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Shaista Wahab Hippocrene Beginner's Series Arabic Ammenian Assyrian Basque Bulgarian Chinese ‘Czech Dari (Persian) Dutch French Greek Hingarian Ish balan Fapanese Lithuanian ‘Maori Persian Polish Romanian Russian Scottish Gaelic Serbo-Croatian Shona (ChiShona) Sian Slovak Spanish Turkish Viemamese Welsh Beginner’s Dari (Persian) Shaista Wahab Hippocrene Books, Inc. ‘New York | wish thank Spozhmai Maiwandiforher insightful suggestions on improving the manuscript. (Copyright ©2004 Shaisea Wahab llrightsreserved. ISBN 0-7818-1012-4 For information, address Hippocrene Books, Inc. 171 Madison Avene New York, NY 10016 Cataloging-in-Publicaion dara availabe from the Library of Congres Printed in the United States of America ‘Lesson Twenty-One: Verbs Infntives $7 ‘Lesson Twenty-Two: Present Tense 89 Lesson Twenty-Three: Past Tense 93 Lesson Twenty-Four: Future Tease 100 Lesson Twenty-Five: Negative Verbs 103, Lesson Twenty-Six: Prepositions 107 Part IV: Vocabulary ‘Lesson Twenty-Seven: Numbers 113 Lesson Thirty Time 125 Lesson Thirty-One: Climate 128 Lesson Thrty-Two: Colors. 130 Lesson Thrty-Theee: Facil 132 Part V: Greetings, Common Phrases, and Expressions Groeting Customs 136 ‘When You Need a Taxi 137 Hotel 138 Questions that Start with What, Where, When, and Who 140 Commonly Used Words and Phrases 142 The City 145 Health 146 Food and Meals. 148 Beverages 149 Fruits and Nuts 150 Vegetables 151 Meat 152 Clothing 153 House 154 English —Dari Glossary 157 Contents Introduetion How to Use This Book 3 Part: Writing Dati Aiptabet_7 Lesson One: The Letter ale? 10 Lesson Two: Letters w be through & he 12 Lesson Three: Letters» dal through sheen 16 Lesson Four: eters.» s'ad through & 20y 20 Lesson Five: Letters € ayn through 3 qaf 22 Lesson Six: Letters ss da/through Sun 26 Lesson Seven: Letters # av through ya 31 Part It: Rules Lesson Eight: Writing Dari 37 Lesson Nine: y vav"and” 40 Lesson Ten: r's to Denote a Definite Dirset Object 43 Lesson Eleven: Gender 47 Lesson Twelve: Br'afaor the addition “-e", and Anticles SI [Lesson Thrtcen: Statements, Questions, Commands, ‘& Interrogative Sentences 58 ‘Lesson Fourteen: Questions that start with WT ‘aya 60 [Lesson Fiften: Plural 6 [Lesson Sixtcen: Suffixes & and ay cha 69 Part Iii: Grammar Lesson Seventeen: Personal Pronouns 73 [Lesson Eighteen: Possssive Personal Pronoun Endings. 77 [Lesson Nineteen: Use of Personal Endings with Plural Nouns $0 Lesson Twenty: Adjectives. 83 Introduction ‘The Constitution of 1964 established Dati and Pashto asthe two oficial languages in Afghanistan. Most Afghans ate bilingual and know both Dari and Pashto, Dar isan Indo-European language and uses the same alphabet as Arabic, “The Afghan government used Dari and Pashto for oficial transactions and business. Dar lost its importance after the Taliban took over Kabul it 1996, as the Taliban were mostly Pashto speakers. The interim government ‘of Hamid Karzai tat replaced the Taliban in December 2001 promotes both languages asthe official Ianguages of Afghanistan Dar is spoken by more than $0 percent of the total 22 million Afghans, and it is understood by over 90 percent of the population. In addition to ‘Afghanistan, Dari or Persian is also used in Tran and Tajikistan. Afghani Stan isa landlocked county in Central Asia. Bounded on the north by ‘Tajikistan, Urbekistan, and Turkmanistan tothe west by Iran, othe north- cast by China, nd to the east and southeast by Pakistan, Kabul isthe capi- ‘al of Afghanistan and is populated by more than 3 milion. Other major cites in Afghanistan are Herat, Kandahar, Ghazni, Mazar Sharif, and Faiz ‘Abad. A person from Aphanstan sealed an Aghin or an phan, Afghans js also the name of the cureney used in Afghanistan. One US. dolar is ‘equal to approximately $0 Afghan “The Dar language has several dialects im Afghanistan, and they are called Hozarag, Tajik, Herats, Panjhiri, and Aimagi. The various dis ects of Dar language are similar enough fr Dar speakers understand cach other In this book, Thave used the dislect wed n Kabul called Kabul Dar or Kabul Fars. 2 Beginners Dai Das, Fars, Persian, and Taj are names efetng tothe sue lan- faye tis called Dar of Farsi in Afghanistan, Fs or Persian ra and ‘aj in Tain, Dice apes areca Tajikstan the Cy alphabet is used fr Taj, while pokes in Afghanistan and an we the ‘Abie cpt Alig variton of let and pronunciation of ome words ‘hiss inte countries, Some Abie words wer inode Da due tothe inten of sam (nce you Become aii withthe Dai slphabet, reading and writing wil become easy The Das alphabet cota 32 eters 28 ofthe 32 ae Ssodin rai. The our Das lees otin Abate: erg che, Fg and she. vee ‘ “Throughout the book, hve transliterated Dai words wth he Roman siphabet provide a pronincation sie Transterating language ino the Roman alphabet snot an ay ek beaut few Da leer 6 nt have equivalent soudsin English and no Roman trie youdrepesen: tation of those sounds. How to Use This Book Seta goal for