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Fortnite Pulling
Made by simba
Also known as "simbadev"

Contact me on telegram or
discord for assistance
Sections And
Section 1: Finding accounts - PSN and Xbox
Section 2: Gathering AOV (xbox)
Section 3: Gathering AOV (Playstation)
Section 4: How to use PIA Proxy
Section 5: Submitting A Ticket
Section 6: Scripts
Section 7: Manipulating Epic Employees
A computer with a internet connection, that
uses Windows or Mac OS
A paid proxy service
you can learn how too buy and use one in Section 4

A Brain
I would hope you have this one
Finding Accounts

Finding Xbox Accounts

To find Xbox accounts that can be pulled,

you can use any Xbox account with Fortnite
clips from late 2017 to early 2018. You can
start by going to and use an
Xbox account from your friends list or
someone you know, or you can go to and
use a profile found there. Look through the
clips and find those from Season 1 to Season
2, as mentioned earlier. Watch the clips and
take a screenshot of the names in the
killfeed. Some accounts may also have clips
of them playing with OGS. To quickly extract
names from the killfeed, use an image-to-
text website and upload the screenshots.
Once you have a list of names, you can
check them by searching their profiles on
Gamerdvr and checking their Fortnite clips.
Finding Playstation Accounts

Finding PlayStation accounts may be a

bit more challenging than Xbox
accounts but they are much easier to
pull. To begin, search for "Fortnite
PlayStation" and content related to
Fortnite Season 1 on YouTube. If you
come across any YouTube live
streams, there is a high likelihood that
they played on a PlayStation console
as live streaming on PlayStation was
common during Season 1 and Season
2. Look for live streams that were
posted in late 2017 to early 2018. Most
PlayStation players who streamed
Fortnite on YouTube during Season 1
and Season 2 owned at least one
cosmetic item from the seasonal shop
or the Season 2 battle pass.
Gathering AOV
1. My ip address is
2. My original display name would be (OgXboxName)
3. My Xbox account connected is (XboxGamertag)
4. I have made my purchases near (City, State, Country)
5. I have only linked my card to my Xbox not my Epic account
6. I have only made Xbox purchases, not epic, therefore there is no invoice ids
7. I have attached a screenshot of my oldest purchase

To begin, check the location of the account by visiting or

by using octosniff if you have access to it. If the account has an IP address
associated with it, include it in your template.
Next, open the Xbox app on your PC and navigate to the friends tab. Look up
the account's Xbox username and view their profile. Scroll down until you find
Fortnite. If the Fortnite tab shows more than 0%, click on it and scroll down to
find the "Gunsmith" achievement. If the achievement was unlocked around
late 2017 to early 2018, Create your own receipt with this date, or purchase
one from my shop. If the account does not have the achievement, go back to
the clips and try to determine when they purchased their first cosmetic item
using the dates in the clips.

If the "Dragon Slash" achievement is unlocked on the same day as "Gunsmith",

it is likely that the person purchased the deluxe edition of Save The World.

Next, determine the location of the account by entering the IP address found
on xresolver/octosniff into the website Add the
location provided by the website to your template.

The OG display name is the same as the Xbox name in the first Fortnite clip
ever made on the account.
Gathering AOV
1. My IP address is
2. My original display name would be (OgPlaystationName)
3. My Playstation account connected is (PlaystationGamertag)
4. I have made my purchases near (City, State, Country)
5. I have only linked my card to my Playstation not my Epic account
6. I have only made Playstation purchases, not epic, therefore there is no invoice ids
7. I have attached a screenshot of my oldest purchase

To begin, visit and obtain the IP address

of the PlayStation account. If the IP address cannot be found, it
means that the account cannot be retrieved. After obtaining the IP
address, include it in your template. The original display name
should be the earliest PlayStation name you can find, or the
PlayStation name they used when they started playing Fortnite,
then add it to your template.

Next, go to and enter the IP address from

your template on the website. Once you have obtained the city,
state, and country, add them to your template.

