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Anti-islanding strategy based on ROCOF method

for three phase DG inverter

Mittapalli Rohith Bishnugopal Ghosh
Powersystems Powersystems
Dept of Electrical Engineering Dept of Electrical Engineering
National Institute Of Techoilogy National Institute Of Techoilogy
Calicut Calicut
Kozhikode,Kerala Kozhikode,Kerala

Abstract—In recent years distribution generation (DG) has being a notable concern [1]. According to IEEE standard
been broadly integrated in the electrical distribution system. 1547, an "island" in a power system refers to a condition
Facing the penetration rate of DGs it is needed to ensure some where a portion of the utility system, containing local loads
performance principally the quality and service continuity. One and DG systems, becomes isolated from the rest following a
of the most important issue of the DG inverter-interfaced utility
network failure or loss at the Point of Common Coupling
is unintentional island ing condition. Therefore, many anti
islanding (AI) standards to be adopted for DG inverter (PCC) . Islanding can result in safety hazards, power quality
connected to the utility. Hence, it is necessary to detect this mode issues, and instability in voltage and frequency, posing risks
as soon as possible when an indicator of islanding have to individuals and devices and potentially disrupting the
appeared. Various Islanding Detection Methods (IDM) has been distribution system operation. Detecting this mode promptly
developed but they are not satisfying. In this paper a new IDM when an islanding indicator occurs is a critical challenge [3-
based on Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) was proposed. 4].
Indeed frequency is extracted via the PI observer then a
ROCOF technique is employed to detection any variation in
voltage frequency. Keywords—component, formatting, style, The connection of DG inverters to electrical distribution lines
styling, insert (key words) necessitates adherence to various anti-islanding (AI)
standards. These standards primarily focus on safety, power
I. INTRODUCTION quality, energy efficiency, and electromagnetic
Due to the escalating global demand for electric power, compatibility.
environmental constraints (such as limits on fossil energy and
greenhouse gases), the high costs associated with establishing This paper introduces a new Islanding Detection Method
new power plants, and technological advancements, the (IDM), classified as passive because it does not rely on the
electrical power supply system is grappling with various disturbance signal to the inverter system. The frequency is
challenges. The existing power system proves insufficient to extracted from the PCC measured voltage using a
meet the surging demand and address these challenges [1]. In Proportional-Integral (PI) observer. Subsequently, the Rate of
the early 80s, Distributed Generation (DG) emerged as a Change of Frequency (ROCOF) technique is employed for
solution to tackle these issues [2]. DG involves electrical reliable island detection. The remaining sections of this paper
resources connected to the electric distribution system, are organized as follows: Section II provides an overview of
the classification of IDMs. Section III briefly describes the
usually in proximity to the customer, enhancing the stability
ROCOF technique. Section IV presents the under-study
and efficiency of the utility. These resources can encompass system, while Section V Describe Proposed IDM Method.
energy sources (such as photovoltaic arrays, mini/micro
hydro wind turbines, fuel cells) or storage systems (including
flywheels, batteries, compressed air systems). The
widespread adoption of DG systems offers numerous
advantages, such as reducing gas emissions, deferring the II. ISLANDING DETECTION METHOD
need for additional transmission lines, and minimizing CLASSIFICATION
congestion in distribution feeders, thereby reducing losses [1- Numerous Islanding Detection Methods (IDMs) have been
6]. proposed in the literature, demonstrating their capability to
detect islanding modes. However, current approaches are
This transformative architecture, known as a microgrid deemed unsatisfactory [2]. The evaluation of each IDM
(MG), integrates conventional or nonconventional DG with involves the utilization of performance indices that gauge
critical or noncritical loads and is characterized by accuracy, speed, and effectiveness. These indices encompass
decentralized power plants. The complex structure of MGs the Non-Detection Zone (NDZ), detection time, and power
necessitates enhanced monitoring and control to ensure high quality considerations . Consequently, the classification of
power quality, service continuity, and compliance with IDMs can be delineated, into remote and local categories,
required protocols and standards. Despite the benefits of contingent upon the location of the detection process .
connecting DG inverters to the utility, poor control systems
can lead to technical issues, with unintentional islanding