yourselfand decide how much time you want to devote tothe ‘study ofthe Dari language. The best way to lear isto study daily Youmay not be able to finish one lesson every day spend as much time as you need, Do not goto the next lesson util you have leaned all the words and have understood the materi from your eurent ne. I's very important that you leam a leston thoroughly before starting the next one ‘The first part ofthe book teaches you the Dar alphabet. As you leam the alphabet, you also lear new Dari words in each lesson. Follow the instructions and complete the exercises in each lesson. Pronounce letters and words to familiarize yourself withthe sound of Dar. After you have Teamed the alphabet, ry to read the Dai writings without looking atthe ‘ranslitrations. Each lesson has a vocabulary list that includes new words; study these to build your vocabulary. “The book is divided into five pars, esch part designed to help you leam the Dari language systematically. Part one consists of seven lessons ‘that teach reading, writing, and pronunciation of the Dar alphabet. You should be able to read and write the Dari alphabet without difficulty by the ‘end of this section. Patt consists of ten lessons that each you the basic rules of Dri In this section, you learn the essential Dari rules, about things like gender and articles one needs to know when acquiring the language. Part three is designed to familiarize you with basic grammar and sentence ‘construction, Minimum grammar instructions about elements Ike verbs and prepositions are given to introduce you to basic Dai rules. Part four teaches numbers, colors, months, and other basic voeabulary. Follow the instruetions and learn new words and their pronunciation 4 Begone Das Parson tough ora ig tech ean, wring and spe ingof the Dai lnguage. Prive canbe sed inepenent om he es ofthe book. Ths secon i dsianed ep you wile you are Afghan Sanby texching ou common guesons an exesions,lowiy sta Converse wth he ese. The pronunciation of Da word neo se inate sept hough the bok PartI Writing DuiAlphabe Dari Alphabet (6,9 sti Petesireesecacrrove! Sesop SS SEE SE ‘The Dari alphabet has thirty-two letters, These letters can occur at the beginning, atthe middle or atthe end of a word. The initial short form ofa letters used when it occurs atthe beginning ofa word and itis joined with the lever that follows it, The letters" alef, 2 dal, Pal, y re 5 2e, zhe, and y vav ae always written in ther Fll or Tong forms. When these letters appear in the middle of a word, they will not connect tothe letters that follow them. However, they may join with their preceding letters, The remaining Dari letters are writ- ten in their shor forms when they occur in the middle of a word and are joined by thee preceding and following eters, Dari has three leters for the sound of', two letters forthe sound of | {three leters fr fh, and fourleters for zTdid not distinguish between the various forms of eters st h, andi transitrating the Dani words into English; however all Dari words are written with their proper Dari lng §gmet Da Daiaphe 9 Alphabet nal Medial_—Terminat_—Transerpton (sort form) stort Torm) dong frm) Vowels ate ‘ aia Rg — : © sinwok wren bead yoy 7 Of , - cc oe ce fs : Bere 5 cme Se 3 = = : + tins in 9G human cm = -_ = i 7 ane tome 7 Ge word nS =e & + see ta Sp be eh = = e h ee ears & tte 5 2 b Soda a Consonants aes = - aS : : ‘These eters are pronounced the sea in English ee z a bafehikimnparstey: pole oe Sot 8 = OS * “Te eombintion of two English eters makes the sound ofthe 2 = & : folowing Dan ltrs id hE ' ts €.sinGomin Bich — oe : Py § Sina & gem es & a a. — a S : Fa 2 Nosimiarsound own in ngs, sounds ike ss 2 6 4 2 ick rin ech To sound come om he ee oe t tackef beat wile he ngs ouhes the a s 2 : feather = 2 wom oe — * som : So owte 10 Beginners Das Lesson One Ja! 9 The Letter 1 alef An initial alef always stands alone. 1 alefataches to connecting let ters that precede i. Short forms of alef are transcribed as a, ¢, i, 0, and the long form of alefas ‘a se! (short form) asp — longform) bar (asin ast) horse (asin far) load mn bar the letter alefis connected to the preceding letter w bbe. When alef appears in the middle of a word, it does not connect to the following letter, ‘The initial long ale/T (‘a) signifies a long “a It i called ¥ alef ‘mad. The mark above the alefis called mad. When long alefcomes in the middle of a word it will not require the mad above it. For example the !alefin 4 b’aris a long alef without a mad above it. ab water SUT as'an easy maT ayenda future When J amis followed byt ale the combination ofboth letters is called "am alef'a. Ibis writen sy. Itis pronounced a. ey Falah tulip pe salam hello oe plan plan TheLeter lef 11 alefis written as a straight line. To write alef start from the top and move down, Exercise oa Write the alefseveral times. Pronounce as you writ. Start from te right || sie of the page and move tothe left as you write, Dari is writen from right tothelen. Pree tnt tale || Write the following words. Pronounce as you write, Find their mean- {ngs inthe list atthe end ofthe chapter. TAT Tt ab obT LT GaP OUT SLT as'an wea eat eal est eat “avenda | Sl seal weal 57 ae ae Wk Gk Dar oy oy ay ayy Falah he pe ple ple ple salam OM OW OW OW OH PI Vocabulary Mt aan cay wal ayenda fire pe sal'am alo ap horse Sk ar toad Oe plan plan “y= Falah tulip ab water 12 Begonets Dat Lesson Two pg) G3 Letters y be through ¢ khe ‘These letters may connect tothe letters before or after them: be, we Pe ote, 56, g jeem, g che, ¢ he,and @ hhe. Other Teters that act similarly ae: Seen, op Sheen, p Sad, p 2'ad, boy, ¥ 207. 