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112 Indah, Asti & Herasni, Readiness to Learn...



Indah Windra Dwie Agustiani1) Asti Gumartifa2) Herasni Yaman3)

1, 2
Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
1) 2)
This study attempts to inform definition of learning readiness, the principle of readiness, factors
contributing to readiness to learn and how readiness affects learning. This study is theory-based research
or library research.This study used secondary data. The technique used for collecting the data is
literature study. This study concludes that the principles of readiness are not only affected by one’s
physical development but also his/ her mental development since they are closely interrelated.
Moreover, the suitability of the learning experiences that will be given or the existing (prior) experiences
become crucial to result in learning readiness and simultaneously , and the adaptation process of basic
readiness for certain activities is considered as a natural thing when it is in the formation period at the
time of development .Factors contributing to readiness to learn are maturation ,Intelligence, and
motivation and readiness can generate active self directed learner, improve learning
outcome/achievements.grow responsibility in learning ,and influence students’ activeness in learning.

Keywords: learning, readinesss

©English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Introduction maximum benefit from his/her time and

Learning is a knowledge-seeking effort. They are (1) the disposition to
effort to increase insight for multifaced learn consisting of a desire to learn, a
aspects in lifetime. In a broader way, R. positive attitude towards learning
Gagne (1985, p.2) in Smith and Ragan situations, a willingness to invest the
(1999) defines that learning as ”a change time and effort required to learn and the
in human disposition or capability that ability to endure and an understanding of
persists over a period of time and is not the importance and value of learning. (2)
simply ascribable to processes of adequate cognitive function, (3)adequate
Growth. It points out that learning is a knowledge base and (4)adequate study
constantly-undertaken endeavor of skill. Furthermore, Oxford (1990,p.140)
direct and indirect self-immersion for the in Agustiani (2017, p. 75) said that the
growth of knowledge / ability both affective side of learners is probably one
physically and psychologically of the very biggest influences on
(cognitively). language learning success or failure. It
As far as the learning is concerned, gives some understanding that the great
many argue that there are several factors or little success of learning can be
behind the success or failure of learning. determined by to what extent a learner
Wood (2007) explains that the learning wants to set aside his/her time and
can be successful as long as the learners whether the learning experience
have 4 characteristics to gain the

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ISSN 2549–9009 (print), ISSN 2579–7387 (online)
English Community Journal (2021), 5 (2): 102-119 113

proposed match with one’s proficiency emotional or physical maturity. It can

level and need cognitively. indicate external interference or personal
Besides, Sugihartono (2007) cited obstructions. In other words readiness
in Winarso (2016) explains that two can be considered as the initial step to
factors influencing the learning success equip every student for all majors before
or learning failure in schools influenced they are truly engaged in the real
by some factors . It falls into followings learning activities.
(1) student factors as the basis for the The investigation in this topic is
similarity of abilities, talents, interests, needed because it gives some
motivation, as well as attitudes and understanding that internal factors of
learning abilities, (2) factors originating students must be highlighted to support
from outside the student's condition such learning. There are some studies
as the physical environment, confirmed that there are correlation
infrastructure, social environment, studies between readiness to some
family. environment, school factors such as achievement, activeness,
environment and community etc. Then, the writers hope that this study
environment. will give contribution to teaching and
Similarly, Slameto (2003.p.54-72) learning aspect not only for English
also writes that there are two factors; Language Teaching but also for other
internal factor and external factor studies , especially to remind or to
contributing to the process of successful realize the educators that learning
learning. Those are as follows : readiness is one of the key factors in
(1) external factors: factors coming teaching and learning process since it
from outside the student such as supports student- centered learning.
family environment, school and Therefore, the writers formulated the
community, problems into following questions
(2) internal factors comes from three (1) What are the principles of
factors namely fatigue factor, Readiness?
physical factors (health, (2) What factors contribute to
disability) and psychological readiness to learn?
factors (intelligence, attention, (3) How does readiness affect
talents, motives, maturity, skills learning process?
and learning readiness).
Seen from the internal factor , This article is library research. The
Slameto (2003) includes that readiness secondary data was used. The literature
is an important ang determining factor to study was used for a technique for
avoid learning failure. He also adds that collecting the data. Some sources from
readiness needs to be considered in the previous reports/researches related to the
learning process, because if students is topic of this study were searched to meet
ready to learn ,then the learning the needs of this study objectives. The
achievement will be better (p.59). data then explained descriptively based
Promethean (2018) explained that on the problems of this study, The
Learning readiness refers to how well procedures used for accomplishing this
students are equipped to learn, including study are as follows
environmental conditions and factors. A (1) Reading some sources related to
student with low learning readiness may learning readiness
be burdened by difficult personal (2) Contemplating the findings
circumstances in his life, or lower gathered

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114 Indah, Asti & Herasni, Readiness to Learn...

