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Student Manual
Math & Reading

*Please note that the images in the manual are samples, and may
be different from the actual display of the App.

Reading-only information: pages 22-28

Updated March 1, 2023

Topic Page
Preparation 3-4
Log in 5-6
Start studying 7
Finish studying 8
Re-submission of worksheets 9
Corrections 10-11
Icons 12
Study Records 13-14
‘Study History’ function 15
Receiving Message(No sending) 16
Reference function (From D151 Math) 17-18
My Page 19-20
Logout 21
Reading: Before studying 22-23
Studying Reading levels 7A-6A 24
Audio Functions (Reading levels 7A-6A) 25
Studying Reading levels 5A-CII 26
Audio Functions (Reading levels 5A-CII) 27
Studying Reading levels 2A 151-CII 28
Error handling 29-30
When you have trouble… (FAQs) 31-32
Appendix 33-34
[Recommended Internet Browser]
Please use “Safari” for iPadOS, “Chrome” for Android and
Chrome OS, and “Edge” for Windows.
1. Go to the appropriate URL for your region:
• USA:
• Canada:
• Quebec:
*To avoid downloading errors, please close other apps before studying.
You may also choose to scan the QR Code for your respective region:

USA Canada Canada


2. The Log in page appears in the Internet Browser.

[Recommended Internet Browser]
Please use “Safari” for iPadOS, “Chrome” for Android and
Chrome OS, and “Edge” for Windows.

3. Add the icon to the home screen

【Example on iPad】
Tap the share button to choose “Add to Home Screen”.

Tap this icon when you

start studying.

4. Close the Internet Browser.

Log in

Please set your own password when logging in for the first

Password requirements

After clicking on ‘Save’, ‘Terms of use’ will be displayed. Please

choose ‘Agree’ to use the app.

Log in

Tap the blanks and enter your ID & password.

Tap ‘Log in’ after enter your
ID & password.

※ If you can’t get full screen

display, please start over
XXXXXXXXX from the app on your home

Example of partial screen

error. ↓

When this screen is

displayed, it is ready to study.

Students studying Math and

Reading, please tap the
Reading tab.



Start studying
• Use a stylus pen to write the answers on the screen. (for 7A & 6A
Reading, you can tap the icons with your fingers
• Always check if the pen is sufficiently charged before starting studying
• It is not necessary to lift up your hand that is holding the pen so that it
does not touch the screen. The app is designed not to respond even if
your hand touches the screen.
Tap ’Refresh”.
※If “Start studying” button is
gray, please tap “Refresh” first

The WS number in the circle

shows the highest number of the
worksheet sets that you have
completed and fully corrected.

The level/number of the next

assignment is shown above
“Start Studying” button.

Tap to start studying

※Studying time will be
automatically started as soon
as the worksheet is displayed,
so please start studying
- If this button is displayed in
gray after tapping the refresh
button, there are no
worksheets assigned.

When the current page

is completed, tap here. 7
The next page will come up.
Finish studying
When you reach the blue Finish studying button, your
assignment is finished. Tap the button to submit.

Pause to stop
measuring the
time taken.

worksheets is only
possible at side b.

Completion time of
each session is shown
after you finish

Make sure there are no unfinished pages!

As shown in the red frame below, the
boxes will turn blue for pages with
handwritten data while they remain white
for pages without.

Re-submission of worksheets
‘Re-submit’ button will appear if you are offline when you finish studying.

Offline when finish studying

(data are still in the device)

Once submission is complete after

tapping ‘Re-submit’, next work (1 set) is
downloaded automatically and ‘Start
studying’ button becomes active.
(This is when "Adjust Download Amount"
is on (see slide 19))*
When re-submission is successful, ‘Re-
submit’ button disappears.
*When "Adjust Download Amount" is off:
once next work is done and submitted,
previous set’s submission is also
completed (‘Re-submit’ button
When you are back online:
・Buttons including ‘Re-submit’ are activated.
(Next work has not been downloaded yet so ‘Start 9
studying’ button is inactive.)
Correction of the worksheets you previously submitted
must be completed before studying the new worksheets
assigned for that day. A message will be shown if there are
any worksheets to correct.
●There are worksheets to correct. ●List of Corrections
Click "Start studying". Click "Start studying" to start
⇒Go to the list of Corrections (start measuring time)

Tap here and you can have an overview of

the worksheets to correct.

Tap here for the indicator below.

You can move only the worksheets to
correct by tapping “<“ or “>”.