2a, Rha S fob gal Thal, Skah Fram, meen. nus, ands ya. You will ear these in future lessons The letters w bey pe, te, andes se are all written alike ‘The differences between them are the nurnber of dots that are placed above or below these leters. . be has one dot below it, ~ pe has three dots below it, ~ te has two dots above it, and se has three dots above it. When these letters are terminal letters in a word, they ate written intheirlong forms. When they join with following or receding letters, they are writen in their short forms, To write these letters start from the ight comer and make the downward curve. Move your pen to the let and then upto complete your writing, Letersy be trough ¢ Khe 13 Exercise eyed Write the following letters, Pronounce as you write weve e eee le vee eee eee | Write the following words. Pronounce as you write. Find their mean- ings inthe list atthe end of the chapter. We Ue Hy Ue UY WW Ue Bab a de ah ay au au au ah Qu biagh re ele ele elt elt elt ple ple Blam DAS oN nt ot pani 14 Beginners Dai Letters g jeem, g che, ¢ he, and g ke are all written alike, The distinctions between them are the number of dots and their place- ‘ment in these letters. jeen has one dot in the middle, g che has three dos inthe middle, ¢ he has no dot, and g Khe has one dot above it. When these letters are terminal letters in a word, they are ‘written in their long forms. When they precede or are followed by conneeting leters they ae written in their short forms. To write these letters stat from the top left comer of these lites, move to right and ‘then down from left ro right, a counterclockwise move, = Exercise gays Write the following letters, Pronounce as you write eecce cee c ciem eececeecac ech ceceeccecec le ee cecceeec ethe ‘Write the following words. Pronounce as you write. Find their mean- ‘ngs inthe list atthe end of the chapter ee ee ee jag Se Se Se Be sk Ge sl se chal ee ee ae ie ae haa eee Oe Se Se UE thane oS pe sk ae Later be through @ Khe 15 Vocabulary Bagh garden Brab'a father Bam roof panir cheese pir old tarb'wz watermelon Cue mulberry jag pitcher Riana home chai tea hawaili yard 16 Beginner Dai Lesson Three pgw G2 Letters > dal through | sheen Letters 2 dal, 9 Fal, y re, 5 26, and zhe are non-medial connecting letters, When these letters appear inthe middle of a word, they will not connect to letters that follow them, However, they may connect to preceding letters. ‘The letters » dal and z%al are written alike, To write these letters start from the top, move your pen down and make the curve Add the dot above 3 zal last. The distinction between them is that 9 al has no dot and 3 zal has one dot above it Exereise oa ! Write the leters »d“al and $ 2"al several times, Read aloud as you write sssssage Write the following words. Asalways pronounce as you write, and find their meanings in the lista the end ofthis chapter. Joi Is Iss Ss Jn Id Ine J dinar we ee eh es es as as zarah | Lovers» dal rough sheen 17 ‘The letters 5 re, 5 26, nd 5 zhe are written alike. The distinctions between themtare tie numberof dots used in these letters. reas no ot, 5 ze has one dot above it, and 5 zhe has three dots above it. To write these letters start from the top snd move down tomake the curve The curve isnot as deep asin the letter sda an the letter $2"al Exercise ayes Write these letters, Write the following words. (Are you pronouncing them as you write?) gh Pe ab oy a a ah a abar 3585 8) 8s 95 85 8g 85) Zand | 5 8 8 5 ah ay eh | a) 45 18 BagjanersDa ‘The eters. seen and sheen can be written with three teeth or with a long line. When seen and 3 sheen are initial or medial letters, they are written in their sort forms, All three teeth would be ‘oF equal size, like ~ and , Ifthey are the terminal letters ina word, they will keep their long or full forms, even when they are connected to preceding leters. The distinction between .» seen and sheen is that .» seen has no dot and sheen has three dots above it Exercise gay03 Writ the following letters. FPF SEE ESE Foheon Write the following words. (Have you found their meanings in the list at the end of the chapter?) Mp Ep Sp Sp Sp bp pe Sp irk ee eS HB shu Lewes dal through sesbeen 19 Vocabulary sirka vinegar alah hal rad yellow Pabar rubber zarah parle, an atom diw'ar wall shutur camel 20 Regina Dai Lesson Four ps4 Gu? Letters.» sad through & zoy ‘The letters .» s'ad and. ad are written alike. The difference between them is that J» bas no dat and .