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The experience of studying English , trought

Microsoft Teams Office

For me , online teaching went pretty well , with few exceptions and
disadvantages such as lack of socialization or the fact that was more
pressure on students.
One of the biggest problem of online teaching was that many teachers
didn’t teach in this way and took them a while to learn how to use the
platform , but they were usually helped by students.
A national problem , would be that 55% of households don’t have
internet connection and 32% don’t have phones or other devices , so only
68% percent can connect to online classes.
In many cases 2,3 or more brothers share a phone to attend for a few
classes , this was a big problem because they lost a lot of information that
they would have probably learnd if they were in school
Some of the biggest online advantages were:
 Added flexibility and Self-Paced learning
 Better time management
 Demonstrated Self-Motivation
 Improved virtual communication and collaboration
 Refined critical-thinkink skills
 New tehnical skills
 Affordability
 Improved students attendance
 Efficiency , online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver
lessons to students.
And, for me, the biggest advantage of online education was that you
could learn in your own comfort.
The platform i studied was Microsoft Teams , fortunetly it was a very
intuitive and interactive platform.
The Teams service enables instant messaging, audio and video calling,
rich online meetings, mobile experiences, and extensive web
conferencing capabilities. In addition, Teams provides file and data
collaboration and extensibility features, and integrates with Microsoft
365 and other Microsoft and partner apps.
English lessons were some of my favourties , because they were
interactive , , the teacher making them so nice .
Sometimes English is easier to study at home that at school , due to
several factors.Some advantages to study English online:
 You can use several resources at the same time , always having
tehnology near you
 You can take part in engaging, interactive lessons, especially if you
have a good teacher and collegues who want to learn.
 Self-discipline ,responsibility and self-learning.
At English , grammar lessons were probably the hardest to explain for
the teacher and the most difficult to understand for students , but the
teacher managed them succesfully .
Probably the reading lessons were probably the easiest , most
beautifull and most interractive
The online grading of english classes is usually done orally , trought
various essays or exercises that the teacher gives us.
In conclusion , Online teaching in our country was moustly a bad idea ,
but in our school the classes were taken very seriously, the students
managed to learn, the Microsoft Teams platform played an important
role during this period being , in my opinion , a superior platform to the
others , such as Zoom or Google Classroom.

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