When you finish corrections, tap “Finish correction” and
submit. Even when there are corrections on the worksheet
a-side only, go to the b-side and tap "Finish Correction"

⚫ You can't submit corrections partway through, but you can save your
correction work up to that point by tapping the white “Cancel Correction"
button on the b-side. You will get a message indicating which correction
pages will be saved, then click Finish in that message. When you return to
study later, corrections will restart from where you left off. Nothing will be
submitted until you click the final blue Finish Correction button.

If you see a shower of blossoms when

you open the app, it means your last The current status is displayed
assignment submitted was perfect! at the bottom on the main
screen, showing any worksheets
submitted and waiting for

Click “Back to TAP” to Marking request submitted.
Return to the top screen.

The tool bar can be moved to anywhere you like.

Tap the tool bar with your Stylus
Icons from left:
① Pencil (2 line options)
② Eraser (3 size options)
③ Undo
④ Stopwatch**
Completion time is automatically
recorded, so there is no need to use
this stopwatch.

Show the indicator.

Tap here to hide.

Back to the previous page Advance to the next page.

Study Records

You can review your study by

looking at the “Study Records”.
Note that scores can be seen
only after the worksheets have
been marked.

Tap “Study Records”

on the top screen.

【Study Records】 【 Study Records Details】

The date, completion time and Tap any color block in the
number of worksheets studied, is Study Records to view
the score of each worksheet.

PARENT TIP: Parents can verify when work has been submitted and is waiting to be graded. By clicking on
Study Records, the date/time/# of sheets can be seen once an assignment has been submitted
successfully. The records appear in grey until they have been graded and but you can see your child’s
submitted work even before grading, though it cannot be edited or changed once submitted.
Study Records

【Overview of Study Records Details】

■Font colors and their meanings:

Red: Correction in progress
Blue: Correction completed (perfect
score achieved)

■Symbols below the scores:

No symbol: Correction completed in
one attempt or perfect score
・(dot):Correction completed in two
or more attempts
_ (underscore): Correction finished
automatically and considered
completed once the limit number of
correction attempts has been
reached. Ten (10) correction
attempts is the system limit.

Exceeded limit
Correction Correction
Perfect Correction of correction Correction
completed in progress
score at completed attempts in progress
in two or (second or
the first in one (correction (first
more later
attempt attempt considered attempt)
attempts attempt)

PARENT TIP: Parents (and students) can verify when work has been submitted and is
waiting to be graded. By clicking on Study Records, the date/time/# of sheets can be
seen once an assignment has been submitted successfully. The records will appear in
grey until they have been graded and returned.
‘Study History’ function
By tapping ‘Study History’ on the top screen, you can check
your daily study records and the number of completed
worksheets monthly.

You can choose ‘Sunday

Start’ or ‘Monday Start’ for
the calendar

One star per subject is

placed on the days students
study*. It is possible to
check records by subject, too.
*Study includes Achievement
Tests and corrections.

You can view records for the

past 3months.

The 3D bar chart shows the monthly number of completed worksheets

and the cumulative number of completed worksheets (Achievement Tests
are not included).
Example: August bar = 5 for monthly and 40 for cumulative

3D bar chart and ‘# of completed WS’ are updated when all worksheets
within a set have a perfect score.
<Rules for counting completed worksheets>
(A) If students get a perfect score at their first attempt = counted as completed
worksheets for the month they studied the first time
(B) If students get perfect score after correction = counted as completed worksheets
for the month they did their last correction
Receiving Message(No sending)
Your Instructor can send you messages. If you have a message
from your instructor, you can check it as follows.

If you have received a

message from your
instructor, you will see
a screen like the one
on the left.

Tap the “Message list”

to check the message.

Unread messages in

Check the message

Reference function (From D151 Math)
This function is used when you want to refer to
examples and other information from worksheets
that have already been submitted.

●Worksheets that can be viewed: D151 and higher

You can refer to all 10 sheets of the same set as the
one you are currently studying.
Example: If you are studying E106 to E110, you can refer to E101 to E110.
●While on “Reference Mode”, you cannot write on
the worksheets you are currently doing.
●The time you spend on reference mode is included
in your completion time.

●An icon will appear

on the right side of
the upper toolbar
when the reference
feature is available.
(After D151)

Reference function (D151 Math and higher)

●During reference
mode, worksheets ●Show/Hide button
are light gray and The reference
cannot be written worksheets will
on. appear and disappear.

