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Period 49


Lesson 5 : SKILLS 1

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Read for general and specific information about a helpline service for teens in Viet
- Speak about teen stress and pressure and how to cope with them.
- The way to cope with stress and pressure
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about teen stress and pressure.
b. Grammar: Review.
c. Skills: spoken interaction, reading and answering the questions, complete the table,
reporting, talking the presentation.
2. Competences: - Students can use language to talk about teen stress and pressure
and how to solve or reduce them
3. Qualities: Ss can know the way to address their stress and pressure
B.Teaching aids:
1. Teacher : Lesson plan, textbook , teacher’s book…
2. Students: Workbook, notebook, look up vocabulary….
1. Checking:
- During the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up- 5’
a. Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and lead in the lesson
b. Content : SS talk some necessary life skills for teens in Viet Nam
c. Outcome: Ss can remind some necessary life skills for teens in Viet Nam.
d. Performance:

T asks Ss to talk some necessary life skills

for teens in Viet Nam *Chatting.
Ss talk - What do you do when you have a
T gives Ss some qs and ask them to problem?
answer. - Who do you often share your problem?
Ss share with classmates. + school pressure, physic changes,
problems with classmates, having too
high expectations, negative feelings
about themselves,…
+ face up with oneself or talk to aldult,…

2. Presentation- 10’
a. Aim: Help Ss know some vocabulary words related to the reading and read for general
information of the text.
b. Content :
+ Learn some vocabularies.
+ Do you know what a child helpline is?
+ Now read the article.
c. Outcome: Ss can know some vocabulary words and lead in the text
d. Performance:
1. Reading
T teaches some vocabulary words * Vocabulary
Ss copy and read Toll-free
T asks Ss the question and explains that a 1 a. Do you know what a child helpline is?
child helpline is a telecommunication
support service for children and young
people. It is free of charge. When you
contact a helpline, often via telephone, you
will get answered and someone from the
helpline may even come directly to you to
help. b. Now read the article.
T asks Ss to read through the text quickly
to get its main ideas. Ask them to answer
the question “What is the article about?”
using the text title, photos, and key words.
Ss answer the question
3. Practice- 19’
a. Aim: Help Ss read about a helpline service for teens in Viet Nam and answer the
b. Content :
+ Answer the question
+ Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
+ Listen to two students calling a child helpline and complete the notes.
c. Outcome: Ss can understand the content of a helpline service for teens in Viet Nam and
answer the questions well and speak about teen stress and pressure and how to cope with
d. Performance:
2. Answer the questions.
- T asks Ss to read the text again to Key:
complete the task. 1. It’s a free service for counselling and
Ss work in pairs to answer the questions. protecting children and young adults in Viet
T corrects Nam.
2. They were callers in the 11-14 year old
and 15-18 year old groups.
3. The calls were mostly questions about
family relationships, friendships, and
physical and mental health.
4.Because they were cases of missing or
abandoned children, or children who were
suffering from
violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse.
5. The helpline promotes child participation
in its operations by involving children as
communicators and decision makers.
6. It aims to create favorable conditions for
children to develop physically and mentally.
3. Read the text again and decide if the
T asks Ss to work individually first, then following statements are true (T) or false
compare the answers with their partner. (F).
Ask them to discuss and explain each
person’s own decision if their answers
Key: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T
are not the same. Then provide feedback
as a class. For each answer, ask Ss to
4. Listen to two students calling a child
helpline and complete the notes.
back to the text to find the relevant
Key (suggested):
Caller 1
Caller: girl, from Ha Noi, last year of high
- T tells Ss they are going to listen to two
students calling a child helpline. Ask Ss to
Feeling now: a bit depressed and confused.
look at the note form to get oriented about
Problem: wants to be a designer; but her
what they are going to hear. Remind Ss
parents want her.
that these are notes so they only need to to be a doctor.
write key words or phrases and not full Question: doesn’t know what to say to her
sentences. parents.
- After Ss have completed the task Caller 2
individually, give feedback as a class. Caller: boy, named Long, 13 years old, from
Ho Chi Minh City
Feeling now: worried
Problem: online friend asked for 5 million
dong; said if he refused to give it, his life
would be difficult
Question: wonders whether to tell somebody
about this

