GADIAN, AXYL ROSE - Spolarium Discourse Analysis

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Course/Year/Section: BSED ENGLISH 3A

Juan Luna's "Spoliarium" is a historical masterpiece that has made a significant

impact in the art world. In 1884, it won a first-class medal at the Madrid Exposition of
Fine Arts, beating out Spanish painters and bringing glory to both Luna and the
Philippines. This life-sized oil painting on canvas is the largest artwork in the
Philippines. The painting depicts the "Spoliarium," where defeated gladiators were
discarded in the Roman Colosseum basement. After more than a century, the
"Spoliarium" still captivates and moves visitors with its powerful imagery and rich
history. It is currently on exhibit at the National Museum of Fine Arts, serving as a
testament to the talent and creativity of Filipino artists.
Juan Luna's painting called Spoliarium shows what happens after gladiatorial
contests in ancient Rome. In the painting, Luna wanted to draw attention to the
suffering of Filipinos under Spanish colonial rule. He compared their treatment to that
of the defeated gladiators. The painting shows the Spoliarium, a place where dead
gladiators were thrown away. It was the morgue of the Coliseums in ancient Rome.
Unfortunately, the gladiators were not given the same respect as civilians and were
only seen as a source of entertainment. Luna used beautiful colors to capture the
somber mood of the painting. On the left side of the painting, we can see spectators
who appear apathetic to the tragic event.Despite having seen such activities, people do


not find it distressing that a corpse is simply disposed of without a proper burial or that
the deceased's family is informed of their current situation. There's a woman on her
knees on the right. She seemed to be grieving and sorrowing. Despite being linked to
the gladiator, she feels powerless as she watches a loved one die. The dead victims are
being dragged by Roman troops who appear indifferent to the scene. They have no
sympathy for the bodies of the defeated gladiators. Most gladiators are either former
criminals or former slaves who were taken advantage of. They have no choice but to
oppose one another until death. Hundreds of people must die for the winner of the
tournament to be liberated at the end.
This stunning artwork showcases a masterful use of Principles of Design that
come together to create a truly captivating piece. The artist expertly employs both
Unity and Variety, seamlessly integrating every element to form a cohesive whole while
still offering unique nuances. Additionally, the painting achieved a perfect sense of
Balance, with every pictorial element carefully placed to create a visually satisfying
composition. The focal point of the piece, the body being dragged, is masterfully
highlighted using Emphasis, drawing the viewer's attention and creating a powerful
emotional connection. To further enhance the impact of the painting, the artist skillfully
uses Rhythm to create a sense of sorrow and loss that is almost palpable. Finally, the
artist's unique style blends both realistic and representational art, producing a stunning
two-dimensional painting that feels both lifelike and deeply moving.
This painting serves as a reminder of how important freedom is to everyone. It
depicts how people were deprived of their freedom and rights, and encourages us to
learn from the past and be optimistic about the future. The artist, Juan Luna, highlights
not only the value of freedom, but also the significance of equality and respect in
society. He urges us to uplift ourselves and our society, and strive for peace and
harmony. This painting is particularly relevant to Filipinos, as it sheds light on the
brutality of the Spanish colonial period. Juan Luna's courage in creating this bold work
of art has made it popular, as it conveys a deep and meaningful message.
Overall, Juan Luna's painting, Spoliarium, primarily focuses on the human rights
violations that occurred during the Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. Luna created
this masterpiece as a tribute to his dedication and patriotism for our country. He
skillfully used various colors to create a stunning image that carries a powerful
message. The painting serves as a reminder that we can overcome any obstacle, just
like the Filipinos did when they overthrew the Spanish colonizers in the past. This
lesson is applicable to our everyday lives too. Spoliarium exudes mystery and anguish,
reflecting Luna's political and sociocultural perspectives, as well as his personal feelings
as a renowned Filipino painter.



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