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In this Word document and accompanying video, I will share an experience

from my life as a student that led to a significant change. I will describe what
happened, mention the people involved my friends Javier and Jose, discuss
the consequences on my physical and mental well being, and whether the
change was ultimately for the better or worse. Additionally, I'll reflect on what,
if anything, I would change about this experience.

As a dedicated student, my life was primarily focused on academics. Hours of

studying, assignments, and exams often left me feeling mentally drained and
physically inactive. It became clear that I needed a change to maintain a heal-
thier balance between my academic responsibilities and my well-being.
My friends, Javier and Jose, noticed my struggle and suggested we join the
university gym together. They were passionate about fitness and believed it
could help us balance our academic lives.

When I joining the university gym with Javier and Jose had a significant im-
pact on my life. Physically, I noticed increased energy, better concentration,
and an improved ability to handle the demands of studying. Exercising with
friends made the experience more enjoyable and encouraged consistency. It
also helped us maintain a healthy work life balance. Mentally, the gym provi-
ded a welcome break from academics, allowing us to clear our minds and re-
turn to our studies with a fresh perspective. It became a crucial part of our
routine, contributing to our overall well-being.

The change brought about by incorporating regular exercise into my student

life, with the support of Javier and Jose, was undoubtedly for the better. It
allowed us to maintain a healthier balance between academics and well-
being, which ultimately improved our academic performance. The positive im-
pact on our physical and mental health made us more equipped to handle the
challenges of student life.
Looking back, I wouldn't change much about this experience. However, if I
could make a change, I would have started my fitness journey with my friends
even earlier. The benefits we gained from regular exercise, both for our aca-
demics and overall well-being, are undeniable. I believe it would have made
our student lives more enjoyable and less stressful.

My experience as a student, with the support of my friends Javier and Jose,

and the positive consequences of adding exercise to our routine were life
changing. The change was undoubtedly for the better, and I would encourage
fellow students to prioritize their physical and mental well-being through regu-
lar exercise, especially with the support of friends. If I could change some-
thing, it would be to have started our fitness journey even earlier during our
academic years.

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