● To stop
“Reference Mode”
and return to
studying, tap the
close button at the
Worksheet currently being solved
●You can move the
worksheet being
viewed by dragging
the bar at its top.
The image on the
left shows the
reference worksheet
Reference displayed at the
worksheet bottom right corner.
●At the top of the
reference worksheet,
you can select the
page you want to
refer to. You can also
tap > or < button.

‘My Page’
On “My Page”, the user can change the password and adjust the amount of
worksheets to be downloaded to the device. It is also possible to add a picture
to the student icon.

Change picture

“My Page” can be found in
the menu displayed at the
student name along with the
options “Message” and

- Adding a picture is optional.

- Once a picture is added, it can be replaced with another picture
but it cannot be deleted.
- Picture size limit is up to 1 MB. Although the App allows using
the device camera to take the picture, due to the default file size
it may exceed the limit and cannot be uploaded.

My Page: Function to adjust the amount of
worksheets that can be downloaded​
Users can adjust the amount of WS to download in “My Page”. With
this function turned on, only one set* is downloaded for study, and
the next set is downloaded after the submission of WS. This will
shorten the time taken for downloading.
*One set: a unit of WS set by the Instructor for one sitting


Adjust Download Amount

Default is set to “ON”

When choosing “ON” or “OFF”, a message
recommending “ON” is displayed. For
students studying online, it is always
desirable to set to “ON".

A message is displayed at the top of

the screen while downloading.
When "Adjust Download Amount" is
turned on, this message disappears
more quickly due to reduced
downloading time.
When you stop studying, please make sure to tap “Finish
studying” on the right corner after finishing the b-side (ref p.5
“Finish studying”).

After submitting work, log out by tapping the name shown on

the top right of the homepage of the App.
• If more than one person is studying on the same device, be
sure to log out after studying.
• Also, logging out between study sessions ensures that you
will always access the most up-to-date lesson plan set by
your Instructor.
• However, you will not be able to log out if you have
worksheets that you have not submitted.

Reading: Before studying

1. Students studying levels 7A-CII should lock the rotation of

the screen by changing the rotation setting beforehand so
that the worksheets are displayed correctly.

How to lock the rotation on iPad:

i. Swipe down from the right edge of the screen to open
the Control Center.
ii. Tap the Lock icon to lock the rotation. The icon will turn
from dark gray to white and red when it is locked.

2. There are no writing exercises in levels 7A-6A. From level

5A onwards, there are exercises to use a stylus pen. Make
sure you prepare your stylus pen and always check if it is
sufficiently charged before study.

Reading: Before studying
If you tap “Instructions for Study”, you can read tips for
studying each worksheet level. There are also tips for parents
for the levels.
Student 3

Instructions for Study

Studying Reading levels 7A-6A
For levels 7A and 6A, there are no writing exercises. Students
can point to each word with their finger. For these levels, they
can turn the page with their finger.

When the current page is

completed, tap here. The
next page will come up.

Audio Functions (Reading levels 7A-6A)
The audio function allows students to listen to the contents of
the worksheets. Use it as instructed by your Instructor.
Play audio
Tap the sound icon on side a of
worksheet 1 and 6 to play audio.
By tapping this button, audio will
play for the 5 worksheet pages.

Pause, rewind, fast-forward, play again

When audio starts, the seek bar

*There is no sound for turning the
appears at the bottom of the page.
page on worksheet 5b. If you study 10 You can pause, rewind, fast-
pages per study, go to worksheet 6a forward, and play again by tapping
after the audio finishes on 5b. on the seek bar. The seek bar can
*If you finish studying in the middle of be moved to anywhere on the
the 5 worksheet pages, the next page page.
will appear when you resume next
time. To play the audio again, go back
to worksheet 1a/6a to tap the sound
Studying Reading levels 5A-CII

For levels 5A-CII, use a stylus pen to write your answers and
turn the page.

Turn the page using a stylus


Audio Functions (Reading levels 5A-CII)

The audio function allows students to listen to the contents of

the worksheets as they write their answers. Use it as
instructed by your Instructor.

Tap the sound icon on each

page to play audio. Some
Play audio worksheets 5 and 10 do not
have audio.

*Differently from levels

7A-6A, there is no sound
for turning the page.

*For stories, once you have

finished listening to the
audio, you can go back to
the beginning and try
reading on your own!