(3) Classifying the discoveries based about chemical reactions, such as the
on the topic discussed Law of Conservation of Mass.
(4) Summarizing It can be inferred that the
(5) Answering the problems principles of readiness to learn are not
formulated in this study only affected by one’s physical
development but also his/ her mental
Result and Discussion
development since they are closely
Based on the study of literature,
interrelated. Moreover, the suitability of
the formulated problems in this paper
the learning experiences that will be
were tried to answer by elaborating some
given or the existing (prior) experiences
reported researches relevant to this
/knowledge become crucial to result in
learning readiness and simultaneously ,
and the adaptation process of basic
What are the principles of Readiness to
readiness for certain activities is
considered as a natural thing when it is
Slameto (2013) explains that
in the formation period at the time of
there are 4 priciples of Readiness. They
development .
are (1) All aspects of development
interact or influence each other, (2)
What Factors Contributing to learning
Both psychological maturation and
psychical maturation is required to feel
the benefits of experiencies (3)
Slameto (2013 : p. 115) writes that two
Learning Experiences have positive
factors influencing learning readinesss
influence on readiness and (4) The basic
are maturation and intelligence. The
readiness for a particular activity is
former can be defined as a process that
formed in a certain period during the
causes changes in behavior as a result of
formative period in the developmental
growth and development. Growth
underlies development, while this
In addition to the third principle
development is related to functional
above Gray (2016) explains that ”there
functions (body and soul) so that
are two basic factors that determine the
differentiation occurs. Range of
extent to which a student is prepared for
exercises given at the time before the
the experience of learning. First a
child is mature will not give results. The
student must have the competences. For
latter is explicated by four periods of
example, in order for a student to
developments of intelligence proposed
understand how to balance chemical
by Piaget; sensorimotor period,
equations, they will first need to be able
preoperational period, concrete
to perform simple calculations, such as
operational period and formal operating
adding and multiplying, as well as an
understanding of algebraic thinking and
By comparison, Achterberg
terms, like coefficients. The other factor
(1988) echoes that there are four
that impacts academic readiness is
affecting factors contributed to the
knowledge specifically related to the
learning readiness in brief one-on-one
topic. For example, to balance chemical
interactions. They are information
equations students will need specific
processing capacity, affective state, prior
knowledge about elements on the
learning and experience, and the
periodic table, atomic properties of the
learner's "way of knowing" or learning
elements, and some basic information
philosophy. Next, he/she writes down
important aspects of the factors that can

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ISSN 2549–9009 (print), ISSN 2579–7387 (online)
English Community Journal (2021), 5 (2): 102-119 115

be expressed quickly with respectful and

interested questions for 2 to 3 minutes to maturity of each person depends on the
determine whether the learner is in a uniqueness of the individual according to
negative mood or depressed affective life experiences, personal preferences,
state and to determine his background and situations. However, motivation can
and approach. . experience or knowledge be more easily identified and labeled.
or reactions to learning new material. This motivation triggers a person to take
The most common mistake educators advantage of learning opportunities
make is "information overload". Human when presented. Combined with
capacity to process information is maturity, motivation enables a person to
limited. Instruction should be tailored to succeed in their educational endeavors.
the learner's capacity (ie, a maximum of Where does this motivation come from?,
seven +/- two concepts must be covered and why does it provide an important
in a 15 minute period). Thus, those element in the decision to pursue
statements give some understanding that learning? One of Knowles' assumptions
the number of learning tasks and states that "a person who is mature in
learning materials displayed to the readiness to learn becomes increasingly
students must be taken into consideration task-oriented towards developing his or
in terms of the mental states; thought, her social role" (Smith 1999). These
mood, emotion in order to support social tasks in many cases also form the
leaning readiness. backbone of motivation
Slightly different from Slameto,
Writework (2010) writes maturity is not How Readiness to learn affects learning
merely readiness but motivation is also a process?
factor contributing to readiness. To answer those research
Specifically Maturity and motivation questions in this study , the writers
provide a catalyst for one’s readiness to compiled several previous studies and
learn. One’s maturity level depends on theories from some sources. Then listing
the individual uniqueness based on the benefits of readiness to learns into
experiences, personal preferences, and followings
situations. However, motivation can be
more easily identified and labeled. This 1. Readiness to learn can improve
motivation triggers a person to take students’ outcome
advantage of learning opportunities There are some studies
when presented. Combined with explaining that there are correlation
maturity, motivation enables a person to between achievement/ learning outcomes
succeed in their educational endeavors. and readiness.A study conducted by
Where does this motivation come from?, Mulyani (2013) reported that the
and why does it provide an important correlation between student learning
element in the decision to pursue readiness and learning achievement was
learning? One of Knowles' assumptions 0.540 with a significant 0.000. The data
states that "a person who is mature in from the results of this study indicates* a
readiness to learn becomes increasingly fairly strong relationship at the level of
task-oriented towards developing his or information between students' learning
her social role" (Smith 1999). These readiness and learning achievement.
social tasks in many cases also form the From the results of this study, it can be
backbone of motivationMaturity and seen that the better the students' learning
motivation provide a catalyst for a readiness, the better their learning
person's readiness to learn. The level of achievement will be.

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116 Indah, Asti & Herasni, Readiness to Learn...

