Assignment 2

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Computer Networks Assignment: 02

Malik Murtaza Rizwan




Time to grasp the object with no transmission delays:

Initial DNS dip: 2 ms

Subsequent DNS dive: 44 ms
Round-Trip Trek to the server: 60 ms
Grand Total: 2 ms + 44 ms + 60 ms = 106 ms
Time to embrace the core object and its 8 companions using non-committal HTTP
and no parallel TCP affairs:

Each object's journey involves a DNS quest and a round-trip rendezvous with the
Collective time for 9 objects: 9 * (2 ms + 44 ms + 60 ms) = 954 ms
Time with a cap of 5 simultaneous TCP connections and fleeting HTTP

With 9 objects, a bare minimum of 2 sessions (totaling 4 connections).

Time for DNS and round-trip for the initial 5 objects: 5 * (2 ms + 44 ms + 60 ms) =
530 ms
Time for the lingering 4 objects: 4 * (2 ms + 44 ms + 60 ms) = 472 ms
Sum Total: 530 ms (first 5 objects) + 472 ms (the rest) = 1002 ms
Time with 5 simultaneous TCP connections and everlasting HTTP connections:

The continuity of connections allows the recycling of the same pathway for
multiple objects.
Time for DNS and round-trip for the initial 5 objects: 5 * (2 ms + 44 ms + 60 ms) =
530 ms
Time for the remaining 4 objects on the existing connections: 4 * (60 ms) = 240
Grand Sum: 530 ms (first 5 objects) + 240 ms (remaining objects on existing
connections) = 770 ms
Optimal Approach:

In the realm of expeditious methods, Persistent-parallel steals the show, thanks

to its knack for recycling connections and trimming the setup time for subsequent

Transport protocol(s) used by DNS: UDP primarily, with TCP for large responses or
certain situations.
Well-known port used by DNS: Port 53.
Number of unique types of Resource Records (RR) at the authoritative DNS server: 4 (NS, CNAME, A, MX).
Can you send multiple DNS questions and get multiple RR answers in one
To which DNS server does a host send their requests to?
The authoritative DNS server.
Which type of DNS server holds a company's DNS records? Authoritative DNS
Name of the DNS server for in the example:
How many answers (RR) are returned when contacting the TLD server for
Content of the A record received from the TLD server: ",".
Type of record needed for hosting on
Type of record containing the name of the domain and its mail
server(s): MX record.
Contents of the MX record for ",".
Does your local DNS server take advantage of caching similar to web requests?
At point 2 in the diagram, what protocol is being used?

At point 2, the protocol being used is DNS (Domain Name System).

At point 4 in the diagram, what protocol is being used?

At point 4, the protocol is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).

At point 6 in the diagram, what protocol is being used?

At point 6, the protocol is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

Does SMTP use TCP or UDP?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) uses TCP.

Is SMTP a 'push' or 'pull' protocol?

SMTP is a 'push' protocol, as it pushes emails from the sender to the receiver's
mail server.
Is HTTP a 'push' or 'pull' protocol?

HTTP is a 'pull' protocol, as the client initiates requests to the server to pull data.
Write the port SMTP uses?

SMTP uses port 25.

Write the port HTTP uses?

HTTP uses port 80.

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