> has one dot above it. To write go-'ad and Z'ad, start with » OF .e and then move down clockwise. When Jo sad and > ad are initial or medial leters they are writen in their short forms. When they are terminal leter, they keep their long forms. —$—$—$ <<< Exercise gigs Write the following letters ves eee Sees Write the following words, Sabon mle ope apile asile ope opie opie BPP Pa ae ee eters pad though 8 zoy 21 The eters & roy and z0y may connect other preceding or follow: ingconnecting letters. The letters and are always writen in tei full forms, regardless oftheir postion inthe word. To write these ltrs start withthe bottom part ofthe letters and move clockwise, Then add the siraight ine, Toad the straight line, tat fom top and move down, Exercise og Write the following leners bese ee ees eyy Bee eee EEE Sey Write the following words Be Sb Ue Se Sb se Se Sp toraf Bee ke tek hat eh ab WW bb Zur Vocabulary exe s'aboon soap mur afternoon Se taraf——_ toward, sie, indirection of hat dete, writing line arr damage 22 Beginners Da Lesson Five pay G9 Letters ¢ ayn through 5 qaf ‘The leters ¢ aynand g ghayn may connect to connecting leters that proceed them or letters that follow them. To write @ or @ start from the top and move counter clockwise. When these letters ae initial or ‘medial letters in a word, they are written in ther short forms. When they are terminal letters, they are written in their long forms. SEE Exercise 203 | Write the following letters. | eeeeeeeeeemmn EEE EE Ee Ethan ‘Write the following words, eters ¢ ayn trough 5 af 23, ‘The letere canbe connected toa preceding or following letter. When +/eis the inital or medial letter ina word, itis written in its short, form. When it appears a terminal lte, itis written ints long form. dog Ne eee festa omrighnd move tothe. Addthe ot as. Exercise jad Write the lener fe PES sos ss se Write the following words. ob old clap oles old ols oly oleg farm'an Oe ot it ih hath far Vet al ST Sat Jost Dat it ST atab PE i i i sy bart 2A BeganetsDast ‘The letter gafcan connect tothe preceding or following connecting, Jeter in a word, When . gafis the inital or medial letter in a word, itis written in its shor form, When itappears asa terminal letter in a word it ‘swriten in its long form, Write the leter 3 gatrom right tothe let. Exercise gize3 Write the leter sgaf- REE a obs * se SELE eters ¢ ayn teoush g gif 25 Vocabulary im mw'alin ghar Bagh farm an ‘fag'ir “aft'ab barf galam gasr bairag bang knowledge teacher sadness garden ecree beggar pen palace fag electricity 26 Beginners Dui Lesson Six ped (#59 Letters s kaf through » nun ‘The letters x Aafand F gafare written alike. The difference be- tween them is that «F gaf has an extra slash above it. When these letters appear a initial or medial letters, they are written in their short forms. When they are terminal letters, they are written in their long forms. Writes kafand «s gaf trom right co the lef. Exercise oe Write the following leters ses sas sos sees ssss Write the following words EF er er ar er ir wr shir ab 2 Ae es a as Kar wee se ee at eta Se Gp Se Sp Se Up sp se surat Sap Sp Sa SF Sy 59 Sx Sy ors eee LE sap | Leterss kat ough os'us 27 ‘The letter J Jam may connect to its preceding letter oF to connect ing letters that follow it, When J is the intial or medial letter in a word, its written in its short form. When is the terminal letter in a word it will Keep its Jong form, To write the letter J you start from the upper right end of the letter J and move your pen clockwise to ‘complete the haf circle, Exercise oad ‘Writethe following lenter. SIS SSS SS slam Write the following words, WY ay 0Y 4 49 4 yay Palak SS 9) tt lashlar 28 Beginners Das ‘The letter ¢ meem may connect to its preceding or following letter, When pappearsas the inital or medial leter, itis writen ints shor Form. ‘When pappears asthe terminal eter it wll keep its long form. To write p ‘mem, start atthe top and move down, Laterss kat tuough sawn 29 ‘The leter on wn may connect to preceding or following letter. When ‘isthe initial or medial leter in a word, it will be written nits shor form. ‘When tis the final letter in a word it will be written in ts long. forr. To ‘writen wn start atthe right end of yand move clockwise. Add the dot last, Exercise gu ‘Weite the letter p mcem several times. rere eee re remem Write the following Dari words. we Ae he ne oe ne oe ne mags eae Sage Sane age age ee ge Age marcha ee te man omak Write the letter wn as below. Write the following Dari words. Sd ab ad td ad ad ws nama 108 OB 8 ob 8 ob OU ob ob nan Exercise x03 68 4 op AU ot oi nam | ot ott tt Str SF i SS nan BO Ob Oh OF OF OF ai tam 2» Begone: Di é § Pepeesy Vocabulary morcha ‘magas ul feel bale Jashkar Palak sag arg sarak ‘makeab Kar kia gom garm omak namak ant fly flower elephant amy tulip dog. leaf street school work Tost help salt name human bread Levers gyav throughs ya 31 