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Have your heard the voices of unborn?

Abortion refers to the termination or ending of
pregnancy before the fetus can survive outside the
Abortion is a controversial topic with strong
opinions. Abortion should not be legalized due to
ethical, legal, and health risks. Legalizing it violates
human rights, opens a slippery slope, and harms
society. Women may also face physical and
emotional consequences.
Reason 1: Right to Life - Many argue that a fetus is a
human being with the right to life, and legalizing
abortion would be equivalent to taking an innocent
Evidence: According to a study published in the
Journal of Medical Ethics, a majority of biologists
and medical professionals surveyed agreed that
human life begins at conception, supporting the
argument that a fetus should be considered a
human being with the right to life.
Reason 2: abortion can lead to death
Evidence: abortion is a risk that one can lose their
life due to loss of blood and severe pain one can die
due to bad prescription of the dosage used for the
Reason 3: Emotional and Psychological Impact -
Critics of abortion legalization highlight the
potential long-term emotional and psychological
consequences for women, including guilt, regret,
and depression.
Evidence: A study in Journal of Psychiatry found
that women who had undergone an abortion
experienced higher rates of mental health issues,
such as anxiety and depression, compared to
women who had not had an abortion.
While there are valid concerns surrounding that by
legalizing abortion, women can make their own
decisions whatever they give up adopt her child for
adoption. Abortions will perpetually be present in
society due to several reasons to protect the
exclusive right of women over their own bodies
such really privacy and health and to prevent the
mother and the child from future suffering
Abortion is an act that should be banned for it has
more disadvantages and advantages abortion may
affect the individual by causing deaths, causes
distress and stigma, it may lead to inability to
conceive the act is expensive and may affect the
victims health conditions. it only advantage is only
helping one skip responsibilities. disadvantages
outweigh the advantages therefore abortion should
be illegal.

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