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Period 57


I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Revise the language Ss have learnt and the skills they have practised in units 1-2-3.
- Practice making everyday English.
- Help Ss to recall the language and encourage them to contribute as much as possible.
a. Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary they have learnt since Unit 1.
b. Grammar: Phrasal verbs, reported speech, question word + to infi.
c. Skills: speaking, reading; listening, writing
2. Competences:
- Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss try their best to remember and use the structures.
II.Teaching aids:
1. Teacher : Lesson plan, poster, textbook , teacher’s book.
2. Students: Workbook, notebook, look up vocabulary
III. Procedure:
1. Checking:
- During the lesson.
2. New lesson:think
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up (2’)
a. Aims: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b. Contents: sing a song
c. Outcome: Ss can attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
d. Organization:
- T lets sing a song
- Ss listen and sing a song
2. Pronunciation (7’)
a. Aims: Help Ss review how to stress on the verb be and content words in sentences
b. Contents:
- Listen and practise saying the sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words.
- Look at the underlined words in the sentences and mark them as W (weak) or S
(strong). Then listen to check and practise.
c. Outcome: Ss can review the rules of stress on the verb be and content words in
sentences and do pronunciation exercise correctly.
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss what kinds of words are 1. Listen and practise saying the
underlined. Elicit the rule from Ss (they sentences. Pay attention to the underlined
are content words and are stressed words.
because they contain all the important
information being conveyed).
Ss listen and repeat out loud trying to
stress the same words.
- Call on some Ss to read out the
sentences again.
- Correct their pronunciation as a class.
Note: All the underlined words are 2. Look at the underlined words in the
stressed sentences and mark them as W (weak) or
S (strong). Then listen to check and
- T asks Ss to work in pairs f irst to practice.
mark the underlined words as W (weak) 1. A: Is (W) Minh happy about winning the
or S (strong). scholarship?
- Then T plays the recording for Ss to B: Yes, he is (S). But his parents are (W)
check. happier.
- Play the recording again and Ss repeat. 2. A: I can’t (S) understand it! Aren’t (S)
Pause and correct their pronunciation. you my son?
B: I’m terribly sorry, dad. But it isn’t (S)
entirely my fault.
3. A: Pho Hien is (W) a very old town in
North Viet Nam.
B: Is it (S)? Where is it (W) located?
4. A:It’s (W) raining. Are they (W)wearing
B: She (S) is, but he (S) isn’t

3.Vocabulary (8’)
a. Aims: Help Ss review words/phrases and some adjectives of feelings
b. Contents:
+ Match the verbs in column A with the words/phrases in column B.
+ Fill each gap with a word from the box.
c. Outcome: Ss can review the vocabularies they have learnt in unit 1,2,3 and do
vocabulary exercises correctly.
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss to do the task individually 3. Match the verbs in column A with the
and then share their answers with a words/phrases in column B.
partner. Key:
- Check Ss’ answers. - reduce pollution
- pull down an old building
- empathise with someone
- make a handicraft
4. Fill each gap with a word from the box.
- Let Ss read the passage, then do this Key:
exercise individually. T may ask some 1. giant
Ss to write their answers on the board. 2. tallest
- T corrects as a class. 3. attractions
4. Symbol
5. fascinating
6. excited
7. aff ordable
8. interest
4. Grammar (20’)
a. Aims: Help Ss review some phrasal verb, reported speech, and question words to
b. Contents:
+ Complete each sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the list.
+ Rewrite the following questions in reported speech, using question words before to-
c. Outcome: Ss can review phrasal verb, reported speech, and question words to
infinitives and do grammar exercises correctly.
d. Organization:
5. Complete each sentence with the
- T asks Ss to work individually and correct form of a phrasal verb from the
then compare their answers with a list.
partner. Call on some Ss to write their Key:
answers on the board. Other Ss 1. set up
comment. T corrects as a class. 2. deal with
3. turned down
4. look up
5. give up
6. put up with
7. got over
8. keep up with
6. Rewrite the following questions in
reported speech, using question words
- T asks Ss to do the task individually. before to-infiitives.
Tell them to write the reported Suggested answers:
sentences in their notebooks. 1. Trang wondered what to wear to the fancy
- Call on some Ss to read their
sentences. dress party.
- T checks. 2. She couldn’t decide whether to helpChau
with the money her mum had given to her.
3. Nick wondered where to get those
traditional handicrafts.
4. Phuc had no idea who to turn to for help
with his homework.
5. Hoa was not sure when to break the sad
news to him

