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BJA Education, 23(5): 172e181 (2023)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2023.01.006
Advance Access Publication Date: 27 March 2023

Matrix codes: 1A02;

2A04; 2C01; 2C03;
2C04; 3C00; 3G00

Management of cardiogenic shock after acute

coronary syndromes
B. Milne1,*, J.R. Dalzell2 and G. Kunst1
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and 2NHS Golden Jubilee, Glasgow, UK
*Corresponding author:

Keywords: acute coronary syndrome; anaesthesia; cardiac procedures; shock; cardiogenic

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article you should be able to.  Cardiogenic shock is the most common cause of
 Define cardiogenic shock and understand its in-hospital death after acute coronary
pathophysiology after acute coronary syndromes syndromes.
(ACS).  Myocardial dysfunction triggers a compensatory
 Assess the patient with, or at risk of cardiogenic systemic vascular response.
shock after ACS.  The key to diagnosis is demonstration of end-
 Discuss the key therapeutic and supportive steps organ hypoperfusion.
in managing patients with cardiogenic shock af-  Myocardial revascularisation by percutaneous
ter ACS. coronary intervention is the only evidence-based
treatment shown definitively to improve
Cardiogenic shock (CS) represents a spectrum of potential outcome.
clinical presentations characterised by end-organ hypo-  Pharmacological and mechanical circulatory
perfusion and tissue hypoxia caused by primary cardiac support enables revascularisation, advanced
dysfunction, which can result in multiorgan failure and therapies and recovery.
death.1e3 It is the most common cause of in-hospital death
after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) (CS after acute
myocardial infarction [AMI]; CS-AMI) with a mortality rate of Traditionally, CS has been defined by haemodynamic
40e70%.3,4 criteria derived from invasive monitoring, but recent defini-
tions describe a recognisable clinical phenotype (Table 1).1,3
However, oversimplistic classifications with arbitrary sys-
tolic arterial pressure (SAP) thresholds have inherent weak-
Benjamin Milne BSc FRCA is a specialty registrar in anaesthesia and nesses, with a wide interpatient variability as to the SAP at
intensive care medicine at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation which hypoperfusion develops. Furthermore, compensatory
Trust and a NIHR academic clinical fellow. He is a core committee vasoconstriction may result in a spuriously reassuring SAP
member of the Pan-London Perioperative Audit & Research Network. despite clinically obvious peripheral hypoperfusion. Versatile
Jonathan R. Dalzell MD FRCP FESC FACC is a consultant cardiolo- clinical and diagnostic skills are therefore required when
gist at NHS Golden Jubilee and the clinical lead for the Scottish Na- assessing such patients.
tional Advanced Heart Failure Service.
Gudrun Kunst MD PhD EDAIC FRCA FFICM is a consultant
anaesthetist at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Acute myocardial infarction with subsequent left ventricular
professor of cardiovascular anaesthesia at King’s College London. (LV) dysfunction accounts for most cases of CS, and recent UK
She serves as treasurer of the Association for Cardiothoracic registry data reveal that 8.9% of patients with ST-elevation
Anaesthesia & Critical Care and is the South London NIHR Clinical myocardial infarction (STEMI) develop CS-AMI.2,4 At coro-
Research Network lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine & nary angiography in the Culprit Lesion Only PCI vs Multivessel
Pain. PCI in Cardiogenic Shock (CULPRIT-SHOCK) study, 42% of