Lesson Seven iim u59 Letters g vav through ys ya ‘The letter 9 vav can connect with a preceding letter but not to a fol- lowing letter. vav is always written in its full form. To write 4 vay, ‘start from top, make the small head, and move down to complete the Exercise oiyas Write the letter yvav several times. (Have you been pronouncing as you || write?) l pose a sags sia Write the following words Sty Sty Sty Sty ty ty Sty Sty sagt Sag ag ag ets Cea Seas Cees 2 io Sy = ow ey on at = ta on ‘Vocabulary Bini du u goshe toshak vagt b'wah rnagshah hav'a “anh'a yak “abi boe two meat mattress time sug map weather they whe sna Part II Rules ie WeiingDari 37 Lesson Eight pita »3 Writing Dari Dari is waitten from right to left. The Dari language does not use ‘capitalization; proper names and the first letters of sentences are not ‘eapitalized as in English Tn writing Dari, pen strokes are usually from top to bottom. For example if you write the word jst esm, you begin with the letter! lef. Start from the top of the letter 1 lef and pull down a straight line write the letter aff: Then write the liter seen starting from the rightend ofthe letter » seen and add he etter pmeem toit. The tail end ‘ofp meem is where You complete writing this word. Ittakes two pen strokes to write the word pe. One stroke is for and the second stroke is {ge “When | alef is connected toa preceding leter, the pen stroke for 1 alef stats at the base of the letter to which alef't connects and ‘moves straight upward, For example if you write the word ,4 bar, ‘you start with the short Form of the letter» be, then attach the letter! ‘alefto itat the left end ofthe letter 4 be witha straight upward move to write the etter talef. The leter , re is added last. Add the dot ‘below the 4 be last. When writing Dari add the dots after you com- plete writing a word, ‘When | alef is written separately, the pen stroke is from top to bootom, When talefjoins a preceding letter, the pen stroke starts rom the base ofthe letter to which itconnectsand moves upward. 38 Beginner Dai Writing Davi 39 Exercise gayi | Write the following words to practice your Dari | Vocabulary ft lp el el el of ot oll ol of of ol of ol! od it sy mand man TIIIT TT an Sate rant ae we we we We Ue Wr ue Guus UU Fake Ae aa mers aa ee le le le Le Le tee a ae maa ee snare Beth) Lp ph pL gl ph pl gl gh pb nam a, sme Ee 1 ep Ao el pd ol ob oh Se tha ‘Write the following in Dari. Pronounce as you write. Remember of in this their English meanings. em mare 4 ast is set nmard this man } Sot ‘anmard shat man } wel nagshah-e' “abi huemap Sale yaknagrhoh fone map | Sa yakmard fone man Set “annagshah that map ee emenan myname name man ny name Jet or gg? — Wameooresmeo —hisname Write the following sentences in Dari Pronounce as you write | cet 5 Ge 9b wameman Sheiloast My name is Sheila. “Sat els ame o Hasan at. His name is Hasan, ete ie oS “omantitek wemanast “Tat man is ny uncle set sa 5 odin nagahah abi ast, Thismap iste Sat pie fp lame o Marivam ast Her name is Mariyam. See Lesion Tele "Fr gf or aon“ "Therein no sieence ne vag fe) em pam, hey ae completely 40 Beginners Da Lesson Nine a3 Ges? vav “and” ‘The letter vay is pronounced vz when it is used in a sentence and when it means “and” asin English, vais writen separately and will not Join with following and preceding words when itis used to denote the ‘word “and.” vay is added before the last noun even when a sentence has more than twonouns py tr kitab va galam Sy 3 553 dothtar va bacha eg tle sey'a na safed book and pen srl andboy black and white PAP tS 9 wth oe ‘man ki ab, qalam va kt abcha har idam. bought book, pen, and notebook, eh) a wpe yo HE ‘Sheila, Hassan, va, Soph beh maktab raftan ‘Sheila, Hassan, and Sophi went to school. Exercise gays Write the following Dari phrases. As always pronounce as you write, and find their English meanings. wes ge fae 9 ole te Ts ‘Write the following sentences in Dari A RF Ly ol a ‘Shela yok galan-c abl va yok kit abcha Khar id Sheila ought blue pen and a notebook, ts oe alge tk inn w tow «beh dokan bok bar aey maar Kaha vo Ber‘adere Khu raft He went the store wi his mothe, sister and brother St al BST 9 oe oe ts oat ‘mit ab'esafed-e man va ‘an galan-e “abi-e man as. “This is my white book and that is my ble pen. a als es oid ‘yak ber ader va yak char darad. He has a brother and a sister dt a Beginners Das vr trahe ar oes hen ay ae Vocabulary kivab alam dokbtar bacha seyah safed rnagshah ‘mattab kivabeha dok'an amr ‘ay Khar id ber‘ader Rhw'ahar mader book pen girl boy and black white map school notebook store with bought brother sister smother 1, Pato Denotes DefnteDireet Object 43 Lesson Ten as «yy 1, ra to Denote a Definite Direct Object 1, ra is a particle added to Dari nouns and comes after the noun to not that itis the definite direct object. r'ais usually added asa suitix tothe definite object by context orby the presence ofa pronoun or name. 1 racanbe used after personal pronouns: 4 1, ye man raid (saw sme) ory 95 Cu ra