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23654 – Africa Research Bulletin Continental Alignments

DR CONGO – RWANDA Meanwhile, Virunga Business radio (14/

7) reported that the M23 rebel group
Ceasefire Agreement had received a fresh supply of arms and Volatile Border
Efforts are made to de-escalate regional “manpower” from Rwanda and Uganda Claims and counter-claims show confu-
as it seeks to take more positions from
tensions. Congolese troops. sion over who controls the area.
DR Congo President Felix Tshisekedi and The station quoted Jean Claude Baam- Al-Shabaab fighters attacked a military
his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame baze, the president of a civil society base on the Somalia-Ethiopia border on
have agreed on an immediate ceasefire to group in Rutshuru territory, as saying July 29th, triggering fierce fighting that
resolve the conflict in the volatile eastern on July 14th that the rebels continued caused an unknown number of casu-
DR Congo region, the UN-sponsored “to grow stronger in terms of manpower alties, security officials said.
Radio Okapi website (6/7) reported. and ammunition”. It was the latest strike in the area by
The decision was announced by Ango- “They are visibly preparing for another the Somalia-based jihadists in less than
lan President Joao Lourencßo – who is attack because we have information con- two weeks, raising concerns about the
the African Union mediator in the firming the reinforcement of their troops stability of the border and a possible
conflict – at the end of a tripartite from Uganda and Rwanda,” Baambaze new strategy by the Al-Qaeda-linked
summit on July 6th in the Angolan said, without providing evidence. group.
capital, Luanda. Mortar shells hit the base in Ato,
On July 6th, the rebels had rejected the
The summit sought to settle the armed ceasefire deal agreed between the two sparking a gun battle that involved the
conflict in eastern DR Congo, Radio countries’ presidents. Ethiopian military and so-called Liyu
Okapi website cited the Angolan news special police from the country’s Somali
agency (Angop) as saying. A spokesperson for the M23, Willy Ngoma, region, the sources said.
claimed the rebels were fighting for the
According to the report, the parties “noble and just cause” of defending the Al-Shabaab claimed the attack in a brief
agreed on the immediate withdrawal of rights of Kinyarwanda-speaking Con- statement, saying its fighters had over-
positions occupied by the March 23 golese, who he said were marginalised by run the base and killed over 100
(M23) rebels in the area. DR Congo’s government. (Virunga Business Ethiopian police.
“I am happy to announce that we have radio 14/7) Cross-border clashes p. 23617C
made progress, since we have agreed on
a ceasefire,” announced President
Lourencßo at the end of the meeting.
Ethiopia – Sudan
He added that the parties also decided to
create an ad hoc observation mechanism Committing to Dialogue
that will be headed by an Angolan
general officer. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said skirmish with a local militia, denying its
he met Sudan’s coup leader Abdel Fattah al- soldiers were in the area at the time.
The mechanism will be in force simulta- Burhan in Nairobi on July 5th and that both
Al-Fashaqa is a fertile strip of land that has
neously with that of the International committed to “dialogue” to resolve any long been a source of friction between Addis
Conference on the Great Lakes Region differences. Ababa and Khartoum.
(ICGLR), Lourencßo added. Their talks followed a clash in a volatile
border region in June in which Khartoum The region, which lies close to Ethiopia’s
DR Congo has blamed Rwanda for said that Ethiopian forces had captured and
war-torn northern region of Tigray, has
supporting the M23 rebels in the eastern killed Sudanese troops – claims denied by long been cultivated by Ethiopian farmers
Nord-Kivu Province, while Kigali Addis Ababa. but is claimed by Sudan.
accuses Kinshasa of backing the Demo- The dispute has sparked sporadic clashes
cratic Forces for the Liberation of “We have both agreed that our two coun- between the two sides, some fatal.
tries have plenty of collaborative elements
Rwanda (FDLR). to work on peacefully,” Abiy said in a Tensions were heightened further after
In June, the East African Community Twitter post, accompanied by a picture of fighting erupted in Tigray in November
(EAC) leaders agreed to deploy a regio- the two men. 2020, sending tens of thousands of refugees
fleeing into Sudan. (© AFP; Sudan Tribune
nal force in eastern DR Congo to Both leaders were in the Kenyan capital for
a summit of the Intergovernmental Author- 5/7 2022)
counter rebel activities (p. 23617A).
ity on Development (IGAD) regional body. IS Suspect Arrested: Sudanese authorities
They called for an immediate ceasefire in have arrested an Islamic State-linked terror
the region, following a resurgence in Sudan’s ruling sovereign council said only
that there had been a “closed-door meeting” cell at the border with Ethiopia, the private
violence. (Radio Okapi 6/7) between Burhan and Abiy. Sudan Akhbar news website reported on
July 30th.
The African Union (AU) chair and Sene- IGAD and the African Union had both
galese President Macky Sall welcomed the voiced alarm earlier over the escalating Two women and a man, aged 25-32 years,
agreement between Rwandan and DR tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan fol- were arrested by Sudan officials on July
lowing the incident in the disputed Al- 27th at the Gallabat border crossing, the
Congo leaders for an immediate ceasefire. website said. They were not carrying travel
Fashaqa border area.
“I welcome the positive results of the documents.
dialogue held today in Luanda between Khartoum said the Ethiopian army had
executed seven Sudanese soldiers and a The report said they were likely to cross to
the Presidents @PaulKagame and civilian in a clash on June 22nd in Al- Ethiopia and then to Yemen via Eritrea.
#Tshisekedi with the mediation of Pres- Fashaqa, and announced it was recalling its According to al-Harak al-Seyasi’s sources,
ident @jlprdeangola. ambassador. the cell has links to IS militants that killed
“I congratulate and encourage all parties to But Addis Ababa claimed that Sudanese four Sudanese intelligence agents during
forces had crossed into Ethiopian territory clashes in the capital, Khartoum, in Septem-
continue their efforts on the path to peace,” ber 2021. (Sudan Akhbar 30/7) Ambassador
he said on Twitter. ( 7/7) and that the casualties resulted from a
recalled after clashes p. 23619B