Accepted: 27 January 2023

© 2023 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

patients had left anterior descending (LAD) artery lesions, degree of vigilance is thus required, to consider an ischaemic
with left circumflex (LCx) artery (21%), left mainstem (LMS) cause in the patient with shock, and to prepare for potential CS
artery (8%) and right coronary artery (RCA) (28%) representing in the patient with more classical symptoms of ACS, especially
the majority of other causative lesions. The majority of pa- those with ECG evidence of a proximal LAD or LMS lesion.
tients (63%) had triple-vessel disease, whereas 23% had at Routine initial assessment of the CS-AMI patient should
least one chronic total occlusion.5 include a focused clinical history, if possible, and examina-
tion, which alone may enable diagnosis by demonstration of
significant hypotension, clinical signs of inadequate end-
Pathophysiology organ perfusion, or both (Table 1). Echocardiography will
help confirm suspected myocardial ischaemia, indicate the
Thrombotic total or subtotal occlusion of an epicardial coro-
region involved and can guide prediction of LV recovery or the
nary artery obstructs, or restricts, perfusion to a region of
need for advanced heart failure therapies by the development
myocardium. Ischaemia and infarction ensue, characterised
of Q waves (i.e. transmural irreversible infarction) in the
by myocyte necrosis and acute myocardial dysfunction.6
affected coronary territory. Echocardiography is essential to
Reduced contractility may result in declining cardiac output
assess for regional wall motion abnormalities; evaluate the
(CO) and arterial pressure, and elevated LV filling pressures
extent of LV dysfunction, right ventricular (RV) dysfunction, or
(Fig 1). High LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) reduces coro-
both; screen for mechanical complications (including ischae-
nary perfusion pressure (CPP), further exacerbating myocar-
mic mitral regurgitation [MR] and ventricular septal rupture
dial ischaemia, and causes pulmonary congestion with
[VSR]) and for pericardial or pleural effusions, which may
resultant worsening hypoxaemia and ischaemia.1
contribute to cardiorespiratory impairment.
The pathophysiology of CS extends beyond a state of simple
Arterial (ABG) or venous blood-gas analysis is required to
‘pump failure’ and is characterised by multisystem dysfunc-
assess the extent of hypoperfusion and shock severity, by
tion, which promotes its development and progression.
demonstration of a metabolic acidaemia and hyper-
Reduced CO is detected by carotid arterial baroreceptors and
lactataemia. Laboratory blood tests should include renal and
the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus, with consequent activa-
liver function tests (LFTs), which may provide further evi-
tion of the renineangiotensinealdosterone and sympathetic
dence of end-organ hypoperfusion, and serum troponin, for
nervous systems. The sequelae are intense peripheral vaso-
diagnostic purposes, and to indicate degree of cardiac muscle
constriction and avid sodium and water retention, resulting in
loss. Pulmonary artery catheterisation (PAC) can assist initial
a clinical syndrome of hypoperfusion with cool extremities,
diagnosis, yielding highly useful quantitative information
rising lactate and, usually, fluid overload with high filling
with increasing value for increasing severity of illness, but
pressures and congestion (‘cold and wet’ phenotype; Table 2).2,7
should not delay primary revascularisation.8
Acidosis, hypoperfusion and congestion exacerbate myocardial
A readily applicable classification tool has been proposed
dysfunction with resultant augmentation of adverse neuro-
for patients across the risk/severity spectrum, with increasing
hormonal activation resulting in a self-perpetuating spiral of
class associated with increasing mortality (Table 3).9
reduced CPP, increased myocardial ischaemia, worsening car-
diac function and circulatory collapse.6

Diagnosis and classification Revascularisation
Deciphering the temporal relationship between the onset of a Myocardial revascularisation is the only evidence-based inter-
recognisable shocked state and the ischaemic precipitant is vention to reduce mortality in CS-AMI with the consensus
complex. For example, patients with LMS or proximal LAD dis- backing of numerous international guidelines. Therefore,
ease may present in profound shock, pulmonary oedema or emergent angiography must be prioritised in any shocked pa-
cardiac arrest. Similarly, proximal RCA disease can drive a shock tient with evidence of myocardial ischaemia on ECG.
presentation secondary to high-grade atrioventricular block. Immediate revascularisation has been shown to signifi-
Other patients may present with ischaemic chest pain, which cantly reduce mortality at 6, 12 and 72 months, compared
can be insidious and protracted, before developing CS. A high with initial medical management, whereas delayed

Table 1 Haemodynamic and clinical definitions of cardiogenic shock. LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; RVEDP, right
ventricular end-diastolic pressure; SAP, systolic arterial pressure. Haemodynamic definition e Reynolds and Hochman1; clinical
definition e Thiele and colleagues3