d'id (saw you). ‘You can write ye andl, / band, separate or together as one word. Both forms of writing are acceptable in Dar. Omit the g from wand attach the ; to «in order to write, ge man r’a as one word. Omit the sfiom ssand add the to 5in order to write, y2asone word. Ag Ss te gf omar'ada'wat kad He ited pee manturad iden saw you wae Tynan gue Hasan alm r'ad' id Hasan sa the teacher. aoe ty Olt Soe Haran kab a thar'id. Hasan Bought the book hye y ps So Hasan mat'ub ra khw‘ond. Hasan read the eter. Ae Gy ge Masanor'ad'd Hasan saw hime, 44 Begins Dai When a sentence has more than one definite noun that relates to a direct objec, a1, 'aisadded after the final noun, 1, ras used only ‘once, even ifthe sentence has more than one noun Ae No 9 AS ome Hasan fit'ab va galam ra khar‘id Hasan bought the book and the pen AS seike 9 1) 38l g ie oe “Hasan ‘aim va sh aired r'a dar maka did Hasan saw the teacher andthe student at school pate ite ly by REF 9 ol OO ‘an yak galam va yak Ki abcha Fa ar’ay mateab kharidam. Tough a pen and a notebook for school Inthe above sentences, references are made to specific nouns. The speaker and the listener both know which teacher, which student, which ‘book, which letter and which person that theyre talking about. When the ‘noun isnot clear the speaker may add addtional information oclarify it forthelistener Like: ae be las rman malin Daria ida 1 saw the Dai teacher. ie Ny 6 ot ome Hasan ki ab-e Dart ra Bhari Hasan bought the Dari book. |) tHe bought the pen sr the notebook 1p Fate Denote aDefnte Diret Object 45. Exerc ous Read and write the following Dari sentences, ed maim Fad idan Ta the wach, a alo rw lin galance bia thar ‘he teacher bough the blue pen, ae 2 oe Heaton nogeha ra thai asa boop the map. [owe ane a ogalam wok abcha 7 thar as ast 9 ooh agind al es he stem Write the following Dari paragraph, Read as you write. BS re At ol BE OD WG gH woe OWS Oe BU ye map yew a ane asa pp ie See ‘Translatio Sheila and Hasan went tothe store, Sheila bought ablue pen. Hasan 1, a notebook, anda map Hasan saw his uncle inthe | in and Hasan are i second grade 46 Bejones Dut se was age ep ee Vocabulary Dari Dar? maktub letter Kw'and read did saw ‘mualim teacher sh'agird student sinf-e duvum second grade da'wat invite ‘Vpaieae owns PemnorFas Gender 47 Lesson Eleven paojh o> Gender ‘Dari nouns have no gender distinction between masculine and feminine. “The gender becomes clear inthe context ofa statement ora sentence. cate opedarce man as. He is my father. ot oe ph) Om adere man as She is my mother. 2) ye wae 9 omahtab ra Hiosh d'arad. ‘She likes schoo! 2 See gate ‘omakiah r'aFhosh W'arad, He like school, on i nl g malin free man ast. He is my physies teacher. 48 Beginners Das Exercise gaya} \Write the following Dari paragraph, pronounce as you write. PP Se pl ot ple aon ale ge Oe A Be Tab ap PFE ay gt ple aye Ske ws te OF STH a ea a el le Oe A ‘Translation: My mother and my father, both ae teachers, My mother is a Dari teacher, She goes to school every day. My mother has twenty students in her class, My father isan English teacher. My father is ‘Sheila's teacher. He teaches athe University ‘Write the following Dari sentences. to le ot sane na ‘aince man Hasan ast My teacher's name is Has. ae oth Se ‘man yok galam Rharidam. bought a pen, 29 onl she on wie sinfe man chaharkilkeen d'arad. My classroom has four windows. eo pte a ile trader Ahmad mu ‘alin ast. Almad’s mother isa teacher. 8 ill ant oe man Bist Afghani dara. | Thave twenty Afghanis to She is my teacher. p32 Sa | Ud ‘man fz‘ r'a hosh'd'aram. Hike physies ty whe Heb Sheila maktab raf Sheila went to school 22 hy ie age Gilt Afghanistan mayave Khushk ziy'ad arad. ‘Afghanistan has alot of dried Suits 50 gions Das an) we ee ore es age ae ‘ple efexhtés Vocabulary bist inglisi dars darsd'adan pohant'un Ihosh shagind hw ahar mader pedar Sick sinf Iilkeen chah‘ar maywa Hhushk ziv'ad twenty. English Tesson toteach university like student sister mother father physics classroom window four fruit ay lot, too much Ex efor the adion Lesson Twelve ,33l92 Ges? Ev‘afa or the addition “-e”, and Articles In spoken Dari a non-stressed colloquial *-e" is an added sound at the end of all nouns that denotes a relationship between nouns and adjectives, This "-c” is called ez afa, which means addition. In the context of a sentence, the -e sound is added to show one of the the relationships between the noun and the adjective, indicates possession or belonging t: + ely er‘adarceman My brother 2G thanave thmad Akmad’s house HW. At olny a noun to an adjective that qualifies that noun: ex i q'al'ine surkh Red carpet Se nb galan-esabz Green pen Pe Sabenaw New Year Ui Teindicates an apposition: si cogs wale mali, dosteo The teaches, his friend Se ees tan, hams ayave man The woman, my neighbor ‘The sound e= afi *-c" is an added sound, but is not writen in Dari 52 Beginners Das Articles “The Dar language does not use the definite article “the” asin English aT este nie 2 Gdokhtar-e