Autodesk Revit receiving buildingSMART
certifications for IFC. No matter what software you use, IFC is the bridge that connects them all and
enables seamless data exchange, and because Autodesk is committed to open standards like IFC and we
ensure our products are compatible with the broader industry, allowing our customers to collaborate
effortlessly even if they use different software.

I have had the privilege of working in the AEC industry for over 25 years. Working with architects,
engineers and construction professionals. In that time I have seen enormous change, from CAD to BIM.
Connected BIM and now the next generation of digital transformation and platform technologies. By
adopting BIM and digital engineering process and an openBIM methodology based on the Autodesk AEC
platform, customers can be confident that they are working smarter, reducing risk and eliminating costly
errors and omissions.

1st CTA –

For more information please contact your Autodesk account manager or your customer success
manager to discuss IFC and Autodesk's support for Open BIM.

2nd CTA

For more information please contact your Autodesk reseller to discuss Autodesk 's support IFC and
Autodesk's support for Open BIM.
3rd video script

One of the challenges in designing and delivering transportation and infrastructure projects and the use
of traditional IFC was the lack of a standard for object definitions. IFC 4.3 solves this problem by
providing a clear framework for how railways, roads and highways, and to some extent waterways, are
defined, categorized and classed. Autodesk has developed the IFC 4.3 extension for Civil 3D with
interoperability with Autodesk Revit, which enables efficient, seamless design and digital modeling of
infrastructure and transportation projects. With Autodesk’s support for IFC, our customers can ensure
the accuracy and availability of their data across different platforms and applications. Autodesk will
continue to support IFC4.3 as the standard evolves.

4th video script

Revit provides support for IFC data exchange based on the buildingSMART IFC data exchange standards.
When you export an Autodesk Revit building information model to IFC format, the information can be
used directly by other building professionals, such as structural and building services engineers. In
addition, Autodesk has a wealth of supporting technologies to support data quality and currency to
standardize, validate and delivery of information including IFC for better interoperability on building
projects. Lastly, each year Autodesk reviews and updates our applications including Autodesk Revit to
ensure we are supporting the most current IFC schema based on the buildingSMART standards.

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