Haemodynamic definition Clinical definition

Persistent Cardiac index (<1.8 L SAP <90 mmHg Clinical signs of Cool peripheries
hypotension (SAP min1 m2 with adequate hypoperfusion Oliguria
<80e90 mmHg, or unsupported, or <2.0 volume and: Impaired mentation
MAP 30 mmHg e2.2 L min1 m2 with Narrow pulse pressure
below baseline) support)
with: and:
Adequate/elevated Laboratory signs of Metabolic acidaemia
filling pressures hypoperfusion Increased serum
(LVEDP >18 mmHg or lactate
RVEDP >10e15 mmHg Increased serum

BJA Education - Volume 23, Number 5, 2023 173

Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

Thrombotic (total or subtotal) occlusion

of epicardial coronary artery

Myocardial ischaemia
with or without infarction

Acute myocardial dysfunction

Pulmonary Increased end-
- reduced contractility
congestion diastolic pressure
- impaired relaxation

Reduced coronary
perfusion pressure


Neurohormonal response:

hyperactivation hyperactivation

Intense Sodium &

peripheral water
vasoconstriction retention

Fig 1 Pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock after acute myocardial infarction (CS-AMI) RAAS, renineangiotensinealdosterone system; SNS, sympathetic nervous

Table 2 Physiological characteristics of cardiogenic shock phenotypes. Alternative shock phenotypes, include normotensive cardio-
genic shock (CS) (likely a compensatory pre-shock phase) and isolated right ventricular CS

Phenotype Cardiac Systemic Pulmonary capillary Notes

index vascular wedge pressure

‘Cold and wet’ Reduced Increased Increased The predominant (‘classic’) phenotype
Peripheral vasoconstriction and
intravascularly replete
‘Cold and dry’ Reduced Increased Normal Minority of patients
‘Wet and warm’ Reduced Reduced/normal Increased Minority of patients
Myocardial injury causes a predominate systemic
inflammatory response. Inflammatory mediators
cause vasodilation, impair mitochondrial function,
depress myocardial contractility and reduce
catecholamine sensitivity

174 BJA Education - Volume 23, Number 5, 2023

Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

Table 3 Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions cardiogenic shock stages. Features typical for stage are in bold. CI,
cardiac index; CHF, chronic heart failure; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CRT, capillary refill time; CS, cardiogenic shock; GCS,
Glasgow coma scale; JVP, jugular venous pressure; MCS, mechanical circulatory support; MI, myocardial infarction; NT-proBNP, N-
terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; SAP, systolic arterial pressure; UO, urine output.
Adapted with permission from Naidu and colleagues9

Stage Description Clinical findings

A At risk of developing CS, but without Normal JVP

At risk current signs or symptoms, e.g. large Warm and well perfused
acute MI, or new MI with prior Serum lactate <2.0 mmol L¡1
infarction/CHF SAP ≥100 mmHg
Reassuring invasive haemodynamics
B Evidence of haemodynamic Increased JVP
Beginning CS instability (i.e. hypotension or Warm and well-perfused
tachycardia) without hypoperfusion May have crepitations
Serum lactate <2.0 mmol L¡1
SAP <90 mmHg/MAP <60 mmHg/>30
mmHg decrease from baseline
Heart rate  100 beats min¡1
C Evidence of hypoperfusion Volume overload
Classic CS requiring single intervention Altered GCS, cool extremities,
(beyond fluid resuscitation) delayed CRT, UO <30 ml h1
Extensive crepitations
Lactate  2.0 mmol L¡1
Deranged renal/liver function
Increased NT-proBNP
CI <2.2 L min1 m2
PCWP >15 mmHg
D Failure of initial intervention Deteriorating signs/symptoms
Deteriorating to restore perfusion of hypoperfusion (as in C)
Increasing serum lactate
Deteriorating renal/liver function
Escalating doses/number of vasoactive
therapies/use of MCS device
E Circulatory collapse Unconscious
Extremis (actual or impending) Weak pulse
(A) Modifier e cardiac Profound hypotension despite maximal support
arrest with suspected Requiring multiple defibrillations/CPR
hypoxic brain injury Serum lactate ≥8 mmol L¡1
pH <7.2