The structure diagram of the system under study is depicted


Local Methods Active

Remort Method Hybrid

Fig 2: Simulation Diagram

Fig:1 Islanding Detection Methods
The system comprises a Distributed Generation (DG)
In the realm of islanding detection methods (IDMs), a inverter connected to a three-phase load and the utility grid.
comparison between remote and local techniques reveals that The DG unit is represented by a DC source feeding a DC/AC
remote methods, leveraging communication between power inverter. This three-phase inverter is modeled using
inverters and the grid, offer superior performance with Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) switches and is
negligible Non-Detection Zone (NDZ), minimal impact on controlled with Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) to provide
power quality, high reliability, and straightforward AC power to the local load or the utility. The local load is
implementation. However, the drawback lies in their modeled as a three-phase constant RLC branch. To mitigate
costliness, particularly in smaller systems, necessitating the the ripple caused by the switching frequency, an LCL filter is
installation of communication infrastructure such as sensors employed to reduce harmonic pollution in the output voltage,
and telecommunication devices . with various output filter diagram topologies found in the
On the other hand, local IDMs involve monitoring literature, including L, LC, LCL, or other schemes with
parameters at the Distributed Generation (DG) site, including damping impedance.
voltage, current, frequency, and angle, as well as harmonic
aspects. The fundamental concept is that islanding mode Recently, the LCL topology has gained popularity in grid-
becomes readily detectable when Point of Common Coupling interfaced DG inverters due to its superior attenuation
(PCC) parameters surpass predetermined threshold values. capabilities and high power quality outcomes [1]. On the
Local IDMs can be categorized as passive, active, or hybrid. utility grid side, three-phase sources with external impedance
Rg and Lg are considered. The connection between the DG
inverter and the utility grid is managed by a circuit breaker
Passive techniques, initially developed, rely on direct (CB), which opens in the event of an islanding phenomenon.
measurement and analysis of PCC parameter fluctuations. In grid-connected mode, the CB is closed.
While passive methods boast advantages such as easy
implementation, no adverse effects on power quality, fast During the grid-connected mode (GC), the inverter operates
detection speed, and low cost, their major limitation is the as a current source to generate power, as controlled by a
relatively larger NDZ [2]. current controller based on a Proportional-Integral (PI)
To address the limitations of passive methods, active compensator [1]. The output currents of the three-phase
techniques have been introduced. Active IDMs involve inverter are measured and transformed into d-q elements. The
introducing a small disturbance at the PCC to expedite the PI controller is applied in both the d and q axes, where id and
parameters' convergence beyond required limits when iq are utilized to control the Distributed Generation (DG)
islanding occurs . Although active IDMs enhance the accuracy output active and reactive power, respectively.
of anti-islanding procedures with a typically small or zero
NDZ, and reduced error detection rates, the periodic
perturbation signal introduced to the system tends to decrease In grid-connected mode (GC), the inverter functions as a
power quality and system stability. The integration of a circuit current source for power generation, with its operation
to generate a controlled perturbation signal adds complexity governed by a current controller employing a Proportional-
to the implementation of active techniques [2]. Integral (PI) compensator [1] the three-phase inverter's output
In response to the drawbacks of passive and active currents are measured and converted into d-q elements. The
methods, a new approach called hybrid IDMs has been PI controller is implemented in both the d and q axes, with id
proposed. Hybrid techniques combine active IDM elements and iq serving to regulate the active and reactive power output
with passive methods [2]. In comparison to passive and active of the Distributed Generation (DG) system, respectively [1].
methods, hybrid techniques exhibit the smallest NDZs and
minimal degradation in power quality. However, this
comprehensive strategy increases the overall system cost and
detection time [2].

