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Animal Production: COW BEEF

Acabado I Taladro I Eto I Kray

Good afternoon everyone, especially to our dearest Instructor Ma’am Merly Okit and to my
fellow classmates.

Today, we are the first group to present a topic entitled “From Pasture to Plate: The Fascinating
Journey of Cow Meat”

Let’s begin with our first reporter Ms. Trizha Taladro.


The process of producing beef from cows involves various stages that ultimately result in meat for
consumption. It all starts with farmers carefully selecting suitable cattle breeds based on factors like size
and temperament. The breed's size determines the meat yield, while temperament affects the animals'
overall well-being and ease of handling throughout their lives.
Once the cows are chosen, they are fed a balanced diet of nutrient-rich grass and grains to ensure robust
growth and good health. As they grow in size and development, they are transported to specialized
processing facilities where they are slaughtered humanely to minimize stress and discomfort. The meat
obtained is then skillfully prepared for consumption and packaged to ensure freshness and safety.
Lastly, the meat is distributed through a complex network to reach grocery stores and retailers worldwide,
meeting the demands of consumers. This intricate journey emphasizes the ethical treatment of the
animals, ensuring that consumers can enjoy beef products that are safe, high-quality, and sustainably

SLIDE 10: Conclusion

To make informed decisions about consuming beef from cows, it's important to have a clear
understanding of its nutritional value, production methods, impact on the environment, and welfare
implications for the animals. This knowledge allows consumers to balance health benefits and
economic factors while also considering ethical and sustainable aspects.

By doing so, individuals can make responsible choices that align with their personal values and
contribute to more conscientious consumption practices, particularly with regards to the well-being
of animals.

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