revascularisation adversely affects outcomes.10,11 Subsequent amenable to percutaneous drainage. Such intervention in a
RCT evidence favours the prioritisation of immediate revascu- patient with CS-AMI is clearly extremely high-risk and re-
larisation by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the quires careful individualised consideration.
culprit lesion only in CS-AMI, with reduced all-cause mortality Surgery is the primary therapy for mechanical complica-
at 30 days and 1 yr.5 Patients with multi-vessel disease should tions of AMI such as acute severe ischaemic MR or VSR.
thus receive a staged revascularisation strategy. Without intervention, these complications are associated
In the UK, angiography with follow-on primary PCI is per- with a dire prognosis. Where possible, it is current practice to
formed for STEMI patients if presenting within 12 h of symp- attempt to stabilise patients with short-term mechanical cir-
toms (if deliverable within 120 min), or if presenting more culatory support (MCS) such as an intra-aortic balloon pump
than 12 h after symptom onset with continuing myocardial (IABP) or venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
ischaemia or CS-AMI. Similarly, although PCI for non-STEMI (VA-ECMO) before surgery. This allows resolution of end-
(NSTEMI) is usually guided by risk-stratification tools, imme- organ dysfunction and for friable areas of necrotic myocar-
diate angiography is offered in CS-AMI.12 Immediate angiog- dium to fibrose before subsequent surgical manipulation,
raphy and follow-on PCI is also indicated in patients which increases the chances of successful repair.
resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and ST
elevation on ECG; or with no ST elevation but a high proba- Airway and breathing
bility of acute coronary occlusion (usually evidenced by hae- Patients with emerging or evolving CS-AMI are likely to
modynamic or electrical instability).13 require invasive ventilation, owing to altered mentation,
haemodynamic instability, impaired gas exchange and,
Surgical management of CS-AMI
potentially, to facilitate PCI. Use of non-invasive continuous
Surgical revascularisation is largely reserved for patients in positive airway pressure (CPAP) can be considered in patients
whom PCI is not possible or there has been a procedural not appropriate for invasive ventilation, or those with less
complication such as coronary dissection or tamponade not severe shock state, but for this latter group preparation should

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Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