malin beh maktab ‘amad. “The teacher's daughter eame to school et ol ts Bitab-e abt in’ ast. The blue book i here al eee He pee ob {galance nu alm B'al'a-e chawh ast. The teacher's pen ison the chat, ate te poles SWeagind an dar sing hastand ‘The stadents are in class. “afar the ation "and Anes 33 Exercise gayi ‘Write the following Dari sentences. Read as you write at ba aoe ie ma alin-e Hasan in ast. Hasan’s teachers here. Ae ee Be yak 4°al thee surth Khari He bought a red carpet, see he 93 le imu alim dar sinf ast. The teacher is in lass, cet ge ws nagshah bal'a-e chawki ast ‘The map is onthe ch We og by ver ole shragind ir ab r'a may khw nad. ‘The student is reading a book feet ee tb Gal inswth ast ‘The carpet is red Ae ay uw Kare 0 beh maktab ‘amad. His uncle came to schoo SH Boginnets Dai Statements, Questions, Commands & Itenogative Sentences 55 Vocabulary isn hams'aya—_oeighbor Lesson Thirteen padjeu G132 as toma ooo ep test Fiend SL Fatencw new year Se tinal yer Statements, Questions, Commands, fe sab sreen & Interrogative Sentences Galina Se itana hose, home iy | beader “Tenet tise ass Gaya ange Aina aes cea vse we mage fy trund, an iterogatve, a question, or #Satement, and t could | ee Tela ty a nero usin, of Sener, ad cas iastand ae : So if cts sar, subject and objets come before the verbs in Dar sen- oiyste——sHagind‘an students tences, Verbs usually appear las Spe Shagind sade Fe chant! chain Soe Si, bata——_overabove “hide maa at “omad same This isin book me ere eos physica {The verb in the above sentence is ast <3 ()] beh ee : bse ry et ied sun cpesarce man maktab raft. eee sow ‘My son went to school ose —maghool — pretty [Inthe above sentence raft =, (went) is the verb] 56 Beginners Statements. she Ae oe Hasan bi ana me’ aye. Hasan comes home. cele Me ts ivab Bal'ae mate ast. ‘The book ison the able, by ee Hasan maiah raft Hazan went 0 school Questions. tal os oe “ay'a Hasan Hana ‘amad? Did Hasan come home? Sod je Ye ts UT ay hab bal a-e mais ast? Soy ae oe Isthe book onthe table? ‘ay a Hasan matkab raft? Did Hasan go to schoo!” In colloquial Dari, instead of using the word Uf “aya, avocl stress is puta the end ofthe sentence to indicate question. For example, remoy- ing the word \F ay and puttinga vocal stress a the end ofeach sen- tence would not change their meaning tae one Hasan kh’ana may “amad? Did Hasan come home? Ney see ge Hasan mathab raft? Did Hasan goto schoot? Isthe book onthe table? Se Law Fane reg oe Statements, Questions, Commands, & Interogative Sentences 57 Commands by es Hasan, Kiana bey"a Hasan, come home Bt Ae 6 ome Hasan, makiabbero. Hasan, goto school Siete bE one Hasan, kit ab a bekhw ‘an Hasan, read the book. Bp by ee Hasan seb r'abokhor. Hasan, eat the apple Wey te od Ot Shella,‘ ki ab ra behthw'an Sheila, read this book. coy Jab ool Oh Sheila,“ faslr'a behthw'an Sheila, read this chapter aN see cal he Sheila, "in eb ra behthor Sheil, eat this apple cof ipl ete od Sheila “n sapha Fa mavisha kan Sheil, write this page. BALL) Be ES ee Sheila, Kitab-e surkh ra bebithar Sheil, buy the red book, ay SLES ay Oe Sheila, beh kirabeh'ana birau ‘Sheila, goto the library 58 Beginners Dai Interrogatives Interrogative questions are usually tonal, where a stress is placed on the last syllable, Interrogative questions normally begin with as hoya (where), gf Fi(who or whom), 4 che (what), plas kod ‘am (which), and gs kal (when)? het Or Se by Er par tal oe tee Neal oF foj'a raft? ‘Where did you go? hod‘ am ki ab ra wand? ‘Which book did you read? ki amad? ‘Who came? ‘che Rhord i ‘What di you eat? kai ‘amadi? ‘When did you come? English sentences first translated to Dai then changed to questions: ‘Sheila came home ast oe oe ‘Sheta ona “amad ‘Sheila weet home. Sei ana rot Sila saw the teacher. ex 8 ie Se Shela alin ra i Sheila bought ated pea Ae eae ob eH Did Sheila come home? fast ob 342 uF 'y'¢ Shella ana ‘mad? Did Sheila go home? To ee aT "ya Shela Bana raf? Did Sheila se the teacher? a ye 32 “aya Shela mahi rad? Dia Sheila buy red pen? tae ep oH WT Shela} galam Khari “aya Shela yok galam suki kharid? Interrogative sentences: Keaue ae che thar? ‘What id you buy? guise che Bhwandi? What id jou eae? eh oF bof era?” Where did you go? eal eye che vag ‘aad? ‘When did you come? Keb Showa? ibe amr abet raf?” Who went with ou? Now che kari? What did you do? T Ferand Fre ink Te rence been tha ie Fonancnicossn in mein Satements, Questions, Commands, & Ineroguive Sentences 59 Vocabulary os raflan oxo raft went irae s0 ep surkh red ost is oman Lmy we did saw 2 dor in for Ye sarorbal'a _on,above,over obuts—kiabiana library oie safha page win ber'adar brother Get “amadan——tocome oe — gopradan —totalk SF gapsad talked u ba with ss bekiov'an read fas adam which ce? who he what ex hamr'ah with ts koja where er kardan todo et fasl chapter, season we hai when 60 egnners Dat Lesson Fourteen @234z cs? Questions That Start With T ‘ay'a aya isapartcle used at the beginning ofa non-interrogative sentence to introduce a question. doesnot