Studying Reading levels 2A 151-CII

For worksheets 1 and 6 (worksheets 1-4/6-9a and 5/0b for 2A

151-200), the stopwatch function can be used to time your oral
reading. Use a stylus pen to select and circle the time box
according to your result.

Tap the stopwatch icon to

time your oral reading.

You can circle the time

box with a stylus pen.

Error handling

Messages are displayed to show how to respond when an error


Please refer to the next page for types of errors and

corresponding messages.

If the message shown does not solve the error, please follow
the steps cited in P.29-30.

(How to Error type is
respond) is shown here
shown here

Error handling

Error title Primary cause Message (How to respond)

Authentication Data sent or received that
Error were inconsistent with the ID
being authenticated (e.g.
multiple logins from the same Server busy or system error.
device). Please tap "Log in again" on
Incorrect An invalid request was sent upper right corner.
Request from the application (e.g.
huge amount of handwriting
data that exceed limit, etc.)
Timed Out Sending and receiving
processes took too long.
Multiple There were multiple
Execution Error processes executed at the Server busy or system error.
same time. Please tap "Back to the top"
Server Error Data transmission did not and try again later.
work on the server. If that does not resolve the
problem, please tap "Log in
Out of Service Server maintenance Is again" on upper right corner.

Other Any errors other than above.


When you have trouble… (FAQs)

I forgot my login and/or password.

• Your instructor can share your login ID and reset your password if needed
You can also save your login and password on the KUMON CONNECT App
login screen for the next time you log back into the KUMON CONNECT App.
The keyboard is not showing up when the ID/password are required to log in
to the KUMON App.
• For iPads, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > uncheck Shortcuts, and also
uncheck Split Keyboard
• Restart the iPad
I cannot press the Start Studying button.
Please follow these steps:
• First, click the update button on the upper right (the round arrow
button). If the update button on the upper right is inactive, the
KUMON CONNECT App might be downloading assignments.
• Confirm that you are connected to the internet.
• Log out and then log back into the KUMON CONNECT App.
My stylus pen is not working properly.
Please confirm the following:
• Stylus is fully charged and turned on. Stylus pens will charge faster if you
use the wall outlet.
• iPad is connected to the internet and has good reception.
• If you are using an Apple stylus, confirm the stylus pen is connected to the
iPad using blue tooth.
• Power off the iPad completely and restart.
• Confirm your device screen is free of large smudge marks.
• Confirm the tip of the pen is securely tightened.
• Switch the tip of the stylus. Your stylus pen may have come with extra tips.
• If none of the above resolve the issue, you may need to replace your stylus

When you have trouble… (FAQs)
I cannot see a portion of the worksheets.
Please confirm the following:
• Make sure you open the KUMON CONNECT App using the shortcut on the
Home screen. If you open the KUMON CONNECT App from the browser, the
worksheets will not display properly.
• If the page rotates and does not display properly, please lock the screen
using device setting. Please refer to Student App Manual for details.
• Please check your device to confirm your zoom setting is not greater than
o For iPads: Go to Settings > Safari > Settings for Websites > Page Zoom
KUMON CONNECT App stopped working / Device only shows blank screen.
Please confirm the following:
• Are any other apps running?
• → Please close any other apps that had been running, then, resume study.
• Please confirm the Wi-Fi connection. The signal can be slowed down if
someone is viewing a video nearby.
• Has the OS been updated to the latest available version?

If the above steps did not work, try each step to see if the issue is resolved:
• Click the refresh button in the upper right corner.
• Log out of the KUMON CONNECT App and log back in.
• Restart the device (power off and power back on the device).
• Clear the cache of the browser.
-- For iPad: Go to settings>Safari>scroll down to Clear History and Website
Data. Close all browser windows, including the KUMON CONNECT App and
then log back into the KUMON CONNECT App.
-- For Samsung Tablet: Open the Chrome App>click on More>click on
History>Clear browser data. At the top, select a time range. To delete
everything, select All time. Check the box for Cookies and Site data and check
the box for Cached images and files. Click on Clear data.
• If the issue is still not resolved after trying all of the above steps, then
remove and add the shortcut to the Home screen. (see Slide 2)


【 How to set Google Chrome as the default

browser on Samsung tablets 】
1)Tap the “Setting” 2)Tap the “Apps”

3)Tap the “Chrome” 4)Tap the “Browser app”


【 How to set Google Chrome as the default

browser on Samsung tablets 】
5)Choose “Chrome”

6)After setting the screen


Do your best!


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