be made for emergent tracheal intubation. Mechanical venti- cardiac index (CI), SVR and pulmonary artery (PA) oxygen
lation should adhere to lung protective principles, including saturation can be monitored continuously. This allows titra-
low pressure and low tidal volume ventilation, to reduce the tion of vasopressor, inodilator, diuretic drugs and MCS. In
release of inflammatory mediators, reduce the burden of contrast, minimally invasive CO monitors based on arterial
superimposed iatrogenic lung injury and optimise pulmonary waveform analysis have limited use in CS-AMI, because of
blood flow.14 intense peripheral vasoconstriction and possible concomitant
The benefits of positive pressure ventilation should be use of IABP.
considered (improved oxygenation, reduced LV afterload and
work of breathing), alongside the detrimental effects (reduced
venous return and therefore preload, reduced RV output and
CO), in the context of the anatomical region of AMI. Lung Adequate sedation to enable optimal ventilation, reduce ox-
protective ventilation should be used with careful selection of ygen consumption and avoid psychological harm must be
appropriate PEEP. This is particularly important in isolated RV ensured, whilst minimising possible adverse effects from the
failure because of the harmful effect on RV afterload of sedative agents. There is no robust evidence for or against the
increased intrathoracic pressure. use of specific drugs. The agents chosen should be used within
the context of the haemodynamic status of the patient and
taking care to avoid the harms of oversedation.15
The aim of management in perioperative and intensive care is Renal
to restore haemodynamic stability by reversing the patho-
physiological spiral described and providing end-organ sup- More than one third of patients with CS-AMI will develop
port where necessary. No robust evidence exists for any acute kidney injury (AKI).16 Standard renal monitoring,
specific agent, and choice is guided by the clinician’s famil- including hourly urine output and regular serum creatinine
iarity and the presence of significant renal impairment. The should continue. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) can be
potential for all vasopressor and inotropic drugs to cause ar- used to manage severe metabolic acidaemia and optimise
rhythmias needs to be considered, especially if shock has intravascular status. Continuous haemodynamically stable
already been associated with significant arrhythmias. methods, such as ultrafiltration or haemodiafiltration, are
Hypotension is a common clinical feature requiring inten- most appropriate. Circuit heparinisation is useful if systemic
sive care input. Assessment of fluid status can be challenging, anticoagulation is required but may be inappropriate in
especially in younger patients when the typical clinical signs of postoperative patients and risks development of thrombocy-
congestion seen in older patients will be absent owing to more topenia. Alternatives, such as regional anticoagulation with
effective compensatory mechanisms. The pathophysiological citrate, are increasingly being used.
mechanisms of CS-AMI do not leave the patient volume
deplete, doing the opposite, and so pursuing fluid resuscitation Gastrointestinal and hepatic
is potentially hazardous. Furthermore, pharmacological man- Liver function tests should be assessed daily, with derange-
agement of hypotension often commences with noradrenaline ment occurring in more than 50%, often indicating RV
(norepinephrine) infusion. However, this is contentious as CS- congestion. Increased transaminase enzymes can indicate
AMI is overwhelmingly associated with intense intrinsic hepatic hypoperfusion, and mandate further attempts to
vasoconstriction and high systemic vascular resistance (SVR). stabilise haemodynamics.17 General ICU practice for glycae-
Extremely careful titration is required, with invasive moni- mic control and ulcer prophylaxis should be followed. In the
toring, to avoid a clinically significant increase in LV afterload initial phase of shock, enteral perfusion is likely to be poorand
secondary to a predominant vasopressor effect. In contrast, it may be appropriate to delay initiation of nutrition, or
inodilation can be beneficial in reducing LV afterload, imposed consider early parenteral nutrition.18 Similarly, poor enteral
by the adverse neurohormonal activation of the CS-AMI syn- perfusion and use of opioids may impair uptake of enteral
drome. Commonly used vasopressors and inotropes are antiplatelet agents, and intravenous alternatives may be
compared in Table 4. required.
Vasoactive management should be guided by invasive
monitoring, including an arterial catheter, and although there Patient blood management
is little in the way of specific evidence, a MAP between 60 and 65 Twice-daily measurement of full blood count and coagulation
mmHg is commonly targeted. Vascular access via the radial is appropriate. Patients will necessarily be given antiplatelet
artery is preferred for PCI, which should be considered when and anticoagulant agents and these must be considered as
siting arterial catheters or ABG sampling if the patient has yet to part of appropriate patient blood management (PBM). Routine
undergo cardiac catheterisation. Arterial blood-gas moni- PBM principles apply, including the restrictive use of individ-
toring, including serial lactate concentrations, can guide ual products, guided by viscoelastic testing, and using
resuscitation. A central venous catheter (CVC) may yield some adjunctive agents, such as tranexamic acid. There is little
relevant information if there is an abnormal central venous evidence for specific transfusion thresholds for CS-AMI
waveform or grossly increased central venous pressure. Echo- beyond the general ICU target haemoglobin 70 g L1,
cardiography can also be used as a haemodynamic monitor in although cardiac ICU practice tends to aim for higher
the ICU, guiding drug therapy, by assessment of trends in thresholds, and expert consensus has suggested a threshold
intracardiac pressures and individual ventricular function in of 9e10 g L1.3,19 Furthermore, the potential role of trans-
response to drug titration. It can also inform ventilator man- plantation as a destination therapy should be considered
agement, particularly PEEP titration for optimal RV function. when administering blood products given possible anti-HLA
Pulmonary artery catheterisation provides a large amount (human leucocyte antigen) antibody generation and the
of crucial data. Left and right heart filling pressures, CO/ impact upon transplant candidacy.

176 BJA Education - Volume 23, Number 5, 2023

Table 4 Comparison of vasopressor and inotropic drugs commonly used in CS-AMI. AF, atrial fibrillation; AS, aortic stenosis; AV, atrioventricular; cAMP, cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphate; CBF, coronary blood flow; CO, cardiac output; COMT, catechol-O-methyltransferase; CS, cardiogenic shock; MAO, monoamine oxidase; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure; PDE, phosphodiesterase; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; t1/2, half-life

Class Drug Site of action Usual dose Metabolism Mechanism of Beneficial effects Adverse effects

