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Employee Engagement

1. Monthly or bi-monthly gaming/engagement day

Play in teams, interact, have a day off at work.
2. Themed days
3. Discord channel for trivia questions:
 Each employee submits 5 questions with an accurate one-word answer in secrecy
with management.
 All the questions shall be submitted to the management.
 Management allots a question to any employee to post on the trivia channel.
 First person to answer correctly wins.
Reason: engages employees, it is a thrilling activity. It also determines whether employees are
active or not. Reward can be attached to it.
Potential reward system: karma points (calculated after a month).
 Time management (individual)
 Deadline completion (team/individual)
 Performance review (team/individual)
 Trivia (individual)
 Game day wins (team)
 Themed day wins (individual)
 Employees have 5 karma points to give to other employees. state reason in channel, how
many points you are giving away, how many you are left with.
The receiver can update with a thank you and the points they have received.
Potential rewards for top 3 performers:
 Two days remote
 Third paid leave: your third leave is however subject to be transferred to the next month
or week incase it is a busy week/day.

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