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Minutes Per Meeting - Kingsborough LGBTS Alliance

October 13, 2011 Start Time: 3:16pm Room U-217 Ellyse opens up Introduces herself and the Executive Board Introduces the reading of Minutes per Meeting o Ellyse goes over the ground rules o This is a safe place. Be nice and polite Recap of Tuesdays Event: National Coming Out Day We decided to screen Milk because he is a great guy to known in LGBT history. Reviews the history and influence of Harvey Milk and the milestones throughout the years in how people are able to come out now. o Introduces Tabling Vice-President R. McKenzie takes the floor Tabling: handing pamphlets out; outreach to people and let them know what our club is about. How you can contact us through Facebook, the new Tumblr, and our e-mail. We will be out there throughout the day. Most likely through the Breezeway since it is the most populated while people are transferring through classes. Opens up the opportunity to help table Secretarys Report o Reiterate the entire setup of Facebook o Introduces the new Tumblr: its a fun place to just post random LGBT related material o Goes over text message update system. Best way to receive updates Ellyse: o Suicide Walk sign-up Its a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge October 23rd 3pm to 5pm tDetails&eventID=1371 Manny o Pace University Play She had reached out to the LGBT community at Pace Universiy where they put together a play and wanted to invite us If you want to sign up, register your name and e-mail o There will be an Etiquette workshop, which will be held from 12pm to 2pm. U-216. It will be for two hours, and you can get a Certificate stating you finished an etiquette workshop. The floor is now open to everyone who would like to propose ideas o Michael Redman Proposes For the Bible Tells Me to be screened

Many religions are against homosexuals, so they take theologians, and interpret the text and compare it to other interpretations. Question is asked when would be a better time to present this movie Everyone agrees that Thursdays 3-5 are a good time for the screening. Vote will be taken by the E. Board at a later time to decide when to date the event. o Ysrael Rodriguez Proposes a social gathering event for one of the holidays. Something less formal, where we can all come together to get to know each other and for everyone to just have a fun time. Vote is taken; majority rules that they are in favor for the idea. Question is asked if Thanksgiving sounds like a good idea: All agree. Meeting is adjourned End time: 3:56 Afterwards, for social fun, Pictionary was played with a group of three teams.

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