Catecholamines Dobutamine b1 agonism Infusion: 0.5e20 t1/2: 2 min Synthetic Overall effect Increases myocardial
(b1>b2) mg kg1 min1 Metabolised by catecholamine counteracts oxygen consumption
COMT Increases cAMP pathophysiology of Increased AV
Inactive metabolites production, CS: increases conduction may
Renal excretion increasing myocardial cause tachycardia or
myocardial performance and proarrhythmic effect,
contractility reduces therefore caution
vasoconstriction with AF
Increased CO Caution with use in
Reduced PCWP fixed cardiac outflow
Reduced SVR/PVR obstruction (e.g. AS)
Caution with
vasoconstriction at
higher doses
Dopamine b1 agonism b1: 5e10 mg kg1 t1/2: 3 min Endogenous Increased CO and CBF Increased myocardial
(Lower dose: D1/ min1 Metabolised by precursor of Debated effect of low oxygen consumption,
D2 Agonism; D1/D2: <5 mg kg1 MAO and COMT in noradrenaline dose infusion to tachycardia,
Higher dose min1 liver, kidneys and Predominant b1 increase renal proarrhythmic
range: a1 a1: >10 mg kg1 plasma agonism increases perfusion (via Higher doses can
agonism min1 Inactive metabolites cAMP, increasing vasodilation of cause systemic and
Renal excretion myocardial splanchnic vessels) e pulmonary
contractility effect may relate to vasoconstriction
improved CO and Increases
BJA Education - Volume 23, Number 5, 2023

enhanced natriuresis endogenous

owing to inhibition of noradrenaline
proximal tubule release, which may
sodium reabsorption increase SVR,
independent of a-

Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

Adrenaline b1 agonism (<0.1 0.05e0.5 mg kg1 t1/2: 2 min Endogenous Increased CO and Increased myocardial
mg kg1 min1) min1 Metabolised by catecholamine coronary artery oxygen consumption,
Higher dose: a1 COMT and MAO b1 Agonism dilatation proarrhythmic,
agonism Inactive metabolites increases cAMP tachycardia.
Renal excretion production, Increased SVR and
increasing PVR at higher doses
myocardial Increased plasma
contractility, and glucose and lactate,
coronary artery and ketogenesis
a1 Agonism
availability of
calcium, increasing

(continued on next page)
Table 4 (continued )

Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

Class Drug Site of action Usual dose Metabolism Mechanism of Beneficial effects Adverse effects

Mainly a1 0.01e1.0 mg kg1

BJA Education - Volume 23, Number 5, 2023

Noradrenaline t1/2: 2 min Endogenous Minimal impact on Increases myocardial

agonism, with min1 Metabolised by catecholamine myocardial oxygen consumption,
some b1 agonism COMT a1 Agonism contraction, in the but CO likely to
Inactive metabolites increases context of markedly decrease owing to
Renal excretion intracellular increased systemic increased SVR/PVR
calcium availability vascular resistance Reflex bradycardia,
Peripheral Venoconstriction can proarrhythmic
vasoconstriction increase venous Reduced splanchnic
return blood flow
Coronary artery
PDE III inhibitors Milrinone Non-receptor- Slow bolus 25 t1/2: 1e2 h Bipyridine Increased CO by Reduces myocardial
mediated e75 mg kg1, Renal excretion derivative increased myocardial refractory period,
inhibition of PDE infusion 0.375 (unchanged, so Increased contractility, with causing tachycardia
III e0.75 mg kg1 adjust dose in renal intracellular cAMP, vasodilation and is proarrhythmic
min1 failure) increasing calcium (pulmonary and Effect on vascular
for contractility systemic) owing to smooth muscle can
effect on vascular cause hypotension
smooth muscle
Improved myocardial
oxygen balance
owing to reduced
ventricular wall
tension and
enhanced CBF

Enoximone Non-receptor- Slow bolus 0.5 t1/2: 7.5 h Imidazole As for milrinone As for milrinone
mediated e1.0 mg kg1, Hepatic metabolism derivative
inhibition of PDE Infusion 5e20 mg Active metabolite Increased
III kg1 min1 Renal excretion intracellular cAMP,
(reduce dose in increasing calcium
renal failure) for contractility

Calcium Levosimendan Non-receptor- Optional slow t1/2: 80 h Pyridazoline Increases CO by Risks of hypotension
Sensitisers mediated bolus: 12 mg kg1 Hepatic metabolism edinitrile derivative increased myocardial and proarrhythmic
increase in Infusion: 0.1 mg Active metabolites Increases contractility, without Prolonged t1/2 means
calcium kg1 min1 Renal excretion sensitivity of increasing that adverse effects
sensitivity (decrease to 0.05 troponin C to myocardial oxygen can persist
or increase to 0.2 calcium, increasing demand
if required) myocardial Reduced PVR and SVR
contractility owing to action on
Increased CBF vascular smooth
Reduces PCWP
Increased CBF
Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