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1467825x, 2022, 7, Downloaded from by su ci - Texas A&M University Libraries , Wiley Online Library on [24/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
July 1st–31st 2022 Africa Research Bulletin – 23655

However, the official Ethiopian News In separate incident in southern Somalia It reported that militants also targeted a
Agency quoted Major General Tesfaye on July 28th, a local government official Kenyan government convoy in Finow and
Ayalew of the National Defence Force and his son were killed in a roadside Sheikh Barow villages in Mandera but gave
as saying al-Shabaab had tried to infil- bomb blast, police said. no details of any casualties.
trate across the border but was repulsed The justice minister for Southwest state,
The group regularly claims attacks in areas
and had suffered heavy losses. along the Kenyan-Somali border which have
Sheikh Hassan Ibrahim, was leaving a large ethnic Somali populations, usually with
Ethiopia TV (26/7) reported the killing mosque in the city of Baidoa after a high element of exaggeration.
of 85 al-Shabaab militants, days after Friday prayers “when the explosion Somali Memo website (26/7) reported that al-
killing over 100 others who had crossed ripped through his car”, local police Shabaab had launched another attack on a
over from Somalia. officer Hussein Yerow said. (© AFP Kenyan military base in Mandera on July 25th.
23,29/7 2022; Radio Kulmiye 21/7)
The TV broadcast images that appeared “Armed fighters last night attacked a Kenyan
to show bodies presumably of al-Sha- ENA (30/7) claimed that the Ethiopian military base in El Ram area of El Galow
baab fighters and a number of burnt military had killed a senior al-Shabaab town. Sources say the jihadist forces bom-
vehicles, which it said belonged to the official in a Somali border operation. barded the base with rocket-propelled gre-
Somali militant group. nades, destroying a military vehicle,” the
Citing Ethiopian army official Major report said.
On July 29th, the authorities in Somalia General Tesfaye Ayalew, ENA said Fuad “Area residents said they could see flames
said they had killed more than 100 Shongole was killed in an operation rising from the military base,” it added.
militants who had made a cross-border “carried out in collaboration with the
Meanwhile, privately-owned Goobjoog news
incursion on July 23rd. Ethiopian Air Force”. website reported a separate attack on Kenyan
The authorities said the armed group was In 2012, the US State Department security forces by suspected militants in the
seeking to pass through El-Kere district in announced a reward of up to $5m for same region.
the Somali region, more than 100 km information on his location. Two military vehicles ran over explosive
from the Somalia-Ethiopian border. ENA described Shongole as al-Sha-
devices between Fino and Sheikh Barow areas
in Mandera, according to the report.
On July 21st, officials and residents of baab’s “propaganda chief”, saying that
Bakool region reported al-Shabaab a spokesman for the group it identified Officers in the two vehicles survived the attack
and exchanged fire with the militants, “who
attacks on July 20th against bases host- as Abdulaziz Abu Musa and another then fled to the Somali border”, it said.
ing a special Ethiopian police unit which militant operative, Ubeda Nur Isse, were (Somali Memo website 23,26/7; Goobjoog
helps protect the frontier. also killed in the operation on an news 26/7)
