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We have used Apache Netbeans IDE and it’s several packages to create this project.

project contains 3 classes The Main Class: TictactoeGUIwAI, it contains the JFrame and the
method to initialize the game. Second Class: GUI, this class sets the JButtons into position.
And lastly the Third Class: Logic, it contains the turn conditions, winning conditions, AI
difficulty selection and the AI thinking capabilities the minimax algorithm.

Here are the functionalities of each method within the project:

Main Class:
1. TictactoeGUIwAI Class:
 Extends JFrame to create the main frame for the application.
 Contains a reference to the GUI class, which represents the graphical user
interface for the game.
2. showGUIElements() Method:
 Clears the content of the frame (getContentPane().removeAll()).
 Adds the GUI component to the frame's content pane.
 Sets the size of the frame to 355x430 pixels.
 Centers the frame on the screen.
 Calls revalidate() and repaint() to update and repaint the frame.
3. TictactoeGUIwAI Constructor:
 Sets the initial size of the frame to 355x430 pixels.
 Sets the default close operation to exit the application when the frame is closed.
 Prevents frame resizing (setResizable(false)).
 Creates an instance of the GUI class, passing a reference to the current
TictactoeGUIwAI instance.
 Calls the showGUIElements() method to initialize and display the GUI.
 Sets the frame visible.
4. main() Method:
 Creates an instance of the TictactoeGUIwAI class, which initializes and displays
the game.
This class sets up the main frame for the Tic-Tac-Toe game, initializes the graphical user
interface (GUI), and provides a method to update and display GUI elements within the
frame. The main method creates an instance of the application, triggering the initialization
and display of the Tic-Tac-Toe game.
Second Class:
1. GUI Constructor:
 Initializes the GUI for the Tic-Tac-Toe game.
 Sets up labels for player names, scores, and a turn indicator.
 Creates a 3x3 grid of JToggleButtons for the game board.
 Initializes the logic object for game logic.
 Calls logic.turn() to start the game.
2. actionPerformed(ActionEvent e):
 Overrides the actionPerformed method from the ActionListener interface.
 This method is called when a button on the game board is clicked.
 It iterates through the 3x3 grid of buttons to find the button that triggered the
 Updates the button's font, text (either "X" or "O"), and disables the button.
 Sets the corresponding cell in the game logic's board array to the player's
 Updates the turn label to indicate the computer's turn.
 Calls logic.winCondition() to check if the player has won.
 Calls logic.aiTurn() to make the computer's move.
3. Other Variables:
 Various JLabels (playerLabel, computerLabel, etc.) are used to display player
names, scores, and turn information.
 A 2D array of JToggleButtons (button) represents the Tic-Tac-Toe game board.
 Fonts (buttonFont and labelFont) are defined for styling.
This class creates a graphical user interface for a Tic-Tac-Toe game and connects it to a
game logic component (Logic class) to handle player moves, check for wins, and allow the
computer to make its moves.

Third Class:
1. Constructor:
 a reference to the GUI class to interact with the graphical user interface.
 Initializes the Random object for generating random numbers.
 Initializes the game board (board), difficulty, and other related variables.
2. turn() Method:
 Resets the game board and enables all buttons for a new turn.
 Displays a dialog for selecting the difficulty level (Easy, Medium, Hard).
 Initializes the first turn randomly.
 Updates player and computer labels based on the first turn.
 If it's the computer's turn, calls the aiTurn() method.
3. winCondition() Method:
 Checks for win conditions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for both players.
 If a player wins, updates the scores, shows a message, and starts a new turn.
 Checks for a draw and starts a new turn if the game is a draw.
4. score() Method:
 Updates the scores based on the winner.
 Displays a message indicating the winner.
5. aiTurn() Method:
 Chooses the appropriate AI difficulty level (easyAI, mediumAI, or hardAI).
 Calls the corresponding AI method.
 Checks for win conditions after the AI makes a move.
6. easyAI() Method:
 Randomly selects an empty button and makes a move.
7. hardAI() Method:
 Uses the minimax algorithm to determine the best move for the computer.
 Calls the minimax() method.
8. minimax() Method:
 Determines the best move for the computer using the minimax algorithm.
 Calls the minimaxHelper() method.
9. minimaxHelper() Method:
 Recursively evaluates the game state and assigns a score.
 The algorithm explores possible future moves and assigns scores.
 Determines the best move based on the calculated scores.
10.isGameFinished(), hasContestantWon(), isBoardFull() Methods:
 Helper methods for checking the game state.
 isGameFinished() checks if the game is finished.
 hasContestantWon() checks if a player with the given symbol has won.
 isBoardFull() checks if the game board is full.
This Logic class encapsulates the game logic, including player turns, win conditions, AI
moves, and scoring. It uses a mix of random moves for the easy difficulty level and a
minimax algorithm for the hard difficulty level.

The Language we used for our project is Java, especially since we have prior experience on
creating a simple board game so its relatively easy for us to code the game.

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