Management during procedures in the catheterisation laboratory. However, a brief period of

mechanical ventilation with further optimisation of haemo-
Goals of management are similar to those for other patients in
dynamic and metabolic status before controlled extubation in
the ICU: ensuring coronary perfusion, reducing myocardial
ICU should be considered.
oxygen demand and increasing end-organ perfusion.
Anaesthesia for primary PCI is often amenable to the use of
conscious sedation; however, if the patient is shocked, general
Referral to a specialist centre
anaesthesia with a definitive airway is more likely to be
required. The decision for tracheal intubation is usually made The location for care should be commensurate to the
because of significant cardiorespiratory or neurological complexity of the case and the requirement for specialist
compromise. General considerations will include the services. Management in a specialist cardiac ICU is preferred,
requirement for emergency airway management in the pa- particularly given the high incidence of multiorgan failure.
tient who is not fasted, and for remote-site and time-critical Given current regionalised organisation of primary PCI cen-
anaesthesia. tres, patients with STEMI should be taken to ‘heart attack
Early referral to the anaesthetist should be emphasised to centres’, and peripheral units will have tertiary referral cen-
enable rapid preoperative assessment, which should consider tres for the onward transfer of patients requiring emergency
the shock phenotype and the current level of cardiovascular revascularisation.
support. The requirements for the procedure should be dis- Even within this framework, the provision of specialist
cussed with cardiology colleagues, including the possibility of services may vary by location. Specialist cardiology and car-
needing MCS. Advanced pharmacological knowledge should diac intensive care advice should be sought early, as emer-
be applied to the individual patient to ensure safe conduct of gency transfer may be required for refractory CS-AMI.
anaesthesia. Even relatively ‘cardiostable’ induction agents Furthermore, patients likely to require MCS should be referred
can reduce sympathetic tone, and careful titration should early to facilitate consideration of the appropriate destination.
occur, considering a likely reduction in volume of distribution The key priority in the setting of STEMI remains patient
and a slow onset of clinical effect from intravenous agents transfer for emergent angiography, with follow-on PCI, and
because of low CO. Balanced anaesthesia should be pursued, IABP insertion if required. The need for higher degree of MCS,
with careful titration of either intravenous or volatile anaes- the involvement of surgical teams and the need for advanced
thetic agents, and supplemented with short-acting opioids. heart failure involvement can then be reviewed again.
Postoperative patients will likely need ICU admission.
Patients with emerging or evolving CS-AMI will be hae-
modynamically unstable, and will need to remain intubated Mechanical circulatory support
and ventilated after the procedure. If haemodynamic stability Percutaneous temporary MCS devices (Table 5) are used in the
and metabolic status is much improved, for example in pa- management of refractory CS-AMI, to offer a high degree of
tients with stage A or B CS, and a relatively short, percuta- CO augmentation, while attempting to minimise the dose, and
neous procedure has been performed, extubation could be thus deleterious effects, of catecholamines, without signifi-
considered, if equipment and personnel make it safe to do so cantly increasing the risk of ischaemia, and favourably

Table 5 Examples of percutaneous temporary mechanical circulatory support devices. LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; RA,
right atrium; RV, right ventricle; VA-ECMO, venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Adapted with permission from Thiele
and colleagues3 and Mebazaa and colleagues20

Support Device Access Physiological benefit Maximal degree of Maximum

cardiac output recommended
augmentation duration of use

LV Intra-aortic balloon Femoral artery Minor LV unloading 0.8 L min1 Usually short term
pump but can be in for
months depending
on scenario and
insertion site.
Impella 2.5/3.5/5.0 Femoral artery LV unloading 2.5e5.0 L min1 Varies by device: 7
(Abiomed, Danvers, e10 days, up to 2e3
MA, USA) weeks
TandemHeart Femoral artery/ LV unloading 4.0 L min1 2e3 weeks
(Cardiac Assist Inc., femoral vein
Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
RV Impella RP Femoral vein RV unloading Up to 4.0 L min1 2e3 weeks
TandemHeart RA- Internal jugular RV unloading Up to 4.0 L min1 2e3 weeks
PA (Cardiac Assist vein
Inc., Pittsburgh, PA,
LV þ RV VA-ECMO Femoral artery/ RV unloading Up to 7.0 L min1 3e4 weeks
femoral vein