5. Application (5’)
a. Aims: Help Ss discuss in pairs and choose the suitable words/phrases to complete the
b. Contents: Choose the suitable words/phrases to complete the mini-talks.
c. Outcome: Ss can talk about real situations using everyday English
d. Organization:
7. Choose the suitable words/phrases to
- Ask Ss to discuss in pairs and choose complete the mini-talks.
the suitable words/phrases to complete Key:
the talks. After checking their answers, 1. As far as I know
have some pairs act out the mini-talks. 2. what to do
3. Cool
4. No worries
5. If I were in your shoes
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Review all knowledge in unit 1, 2, 3.
Room for improvement:
- T should spend more time on the Application section.
Period 58
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review the language and skills that they have learnt in Unit 1, 2 and 3.
- Help Ss develop the four skills.
- Practice 4 skills with the knowledge they have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3.
a. Vocabulary: about traditional crafts, city life and changes in adolescence.
b. Grammar: Phrasal verbs, reported speech, Stress on content words/ pronouns in
c. Skills: speaking, reading; listening, writing
2. Competences:
- Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss like praticing four skills
II.Teaching aids:
1. Teacher : Lesson plan, poster, textbook , teacher’s book.
2. Students: Workbook, notebook, look up vocabulary
C. Procedure:
1. Checking:
- During the lesson.
2. New lesson:think
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm- up (4’)
a. Aims: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b. Contents: Chatting
c. Outcome: Ss can answer some questions and attract to the lesson.
d. Organization:
2. Reading (7’)
a, Aims: Help Ss know how to read and answer the questions
b, Contents:
+ Underline the phrasal verbs in the letters and say what they mean.
+ Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
c, Outcome: Ss can do reading exercise correctly.
d, Organization:Aim:
1. Read the two letters:
- Have Ss read the letters silently. T a. Underline the phrasal verbs in the
clarifies anything they do not understand. letters and say what they mean.
- Choose Ss to read the letters aloud Key:
sentence by sentence. - found out: got information - face up to:
- Correct their pronunciation. deal with
- Then Ss do the exercise in pairs. - go on with: continue - keep away from:
- T corrects as a class. avoid
b. Decide whether the statements are true
(T) or false (F).
Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F
3. Speaking (10’)
a. Aims: Help Ss talk about given topics
b. Contents: Talk in groups. Prepare a one-minute talk. Choose one of the following
c. Outcome: Ss can do speaking exercise correctly.
d. Organization:
2. Talk in groups. Prepare a one-minute
- Ss work individually f irst. Have them talk. Choose one of the following topics.
read all three situations and think of the one
that interests them the most. Then they talk
in groups. Give them a few minutes to
prepare what they want to say. Encourage
them to use the language they have learnt.
Go around and give assistance if need be.
4. Listening (7’)
a. Aims: Help Ss know how to listen and answer the questions
b. Contents:
+ Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
+ Listen again and complete the sentences.
c. Outcome: Ss can do listening exercise correctly.
d, Organization:
3a. Listen to the conversation and answer
- Play the recording once. Ss listen and the questions.
write their answers. Key:
- Play the recording again for Ss to check. 1. In a (little) town.
Explain any difficult words if necessary. 2. In a city.
b. Listen again and complete the
- Play the recording again once or twice, or sentences.
as required. Ss write down the words/ Key:
phrases as they hear them. 1. a stranger
- T checks. 2. at night
3. downtown
4. entertainment
5. Writing (15’)
a. Aims: Help Ss know how to a letter to your pen friend about your last visit to a craft
b. Contents: Write a letter to your pen friend about your last visit to a craft village.
c. Outcome: Ss can do writing exercise correctly.
d. Organization:
4. Write a letter to your pen friend about
- Before Ss write, brainstorm Ss’ ideas your last visit to a craft village.
about a craft village (or a place of interest You can refer to the following:
they have been to if they haven’t been to a
craft village). Tell them to look at the cues
given; note, they will need modifying
slightly for a place of interest. Encourage
them to use the words/phrases they have
learnt in the units.
- Give Ss time to do the writing task. Then
have them swap their work with a partner
to check before handing it in.
- Collect their papers to check at home.