incorporating ROCOF, enabling rapid frequency drift during
islanding events. Integrating ROCOF techniques into the
traditional RPV scheme expedites islanding detection. Kandil
et al. [24] presented an efficient ROCOF relay that maintains
a balance between sensitivity and dependability for multiple
distributed generators (DGs) in microgrid (MG) applications
under abnormal conditions.The rate of change of frequency
(ROCOF) technique has gained significant
traction in recent literature due to its swift islanding detection
capabilities [1]. As the name implies, ROCOF detects
islanding conditions when the df/dt exceeds a predetermined
threshold. Brikiran et al. [6] introduced an anti-islanding
method that monitors the ripple content within the ROCOF
waveform. To address power quality degradation and
minimize the non-detection zone (NDZ), Mahdiyeh et al. [2]
proposed a combined approach utilizing SFS and ROCOF.
Ontrei et al. [7] enhanced the existing anti-islanding reactive
power variation (RPV) method by incorporating ROCOF,
enabling rapid frequency drift during islanding events.
Integrating ROCOF techniques into the traditional RPV
scheme expedites islanding detection. Kandil et al. [4]
presented an efficient ROCOF relay that strikes a balance
PICTURE OF CURRENT CONTROL(fig-3) between sensitivity and dependability for multiple distributed
generators (DGs) in microgrid (MG) applications under
abnormal conditions.
In the control and synchronization system the Conversely, numerous proposed methods benchmark their
park transform is used. performance against the ROCOF technique to assess their
effectiveness. Bakhshi et al. [5] developed an IDM based on
the Park transformation as expressed in :
the Tufts–Kumaresan (TK) signal estimation method for
𝐜𝐨𝐬(⍬ + 𝟑) 𝒙𝒂
𝟐 𝟐 islanding detection and compared their results to ROCOF and
𝒙𝒅 𝟐
𝐜𝐨𝐬 ⍬ 𝐜𝐨𝐬(⍬ − 𝟑)
[𝒙 ] = [ 𝟐 𝟐
] [𝒙𝒃 ] ROCOFOP methods. Bifaretti et al. [2] designed a robust
𝒒 𝟑
−𝐬𝐢𝐧 ⍬ − 𝐬𝐢𝐧(⍬ − 𝟑) − 𝐬𝐢𝐧(⍬ + 𝟑) 𝒙𝒄 anti-islanding phase-locked loop (PLL) based on a third-
order prediction-correction filter. They validated their
In the rest of this paper, we assume that: simulation results through experimental testing and
The source is stiff and the expression of three phase compared their method to other IDM detection techniques,
voltage defined by including ROCOF and SMS.
Given its superior characteristics, including a small NDZ,
Vga =vgcos(⍬∗) negligible impact on power quality, and straightforward
2 implementation, the ROCOF method is employed in this
Vgb= vgcos(⍬∗ − ) study for islanding detection.
2 · ROCOF is a passive islanding detection method that
Vgc= vgcos(⍬∗ + ) utilizes the inherent relationship between frequency and
power balance within the grid.
Where Vg and ⍬* are respectively the grid voltage and the
· ROCOF's effectiveness is primarily dependent on the
actual angle
accuracy of frequency measurements and the selection of an
appropriate threshold value.
· ROCOF is particularly well-suited for detecting large
IV. RATE OF CHANGE OF FREQUENCY METHOD frequency deviations, making it suitable for identifying
islanding events.
The rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) technique has
emerged as a frontrunner in islanding detection due to its
rapid response time [11]. As the name suggests, ROCOF V PROPOSED IDM METHOD
identifies islanding conditions when the df/dt surpasses a The proposed method utilizes an AI algorithm that combines
predefined threshold. Brikiran et al. [23] introduced an anti- a PI observer and ROCOF technique to achieve reliable
islanding method that monitors the ripple content within the islanding detection. The algorithm is illustrated in Fig.4. The
ROCOF waveform. To mitigate power quality degradation Vαβ component is extracted from the three-phase voltage
and minimize the non-detection zone (NDZ), Mahdiyeh et al. VPCC measured at the PCC using the Clarke transformation,
[20] proposed a combined approach utilizing SFS and defined as:
ROCOF. Ontrei et al. [23] enhanced the existing anti-
islanding reactive power variation (RPV) method by

must terminate power supply within a maximum delay of 2
The system depicted in Fig. 3, with the parameters values
Table I, is simulated using Matlab/Simulink.

1 1
1 − −
2 2
𝑉𝛼𝛽 =[𝑉𝛼𝛽 ]= √23 0 √3

1 1 1
[√2 √2 √2 ]
The extracted signals are then fed into an angle tracking
observer to determine the voltage frequency. As depicted in
Fig.5, the observer is a PI observer cascaded with an integrator.
Various sensorless control diagram approaches based on
observers have been proposed in the literature for various
applications, including Kalman filters, Luenberger observers,
PI observers, nonlinear observers, and sliding-mode observers.
Fig.5 illustrates the schematic diagram of the PI observer
employed in this study. The output signals are compared to
their corresponding estimates. Consequently, if

θ- θ̂ =0 . the observer is negligible,

then sin (θ − θ ̂)
̂)= ( θ-θ
̂ (S) 𝐺(𝑆)
= …..(5)

Where G(S)=𝐾1 (𝐾2 + )
Following frequency extraction, it is fed into the ROCOF
techniques block to identify any changes in df/dt. In the event
of islanding, a trip signal is transmitted to the control system,
prompting the inverter switches to open and disconnect the
DG from the utility grid. Notably, the ROCOF relay setting
follows the IEC 61 727 standard. Therefore, the DG inverter Converter output voltage

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