Interview Guide

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1. Tell me about a specific competency or skill you recently identified as an area to target
for your own improvement. What did you do to develop it?
Strong answer Identifies a specific competency or skill that s/he worked on for
Created and implemented a plan to improve in that area.
Cites demonstrated improvement in that area via measured results
Moderate answer Identifies a general competency or skill that s/he worked on for
Created a plan but has fallen behind schedule, makes statements to indicate
plan is not a priority.
Poor answer States that s/he is strong in everything, talks only about what s/he does
well and demonstrates minimal awareness of personal development areas.
Or, acknowledges development areas but did not create a plan to address.

2. When is the last time you solicited feedback from a client or colleague? What was the
feedback and what did you do with that information?
Strong answer Cites an example of proactive solicitation of feedback within the past
several months.
Indicates this is something s/he does on a regular basis.
Acts on the feedback to improve personal skill or product/service delivery.
Moderate answer Cites an example of soliciting feedback more than several months ago.
Feedback solicitation may have been required as part of broader
organizational effort.
Or solicits feedback regularly but takes no action on it.
Poor answer Cites no example or a poor example of soliciting feedback.
Demonstrates lack of familiarity or appreciation with the concept of
getting feedback from others.

3. What skills or competencies are you currently working on improving? What goals have
you set and how are you tracking your progress?
Strong answer Indicates s/he has a specific goal and detailed plan with specific actions
linked to improve in a particular area.
The plan is documented either on paper or in a technology product.
The plan is on track in terms of milestones or if not on track, s/he has
assessed why and adjusted accordingly.
Moderate answer Indicates a general plan or hope to improve in a particular area but nothing
Plan is not documented or may be documented in a general format
Poor answer Indicates no current plan for improvement.

4. What do you do to make time for career development activities?

Strong answer Has established some sort of regular check in for assessing progress and
adjusting as needed.
Moderate answer Has established deadlines for key deliverables but tends to lose sight of
Poor answer Indicates s/he wants to make time for career development activities but
struggles to do so.

5. What skills and strengths can you bring to this position?
6. What do you expect from this role?
7. How would your coworkers describe you?


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