4. Application- 10’
a.Aim: Help Ss can give advice to cope with situation.
b. Content : Asking for advice
c. Outcome: Ss can know how to give advice to cope with situation
d. Performance:
5. Asking for advice
- T explains the Study skill box and find an What do you think I should do (about…)?
example for each expression. What should I do?
Ss listen and copy What would you do in this situation?
Could you give me some advice (about…)?
*Work in pairs. If you were me, what would you do?
- T asks Ss work in pairs to role-play the I wonder whether to… or…
callers to call the Magic Number helpline Do you know who to speak to about this?
to ask for help.
Ss work in pairs to role-play the callers. Eg:
And your partner listens and takes notes. Hi, my name is Linh, I’m 14 years old. I’m a
- Go around and offer help if needed. bit tense because of my score at school. I
When Ss have finished, call on some pairs always think that I must get the highest
to present their dialogue. score in every exam, I must be the best
student in the class. Therefore, I spend all
- To revise reported speech, T may ask the my time studying… Lately, I feel exhausted
student who listens and takes notes to and bored. Although I study almost all the
report what his/her partner has told day, I hardly remember all the things I’m
him/her. taught. I’m really worried. What should I
- T advises Ss to call the helpline or tell do?
their teachers and their parents to ask for
help if necessary or have difficulty.

- Practice talking about teen stress and pressure.
- Prepare next lesson: Skills 2on the bo
Room for improvement:
- T should pay more attention to the Application.

Period 50
Lesson 6 : SKILLS 2

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen for general and specific information about the work of an advice columnist.
- Write a short note to ask for advice and to give advice.
- Know how to cope with stress and pressure
a. Vocabulary: Changes in adolescence
b. Grammar: Ask for and give advice
c. Skills: Listening and writing True or false, listening and completing, writing a
paragraph, spoken interaction, talking the presentation.
2. Competences: - Students can use languge to write about teen stress and pressure
and how to solve or reduce them. Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss can know the way to address their stress and pressure to have a better
life. Ss have also aware of listening someone’s advice
II.Teaching aids:
1. Teacher : Lesson plan, poster, textbook , teacher’s book.
2. Students: Workbook, notebook, look up vocabulary
III. Procedure:
1. Checking:
- During the lesson.
2. New lesson:thinkans. Ask them to give some examplese
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up- 5’
a.Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and lead in the lesson
b. Content : Chatting
c. Outcome: Ss can attract to the topic and talk about teen stress and pressure
d. Performance:
T checks old lesson:
T asks Ss to talk about teen stress and *Chatting
pressure Answer the questions.
Ss talk - What should you say to others who
- Give Ss 2 qs, ask them to discuss and have problems?
give the asnwers. - How do they feel after that?
- Share the ideas.
2. Presentation- 7’
a.Aim: Help Ss know how to give advice and listen for general information about
the work of advice columnist
b. Content :
+ Learn how to give advice.
+ Listen and choose the best answer.
c. Outcome: Ss can give advice and listen for general information.
d. Performance:
* How to give advice
T explains how to give advice - If I were you, I would/ wouldn’t
Ss copy - I think you should....
T models with Ss - I don’t think you should
- Have you thought about Ving?
- It might help to consider
T asks Ss if they know what an ‘advice It might be a good idea.
columnist’ does. Introduce the word. If 1. Listen and choose the best
possible, bring in to the class some answer.
examples of the advice column page in Key:
local magazines for teens (or you can 1. likes
look them up on the Internet). 2. no longer in
- T tells Ss they are now going to listen to 3. not easy
an interview with Miss Sweetie, the 4. takes time
advice columnist of 4Teen magazine. 5. need
Then choose the best answer.
3. Practice- 15’
a.Aim: Help Ss listen for specific information about the work of advice columnist
and practice writing a short note to ask for advice
b. Content :
+ Answer the questions.
+ Which of the following expressions are more likely to be used by Miss Sweetie
when she gives advice?
+ Give advice to each student.
+ Write a short note to Miss Sweetie to ask her for advice about a problem at
school or with your friends.
c. Outcome: Ss can listen for specific information about the work of advice
columnist and practice writing a short note to ask for advice well.
d. Performance:

- Ss then work individually to complete 2. Answer the questions.

the task. Key:
1. She feels like she is living her
T asks Ss to listen again and answer the teenage years again, and she loves
questions. helping readers by giving them advice.
- Ss work individually first, then compare 2. She said it’s most important that we
the answers with a partner. Then provide put ourselves in other people’s shoes.
corrective feedback as a class. 3. Because language should be used
sensitively so that the person can get
over the negative feelings.

3. Which of the following

expressions are more likely to be
used by Miss Sweetie when she gives
- Ss work in pairs for this task. advice?
- Ask them to explain their decision Key:
afterwards. The options that are in the 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes
‘no’category are because the language
is too strong or direct.

- T asks Ss to look at 2, A CLOSER 4. Give advice to each student.

LOOK 1 and give one piece of advice to Suggested answers:
each student using the expressions in the B. I know how you feel, but I don’t
Writing Study skill box ‘Giving advice’. think you should worry about this
change. It’s normal, and it shows that
Ss work individually to complete this you’re growing up.
task. C. If I were you, I wouldn’t have too
high expectations. I would do my best
in the exam, but I don’t think it’s a
good idea to feel so stressed.
D. Have you thought about telling this
to your parents? They might think of a
good solution to help you.
E. It might help to consider breaking
this big task into smaller tasks and
then tackle them one by one.
F. It might be a good idea to talk
about this to someone. Have you
thought about turning to your teacher
for help?
5a.Write a short note to Miss
Sweetie to ask her for advice about a
problem at school or with your
- T asks Ss to work individually first to Dear Miss Sweetie,
write a short note to Miss Sweetie to ask
her for advice about a problem at school I am in grade 9 at a school in city. I
or with their friends. love my school, my teacher and my
- Ss make up a situation. parents.

But this year, I have to learn too

much. My parents want me to become
an engineer so I must try my best to
enter the best university. Beside that,
I have to come to center to learn
English. My weekend is also fully
booked with music class, swimming
class... I don’t have time for myself. I
don’t know how to tell with my
parents about this problem. Coud you
give me some advice about this?


4. Application - 13’
a.Aim: Help Ss write a short note to give advice
b. Content : Write a short answer (2-3 sentences) to give advice about the problem.
c. Outcome: Ss can write a short note to give advice
d. Performance:
b. Write a short answer (2-3
- This task can be done as either a whole sentences) to give advice about the
class activity or a group activity. Tell Ss problem.
when all group members have finished Eg:
writing the advice note, they will take I think you should talk to your parents
turns to report the note they received, and about the situation and tell them about
the advice that they of ered. If time what you really want. About your
allows, ask the group to discuss the schedule, you should ask your parents
problem and the advice. Can they think of to rearrange it so that you can have
some other advice for the problem? time to relax. That must be better for
not only your physical but also mental

- Do exercises in Workbook.
- Prepare next lesson: Looking back - Project.

Room for improvement:

- T should give clearer and more detailed instructions to Ss.

