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Activity 4: Action Plan for My Pastoral Ministry 1.

Read about the Three Stage Counselling Model (by

Egan) 2. Based on your declarative statement of being a Paulinian Nurse who is doing a Pastoral Ministry,
make the following: 1. Reflect on your pastoral ministry. 2. Identify who are your expected beneficiaries
or recipient of pastoral ministry. How will they benefit from your ministry. 3. What is the Goal of your
Pastoral Ministry 4. What is the Rationale of your Pastoral Ministry 5. Make three action plan for your
pastoral ministry. The action plan will be implemented during your RLE time.

1. Action plan for oneself 2. Action plan for friends/family.

3. Action plan for patients and/or other people.
3. Output is to be submitted in a printed copy (short bondpaper).
4. Output can be manually done (drawing) or through digital art (canva, etc).
5. You can be as creative as you want. No limit on the designing and pages of your work.
6. To be submitted on Friday 6, 2023 at 4:00PM. Strictly to be followed. 7.

1.) On my pastoral ministry, this can really help my patient who are in pain and sufferings. I have
realized how essential it is to communicate effectively to our patients or even in our daily life
situations where we need to establish good relationship with our peers. In the hospital setting,
before I find it hard to establish rapport to my patient and now that I have found out this
pastoral ministry, I am able to cope up with the anxiety of building good nurse-patient
relationship towards them as my patients.
2.) The ones who will benefit most in my pastoral ministry are my patients since with this ministry,
we would be able to establish good communication and relationship, as well as they would be
able to express their feelings and would help relueve their stress and anxiety that they feel as
they suffer from physical illness and pain.
3.) To eliminate simulants to stress and anxiety that could worsen the condition of the patients.
4.) To bring comfort and reduce stress to the patients.

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