A study done by Winarso (2016) achievement. Based on the previous

reveals that there was the positive studies above the writers assumed that
influence of the student's activeness to students’ outcome or achievement is
the student's achievement. His finding noticeably affected by readiness to
shows that the effect of learning learn.
readiness on student learning outcomes
is obtained by the path coefficient (ρxy 2. Readiness to learn can generate
1) of 0.282 and the t-est value of 2.339 self-directed learners
with Sig. 0.021 to determine the value of Tomlinson in Bolitho et al. 2003
Sig. 0.021 is smaller than the cited in Fotos and Nasaji (2007)
proportional value of 0.05. This means concluded that the main principle is that
that (H1) is accepted while (H0) is most learners do best when they are
rejected, so the hypothesis "Learning affectively engaged, and when they
readiness has a positive effect on student voluntarily invest their energy and
learning outcomes" is statistically attention in the learning process.
accepted and states learning readiness Another principle is that paying
significantly. The magnitude of the deliberate attention to the features of the
effect on student learning outcomes is language used can help learners to see
0.080 or 8%. This means that 8% of the gap between their own performance
student learning outcomes are influenced in TL, and the performance of proficient
by student learning readiness. language users. This attention can give
The finding of study conducted importance to the feature, make it more
by Kan’an & Osman (2015) showed that visible for future input, and thereby
there was a significant positive contribute to the psychological readiness
correlation between Self-Directed of the learner to acquire the feature.
Learning Readiness (SDLR) and the NE Gray (2016) also explains that
science subjects scores s (p = .049, r = students can build readiness for learning
.218) while Race, nationality and age did new academic skills by working within
not show differences significantly in their zone of proximal development
SDL. Therefore, SDLR were (ZPD). The zone of proximal
recommended to be factors having development is an instructional level that
contribution towards the higher is slightly more challenging than where a
academic achievement in science. student is able to work independently.
Furthermore, they also concluded that Teachers scaffold instruction, or offer
the SDL component in teaching and support, within the student's ZPD to help
encouraging the development of SDL their students move towards being able
skills among students can be beneficial to perform this more challenging work
and beneficial for students to succeed independently. Gradually, scaffolds, or
academically not only in science subjects supports, are lifted so that the higher
but also other subjects as well as to be instructional level (ZPD) now becomes
successful in the business of life. the independent level. Gray’s
A study conducted by Imal And explanation related to independent level
Wexler (2018) concluded that The above seems to support Pratt’s Model of
increase of Concentration and Self Readiness to learn explained that the
Control is considered having connection higher of students’ learning readiness the
to The training on cognitive skill. It was little support they need although they
believed that CST had underlying still need direction. The highest level of
effects on the rise of learning readiness. readiness to learn is the characteristics
Then, it gave better impact on of self-directed learners. It indicates that

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ISSN 2549–9009 (print), ISSN 2579–7387 (online)
English Community Journal (2021), 5 (2): 102-119 117

when the students’ readiness is at the control for their own learning.It means
highest level, they tend to have high unconciously they have been responsible
motivation and occupy themselves to for enhancing their insights.
find solution to learning. Then can be
called a self-directed learner.

3. Readiness to learn grows

responsibility in learning
Thorndike's Law of Readiness
refers to a series of preparations on the
organism parts for learning. This shows
that a person learns only when he is
ready physically and mentally. Another
way to say, the preparation made by the
organism is an important condition for
learning. When an organism is ready to
do a job, the act of doing it is satisfying,
and not doing it is annoying. On the
other hand, when he doesn't want to
work, forcing him to work is
4. Readiness influences the
unsatisfactory. If students don't want to
activeness in the classroom
learn, forcing them to learn will lead to
The result of the study done by
dissatisfaction and irritation. Many
Winarso (2016: p.89) also reported that
children suddenly have low interest in
there is a strong correlation between
learning, because they are pushed to
students’ activeness and their readiness
learn when they are not ready physically
in learning. His finding showed that
and mentally.
student learning readiness is 56.2%
Next, Tomlinson in Fotos &
contributed to students learning
Nassaji (2007: p. 179) illuminates that a
activeness.The result of that study gave
number of SLA researchers have
an understanding that there is a high
suggested that language learners best
contribution of readiness to students’
acquire language features when they are
activeness in learning. Since there is
mentally ready to do . and he also
limitation study explaning about this
explains that “… if learners need and
correlation . Then other researchers need
want to learn about a particular
to do investigation to support this
language feature, they will make efforts
to do so and their discoveries will help
them to understand and make use of this
feature when they meet it again. This Conclusions and Suggestion
will reinforce and / or to modify the Based on the explanations from
generalizations developed in the previous parts, the writers concluded that
learner’s brain and aid acquisition. From First, the principles of readiness to learn
those statements , the writers assumed are not only affected by one’s physical
that students who have initiative to learn development but also his/ her mental
by connecting the prior knowledge to development since they are closely
contemplate the novel material means interrelated. Moreover, the suitability of
they have used their metacognitive the learning experiences that will be
strategies in learning. It is believed that given or the existing (prior) experiences
students who tend to have executive become crucial to result in learning

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