Period 51
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review what they have learnt in the unit 3 and practice vocabulary and grammar
points they have learnt in this unit.
- Practice making communication, project, self – assessment to see how far they have
progressed and which areas need further practice.
- Know how to cope with stress and pressure.
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about teen stress and pressure.
b. Grammar: Ask for and give advice, Wh – to V ; reported speech,…..
c. Skills: speaking, reading; listening, writing
2. Competences: - Students can use languge to write about teen stress and pressure
and how to solve or reduce them. Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss can know the way to address their stress and pressure to have a better
and have aware of some life skills and be calm in every situation.
B.Teaching aids:
1. Teacher : Lesson plan, poster, textbook , teacher’s book.
2. Students: Workbook, notebook, look up vocabulary
C. Procedure:
1. Checking:
- During the lesson.
2. New lesson:think
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm- up (3’)
a, Aims: To help Ss to pay attention in the lesson.
b, Contents: Chatting
c, Outcome: Ss can answer some questions
d, Organization:
- Give S some qs and ask them to *Chatting.
answer. - What do you do when you have a problem?
- Share with classmates. - Who do you often share your problem?
2. Vocabulary (10’)
a, Aims: Help Ss review some adjectives to describe the feelings in real situations.
b, Contents:
+ Put yourself in these teens’ shoes. Choose the TWO best words to describe your
feelings in the following situations.
+ Use the following prompts to say something to the students in1 .
+ Give at least two examples for each of these sets of skills.
c, Outcome: Ss can review some adjectives to describe the feelings in real situations
and do vocabulary exercises correctly.
d, Organization:
1. Put yourself in these teens’ shoes.
T asks Ss to complete the sentences by Choose the TWO best words to
using the support from the pictures, the describe your feelings in the
options provided, and the meaning of the following situations.
sentences. Key:
Ss work individually first and then 1 . excited/delighted
compare with a partner. 2. frustrated/upset
T corrects 3. tense/stressed
4. worried/tense
5. disappointed/frustrated
6. emotional/depressed
2. Use the following prompts to say
-T asks Ss to remember the meanings of something to the students in1 .
these verbs: congratulate, empathise, Key (suggested):
encourage, assure, and advise. 1.‘Congratulations!’/ ‘Well done! You
Then Ss need to look at the situations in1 did a really great job!’
to say appropriate sentences. 2.‘You must have been really
disappointed.’ / ‘If I were you, I would
talk to my parents.’
3.‘Stay calm. Everything will be all
right.’/ ‘It might be a good idea to have
a break when you feel too stressed.’
4.‘I understand how you feel.’/ ‘It
might help to consider talking about
this to someone.’/ ‘Have you thought
about calling a counselling service?’
5.‘I understand how you feel.’/ ‘It
might help to consider focusing on the
good points of the presentation rather
than only the weak points.’
6.‘You must have been really
emotional.’/ ‘I understand how you
3. Give at least two examples for each
-T asks Ss to complete this exercise
of these sets of skills.
without looking back at
COMMUNICATION. They can write in Key (suggested):
1. concentrate on doing something;
similar skills, or add new skills as they organise your timetable.
wish. 2. control feelings; know how to get
over negative feelings
3. cooperate with others; communicate
4. know how to act in emergencies;
know when to stop taking risks
5. cook for oneself and others; manage
a small budget
2. Grammar- 10’
a.Aim: Help Ss review the reported speech and question words to infinitive.
b. Contents : Review grammar points they have learnt in unit 3.
+ Rewrite the following in reported speech.
+ Rewrite the underlined phrases in the following text, using question words +to
c. Outcome: Ss can memorize reported speech and question words to infinitive and
the way of using.
d. Organization:
4. Rewrite the following in reported
- T asks Ss to work individually then in speech.
pairs when they compare their answers Key:
with each other. 1. She said she was really stressed out,
Ss work individually then in pairs and and that she had had three sleepless
then write the answer the question. nights thinking about her exam.
2. He said he couldn’t concentrate
because it was too noisy in there.
3. She said she had been very upset at f
irst but she was fine then.
4. He said he didn’t think taking risks
too often was a good idea.
5. She said he would take a cooking
class before he went to college.
6. He said he really wished he could
make informed decisions.
5. Rewrite the underlined phrases in
the following text, using question
words +to-infi nitives
- T asks Ss to work individually to
1. Today, I’m going to tell you what to
complete this task.
do in case of fire.
Ss share their answer with classmates 2. Be sure you know where to find the
T corrects nearest exit or stairway.
3. You should know how to activate the
fire alarm.
4. You should know what number to
call to report the fire and ask for help.
3. Communication- 5’
a.Aim: Help Ss give them some advice
b. Contents : Work in pairs. Look at the notes of the two callers from 4, SKILLS 1
and give them some advice.
c. Outcome: Ss can make communication and review how to ask and give advice.
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss to look at in 4, skills 1 and 6. Work in pairs. Look at the notes of
asks some questions the two callers from 4, SKILLS 1 and
Who are the callers? give them some advice.
Why are they calling the helpline? How
do they feel?
Now Ss discuss this task in pairs to work
out the advice they would give to the two
callers. Encourage Ss to use the phrases
they have learnt for giving advice. Call on
five pairs to report the advice to the class.
The class then vote for their favourite
piece of advice.
4. Project- 14’
a.Aim: Help Ss design the set up of a teen support group
b. Contents : Present an ideas for a skill.
c. Outcome: Ss can present their ideas for a teen support group in your school.
d. Organization:
T asks Ss to work in small groups to Teen support group
design the set up of a teen support group. Work in groups. Prepare some ideas
First, Ss choose an idea for the support for a teen support group in your
group and find out more about that idea. school:
For example, one group chooses the idea ● study skills group
‘study skills group’. ● life skills group
Ask them to think about: ● social skills group
• Which study skills do you think are ● emotion control skills group
necessary in your class/school? How can ● career planning group
you find out more about this information?
• How can the students improve these
skills? (for this information you can ask
your teacher, or use books, magazines, or
the Internet)
• What can a support group do to help
them do that?
- Then Ss decide how to set up their
support group. Ask them to consider: Choose one idea and think about how
• What is the name of the support group? to set up the support group, focussing
• What are the support activities it on the following questions:
provides? ● What is the name of the support
• How does the support reach students? group?
•How is the group organised? Who will ● How is the group organised?
do what? How can the teacher and the ● How does it help teens?
school help the operations of the group?
- The class can then vote for the project
that they think is most interesting, useful,
and feasible. If possible, T may even help
them realise some of these projects in
Present your group’s ideas to the rest
their own class or school.
of the class. Get their feedback.
- Complete the project.