BJA Education - Volume 23, Number 5, 2023 179

Cardiogenic shock management after ACS

altering the myocardial oxygen supplyedemand Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

relationship.3,14,20,21 In CS-AMI, the most frequently used
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is
percutaneous support devices are the IABP and a microaxial
increasingly used in the management of CS and the principles
LV assist device (LVAD).22
have previously been reviewed. Peripheral cannulae insertion
The principles of MCS mirror those for pharmacological
(via the ipsilateral or contralateral femoral artery and vein) has
therapies, ensuring the correct ‘dose’ and using the least sup-
reduced the complications of surgical access; however, there is
port that is required. Greater CO augmentation comes at the
an increase in LV afterload (with inadequate unloading) which
cost of increased risk with regard to both complexity of im-
may be minimised with concomitant use of IABP or LVAD.
plantation and risk of complication while on support. Higher
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-
forms of support should therefore only be used when clearly
ECMO can be initiated relatively rapidly and can provide a
necessary. This is especially true in patients who have under-
high degree of cardiorespiratory support (output: 50e100 ml
gone PCI and are therefore committed to dual antiplatelet
kg1 min1). Full support is not sought as it is essential to
therapy alongside any MCS-mandated anticoagulation.
maintain intrinsic LV ejection to prevent LV and pulmonary
Although large registry data suggest early MCS improves
thrombosis. Inotropes and IABP/LVAD have an increasing role
outcomes, RCT data are sparse and comprehensively nega-
to play in this regard. There are significant risks of systemic
tive. However, these devices are not intended as a cure for CS-
thromboembolic events and limb ischaemia.3,20
AMI and standard study endpoints may not enable appro-
priate evaluation. Mechanical circulatory support is a tem-
porising strategy to give the multidisciplinary team time to
alter prognosis, reserved for refractory CS-AMI. This is by Conclusions
allowing revascularisation or surgical intervention, promoting CS complicates almost 10% of all cases of AMI and is the pri-
myocardial recovery, or instituting advanced heart failure mary cause of in-hospital death after ACS. Emergent angiog-
therapies (long-term MCS or transplant). Only 40e50% of pa- raphy and revascularisation is the sole evidence-based
tients are likely to require MCS, which includes 25e35% of therapy. Management requires prompt and effective
patients that are unlikely to benefit, and 15e25% of patients involvement of members of a multidisciplinary team, which
that may benefit.3 Identifying this cohort is crucial. includes cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, perfusionists
anaesthetists and intensivists. Timely, decisive and patient-
centred decision-making is essential for a successful
Intra-aortic balloon pump
outcome. The failing myocardium, the consequent haemo-
The physiological benefits of IABP use include augmentation dynamic instability and resultant end-organ dysfunction
of aortic diastolic pressure and diastolic pressureetime index must be addressed in parallel, using vasoactive pharmaco-
(increasing coronary blood flow), and reduced LV afterload logical agents and appropriate MCS, before, during and after
and tensionetime index (reducing myocardial oxygen de- revascularisation.
mand).23 IABP can be rapidly deployed, and there is extensive
clinical experience in its use. However, augmentation is
modest (0.8e1.0 L min1), requires native cardiac contractility, Declaration of interests
and as it is ECG-gated its efficacy can be limited by tachycardia
(although practically introduction of an IABP often induces a The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
reduction in sinus rate).24 Contraindications include aortic
dissection and significant aortic regurgitation (AR), which the
IABP will exacerbate. Evidence for use in CS-AMI for patients MCQs
undergoing revascularisation is contentious, but use remains The associated MCQs (to support CME/CPD activity) will be
commonplace, and has value in reducing LV afterload in in- accessible at by subscribers to BJA
stances of mechanical complications of ACS and in decom- Education.
pressing the LV during VA-ECMO support.

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