Mohamed Malim, a local official in unspecified date. (ENA website 30/7)
South Sudan – Sudan: At least 18 people,
Somalia’s Hudur district, told AFP that including a six-year-old child, were killed after
“this was the heaviest fighting ever” IN BRIEF youths attacked a village in Abyei region,
around the towns of Ato and Yeed in which is disputed by South Sudan and Sudan,
the country’s west. East African Community: Burundian President the Netherlands-based Radio Tamazuj website
Evariste Ndayishimiye has been elected chair- reported.
Somali regional president Mustafe Omer person of the East African Community
reportedly said the authorities planned “Local authorities in Abyei Administrative
(EAC), succeeding Kenya’s President Uhuru Area on Sunday [June 26th] said youths
to create a “security buffer zone” outside Kenyatta, privately-owned The Citizen web- suspected to be from Warrap’s Twic county
Ethiopian territory to counter such site reported (22/7). He was elected during attacked Mading-Acueng village near Abyei
attacks, according to footage on Twitter. the 22nd Ordinary Summit of EAC heads of town and killed 18 people and wounded 11
state. (The Citizen website 22/7) other people,” the website said.
Al-Shabaab has waged a bloody insur-
Kenya – Somalia: A police officer was Abyei’s paramount chief, Bulabek Deng
rection against Somalia’s fragile federal wounded in a militant attack on security
government for 15 years and remains a Kuol, confirmed the attack and said that the
forces in the north-eastern Kenyan county of assailants came at night when it was raining.
potent force. Mandera, a website affiliated to the Somali
group al-Shabaab has reported. The attack was the latest intercommunal
The group’s cross-border attacks follow a violence to rock Abyei despite the presence
power shift in the troubled Horn of Africa The attack took place in El-Qalow, a village of a UN peacekeeping force. (Radio Tamazuj
nation, with the election in May of new close to the Somali border, Somali Memo website 27/6)
President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. (23/7) said.

Presidential and legislative elections

were originally scheduled for December
Internal Developments 2021 to cap a UN-sponsored peace
process following the last round of
large-scale fighting.
extract the country from its latest polit- But they were postponed indefinitely due
CONSTITUTIONAL ical crisis and hold elections. to sharp differences over controversial
candidates and the rules for participat-
CHANGES The council did not provide details but said
the plan would “preserve Libya’s national ing.
unity, end the spectre of war (and) put an The initiative by the Presidential Coun-
LIBYA end to foreign intervention”. cil, itself a product of the UN-backed
New Initiative? Abdallah al-Lafi, the deputy head of the peace process, came in response to
three-member council, was charged with repeated calls by Libyan political actors
A fresh plan to resolve the elections holding “urgent consultations with polit- for it to intervene to find a solution to
impasse is announced. ical actors to reach an agreement on the the crisis and hold elections “as soon as
details then lay out a clear roadmap to possible”, according to the statement.
Libya’s Tripoli-based Presidential Coun- (© AFP 5/7 2022)
cil on July 5th announced a plan to end the transitional phase via elections”.

Ó 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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