- Review all knowledge in unit 1, 2, 3.
Room for improvement:
- T should spend more time on the Reading section.

Period 62
Lesson 1 : Getting started

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic life in the past.
- Interact a conversation about life in the past and the differences between life in the
past and now.
- Understand the conversation and get more information, knowledge about life in the
- Vocabulary: lexical items related to life in the past.
- Grammar: Used to: review, Wishes for the present.
- Skill: Listening, reading and speaking.
2. Competence: Developing SS’s abilities of distinguish between customs and
3. Qualities: Educate the students to know about the life in the past and Ss preserve
the past and love their life.
II. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher: Textbooks, teaching plan, teacher’s book…
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks…
III. Procedures:
1. Checking: During the lesson.
2. New lesson:of lifeepts.
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up (3’)
a, Aims: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b, Contents: Look at the pictures about life in the past
c, Outcome: Ss can attend the lesson.
d, Organization:
- Show some pictures in the past and
introduce to Ss.
- Ask them to give the comments.
2. Presentation (20’)
a, Aims: To help students get the main idea of the text.
- To help students scan the text for the information to fill the blanks.
b, Contents:
+ Listen and read.
+ Learn the structure:
c, Outcome: Ss can understand the topic of conversation and structure: “used to
and wish”
d, Organization:
T asks Ss to look at the title of the 1. Listen and read.
conversation and the picture. Ask them
some questions:
• What do you think the people in the
conversation are talking about?
• How do you understand the title
‘Preserving the past’?
Ss answer the questions as a class.
T plays the recording and has Ss follow
along. * Structure:
T retells the form and the use of ‘Used to’. - Used to
Ss copy and give examples Eg:
- Your grandfather used to make one for
T introduces Wishes for the present. me.
Ss copy and give examples - Wishes for the present:
- I wish there were movie teams like that
T explains the words that Ss don’t now
3. Practice (15’)
a, Aims:
- To develop students’ knowledge of the vocabulary of things relating to life in the
- Help Ss can understand a conversation about life in the past and and answer the
b, Contents:
- Read the conversation again and answer the questions.
- Match the expressions from the conversation with their meanings.
- Choose suitable expressions from 1b to complete the short conversations.
- Use the words/phrases in the box to complete the sentences.
c, Outcome: Ss can know and use some words related to the topic life in the past
Ss also can understand a conversation about life in the past well.
d, Organization:
T asks Ss to work independently. a. Read the conversation again and
Then allow Ss to share answers. answer the questions.
Ss work independently and share their Key:
answer with their friends. 1. Fathers make kites for sons.
T checks their answers as a class. 2. Once every two months.
3. They used to come early, trying to
get a place near the screen.
4. Only wealthy households.
5. Yes, he does. He said: “Sometimes I
T ask them to do exercise b. wish I could go back to that time.”
Ss do exercise. Ex b. Match the expressions from the
T corrects the mistakes conversation with their meanings.
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
c. Choose suitable expressions from

T has Ss work independently to find the 1b to complete the short

most suitable response to each item. Then conversations.

T asks them to practise with their partner. 1. Sure.
Ss work in pairs 2. I can’t imagine that.
3. How cool!
T checks as a class and explains the 4. I wish I could go back to that time.
answers where necessary. 5. How cool!
6. I can’t imagine that.

T makes sure Ss understand the meaning 2. Use the words/phrases in the box
of the words/phrases in the box. to complete the sentences.
T asks them to give some examples to Key:
show that they understand the phrase 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. e 6. f
‘technological changes”.
Ss then work independently to complete
the sentences. Have them share their
answers in pairs.
T elicits the answers from the whole class.

4. Application (5’)
a, Aims: Help Ss practice speaking about the past events.
b, Contents: Ss work in groups to make a list about some of the past events and
practices in your area. Then present them to the class.
c, Outcome: Ss can make a list about some of the past events and practices in their
area and talk about the past events
d, Organization:
3. Make a list about some of the past
T has Ss work in small groups to come up events and practices in your area.
with as many past events and practices in Then present them to the class.
their areas as possible.
Time: 4 minutes Example:
T has them present the list they have made Women in Hue used to go swimming at
to the class. the beach fully clothed, to wear palm
leaf conical hats, to wear the traditional
long dress whenever they went out, to
stay at home as housewives, ...

Room for improvement:

- T should spend more time on the Application section.

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