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Web–Based Registration System for National Service Training Program of Partido

State University


The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a crucial initiative

mandated by the Philippine government to enhance civic consciousness, national

defense preparedness, and community engagement among college students.

Partido State University (PARSU), a leading educational institution in the region,

has been actively participating in the implementation of the NSTP. To streamline

and improve the registration process for the program, PARSU aims to develop a

Web-Based Registration System.

The current manual registration process for the NSTP at PARSU involves

extensive paperwork, long queues, and time-consuming administrative tasks.

Students, faculty, and staff face several challenges, including lost or misplaced

documents, scheduling conflicts, and communication gaps. These inefficiencies not

only hinder the effective management of the program but also create frustration

among stakeholders.

To address these challenges, the proposed Web-Based Registration System

for the NSTP at PARSU will leverage modern technology to automate and digitize

the registration process. The system will be accessible through a web portal,
allowing students, faculty, and administrative personnel to conveniently navigate

through various registration tasks.


A. General

The general objective of the Web-Based Registration System for the

National Service Training Program of Partido State University is to enhance

the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the NSTP registration process

through the implementation of a user-friendly and automated web platform.

The system aims to streamline administrative tasks, improve

communication, and provide accurate data management, ultimately

optimizing the registration experience for students, faculty, and

administrative staff.

B. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the Web-Based Registration System are to:

1. Simplify the registration process: The system will provide an

intuitive user interface that guides students through the registration

steps, reducing the need for manual paperwork and repetitive data


2. Enhance efficiency and accuracy: By automating the registration

process, the system will minimize errors, eliminate redundant tasks,

and enable real-time data validation, ensuring accurate and up-to-date


3. Improve communication and coordination: The system will

facilitate seamless communication between students, faculty, and

administrative staff, enabling timely updates, notifications, and

reminders. It will also allow for efficient scheduling of NSTP activities

and allocation of resources.

4. Enable data analysis and reporting: The Web-Based Registration

System will generate comprehensive reports and analytics, providing

valuable insights for program evaluation, resource allocation, and



a. The Respondents

1. Needs Assessment:

 Conduct interviews and surveys with stakeholders (students,

faculty, and administrative staff) to understand the current

registration process's pain points and areas for improvement.

 Analyze existing registration data and documentation to identify

common issues and bottlenecks.

2. System Requirements Gathering:

 Collaborate with the NSTP coordinators, IT department, and

other relevant parties to define the specific functional and non-

functional requirements of the Web-Based Registration System.

 Document the system's scope, features, and constraints to

establish a clear project roadmap.

3. System Design and Architecture:

 Design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the

web portal, ensuring it is intuitive, accessible, and user-friendly

for all stakeholders.

 Develop the system architecture, outlining the database

structure, data flow, and integration points with other existing

systems (if applicable).

4. Development and Testing:

 Utilize modern web development technologies and programming

languages to build the Web-Based Registration System.

 Implement rigorous testing procedures to identify and resolve

bugs, vulnerabilities, and usability issues.

 Conduct thorough testing with sample data to ensure the

system's accuracy and performance.

5. Deployment and Training:

 Roll out the Web-Based Registration System to a pilot group

initially and gather feedback for further improvements.

 Organize training sessions for students, faculty, and

administrative staff to familiarize them with the system's

functionality and operations.

6. Data Migration and Integration:

 Migrate existing registration data into the new system, ensuring

data integrity and consistency.

 Integrate the Web-Based Registration System with relevant

university databases and information systems for seamless data


7. System Evaluation and Feedback:

 Assess the system's performance, reliability, and user

satisfaction through surveys, interviews, and usage metrics.

 Gather feedback from all stakeholders and identify areas for

refinement and enhancement.

8. Continuous Improvement:

 Based on feedback and evaluations, make necessary

adjustments to the system to address identified issues and

enhance its overall functionality.

 Regularly update the system to incorporate new features,

security enhancements, and technological advancements.

9. Documentation:
 Prepare comprehensive documentation for the Web-Based

Registration System, including user guides, technical

specifications, and maintenance procedures.

10. Implementation and Maintenance:

 Launch the Web-Based Registration System for widespread use

across the university.

 Establish a dedicated team for ongoing system maintenance,

support, and troubleshooting.

b. Data Gathering Tools

The Online Survey can be created using platforms like Google Forms,

or any other suitable online survey tool. This method offers several


1. Accessibility: Being web-based, participants can access the

survey from any internet-enabled device, making it convenient

for students, faculty, and administrative staff to participate.

2. Structured Data: The survey can include structured questions

with predefined response options, making it easier to analyze and

quantify the feedback received.

3. Scalability: An online survey can reach a large number of

participants efficiently, ensuring a broader representation of the

university community's opinions and experiences.

4. Flexibility: Researchers can design the survey to gather specific

information, including ratings on system usability, suggestions for

improvement, and overall satisfaction levels.

5. Data Collection Efficiency: Online surveys automatically

collect and store responses, reducing manual data entry and

facilitating data analysis.

6. Cost-Effective: Conducting an online survey is generally more

cost-effective than other data gathering methods, especially

when targeting a large sample size.


The researchers used the weighted mean to simplify the data gathered from

the respondents. And using a 5 points scale in each testing phase of the system

based on the Likert Scale.

The formula was:

Mw = ∑𝑝𝑥


Mw = was the weighted mean

∑𝑝𝑥 = was the summation of frequency and weight

P = was the frequency

x = was the weight

∑𝑓 = was the total number of respondents

Table 5.1
Point Description
1.0 – 1.79 Poor
1.8 – 2.59 Fair
2.6 – 3.39 Good
3.4 – 4.19 Very Good
4.2 – 5.0 Excellent

Table 5.1 showed the range scale of verbal interpretation that was used as

the summary of computed weighted mean to give a proper flow of discussion to

the system. These included the range with its verbal interpretation. The range for

1 – 1.79 was interpreted as Poor. 1.8 – 2.59 was interpreted as Fair. 2.6 – 3.39

was interpreted as Good. 3.4 – 4.19 was interpreted as Very Good. 4.2 – 5.0 was

interpreted as Excellent.

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