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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines


Name: Francez
Louise E. Putot Laboratory Date: ________________
11 - 21 - 23
Grade & Section: ______________________
12 - St. Ferdinand De Castile Date Report Submitted: ___________
11 - 22 - 23
Subject: General
chemistry Score: _________________________
Activity No. ____
Activity Title: Properties of Acids and Bases
Most Essential Learning Competency: Calculate ph from the concentration of hydrogen ion or
hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions. (STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-156)
I. Background
According to the study conducted by Quade et al. (2021), baking soda and vinegar have
been used as home remedies for generations and today we are only a mouse-click away from
claims that baking soda, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar are miracles cures for everything
from cancer to COVID-19. Despite these specious claims, the therapeutic value of controlling
acid-base balance is indisputable and is the basis of Food and Drug Administration-approved
treatments for constipation, epilepsy, metabolic acidosis, and peptic ulcers.
Additionally, chemical species which donate protons or release H+ ions when dissolved
in water are called acid. They turn blue litmus solution to red colour. Hydrochloric acid reacts
with zinc metal to produce zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. The reaction is given below:

Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Acids (like HCl) liberate hydrogen (H2)

gas on reacting with active metals like
zinc (Zn) which burn with a pop sound
when burning splinter brought near to it.

Figure 1. Action of HCl on Zn metal

Chemical species which release OH– ions when dissolved in water are called bases.
Sodium hydroxide is a powerful base and has a pH value greater than 7. Therefore, it turns the
red litmus solution into the blue. Sodium chloride reacts with zinc metal to produce sodium
zincate and hydrogen gas. The reaction is given below:
2NaOH(aq) + Zn(s) → Na2ZnO2 (s) + H2↑

Base like NaOH liberates H2 gas on reacting with

active metals like Zn which burns with pop sound
when burning splinter brought near to it.

Figure 2. Action of NaOH on Zn metal

II. Objectives
At the end of this experiment, the students should be able to:
1. Identify and distinguish the physical and chemical properties of acids and bases.
2. Analyze experimental data to draw conclusions about the behavior of acidic and basic
substances; and
3. Recognize the impact of acids and bases on daily life and industries.
III. Materials
2 Test tubes Lighter
2 Corks Zinc granules
2 Test tube stands Dilute HCl
2 Alcohol lamps Dilute NaOH

IV. Procedure
A. Action of HCl on Zn metal

1. Take a clean and dry test tube.

2. Add zinc granules to it.
3. Submerge the zinc granules in the test tube by adding hydrochloric acid to it.
4. Close the mouth of the test tube with cork which has a glass delivery.
5. A robust explosion takes place between 2-3 minutes liberating colourless and odourless
6. When a burning match stick is got near the glass tube mouth the gas burns with a pale
blue flame with a pop sound.
2HCl(aq) + Zn(s) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2↑
B. Action of NaOH on Zn metal

1. Take few zinc granules in a clean and dry test tube,

2. Add NaOH to the test tube containing zinc granules, such that zinc granules are totally
submerged in the acid.
3. Place a cork having glass delivery tube and heat the test tube.
4. A vigorous reaction will take place after 2-3 minutes with the evolution of a colourless,
odourless gas.
5. On bringing a burning match-stick near the mouth of gas tube, the gas burns with a pale
blue flame producing pop sound (as shown in Fig. 2).

Safety Precautions:
• Sodium hydroxide should be handled with care because it is highly corrosive in
nature. Do not heat mixture of zinc and dilute NaOH to boiling point.
• Small quantity of chemicals should be used to perform the experiment to get best
results. Test tubes should be washed well with distilled water before use.
• Do not interchange droppers while testing with acids/alkalis/indicators.
• Hands must be cleaned properly after completing the experiment.

Guide Questions
1. What will be the reaction of Zn with NaOH on heating?
2. What did you observe when diluted NaOH is added to Zn metal granules while marming
the reaction mixture?

V. Observation
When zinc granules and hydrochloric acid are mixed with the granules will start to bubble and
when the temperature rises it will reach its boiling point and then it will start to evaporate and when it is Exp-
ose to flame, the flames becomes blue ( not visible if the location is bright )
When zinc granules and NaOH are mixed it will start to bubble and as the temperature rises it will imme-
diately reach it’s boiling point and start to bubble vigorously to the point it will come out of the test tube
And when the vapor is exposed to flame it will generate a blue flame and some popping sound.

VI. Conclusion
Zinc granules react differently to different chemicals some produce blue invincible flames and
Others a popping sound and many more.

VII. Documentations

Note: Paste your printed documentations below and provide short description on each photo.

Zinc granules Hydrochlorid acid

zinc granules and And NaOH mixed
zinc granules and NaOH With zinc granules
hydrochloric acid After boiling
VIII. References
Quade, B. N., Parker, M. D., & Occhipinti, R. (2021). The therapeutic importance of acid-base
balance. Biochemical Pharmacology, 183, 114278.
Veerendra (2022). CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual – Properties of Acids and Bases.

School : St. Paul University Surigao

Term : S.Y. 2023 – 2024
Activity : Laboratory Activity/Performance Task
Prepared by : Mr. Kent Lloyd M. Destajo

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