Now, navigate to and update the user's PSN

achievements, then view their profile. Search for Fortnite and locate
the "Gunsmith" achievement date. If the user does not have the
achievement, you can attempt to estimate the V-Bucks receipt date.
Once you have obtained the date, Create a playstation receipt or
purchase one off my shop.
How to use PIA
To get started, visit and purchase
the 200 IP plan, which costs $48 USD. After that,
download and install the PIA Proxy software from if you are using Windows or the
Mac OS version if you are using a Mac. Once the software
has finished installing, log in to your account and select
the "Program" tab on the application.

If you have not already done so, install Google Chrome

and drag the desktop shortcut into the program list on
PIA Proxy. Next, return to the Proxy List and search for
the city associated with your account. If you find an IP
Address with the same ISP in the same location, use that
one. If not, you can use any available IP Add any

Right-click on the chosen proxy and select "program

connect". Then, double-click on the Chrome icon in PIA
Proxy to open Chrome. Before browsing, make sure to
clear your browser history and all cookies. Open a new
tab in Chrome and wait for 5-10 seconds to allow the
proxy to fully connect. You can now temporarily search
and access websites using your proxy.
Submitting A Ticket
If you have an active proxy, go to
and click on the "Help" button at the top of the
website. Scroll down to "Accounts" and click on it.
Then, find "Contact Us" and click on it. Select "I
can't login" and fill out the information from your
template, but remove the proxy IP address from
the IP addresses section as it will be automatically
added. Leave the fields for "last 4 digits of card"
and "invoice ID" blank, as well as the email
address at the top. When you get to the "linked
accounts" section, enter the PlayStation or Xbox
username and the approximate link date (e.g.
"October 2017") when the account was first
discovered playing Fortnite. Click the next button
and create a new email address on Yahoo,
Outlook, or Gmail to receive a response from Epic.
Finally, in the large box where you can write your
message, use one of the scripts provided based on
whether you are pulling a PlayStation or Xbox
Hello, I recently lost access to my epic games account as its attached to my deceased
grandmothers email. My house recently burned down a month or so ago and I lost all
my important things including my xbox. I no longer have access to my Microsoft
account as it was also unfortunately on her email. I lost my Grandmother during the
situation and no longer have any of her old electronics which consist of her emails and
import documents. She was very old school with her technology and I don't even
remember what the email is because I created the account in like 2017. I just recently
finally got myself a new Xbox, and I just want too enjoy some games on my epic games
account. it would be much appreciated if you could help me get back into my account.

I recently sold my xbox and forgot to remove my account from it. My Microsoft
account was then stolen and I cannot recover it because the email was my mothers
who passed in 2019. She typed her email into everything including my epic games
which I don't have access to because of the hacker, nor do I know the email that she
used. I would appreciate if you could help me regain access to my epic games account.

Hello, I recently lost access to my epic games account as its attached to my deceased
grandmothers email. My house recently burned down a month or so ago and I lost all
my important things including my Playstation. I no longer have access to my PSN email
inbox as it was also unfortunately, her email inbox. I lost my Grandmother during the
situation and no longer have any of her old electronics which consist of her emails,
passwords and import documents. She was very old school with her technology and I
don't even remember what the email address is because I created the account in like
2017. I just recently finally got myself a new Playstation, and I just want too enjoy some
games on my epic games account. it would be much appreciated if you could help me
get back into my account.

I recently sold my Playstation and forgot to remove my account from it. My PSN
account was then stolen and I cannot recover it because the email was my mothers
who passed in 2019. She typed her email into everything including my epic games
which I don't have access to because of the hacker, nor do I know the email that she
used. I would appreciate if you could help me regain access to my epic games account.
Manipulating Epic
Basically this is just explaining how social
engineer/manipulate a epic employee.

To be as convincing as possible, put yourself in the same

position as if you really own the account and just want it
back. Having a mindset like this can help you come up with
responses. If you are skilled enough, you can even create
your own scripts to contact Epic Games. The goal is to put
alot of emotion into your messages - use punctuation and
be sincere with everything you say. Pulling takes time, so
don't rush it if you can't get it first try. Responses can take
hours to days at a time. If Epic Games asks you to try
contacting your email provider, tell them something like,
you already have contacted, and they said you don't have
enough information. Try to come up with a valid excuse for
any responses stopping you from getting the questions to
the account.

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