Room for improvement:

- T should spend more time on the Grammar section.

Period 52
Vocabulary: The electoral system

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize the topic and the vocabularies surrounding the topic.
1. Knowledge:
- Topic: Elections
- Listening: Elections
- Vocabulary: The electoral system
- Speaking: Discussing quotes from a radio programme about politics
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Students will be able to use language about the electoral system.
II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: Computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1. Checkup the old lesson
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
Activity 1. Exercise 4
Aim: Ss understand the meanings of the vocabulary and complete the text.
* Keys:
- Ask students to read the list of words 1. manifestos 2. general election
in exercise 4 and compare them with 3. local elections 4. polling stations
the words they brainstormed. 5. electorate 6. ballot papers
- Students compare their answers with 7. turnout 8. constituencies
a partner. 9. votes 10. candidate
- Check answers as a class. 11. left-wing politics 12. right-wing
Activity 2. Exercise 5
Aim: Ss understand the meanings of the vocabulary and complete the text.

- Remind students that there are no 1. How can we ensure politicians

right or wrong answers, but that they understand life in the real world?
should give reasons for their opinions. 2. Would lowering the voting age
- Students discuss the quotes in groups. encourage politicians to think more about
If they generally agree with the young people?
negative statements about politicians, 3. How do you think we can make
you could ask them to discuss the politicians keep their promises?
following questions:

Room for improvement:

- T should spend more time on Activity 1.
Period 53
Reading: President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize, understand and apply reading skills in the lesson.
- Learn more new vocabularies related to the topic.
1. Knowledge:
- Topic: Effective speeches
- Reading: President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Students will be able to understand a famous speech.
II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: Computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
Activity 1. Lead-in
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- Tell students they are going to read part of
a very famous speech in this lesson. Ask
them to work in groups and think of five
‘Top tips for a successful speech’. Give
them some suggestions, e.g. Don’t read
the whole speech from a piece of paper –
use bullet points; Look at your audience.
- Then go round the class, eliciting advice
from each group. Write their ideas on the
board and get the class to vote for the
three best tips.
Activity 2. Exercise 1
Aim: Ss discuss some background information to prepare for the reading.
- Ask students to brainstorm the names of
famous politicians and write them on the
board, e.g. Nelson Mandela, Winston
Churchill, Abraham Lincoln. Then go on
to discuss why they are famous, e.g.
because of laws they passed, speeches
they made.
- Elicit information about John F. Kennedy.
They should know a few facts, e.g. he was
the US President from 1961 to 1963; he
was assassinated; he was linked to
Marilyn Monroe.
Activity 3. Exercise 2
Aim: Ss read the text and answer the questions.
- Explain that NATO stands for North
Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO is a
military alliance with twenty-eight
member states, mainly in North America
and Europe. You could mention the
Warsaw Pact, an alliance between eight
communist states of Central and Eastern
Europe that was made during the
Cold War.
- Give students a minute to read the text
about the Cold War and ask the following - When was the Cold War?
questions to check comprehension: (between 1947 and 1991)
- Read out the topics. Ask students to raise - Why was there never world war
their hands after each one if they think between the NATO allies and the
Kennedy mentioned it in his speech. Warsaw Pact allies? (Because each
- Students then read Kennedy’s speech to side knew that the other had nuclear
find out which topics he talked about. Tell weapons.)
students to underline the relevant
sentences. This will help them to
* Keys:
summarize what Kennedy said about each
Kennedy talked about world poverty,
nuclear weapons, NATO allies, the
- Check answers as a class.
Soviet Union and space travel.

Room for improvement:

- T should spend more time on Activity 3.
Period 54
Vocabulary: Giving examples and explanations

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize and use vocabulary related to giving examples and
1. Knowledge:
- Topic: Freedom of speech
- Reading: A for and against essay
- Vocabulary: Giving examples and explanations
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Students will be able to use language to give examples and
II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: Computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
Activity 1. Exercise 3
Aim: Ss understand the meanings of the phrases and match them to categories.
- Focus attention on the title of this
lesson – A for and against essay – and
explain that with this type of essay, it
is important to write a balanced
argument, with examples and
explanations for both sides.
- Ensure that students understand the
Keys: 1. Giving examples: As an
difference between giving an example
illustration, take; A well-known example of
and explaining. When we give an
this is; such as; to illustrate this; like; for
example, we use a specific fact or
example; for instance; this can be illustrated
situation to illustrate what we are
by; by way of example; a case in point is
saying. When we explain something,
2. Explaining: particularly; specifically; to
we give a reason for it or clarify it.
be more specific; in particular
- Students read the phrases in context in
the essay and then match them to the
- Check answers as a class before
students match the phrases in
exercise 3. They can check their
answers in pairs.
Activity 2. Exercise 4
Aim: Ss listen to the recording and do the exercise.
- Emphasize that there are different * Possible answers:
ways for them to complete the 1. You can be arrested for things you write
sentences and they should use their online. For example, Sean Duffy was
own ideas. Go through the sentences arrested and imprisoned in 2011 for making
and elicit ideas for each one. Students offensive comments on Facebook about a
can work in pairs to write the endings, young girl who had committed suicide.
2. Political protests can be very successful,
particularly when they are backed up by a
well-organized social media campaign.
3. Newspapers sometimes publish secret
information for the common good. A case in
using some of the phrases from point is the Guardian’s publication of top
exercise 3. secret NSA documents leaked by Edward
- Check answers as a class, eliciting at Snowden.
least two possible endings for each 4. Equal opportunity has still not been
sentence. achieved, in particular in the top
management roles in many blue chip
5. Life can be difficult in countries that
don’t have free speech, such as North

Room for improvement:

- T should give clear instructions to Ss.

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