have any specific meaning. In conver- sational Dar, fa question isnot interrogatve in nature instead of using yt ‘ay'aatthebeginning ofthe sentence, the speaker will puta vocal stress atthe end ofthe sentence to introduce a question. Saye ty, WE ‘ay'a barf B arid? Did it snow? Nene boys le UF ‘ya madare hud rad Wi? Did you see your mother? hed, sits UT ‘ay ait abr ana rail? Did you goto the library? News by ots WT ‘ay ahitab ra tharid'? Did you buy the book? ety we UF ‘ay @hh'ana raft? Did you go home? Questions That tart With Yt ay"a 61 Incolloguial Dar, drop UT ay" from the beginning of the sentence and add a vocal stress atthe end ofthe sentence. wea at eae bon le barbara? madare Budr'a didi? Didit snow? Did you se your mother? tates hows b wt Aer abbh ana rapt? Rivab a thant? Did you goto the library? Did you buy the book? ts oe Wana raft? Did you go home? Exerc aT | Dari sentences changed to questions. Write the Dari sentences as | you read them, ety oe Sheila kh ana raf ‘Sheila went home. Re ote Sheila th'ana raft? or Did Sheila go home? Nets Oe 3 UF ‘ay'a Sheila kana raft? Did Sheila go home? cae ye a a ve Wak’ace shoma yak motar Khari. Your uncle ought aca. aye ae wy late Wak’a-e thom yak motar Khari? Did your uncle buy a car? ies ye ey las we UT ‘ay'akak are shom a yak moter Kharid? Did your uncle buy a ear? 62 Regine Dui | at Gag gf le mader'e 0 mari ast i His mother is sick. \ eyo a Dae rte gteeta scarcer cede oe eae aeF Seis | Ne eg oe st ‘omar iz ast? or ‘ay'ao mar iz ast? | ‘Tinaae isonet ae ! wage ae His garden is large. | Sor gf au Real oF of Ab WT Pence ep evepesenee 1 pn age! tpn ane? a DOT aia ps oe | Septic ie rai ot bara sonnets, | Sophia pani va tr us a2 dok’an Bharid? Did Sophia buy cheese and watermelon from the store? Nye 9 Fe 9 ae Gye | ‘aya Sophia panir va tarb'ue az dok'an kharid? Did Sophia buy cheese and watermelon from the store? Naas A J id 9 ot re es) whale Eefeuesty Questions That Sit With of y's 63 Vocabulary Mar donkey naj'ar carpenter ch'arp'aey bed (made from ropes) ir old, aged juma Friday dok'an store tarb'uz watermelon anir cheese Hal'an big, large maric sick aidan 10 see Brar'idan to rain or to snow 64 Beginners Dai Lesson Fifteen ad3ily 99 Plural InDari te ha, of “an, of at, Je el, olf g'an, or oby"an are used ‘as suflixes to make nouns plural, Most nouns will become plural by adding le ha asa suffix. Some nouns will also become plural by adding oJ ‘an asasuffix. In addition, afew nouns will become plural byadding ct aror ye elif g'an oF ob y'anas suffixes. Usually adding Jet will also change the form of the noun, ‘Asa general rule, animate nouns such as people and animals will b- ‘come plural by adding the suffix J an to their singular forms. A large ‘numberof animate nouns can become plural by adding ether ‘an or ‘gas suffixes, Adding the suffix ‘an isthe corect form to make ani- ‘mate nouns plural. In many instances ts ha isused instead of. ‘a for animate nouns, which isalso acceptable in Dai Some nouns become plural by adding the suffix 3) “an or the suffix ta fa, as shown in the following animate nouns. In many ‘cases its acceptable in Dat to use either 3) “an or te a, an mand man by mari'an men oe mardh’a men oh tan‘an women Wop tanh'a women Phesl 65 ex murgh chicken ole mugh'an chickens ge mughi’a chickens yes dolar gick. ches dokitaran —gicls yee dobar ha girls A few animate nouns use oY g ‘an or oy yan. When animate nouns end ine he, the ending » ke is removed and gi g’an is added asa suffix. Ifls fais used to make them plural the» he will not be removed, the suffix /'a will be added after the » he. esx parenda bind o6.y —parendag’an birds aay parenda he binks see morcha ant lees morchag’an ants Dee morchala ants When animate nouns end in alef the suffix o¥ yan is added to ‘make them plural wT ‘ag’a gentleman oust ag’ay'an gentlemen Do not use the suffix 3 ‘an with inanimate nouns under any cir ‘cumstances. Inanimate nouns, ike objects, use the suffix ty Ha only The suffix ts Ja can be written jointly with the noun, or it ean also be written separately after the nour, Separately: a rex chasvk't ha (chairs) lw pib galam h’a (pens) Jointly: yeSge hawk ih'a (chairs), yb galamb'a (pens). 66 Reginnes Das ‘When the last etter ofthe noun ends in anon-connecting leter, the suffix W /ra is always written separately as Uae maiz h'a (tables), laslges diva ha (walls), ts osyp pardah ha (curtains), ete. Ife noun ends in » he, the suffix ts will nt be writen jointly with ‘the noun. It willbe written separately like tts kh ana ha (houses), ls eggs darw'aza ha (doors), te 33 takhta h'a (boards), ete Inanimate nouns and ther plural forms: vis kirab ook es or ats Lirabh'a books eB galam pen eB ores galamh'a pens 6 ilrana house We lv anah'a houses As the result of Arabic influence on the Dari language, some Ara- bic nouns are used in Dari, These nouns become plural by adding woe fue = en ” we a wae aly en ee oe . ee Boe pt ell se elt

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